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会计教育质量的国际认证对会计学专业建设具有风向标的作用。文章分析了国际商学院联合会对商学院和会计学专业的认证标准以及澳大利亚会计师公会对会计学学位课程的认证标准,从确立使命、优化培养方案和严格质量控制等角度对会计学专业建设提出了意见与建议。  相似文献   

对外援助是国际政治经济关系的重要组成部分。在当前国际政治多极化、经济全球化的趋势下,国际援助格局正走向多元化,各援助方力量对比发生新的变化。发达国家总体援助实力渐弱,而"新兴援助国"援助力量增强,受到国际社会的关注。在这种形势下,中国应加强与新兴援助大国的沟通与协调,立足并发展南南合作型援助。  相似文献   

继ISO9000国际质量认证标准、ISO14000环境认证标准为国人接受后,又一个全新的国际贸易标准闯入我们的视野--即被称为"人权标准"的SA8000社会责任国际标准.该标准关注的是员工的基本权利和劳动条件.各大跨国公司将逐步推行订单与企业应承担的社会责任相挂钩的采购模式,我国的部分产业领域将受到波及,因此.强化企业社会责任意识具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

路桥总公司通过质量体系国际国内双认证本刊讯1998年初,中国9000标准质量体系认证中心将代表着国内外质量管理最高水平的《国际标准认证证书》和《质量体系认证证书》颁发给中国路桥(集团)总公司。路桥总公司一贯重视加强企业内部管理工作。为不断提高企业管理...  相似文献   

刘陆克 《经济师》2005,(7):40-41
文章将科学发展观与社会责任标准进行了结合分析,论证了两者之间的关系,并针对我国目前对社会责任标准的理解和认证的现实,提出了尽快熟悉和研究社会责任标准的重要意义。根据我国的现实,进一步提出了应对国际上社会责任标准认证趋势的策略。  相似文献   

SA8000认证即社会责任标准具有双刃剑效应.本文分析了实施该认证可能对我国出口企业产生的不利影响,同时明确指出实施这一标准的长期的积极意义,有利于贯彻"以人为本"的科学发展观,也有利于企业不断提高经营管理水平,争取更多客户,提高产品的知名度和竞争力.  相似文献   

本文通过对社会责任标准即SA8000认证概念和内容,分析了实施该认证可能对我国出口企业产生的三种不利影响,同时指出实施这一标准的长期积极效应,即:有利于贯彻"以人为本"的科学发展观,同时有利于企业不断提高经营管理水平并提高国际形象,最终有利于提高产品质量和形成持续发展的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

国际劳工标准与SA8000认证对我国企业国际营销的影响表现在营销成本、目标市场选择、营销战略和营销组合策略方面。面对经济全球化条件下企业国际营销环境的变化,处在国际营销不同发展阶段的企业可分别采用适应策略、回避策略、品牌战略和企业形象战略来提高企业在国际市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   

伴随着经济全球化的快速发展,金融服务贸易国际竞争力成为衡量一个国家国际服务贸易竞争力的重要标准。中国金融服务贸易国际竞争力的整体水平还有待提高,因此对我国金融服务贸易的国际竞争力进行客观分析,提出增强其竞争力的对策,提高我国金融服务贸易的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

近年来,国际社会在增强跨国银行国际监管共识、扩大国际监管范围、加强对大型金融机构的监管、拓展国际监管模式、提高国际监管标准等方面取得了一些新进展。然而,由于监管主体与客体在行政管辖上不一致、各国监管目标和法规差异大、国际监管组织权威性不足、监管规则落后于金融创新等原因,影响了跨国银行国际监管的实际成效。因此,还需要在增强国际组织的代表性和权威性、完善国际监管规则、鼓励双边和区域合作、反对金融保护主义等方面作进一步探索和努力。  相似文献   

国际标准化组织是目前世界上最大的标准化权威机构,是国际标准的最主要开发者和出版者。对一个国家来说,标准是走向世界的“通行证”。通过调研该组织的管理模式和我国参与现状,剖析了我国参与国际标准化组织在管理和运作过程中的现存问题及其原因,在此基础上分析了国外值得借鉴的经验,为我国向国际组织输送人才提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

The leading international standards for information security management, ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 originate from the UK, but are applied worldwide. This paper explores whether the processes of selection, implementation and use of these interrelated standards differ between China and Europe by studying cases of Chinese and European companies. Chinese companies face some additional problems with the standards but manage to get them successfully implemented in a short period of time. Main differences relate to governance and management of standard adoption. This study is innovative in the method used for standardisation research (comparative multi-case study), and the topic: implementation and impact of information security management standards.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the environmental preferences and pressures of customers in environmentally conscious markets influencing the number of adoptions of ISO 14001—the international standard certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) concerning an Environmental Management System (EMS)—in a country. Customers in different countries have different priorities and ideas with regard to the environment and its management, and therefore it is possible that environmental preferences and pressures of customers in environmentally conscious markets are greater, although many earlier studies suggest that foreign customers generally form a significant stakeholder group encouraging the adoption of ISO 14001. A random-effects Tobit estimation using a sample of 155 countries over eight years supports the view that the environmental preferences and pressures of customers in environmentally conscious markets (including Finland, Japan, Germany and Denmark) are more likely to encourage domestic along with foreign suppliers to adopt ISO 14001. As it is easier for firms in environmentally conscious markets to adopt ISO 14001 because of their better economic performance, they have already adopted certification and consequently require their domestic and foreign suppliers to do likewise in the global supply chain. For this reason, suppliers wishing to access environmentally conscious markets can obtain an advantage with ISO 14001 certification.  相似文献   

ISO 14001 is an international standard for Environmental Management Systems, adopted by over 36,000 organizations worldwide. This paper attempts to determine the length of time after which a given company has implemented ISO 14001 experiences emission reduction. The sample used is a group of 264 manufacturing facilities in the USA, which represent 23 percent of all the ISO 14001 certified organizations in the US, analyzed throughout the period from 1996 to 2001. The results show that 75 percent of the companies experienced a reduction in their emissions, among which 53 percent had already done so just one year after obtaining ISO 14001.  相似文献   

Starting from a discussion of Schumpeter's analysis of the relationships of capitalism, socialism and democracy, it is shown that, in a complex society, democracy is only compatible with a decentralized market economy with safe property rights. But in time democracy shows a tendency to weaken the capitalist system by more and more regulations and an ever-increasing share of government (including the social security system) in GDP. This tendency is a consequence of political competition because of the development of interest groups and the presence of rationally uninformed voters. It leads to a weakening of efficiency, investment, innovation and thus to lower growth rates of GDP. But in time forces opposing this development arise. First, because of the negative consequences of growing government the welfare and regulatory state is bound to move into a crisis in the long run. Thus innovative politicians have a chance to win the support of a majority of voters for reform projects, who perceive finally the ever-increasing burden of higher taxes and regulations and realize that these burdens are not worth the benefits bestowed on them. In doing so, they may face, however, the competition of ideologies. Second, there are other states with lower taxes and less unnecessary regulations which show higher growth rates of GDP, and gain thus relative advantages in international political and military competition since they can command greater resources with the passage of time. To maintain their relative international power position, reforms are thus considered as necessary by rulers. This may be helped by pressure resulting from comparisons of the standards of living done by their citizens.  相似文献   

环境标准产生于环境管理的需要,依内容而分为环境技术标准与环境管理标准。不同经济发展水平的国家在环境技术标准上存在差异,这种差异从成本和市场两个方面对企业竞争力产生重要影响,其总体效应取决于消费者的偏好和企业战略。在现实中,偏低的环境技术标准虽使我国企业获得了短暂的贸易优势,但不利于长期的持续发展。要打造长久的竞争优势,必须选择最优环境技术标准,并大力采用ISO 14000系列管理标准。  相似文献   

Private sector initiatives certifying that producers of goods and services adhere to defined environmental process standards are increasingly popular worldwide. According to proponents, they can circumvent chronic barriers to effective public sector environmental regulation in developing countries. But eco-certification programs will have limited effects on producers?? environmental performance if, as one would expect, they select for those already meeting certification standards. Rigorous evaluations of the environmental effects of eco-certification in developing countries that control for selection bias are rare. We use plant-level data on more than 80,000 Mexican facilities to determine whether ISO 14001 series certification of environmental management systems boosts regulatory compliance. We use propensity score matching to control for nonrandom selection into the program. We find that plants recently fined by environmental regulators were more likely to be certified, all other things equal, but that certified plants were subsequently fined just as often as similar uncertified plants. These results suggest that in Mexico, the ISO 14001 program attracts dirty plants under pressure from regulators??not just relatively clean ones??but does not have a large, lasting impact on their regulatory compliance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes stakeholders' environmental preferences/pressures and the financial flexibility that together influence firms to adopt ISO 14001, which is the international standard primarily concerned with an Environmental Management System (EMS). Since firms retain ISO 14001 once they have adopted it, a firm's decision to adopt ISO 14001 is considered from the period that they initially acquire the certification. Therefore, we assert that we have to focus on the determinants of initial ISO 14001 adoption. We analyzed: 1) the determinants of initial ISO 14001 adoptions respective to 1996, 1999, and 2004; and 2) the determinants of initial ISO 14001 adoptions during the period 1996-2004. The estimation results support the view that stakeholders' environmental preferences/pressures and firms' financial flexibility influenced their decision to adopt ISO 14001 in both analyses. Particularly, it is remarkable that we found that: 1) the determinants of the initial ISO 14001 adoption differed among the years of adoption; and 2) there is a positive relationship between economic performance and initial ISO 14001 adoption.  相似文献   

Proceeding from theoretical hypotheses, driving forces for the introduction of the ISO 9000ff series in innovative service companies are analysed. Based on the European Community Innovation Survey (CIS), a probit model is estimated with different explanatory variables based on a sample of innovative German service companies. The first analysis of the role of the quality standard ISO 9000ff in German innovative service companies, based on general hypotheses concerning the role of quality standards, produced elucidating results. Besides sector- and size-specific differences, the use of “risky” technologies positively influences the probability of introducing ISO 9000ff. This quality standard has another twofold impact: First, as expected, it is a quality seal for the customers of the service company, especially in markets with homogeneous products and average qualities. Second, the introduction of ISO 9000ff has impacts on the internal processes of the service companies. In contrast to a conventional product standard, it supports the management in being flexible, especially towards the preferences of the customers and in reaching project deadlines. However, the introduction may also increase the pressure on the employees who are therefore evidently more reluctant about its introduction. Consequently, the empirical results underpin most of the theoretical hypotheses on the role of quality standards in service companies.  相似文献   

通过ISO9000认证是企业实力的体现,也是参与国际竞争的需要,越来越多的企业通过或正在参与,但在实际中缺乏有效实施,本文从质量管理体系的基本理论,实施中存在的问题入手,进行分析,提出全面提高施工质量的几点建议。  相似文献   

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