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Privatization Versus Groundwater Central Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A group of free market natural resource economists argue that the current system of limited property rights for groundwater users should be replaced by a new system of freely transferable property rights This, they contend, would provide the more efficient allocation of groundwater resources and help alleviate the water scarcity problem in the United States Their case for privatization is critically appraised Groundwater hydrology , common property, contamination , and other third party effects are examined to determine the set of circumstances under which privatization would work best The following alternatives to the full privatization plan are also examined central management, legal reform , and "French style" privatized management of water systems  相似文献   

We ask how the incentives of an agent are affected by an information management system that lets the agent receive information about the performance of a colleague before (“transparent firm”) rather than after he provides effort (“nontransparent firm”). Transparency is detrimental for incentives if the performance of the colleague provides information on the relative impact of the agent’s effort on his success probability. The findings imply that firms in which comparisons between employees play a minor role for compensation are transparent. Firms in which they play a major role sometimes choose to be nontransparent despite the flexibility gains transparency provides.  相似文献   

雷扬 《价值工程》2012,31(19):164-165
旅行社企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中持续健康发展,必须重视企业内部的人力资源管理,并且制定科学合理的人力资源管理策略。本文从文化学的角度出发,对旅行社人力资源管理进行探讨,以期能对我国旅行社人力资源管理的理论研究和实际操作有所裨益。  相似文献   

Hospital Reimbursement Incentives: An Empirical Analysis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Reimbursement systems for health-care providers are very complex, like the production systems that they regulate. This complexity has led to some important misperceptions about the incentive consequences of major reimbursement reforms. One example is the prospective payment system (PPS), developed to provide "high-powered" incentives through fixed prices for hospital admissions for the US elderly. In fact, various features of the DRG system allow reimbursement to vary with actual treatment decisions during an admission, and so are not prospective. This paper develops a general method for measuring actual reimbursement incentives in complex regulated price systems. The method uses regression techniques with variance decompositions to quantify the effects of particular features of the payment system on prospective and retrospective cost sharing, as well as overall generosity of payments. I apply this method to microdata on 20 percent of Medicare hospital admissions in 1987 and 1990 to summarize the incentives created by PPS in practice, and how the incentives are evolving over time. I show that PPS involves limited and decreasing cost sharing with hospitals, most of which is not prospective. The reimbursement incentives vary substantially across diagnoses, demographic groups, and types of intensive treatments, possibly with important implications for hospital behavior and medical expenditure growth. The techniques developed here can be used to analyze a broad range of provider reimbursement mechanisms.  相似文献   

The role of the institutional context in the pattern of the implementation of responsible procurement management (RPM) has been object of very limited previous research, although it has been found that it affects the approach to both CSR and supply chain management. The article presents the results of an in‐depth comparative study drawing on 47 interviews with managers of 13 companies in Italy and Germany, which have been previously related to different national institutional settings. The analysis demonstrates that the perception of factors influencing RPM implementation differs between Italian and German companies, and suggests that the institutional context affects not only the overall CSR behavior of the company, but also its institutionalization into a specific function. Results show that the institutional context mainly determines the boundaries within which practitioners are able to operate, whereas the ability to effectively bring about changes in their activity mainly depends upon organizational environment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Agency Problems in Diverse Contexts: A Global Perspective   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
abstract    Bruce, Buck and Main (2005 ) offer two criticisms of agency theory as a valid model of executive behaviour. First, they suggest that because researchers have failed to find a strong empirical link between executive pay and firm performance, and since this research generally rests on models derived from agency theory, then we must question the theory. Second, they suggest that agency theory is under-socialized and therefore lacks generalizability to settings where social solutions would seem to eliminate the agency problem. In our response we make three points. First, agency theory rests on an assumption of self-interest that does not necessarily reflect opportunism. Second, agency theory does not make any reference to pay-performance sensitivity, and the failure of this research can be attributable to a variety of problems with the research. Third, we agree that agency theory does not explicitly recognize contextual factors, but suggest that this abstraction from context, gives agency theory greater generalizability. Finally, we review the UK and German contexts discussed by Bruce, Buck and Main to show that socialized solutions do not prevent the occurrence of agency problems.  相似文献   

Privatization, especially in developing countries, presents international firms with opportunities for market entry and growth, but acquirers have to consider the distinct characteristics of a state owned enterprise (SOE) and the influence of the government as seller and policy maker. This study introduces a model, based on mergers and acquisitions literature and microeconomic theory, that explains the critical relationships among characteristics of the SOE, the government, and the acquirer. Public administration research suggests that the critical characteristics of SOEs are their sources of funding and their mode of social control of the organization, and recent work in privatizing countries emphasizes the influence of the government. The theoretical framework for the model suggested here is derived from research within the field of strategic management on mergers and acquisitions. The paper develops propositions regarding the organizational fit between private firms and those heretofore owned by governments and discusses research and managerial implications.  相似文献   

目前,我国企业的员工激励计划中存在着很多问题。这些问题为管理层造假或者任意调整会计政策和利润提供了机会,并使得管理层与股东层处于对立的状态。为高级管理层设立的期权激励制度也存在激励面窄、只奖不罚的问题。EVA指标及EVA红利银行制度的引进很好地解决了这些问题。  相似文献   

要提高内地企业的激励性,就要突出公平,保持物资激励与非物资激励结合,组织目标和个人目标相结合,约束与激励结合。具体来说,内地企业需要扩大员工职业生涯发展空间,强化绩效考核的反馈面谈,严格实行合同化管理,实施全面薪酬战略,加强员工培训,注重内部晋升。  相似文献   

要提高内地企业的激励性,就要突出公平,保持物资激励与非物资激励结合,组织目标和个人目标相结合,约束与激励结合.具体来说,内地企业需要扩大员工职业生涯发展空间,强化绩效考核的反馈面谈,严格实行合同化管理,实施全面薪酬战略,加强员工培训.注重内部晋升.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the effect of shareholder activism on earnings management. Using a US sample of shareholder pay‐for‐performance proposals sponsored by institutional investors, we find that when compared to control firms, firms targeted by shareholder proposals have a greater magnitude of discretionary accruals (DA) in their reported earnings. In addition, we find that the likelihood of meeting or beating earnings benchmarks through the use of DA is higher for targeted firms whose managers have job security concerns due to the firms’ inferior stock performance in the past or have plans to sell company stock. Our results are consistent with the notion that pay‐for‐performance proposals have unintended consequences by introducing or exacerbating incentives to manage earnings for short‐term gains. The results also indicate that, for financial reporting, the short‐termism effect may dominate the alignment and/or disciplinary effect of shareholder monitoring.  相似文献   

近年来较有影响的国际视角的管理会计实践研究成果表明,各国管理会计实践的比较研究主要有三种类型;从总体上看各国的管理会计实践呈现趋同性,但对管理会计实践演变的解释(即创新扩散)却存在权变观、社会影响观和需求供给观等不同观点。国家视角的管理会计实践研究虽有意义,但相对粗略,若要深入开展研究,则需融合各种理论,采用更为科学的研究方法,深化微观层面的管理会计实践研究。  相似文献   

This study proposed a modified activity theory framework, complemented by a dynamic time axis, to analyze each organizational change stage of a two‐phase capability maturity model integration (CMMI) maturity level adoption case. The study revealed the following results: At the planning stage, the involvement of senior executives determined the positive attitude toward change. At the getting started stage, employees' clear recognition of change objectives determined the change effectiveness. At the letting go stage, department heads got involved, understood, and provided both support and mediating activities to achieve the actual benefits. At the completion stage, performance was used as a measurement tool to help internalize the change into new capabilities.  相似文献   

This study examines the development and impact of diversity and equality management systems (DEMS). A national sample of human resource managers from 155 Canadian firms responded to surveys about their firm's diversity and equality management (DEM) practices. Cluster analysis and latent class modeling identified three distinct approaches to DEM: classical disparity DEMS showing limited development of DEM‐related practices, institutional DEMS involving complex selection mechanisms and monitoring of employment statistics, and configurational DEMS linking diversity to business strategy. Hypothesis‐testing analyses indicated that both institutional and configurational DEMS were predicted by coverage by the Canadian employment equity program, federal contractor status, and the presence of a diversity expert on staff. Only configurational DEMS was predicted by inclusion of HRM in developing business strategy. Configurational DEMS positively predicted the employment of workers with disabilities and members of visible minority groups as well as ROA. These findings support the proposition based on strategic human resource management (SHRM) theory that DEM practices should be considered as bundles and that vertical linkage to strategy is important for DEM effectiveness. As such, SHRM theory explains how managers can structure strategic responses to institutional pressures that go beyond requirements to achieve strategic goals. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2006,30(1):98-110
This paper examines determinants of privatization in transition countries. Empirical studies of privatization are few and even fewer formal empirical analyses of privatization in transition countries exist. Another goal is to examine differences between large-scale and small-scale privatization. We find that scales of privatization respond differently to various determinants. Particularly, privatization scales are sensitive to changes in economic prosperity, unemployment, and inflation. Country size, not government size, seems to be driving privatization in transition countries. Effects of Soviet legacy are non-existent. Some findings are unique to the literature, while others differ from existing studies. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract . The agency relationship has been observed in a variety of settings. Churches, like other organizations, are plagued with the typical agency problems of moral hazard, observability, goal displacement, and risk aversion. How do churches cope with these issues in dealing with their most critical resource, clergy? This study analyzes the agency relationship between churches and their clergy. Using data from nine denominations, this study finds strong evidence that pastor compensation is not tied directly to performance, but rather indirectly through promotion tournaments. Successful pastors are rewarded by being called to larger, presumably wealthier and more prestigious, congregations. Since it is so difficult to observe and measure a pastor's performance in specific activities, churches differentiate good pastors from mediocre ones by considering their total performance, rather than any specific activities.  相似文献   

基于供应链管理视角的企业存货管理问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于云波 《物流技术》2012,(23):369-371,418
主要围绕供应链模式下企业存货管理问题展开探讨,首先介绍供应链存货的内涵以及存货方法,指出目前供应链模式下存货管理有哪些问题需要急切的解决,例如除了供应链主体不明确、需求不正当预测外,还有信息垄断、顾客满意度低等,针对这些问题给出了合理化建议和对策,以帮助企业更好地解决存货管理问题。  相似文献   

主要围绕供应链模式下企业存货管理问题展开探讨,首先介绍供应链存货的内涵以及存货方法,指出目前供应链模式下存货管理有哪些问题需要急切的解决,例如除了供应链主体不明确、需求不正当预测外,还有信息垄断、顾客满意度低等,针对这些问题给出了合理化建议和对策,以帮助企业更好地解决存货管理问题.  相似文献   

A bstract . Poland was among the first of the Central European countries to attempt to transform its economy from a centrally planned socialist system to a market-oriented one. Although its International Monetary Fund-inspired "shock therapy" approach sought to transform the economy quickly, Poland's implementation of privatization of state enterprises , a keystone of the reform strategy, lags seriously behind other economic changes. Poland's experiments with privatization were derailed by economic, political, social and administrative problems. The lessons of experience from Poland's transitional period during the early 1990s are that the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises and the spread of entrepreneurial activity were far more important than privatization of state enterprises in moving Poland toward a market system.  相似文献   

本文基于2003年东北三省上市公司年报,对东北上市公司高管薪酬与公司绩效的关系进行了分析,认为东北上市公司高管激励严重不足,非市场化因素对企业影响巨大。第一大股东占绝对控股地位的公司与相对控股公司相比,存在着绩效好而薪酬低的独特现象。东北三省的市场环境以及企业的治理结构急待完善。  相似文献   

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