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随着我国流通领域全面对外资开放,流通企业的产权制度和所有制形式发生剧烈变革,流通领域经济成分的复杂性也进一步增强。在此市场背景下,文章构建了涵盖政府、国有流通企业、民营流通企业和外资流通企业多方参与的混合寡占竞争模型,其中,政府作为一个行为主体对多种所有制竞争主体进行规制机制设计以及实施规制,并通过内嵌于国有流通企业目标函数中的规制参数来实现。研究发现多种流通所有制的竞争框架内,最优的政府规制机制应结合不同所有制流通企业的效率比较、国有经济的微观效率损失以及社会整体福利等进行具体设计并保证其稳定性和可预期性,这对流通市场秩序的塑造、整个产业链条的价值实现以及国民经济高质量发展发挥着先导性作用。  相似文献   

我国国有企业体制改革加快了对国有商贸流通混合所有制企业的改革,是我国现行的经济体制下需要重点解决的一项问题。商贸流通混合所有制企业文化对于企业的发展有着决定性作用,影响着一个企业的发展方向,要对其进行充分的整合与发展。在新的历史条件下,国有商贸流通混合所有制企业文化的传承与重塑也成为混合制企业对于文化方面一项重点的整改内容。  相似文献   

战略转型是国有企业增强核心竞争力,把企业做大做强的主要手段,国有商贸流通企业在社会的发展建设中起着主要支撑和带动作用,在国家国有资产管理机制和企业机制体制不断创新的推动下,我国国有商贸流通企业取得了显著的发展成果,整体实力明显增强。但是,仍有大部分国有商贸流通企业存在结构不合理、机制不完善等问题,致使还没有发展成为具有较强影响力和核心竞争力的大集团,因此,我国的国有商贸企业战略转型势在必行。  相似文献   

王彩波 《市场周刊》2006,(12):40-41
现代流通体系是社会化、国际化、信息化和多元化的大流通体系,只有社会大流通体系才能促进社会化大生产。2004年3月16日,中国商务部副部长张志刚表示,要构建中国的大流通体系,必须培育出一批具有国际竞争能力的大型流通企业,发展中国自己的“商业航母”。在《全国花卉业“十五”规划》中,也提出了建立和完善拍卖市场——批发市场——零售店(摊点)紧密相联、有机配合的市场流通体系的目标,而由花卉零售的竞争催生出来的观赏植物租摆业务正是这一流通体系中的重要组成部分,其作为新兴行业正在我国各地蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

提高我国战略性粮食产品流通控制力,要完善战略性粮食产品的流通支持政策,加强对战略性粮食产品的质量监控和品牌培育,加大对各地区粮油龙头企业的支持力度;完善战略性粮食产品流通市场准入政策,进一步明确粮食收购、粮食和植物油等产品的批发、零售、配送等限制类产业的具体实施细节;加强对战略性粮食产品中薄弱品种和薄弱环节的监管;大力培育有国际竞争力的粮食流通企业,支持国有粮食流通企业"走出去",在全球市场配置资源,实现国内、国际市场互动。  相似文献   

连锁零售企业城乡市场“双向流通”模式构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对目前城乡市场连锁零售企业普遍存在物流配送"单向流通"运行的现状,分析了其形成的历史根源和存在的主要缺陷,提出了"双向流通"的主张,并就"双向流通"型企业组织模式的构建问题进行了求解,对政府在引导连锁零售企业推广城乡市场"双向流通"物流模式促进农村经济繁荣给予了政策建议。  相似文献   

中国流通产业组织结构优化目标模式与实现机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文认为,目前我国流通产业市场集中度低、过度竞争和企业效率低下等问题突出,推动流通产业组织优化,必须优化我国流通产业组织结构,建立“政府——市场中介组织——流通企业”关系链,形成流通产业组织结构优化目标模式;实施积极的流通产业组织政策,发挥政策的调节与导向作用;调整流通产业市场结构,形成有效竞争的市场态势;规范流通企业市场行为,实现竞争与协作的有机结合;大力发展市场中介组织,为流通企业提供服务和自律性管理。  相似文献   

一、发展连锁经营是国有农机流通企业深化改革的重要途径 全国县及县以上国有农机公司2600多个(以下简称国有农机流通企业),但多是中小型企业,实力较差,经营分散,整体合力与市场竞争力弱。近年来,市场占有率下降,许多企业经营亏损,原因是多方面的,而主要的是,企业组织结构与经营模式,不适应社会化大生产,大流通与建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,为此,必须深化改革国有农机流通企业“小、散、差”的现状。从国内外实践经验来看,发展连锁经营是一个有效途径。因为:  相似文献   

<正> 中国加入WTO以后,对流通企业而言利弊参半,但利大于弊,因为流通业作为开放较早的领域,自身抵抗能力较强。从1992年我国正式对外开放国内零售市场开始,到1999年底,由国务院有关部门审批的中外合资零售商业企业共有21家。截止到1998年底,北京已有外商投资零售企业45家,港、澳、台投资零售业32家;再加上外商及港澳台投资的批发企业99家,在京的外商及港澳台的三资企业共176家。77家  相似文献   

文章从流通视角出发,理论层面分析政府补助对流通企业效率的影响,探讨企业履行社会责任在政府补助与流通企业效率间可能存在的中介机制,并考察国有企业的调节效应。进一步利用我国沪深两市A股241家上市流通企业2010-2020年的非平衡面板数据进行经验检验,研究发现:(1)政府补助会促进流通企业效率的提升;(2)社会责任在政府补助与流通企业效率的关系中存在中介效应,即政府补助能够使流通企业履行更多的社会责任,并由此推动流通企业效率的提升;(3)国有企业存在直接调节效应和间接调节效应。相较于非国有流通企业,国有流通企业所获政府补助以及履行社会责任对企业效率的提升作用更低。研究为深化流通体制改革,提升流通效率提供了新的经验证据。  相似文献   

董烨然 《财贸经济》2012,(3):94-102
本文运用数值例子和一般化博弈模型对1个生产商、1个大零售商和n个小零售商的市场进行了考察,给出了大零售商对生产商拥有讨价还价力量、生产商对小零售商拥有讨价还价力量时的市场均衡。结论为:(1)在大零售商使用包含通道费在内的"三部费"合约的市场均衡中,上下游可以实现纵向一体化利润。与生产商对下游完全拥有市场力量的情形相比,消费者剩余不会降低,市场价格不会上升,生产商获得的利润也不会减少。(2)大零售商的利润来自于消除上下游市场外部性,以及对市场效率改进的边际贡献。通道费可以视作是大零售商通过挖掘市场效率而获利的一种机制设计。(3)从政策角度看,用单一禁止通道费来提高市场效率和社会福利的目标往往难以实现。与其简单地取消进场费,还不如把政策的着力点放在支持小零售商、改善零售市场结构效率上。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(2):154-171
Retailers use both pricing and service strategies to respond to intensified competition. Here we develop a duopoly model to investigate the impact of the increasingly popular personalized pricing strategy (PPS) and the widely used Money Back Guarantee (MBG) customer returns policy. We consider two retailers who differ in customer satisfaction rates. Each retailer chooses a pricing strategy, PPS or uniform pricing, and a product return strategy, MBG or ‘no returns.’ We show that both PPS and MBG are dominant strategies, but their impact on retailers’ prices and profits are different; while PPS intensifies price competition and may lead to a prisoner’s dilemma in which both retailers may lose profit, MBG mitigates price competition and may result in a Pareto improvement in both retailers’ profits. Both PPS and MBG increase the size of the overall market, but not the total duopoly profit. The total customer surplus and social welfare may increase under either strategy. In addition, we obtain some interesting observations as to how our results may change if the product quality/customer satisfaction rate is endogenously chosen in the duopoly. Some of our findings are in contrast to related results reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the pressure for bank reforms has mounted as China ought to have fully opened up its financial market to foreign competition by 2006. Efficiency is key for domestic banks to survive in a liberalised environment, but it appears that the last hope for raising bank efficiency is through ownership reform. Whether ownership reform and foreign competition can solve China's banking problem remains to be tested. This paper aims to answer this question using a non‐parametric approach to analyse the efficiency changes of 15 large commercial banks during 1998–2005. We find that ownership reform and foreign competition have forced Chinese commercial banks to improve performance, as their total factor productivity rose by 5.6 per cent per annum. This coincides with the recent bullish Chinese stock markets led by three listed state‐owned commercial banks. Despite such encouraging results, we remain cautious about the future of Chinese banks, as the good results may have been artificially created with massive government support and the fundamentals of the banks may be still weak.  相似文献   

随着零售业保护期的结束,我国零售业将处于一种前所未有过的竞争态势之中。零售业的彻底对外开放,关系着我国整体零售行业的发展。我们应看到外商的进入,对我国零售行业既是一种挑战,也是一种机遇。我国零售业如何面对这种对外资零售业全面放开的现实,去迎接挑战,本文结合我国目前最大的零售商"联华超市"的经营发展状况,与第二大洋巨头"家乐福"进行具体比较,以获启示。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of ownership structure, whether state owned, foreign owned or institutionally owned, on Vietnamese stock market liquidity in different market conditions. We find that state ownership is associated with lower liquidity after the 2008 financial crisis. Institutional ownership shows a weak influence on liquidity in the post-crisis period. During the financial crisis, however, liquidity declines could not be attributed to ownership structure. Our results imply that foreign investors have not yet played a significant role in driving stock market liquidity in Vietnam, which is counter to findings in the existing literature concerning liquidity in more developed markets. Our results are consistent across conventional liquidity measures and a composite liquidity measure.  相似文献   

Advances in technology have made product updates more frequent and allowed consumers to choose different versions of the same product based on their preferences. It is crucial for retailers to understand how to formulate optimal sales strategies based on those different consumer preferences. To this end, we develop game models that consider the heterogeneity of consumer preferences under both monopoly and horizontal competition scenarios and perform the sensitivity analysis to examine the impact of consumer proportions and consumer preferences on retailers’ sales strategies. The results show that (i) regardless of competition or monopoly status, the original retailer can always maximize profit by setting prices based on the market share of traditional consumers, as long as the retailer sells both new and old versions of the product; (ii) the greater the competitive advantage of the competitor, the more advantageous the hybrid sales mode; (iii) if the price of the old product is below a certain threshold, there will be a positive profit for the original retailer when selling both the old and new products; and (iv) when consumer acceptance of competing retailers is lower, entering the retail market is not a good choice for competing retailers.  相似文献   

Although enduring relationships between buyers and sellers encourage subsistence market consumers to shop at a particular retailer, these relationships have a negative side. This study focuses on the issue of ‘retailer selection compulsion’ existing in the subsistence market, which refers to the negative side of these relationships. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors driving the retailer selection compulsion in the subsistence market. This study adopted a qualitative phenomenological approach. Sixty interviews were conducted with subsistence consumers in two areas: Kolkata and Kharagpur, in the Indian state of West Bengal. The findings have demonstrated that subsistence consumers are compelled to stick to their neighbourhood retailers due to convenience, social capital, and obligations, as well as social identities resulting from a sense of social compulsion, and the value-added services provided by retailers that help overcome the consumers' financial and cognitive constraints. This study contributes to the literature on customer behaviour and retailing. These findings deepen the current understanding of the social capital theory, social identity theory, and bounded rationality theory in the context of subsistence marketplaces. Practically, the findings of this study will contribute to the practice of marketers who target subsistence markets. The findings will also help further entrepreneurial activities in subsistence areas, improve the retailing operations of subsistence retailers, and address exploitative practices of subsistence retailers on poor customers.  相似文献   

Competition between food retailers is often assumed to be asymmetrical, whereby one retailer may compete with another retailer but not vice versa. Little is known about how (a)symmetric competition among retailers currently is. One way to investigate this is to use word of mouth data. A mixed methods analysis of customer comments on social media confirms the existence of asymmetric competition among German food retailers, mainly between supermarkets and discounters. Overall, consumers compare competitors frequently on the basis of their assortments, the price-performance ratio as well as quality and freshness. The results have implications for competition policy and strategic management.  相似文献   

Buyer Power,Transport Cost and Welfare   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Manufacturers produce substitute products and sell to consumers in a linear city through competing retail stores. A low cost store obtains large market share by selling at low prices. Assume that a big retailer may exert buyer power by demanding wholesale discounts from manufacturers. The model identifies exclusionary effects of buyer power against competing retailers. It is also found that certain level of buyer power of a discount retailer may maximize social welfare, while that of a regular price retailer may maximize total consumer surplus. Nevertheless, excessive buyer power hurts both consumers and society.  相似文献   

When physically similar products, of similar quality, are offered by retailers both online and offline, we often observe that the dispersion in prices of these products online is greater than the price dispersion offline. This observation runs counter to early theories that suggested price dispersion online would be smaller than that offline due to the ease of search and information availability online. This paper investigates and provides an explanation for this puzzling phenomenon by examining the impact of two important drivers of price dispersion: retailer type and consumers’ shopping risk. Retailer type refers to whether a retailer is a pure offline, pure online, or dual channel retailer. Shopping risk is defined as the product of consumers’ perceived risk of shopping and the transaction uncertainty related to shopping at different types of retailers.A game-theoretic approach is adopted to model consumers’ price search and product purchase, as well as price competition within and across retailer types in online and offline markets. Equilibrium pricing strategies are derived for different retailer types competing for different consumer segments with different levels of perceived shopping risk. The impact of retailer type and shopping risk on online versus offline price dispersion are quantified, and conditions when price dispersion is greater online than offline are identified.Results indicate that price dispersion is greater online when the number of pure online retailers is sufficiently large and is increasing in the number of pure online retailers. In addition, a reduction in online shopping risk may actually increase online price dispersion. Results further suggest that even without any online sales, dual channel retailers should maintain their online presence for the purpose of information dissemination, which justifies the importance for pure offline retailer to incorporate webrooming strategies, where consumers can search for prices online but purchase offline.  相似文献   

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