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春回大地,又是一派气象万千.时光的车轮让我们难以忘怀那个令人震撼的春天,隔离在病房的SARS病人拼命地一次一次的向窗外望去,原来他们在渴求希望.  相似文献   

韶光易逝,岁月有情。当我捧读2001年第一期惠稿时,蓦然回首,不觉在《技术经济与管理研究》这块学术之园,已耕耘了二十年。回首沧桑二十年,风流文章波涛涌,华夏腾飞,山河巨变。二十年前伴随着社会重大变革而出现的边缘学科,作者沸腾,读者采烈,编者兴奋,蔚为壮观的改革开放成为中国社会进程的潮流。机会与挑战、冲击与竞争,迎趋势而进,顺潮流而动,成为杂志战略的抉择。在大量的编校工作和现实社会的压力下,我们无暇顾及每篇文章的理论底蕴,也来不及仔细品味每篇文章给社会、给人们带来的启迪。从选稿、校对到出版,如流如化,…  相似文献   

梅香苦寒 ,无意争春。不觉又是一年 ,可以说我和《技术经济与管理研究》是结下了不解之缘 ,23年风和雨 ,弹指一挥间。问自己 ,心潮翻涌 ,岁月情怀 ,沧桑凝血 ,倾心笔耕 ,无怨无悔。流水行云匆匆去。没有你 ,没有他 ,夜晚静得让我记不起昨日的激情。但我清醒地知道 ,怨与悔无法读懂我们杂志社每位记者和编辑 ,他们真诚的奉献和灼烫的茫然 ,在杂志的事业中定格并扩大 ,没有那种灵魂的净化和感动 ,没有那份刻骨的努力和执著 ,杂志每一篇文章的弧线便无从拉开 ,作品中的那种渴求和亮点也无从展现 ,融入社会 ,融入世界更是难以想象。事业在召唤…  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的发展一直在急速行进,创造了人类历史上罕见的GDP增长奇迹,无论是农村,还是城市,大江南北,翻天覆地的变化让世人瞩目。  相似文献   

冬深以后,北风凛凛,阳光虽然睛明,却抵不过北来的寒流,静静地面对这一年中最清冷的季节。蓦然回首,不觉,我在《技术经济与管理研究》杂志走过了25年。  相似文献   

今年6月3日美国举行关于中国“市场经济地位”问题听证会得出结论 :美国还不到讨论给予中国“市场经济地位”的时候。紧接着 ,6月28日 ,欧盟对中国一年前提出的“市场经济地位”申请的初步评估结果 ,决定暂时不给予中国“市场经济地位”。一时间 ,市场经济地位成为我国对外经济交往议论的大事。有说 :没有市场经济地位 ,无疑将严重影响我国企业的产品出口 ,尤其是我国企业在反倾销应诉中将长期处于不利地位。有说 :反倾销可能导致投资的转移。有说 :中国入世时承诺的代价太大 ,等等 ,不一而足。媒界的讨论 ,学者的判断 ,让我们清醒。但某些…  相似文献   

2005年的冬天11月13日,中石油吉林石化公司双苯厂发生爆炸,大量苯类污染物进入松花江水体,哈尔滨停水。11月26日,温家宝代表党中央、国务院看望广大干部群众。并指示,我们的政府是人民的政府,必须对人民高度负责,对人民的健康安全负责。外长李肇星向俄罗斯致歉。12月2日,解振华辞去环保总局局长。中国在以人为本的现代科学发展理念上迈出重要一步,这一步来得很辛苦。以人为本就是以人为核心,以人为最高目的,一切的活动、一切的指向都必须以人为最终活动、最终指向。并把人看作是社会、科学的主导力量,政府必须有对人的自由价值、人的生存境…  相似文献   

尊敬的周铁农副主席、女士们、先生们:上午好!胡锦涛主席在刚刚结束的全国科技大会上提出了建立“创新型国家”的战略目标。要成为一个“创新型国家”,就必须更加努力地进行制度创新、理论创新、科技创新和文化创新。要为创新营造一个良好的氛围,使创新成为一种社会风气,这既是政府的职责,也是学术研究部门、舆论媒体和社会各界的职责。我国的社会政治经济发展正进入一个新的历史阶段,政府管理体制的创新尤其具有紧迫性。社会主义市场经济体制改革的进一步深入,社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明的协调发展,人民群众物质生活水平和民主…  相似文献   

In an ultimatum bargaining experiment, we study how subjects bargain over the returns to their investments of money and time. The most notable finding is that a third of the subjects demand no compensation for their time investments, whereas almost all subjects demand compensation for equally costly monetary investments.  相似文献   

谁敢相信安达信   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟禾 《资本市场》2002,(3):18-21
<正> 美国安然公司申请破产在美国和世界引起了巨大震动,其影响程度现在还无法完全估计。但安然公司的崩塌却引起了人们对相关问题的反思,其中,有关安达信会计公司所引发的对会计师行业的公信力就是突出一例。安达信作假并非仅此一例安然公司的倒台引起如此大的震动有其特殊之处。一方面它是个庞然大物,在美国企业中排第七位,是世界最大的天然气交易商,曾以700亿美元的股市市值居美国上市公司前列。另一方面,还在于安然公司屡屡编造假账,虚报盈利。而位  相似文献   

《Medical economics》1999,76(20):135-6, 139-41

United We Vote     
This paper studies the advantages that a coalition of agents obtain by forming a voting bloc to pool their votes and cast them all together. We identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for an agent to benefit from the formation of the voting bloc, both if the agent is a member of the bloc and if the agent is not part of the bloc. We also determine whether individual agents prefer to participate in or step out of the bloc, and we find the different optimal internal voting rules that aggregate preferences within the coalition.  相似文献   

Only in the last decade have significant attempts been made to evaluate scientifically the methods of instruction in economics. Noting the acceleration in scientific evaluation, Lumsden focuses his attention on where we now stand in the evaluation of two methods of instruction: programmed learning materials and television.  相似文献   

The economics literature includes several critiques of the dominant utilitarian position, as respectively offered by Posner (1979), Rawls (1971), Sen (1987) and institutionalist followers of John Dewey. There is also now a rapidly growing literature on the economics of happiness. Another quite distinctive position of social importance on these issues is provided by Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI. It offers an alternative conception of ontology and teleology, and reflects conceptions of freedom, happiness, man and rationality different from those found in orthodox economics, and different too from those found in the above-mentioned critiques. It intersects with recent writings of Lawson (2003), Nelson (2010) and Tilman (2008).

In order to promote critical scrutiny of the a priori positions embedded in contending schools of economic thought, it follows that the implications of this Ratzinger critique should be consciously confronted by economists, including institutionalists, with whom various starting points are shared.  相似文献   

As James Buchanan often asserted, in constitutional design “we start from here” which is to say we design a constitution to fit the institutions, social practices and so forth that we already have. Comparison of the complicated case of the US constitution and the failed attempt at constitutionalism in contemporary Egypt suggest that many societies are not yet ready for serious constitutional design. The English civil wars were about religion; the US constitution ignores religion and thereby avoids the grim conflict of church and state.  相似文献   

The lost decade has provided us a number of lessons. One of them is the limit of standard macroeconomics. This paper attempts to show that uncertainty plays a much more important role in the macroeconomy than most economists recognize. Once the economy is caught in an uncertainty trap, the effectiveness of standard policy necessarily weakens. The zero‐interest rate may well be a consequence of an uncertainty trap. In fact, whether or not the economy is caught in such an uncertainty trap distinguishes “depression” from the normal cyclical “recession.” The significance of demand‐creating innovation is another point I emphasize in this paper. In my view, a lack of demand‐creating innovation is a part of explanation of the lost decade. At the same time, this paper offers prospects for the future of the Japanese economy.  相似文献   

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