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金玲玲 《企业导报》2012,(3):108-109
越来越多的企业开始利用社交网络来推广自己的品牌和产品,因为社交网站提供给企业一个与顾客加强关系的机会,事实证明SNS由于其自身特点带来了良好的传播效果。本文在对SNS做简单介绍的基础上,探讨企业应该如何利用SNS进行营销,力图为企业如何利用社交网络推广自己给出一些营销建议。  相似文献   

随着社交网络的不断发展,企业开始意识到了社交网络的强大力量,并逐步融入到企业的日常经营和管理工作中,使企业的管理、协作、沟通等方面得到了有效的提升。文章介绍了企业社交网络在企业中具体应用的理论,阐述了社交网络在企业中的具体应用方法和应用效果,并对社交网络在企业中的具体应用提出了自看法。  相似文献   

微信为提升自身客户使用网络环境,对封印外部链接进行升级,势必对拼多多类型的社交电商造成巨大影响,社交电商必须审时度势,依据当下形势找到自身生存之道。结合当下市场环境,文章针对拼多多类型的电商提出以下建议:首先,对于高度依赖微信的社交电商,需要从小程序、公众号等其他应用寻找突破口,以维持甚至增加销售量。其次,社交电商需要加强自身内部建设,实现企业承诺,满足消费者期望,例如保证消费者隐私信息安全、确保商品高质等。  相似文献   

窦朋  王瓅 《企业导报》2016,(5):9-11
信息时代下,基于互联网技术的社交网络招聘渐成大势,成为国内外企业广泛应用的招聘手段。本文从社交网络招聘这一新型招聘方式在国内外的应用概况谈起,对社交网络招聘中的问题进行分析,为我国的社交网络招聘的改进提出若干建议和对策。  相似文献   

作为在线办公的重要工作载体,企业社交工作平台促进了员工在线互动交流,扩大了员工之间的合作网络边界,并对员工的工作意义产生影响。本文基于社会网络理论与方法 ,实证研究了企业社交工作平台应用对员工在线工作意义的影响机理,并从员工自我中心网络的视角探究了线上咨询网络密度和线上情感网络密度的双重中介效应。研究发现,企业社交工作平台应用积极影响员工感知到的在线工作意义,线上咨询网络密度而非线上情感网络密度在企业社交工作平台应用和在线工作意义之间起中介作用。研究结论对组织如何有效利用企业社交工作平台提高员工的在线工作意义提供了新的启发。  相似文献   

互联网2.0时代的到来,使社交网站企业快速兴起。社交网站企业较传统企业的差异性,给社交网站企业的估值定价带来了难题,传统的企业价值评估理论体系已经不再适用于社交网站企业,急需探讨适用于社交网站企业的新方法。本文在对前人研究成果进行概述与分析的基础上,尝试从一个新的角度思考并探讨社交网站企业的价值源泉。运用梅特卡夫法则,借鉴国泰君安证券研究部提供的网络企业定性估值公式,结合市场法,得到一种可以定量计算社交网络企业价值的新方法。以新浪微博作为实例,分别用传统的DCF模型和基于梅特卡夫法则的估值方法对其进行价值计算,最后将两个结果进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

近几年来,越来越多的企业开始使用社交网络,而且运用也越来越熟练.不少曾经忽视社交网络的企业都吃了大亏,比如被罗永浩穷追不合的西门子;而重视并且善于利用社交网络的企业则尝到了甜头,比如通过玩转微博实现品牌传播的杜蕾斯,利用微信实现自助服务的招商银行,通过豆瓣微博营销实现票房大卖的《失恋三十三天》. 但是总体而言,大部分企业对社交网络的应用还只是在市场营销和客户服务领域——与客户的交流上.其实,社交网络的能量超乎我们的想象,它对于企业来讲,绝不仅仅只是一个CRM的工具.我们不妨将企业所处的生态环境简单分为:一上一下,一左一右.  相似文献   

鲁虹  高从洲 《企业经济》2012,(1):124-127
网络营销是经济型酒店拓展企业销售渠道最关键、最敏感的一环。随着消费者网络购物意识增强,酒店网络营销借鉴新媒体手段,尤其是网络团购和SNS社交网站来拓宽企业销售渠道是必然趋势。通过对groupon模式团购销售及经济型酒店自身特点的SWOT分析,得出经济型酒店与网络团购平台进行合作的可能性,并提出基于groupon模式的经济型酒店网络营销的策略。  相似文献   

刘明 《人力资源》2024,(6):60-61
<正>随着现代网络技术的发展与应用的普及,企业获取人才的渠道从报纸广告扩展至网络社交媒体。这不仅反映了技术的进步,也体现了企业在招聘策略上的转变。网络社交媒体不仅改变了人们的沟通方式,更重塑了企业与潜在员工的互动模式,使其成为现代企业获取人才的重要方式之一。传统招聘存在效率低、耗时长的弊端,而网络社交媒体基于开放、互联的网络特性,模糊了企业和求职者之间的界限,为企业提供了展示企业文化的平台,并使招聘信息迅速传播,覆盖更广的候选人群。同时,网络社交媒体提高了招聘的“可见度”和效率,帮助企业快速找到符合其企业文化和岗位需求的候选人。然而,网络社交媒体这一招聘方式也为雇佣双方带来了新的挑战,如对有关信息真实性的保证、招聘管理人员的数字应用能力,以及如何在保护隐私的前提下进行有效沟通等。  相似文献   

<正>社交媒体是当今企业分享办公室动态的绝佳平台。合理地运营社交媒体,可以向公众及时有效宣扬企业使命担当、社会责任,展示企业文化、服务水平及企业产品的质量等有效信息,进一步提高企业品牌认知度及公众信任度。以下四家龙头企业,就在社交媒体对话中创造性地利用机会,不仅向公众展示了他们的企业文化,还致力于为员工和客户的生活带来实质性的改变。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of social dialogue for the European social model, there has been little attention to the factors that account for social partner engagement with European social dialogue. On the basis of data from 28 European sectoral social dialogue committees, this article investigates structural factors that account for the conclusion of European sectoral social dialogue agreements. It is found that actors' organisational density is a necessary but not sufficient factor for successful European social dialogue and four different categories of sectoral social partner engagement with European social dialogue are identified.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the characteristics and nature of the networks that firms utilize to access knowledge and facilitate innovation. The paper draws on the notion of network resources, distinguishing two types: social capital–consisting of the social relations and networks held by individuals; and network capital–consisting of the strategic and calculative relations and networks held by firms. The methodological approach consists of a quantitative analysis of data from a survey of firms operating in knowledge-intensive sectors of activity. The key findings include: social capital investment is more prevalent among firms frequently interacting with actors from within their own region; social capital investment is related to the size of firms; firm size plays a role in knowledge network patterns; and network dynamism is an important source of innovation. Overall, firms investing more in the development of their inter-firm and other external knowledge networks enjoy higher levels of innovation. It is suggested that an over-reliance on social capital forms of network resource investment may hinder the capability of firms to manage their knowledge networks. It is concluded that the link between a dynamic inter-firm network environment and innovation provides an alternative thesis to that advocating the advantage of network stability.  相似文献   

曾海亮 《价值工程》2010,29(23):48-49
通过移动通讯运营商的渠道的特点分析,对茂名地区移动通信运营商在渠道现状进行SWOT分析,提出茂名地区移动通讯运营商渠道管理的建议,即对自营渠道实施差异化战略、提高社会渠道忠诚度、打造自有骨干渠道网络。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a `postmodern’ alternative to business ethics in the light of two authors: Zygmunt Bauman and Michel Foucault. Despite their different usage of the concepts `ethics’ and `morality', both offer an approach to ethics that avoids the problems of a self-enclosed subject inherent in liberal as well as in communal theories. Bauman and Foucault demonstrate how the continuation of social dialogue suffers from the postulation of fixed individual and organizational identities. Managers and other participants cannot formulate ethical rules on their own, but neither can they come together as a community without tensions and difference. Instead, embodied engagement in the reciprocal play of interpretations and influences keeps us ethically attuned to the limits of reason.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of work teams in organizations, how newcomers become integrated into teams remains an understudied area. Drawing on research related to indirect social resources, in this paper we employ a social network perspective to examine how close teammates' friendship centrality can facilitate newcomers' adjustment by fostering the newcomers' own social capital in teams and promoting their subsequent task performance. Furthermore, our model incorporates institutionalized socialization tactics and political skill as two contingencies that can further strengthen the positive effects of indirect social resources on newcomers' adjustment. In a time-lagged study using multiple sources of data, we found good support for our hypotheses. Specifically, close teammates' friendship centrality was positively related to newcomers' task performance through the mediating effect of newcomers' own friendship centrality in teams. The two moderators further strengthened this indirect effect. Overall, this study highlights the importance of “making the right friends” to facilitate newcomer adjustment into teams.  相似文献   

We study a dynamic model of opinion formation in social networks. In our model, boundedly rational agents update opinions by averaging over their neighbors’ expressed opinions, but may misrepresent their own opinion by conforming or counter-conforming with their neighbors. We show that an agent׳s social influence on the long-run group opinion is increasing in network centrality and decreasing in conformity. Concerning efficiency of information aggregation or “wisdom” of the society, it turns out that misrepresentation of opinions need not undermine wisdom, but may even enhance it. Given the network, we provide the optimal distribution of conformity levels in the society and show which agents should be more conforming in order to increase wisdom.  相似文献   

为了满足社会供电需求,电力企业开始对电力网络投入成本建设,以此来缓解用电压力。电力网络构建之后,企业面临的则是潜在的信息安全问题,这是计算机网络自身缺陷造成的不稳定因素,对网络信息系统的正常运行造成了潜在隐患。针对这一点,文章分析了电力网络信息系统诸多安全隐患,并提出了电力网络信息安全防范的先进技术、管理策略,旨在营造和谐的网络环境。  相似文献   

Traditional trade unions throughout the postsocialist world embraced ‘social partnership’ as a means to secure their institutional survival in a radically changed economic and political environment. The commitment of national governments to social partnership ebbed and flowed through the 1990s, but it was confirmed, at least rhetorically, in Central and Eastern Europe by the prospect and requirements of accession to the European Union. This article explores the fate of social partnership in the ‘other half’ of Europe, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where social dialogue has largely been abandoned and trade unions alternatively marginalised or subordinated to the state apparatus.  相似文献   

This article examines whether the European Union membership process is transforming the ‘deep structure’ of Turkish industrial relations. We make an attempt to illustrate this through the prism of Turkish experience in social dialogue regarded as an indispensable tool of the European social model. Turkish industrial relations is characterised by restrictive labour laws, employer hostility to unionisation, a large informal economy and labour market, and strong state intervention, which have historically constituted the main elements of ‘the deep structure’ of Turkish industrial relations. In procedural terms, the institutions for social dialogue have been established but the influence of the social partners is limited because of the dominance of the state and the weakness of labour. The existing attempts at developing social dialogue rest on shaky foundations emanating mostly from the state's and employers' disrespect of basic labour rights.  相似文献   

Conclusion Few of the techniques of planning we have now been considering were available to the Soviet economist during the period of intensive industrialisation; those which were available were worked out only in elementary form. In any case, the gap between the goals of the politicians and the assumptions of the economists was so great that little dialogue was possible. The politicians, and the politically-minded economists, undertook the elaboration of their own system of planning and their own ruleof-thumb methods of quantifying their goals to make them operational. In doing this, they acquired a rich fund of valuable experience about the problems of development through central planning; the lessons from this experience, both successful and unsuccessful, could save resources in other economies where central planning is being used for development. Unfortunately, it is information about formal mechanisms for planning and financial control which has until now tended to be communicated from the Eastern bloc to the developing countries, rather than a realistic account of problems and achievements. For the developing countries, the further question exists: now that the new techniques for planning are available, can they be coupled with planning for a high rate of growth in conditions of rapid social change? If so, some of the successes of Soviet-type central planning may be achieved at less cost.For previous articles in this series, see Economics of Planning, Vol. 5, 1965, No. 1–2, pp. 74–86, Vol. 6, 1966, No. 1, pp. 53–67.  相似文献   

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