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如何将我国众多的卷烟品牌整合,打造成为可以与国际品牌竞争的优势大品牌.应对《烟草控制框架公约》在我国生效后的生存环境.营造烟草发展与烟草限制的和谐氛围.国家烟草专卖局提出“大品牌、大企业、大市场”战略。姜成康局长在2004年全国烟草工作会议上指出:争取通过3年左右或更长段时间来完成企业组织结构调整任务.把卷烟工业企业调整到30——50家,品牌整合到100个左右.培育出几个百万箱生产规模的企业.几个几百万箱的名优品牌。为此.确定了烟草行业近几年的主要工作任务是:“深化改革、推动重组、走向联合、共同发展。”今年初.姜局长强调说“品牌是竞争力的集中体现.培育一大批大品牌对提高行业总体竞争实力具有十分重要的作用。”  相似文献   

舒咏平  陶薇 《中国广告》2008,(7):133-135
我国最晚应在2009年1月前,执行《烟草控制框架公约》。卷烟品牌传播如何采取应对措施,已经迫在眉睫。本文在分析了烟草行业的特点以及中国烟草企业的广告传播后,给出了5条品牌传播策略的建议。  相似文献   

2003年5月21日,192个世界卫生组织成员国在瑞士日内瓦举行的56届世界卫生大会上表决,一致通过了《Frameork Convention on tobacco Control(FCTC)》。这是WHO第一份全球性公约。目的是对全球的烟草和烟草制品实行限制。我国政府已于2003年11月10日正式签署了《FCTC》,按照程序,预计FCTC在今年内生效,这将对我国烟草行业的发展与卷烟市场的走向产生极为重要的影响,应该引起高度重视,审时度势,积极应对。  相似文献   

惠萍 《广告大观》2010,(2):35-39
烟草是人类社会最矛盾也最特殊的商品,烟草产品的特殊性决定了烟草广告的两难性。随着《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的签署和实施,我国一向受到严格限制的烟草广告面临的将是更加起伏不定的无路之旅。受各方利润的驱使,烟草广告定会寻求突围的方向。新的方向只有下沉到终端网络宣传上。在各种终端传播中,通过烟草产品本身实体传播来实现消费者对香烟不同层次的心理需求是未来烟草广告的唯一直捷出路。  相似文献   

李娟 《糖烟酒周刊》2005,(11):B004-B004
2月26~27日,杭州烟草公司召开全市“以客户订单组织货源”培训会,明确了以客户订单组织货源试点工作的业务流程和操作标准,这标志着以客户订单组织货源试点工作全面拉开帷幕。  相似文献   

伴随中国烟草产业市场化的深入,这个年利税超过2000亿元的大产业逐渐展现在人们面前。在中华、红塔山、白沙等一批明星品牌熠熠生辉的背后,书写着卷烟产业大市场、大企业、大品牌的传奇。2005年2月,全球第一个控制烟草公约《烟草控制框架公约》生效,对市场的控制力逐渐成为烟草企业竞争的中心。本文从市场控制力的角度入手,通过关注帝豪品牌10年历练与发展,展现中国大型企业的宏大道路。  相似文献   

美国百胜全球餐饮公司是全球财富500强企业之一,以美国肯德基州的路易斯怀尔为基地在世界各地经营着5个餐饮服务品牌:“肯德基”炸鸡、“塔科-贝尔”、“必胜客”、“艾德熊”和“银质约翰”,它是世界上第二大特许连锁快餐馆集团,旗下拥有的餐馆遍及世界100多个国家和地区,数量超过3万家,其中约2/3分布在美国以外,其每个品牌业务在它们各自的餐馆部类中都是全球领导者。2001年整个集团系统全球销售收入超过220亿美元,净赢利4.9亿多美元。百胜餐饮的经营结构百胜餐饮下属的每一个运营分部从事由传统与非传统的快餐馆经营单位所组成的系统的运…  相似文献   

The growth of the Internet has led to massive availability of online consumer reviews. So far, papers studying online reviews have mainly analysed how non-textual features, such as ratings and volume, influence different types of consumer behavior, such as information adoption decisions or product choices. However, little attention has been paid to examining the textual aspects of online reviews in order to study brand image and brand positioning. The text analysis of online reviews inevitably raises the concept of “text mining”; that is, the process of extracting useful and meaningful information from unstructured text. This research proposes an unified, structured and easy-to-implement procedure for the text analysis of online reviews with the ultimate goal of studying brand image and brand positioning. The text mining analysis is based on a lexicon-based approach, the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Pennebaker et al., 2007), which provides the researcher with insights into emotional and psychological brand associations.  相似文献   

This study explores how brand credibility and brand prestige affect brand purchase intention and empirically investigates how the combinatory mechanism of brand credibility and brand prestige materialize across multiple product categories. The proposed model of six latent constructs is tested with structural equation modeling analysis: brand credibility, brand prestige, perceived quality, information costs saved, perceived risk, and brand purchase intention. The results suggest that both brand credibility and brand prestige positively influence brand purchase intention through perceived quality, information costs saved, and perceived risk under different product categories representing the high and low self‐expressive nature. Several implications for advertising messages and brand positioning strategies are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

3月10日至11日,“华菱汽车2006年度供应商大会”在安徽马鞍山隆重召开。这是华菱重卡供应商的第一次大聚会,有东风康明斯发动机、潍柴动力、一汽车桥、南通大地电气、许昌远东传动轴等国内知名配套企业在内的400多位代表参加了此次大会。  相似文献   

This research uses a social identity theory approach to investigate the impact of cultural identity on ethnic consumer response to ethnic crossover brand extensions—brands associated with one ethnic group that crossover into a product category associated with another ethnic group (e.g., McDonald's Café con leche). Study 1 demonstrates that the manner in which crossover brand extensions blend ethnic consumers' in-group and out-group cultural representations impact brand extension cultural fit and parent brand attitudes, and perceived ethnic target market impacts brand extension attitudes. Study 2 demonstrates that high ethnic embeddedness extensions strengthen ethnic consumers' self-brand connections. These findings provide managerial implications for practitioners considering a crossover brand extension strategy.  相似文献   

Brand alliances, which involve intentionally presenting two or more brands together, appear in many different forms. For example, Subway stores placed within Wal-Mart, Airbus A380 airplanes with Rolls-Royce Trent engines, and Nike + iPod co-developed personal trainers are among the more well-known manifestations of this strategy. Our study contributes to the literature on brand alliances by conceptualizing and measuring a typology of brand alliance types based on their degree of integration. We also empirically test and find that consumers are sensitive to varying degrees of brand alliance integration. We then link these findings to the managerial decision of how and with whom a brand should form an alliance. We use extensive examples, conversations with managers, and survey-based experiments to show that brand alliance integration is relevant and impactful to both managers and consumers.  相似文献   

伴随居民消费结构升级,我国消费金融发展迅速,逐步产生了信用卡、个人住房贷款、个人汽车消费贷款、助学贷款、个人大额耐用消费品贷款及旅游贷款等消费金融业务。为促进我国经济可持续增长,应从完善社会保障体系、健全消费金融法律法规、建立和完备个人信用体系、成立消费金融担保机构等方面做出进一步改革,以充分挖掘我国消费金融发展空间。  相似文献   

在当前国际竞争日趋激烈的形势下,企业都在努力采取措施促进出口,而名牌战略则是我国企业参与国际市场竞争的商战利器,发展对外贸易的关键.笔者结合实际分析企业出口名牌发展对外贸易和经济管理存在的问题,提出了企业在外贸易中实施名牌战略应采取的措施  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of perceived quality, perceived fit and perceived difficulty, and interaction between perceived quality and fit on consumer evaluations of brand extension. We used multi‐item scales to measure these constructs. Data were analysed via structural equation models. Results show that both perceived quality and perceived fit have direct positive effects on consumer evaluation of extensions. We find support for the chance of transferring the positive values of a brand to an extension is greater when consumers see the extension as a good fit with the original brand and the original brand is considered as of high quality.  相似文献   

This study used two comparison studies to examine the potential brand perception of localized and foreign restaurants to predict consumer behavior. A total of 680 participants (e.g., 318 foreign restaurant customers and 362 localized restaurant customers) were included to discover and confirm the causal relationships among the quality of food and meals, environmental evaluation, willingness to pay more, and recommendations. Our study of foreign restaurant brands (Study 1) found that food and meals may indirectly affect the willingness to pay more and recommendations through providing a friendly environment. The destination's moderating role is also confirmed. Additionally, our study of localized restaurant customers (Study 2) identified the mediating roles of risk evaluation and willingness to pay more, which link the relationship between food and meals and recommendation behavior. Furthermore, destination trust was found to strengthen the relationship between risk evaluation and willingness to pay more.  相似文献   

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