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独特另类的黑黑猪、可爱优雅的韩国马布家族、乖巧有趣的嘟咪狗系列……这些清新别致的动漫品牌主角,相信热爱卡通化生活的年轻网虫们早已不陌生。如今,卡通动漫已不再局限于图书期刊、影视音像等传统载体,而是走时代大潮之先,频频占领互联网与无线增值等新媒体空间。这些充满人间灵动,集聚生活感觉的卡通品牌系列,通过创意不断的Flash主题动画,逗人欢笑,发人思索;年轻人用MSN、QQ聊天时,它们嬉笑怒骂的表情就自然地跳跃其间。而更多需要网络营销市场的商家也敏锐地嗅到了这些品牌卡通形象的意见领袖魅力,逐步开发合作网络商业广告。  相似文献   

为培育、宣传和推广中国品牌,提高消费者对中国品牌的信任度,增强中国品牌“入世”后的市场竞争力,国家经贸委、人民日报社决定联合组织开展崛起的中国品牌系列活动。系列活动包括:崛起的中国品牌研讨会、崛起的中国品牌电视片摄制、中国品牌巡访、中国品牌展示、中国品牌海外推广。发布中国品牌北京宣言等为组织好这次活动,国家经贸委、人民日报社共同成立崛起的中国品牌系列活动组织委员会。系列活动组委会办公室设在人民日报社。根据计划,拟定于2000年4月27、28日在北京召开崛起的中国品牌研讨会。研讨会将请政府有关部门…  相似文献   

冯信群  王巍 《中国纺织》2006,(4):152-154
追求品牌、崇尚奢侈、关注时尚,不仅仅是个时髦话题,而且已成为高尚生活的元素。这些高档品牌以其特有的专卖店形式,形成特有的文化内涵与形象符号,人们在专卖店独特的氛围中,感悟到这些奢侈品牌的文化内涵和价值含义,从而确立生活的时尚概念,促进消费行为。品牌理论、奢侈概念、时尚潮流不仅与专卖店的展示设计有着密切的关系,同时也是专卖店展示设计表象的思想来源。[编者按]  相似文献   

TOM TAILOR牛仔品牌灵感来源于世界时装之都的最新时尚潮流,男女产品系列为年轻人提供新颖款式、方便清洗的服装。如果说休闲产品系列突显年轻客户的独立性,牛仔系列则允许他们表达一种独立、真实的生活方式。在CHIC2013的展会上,TOM TAILOR将德式休闲、牛仔青春时尚带给中国观众。TOM TAILOR休闲品牌包含男士休闲、女士休闲、儿童、婴儿产品线。年轻时装系列  相似文献   

俞玮  李洛  齐跃进 《轴承工业》2005,(11):24-26
母子品牌战略是厂家品牌和家族品牌的整合战略,就是母公司拥有一个厂家品牌(如通用汽车GM),其子公司(如欧宝Opel)或产品系列(如豪华车系列凯迪拉克)又有各自的子品牌,两者相辅相成,互相呼应。一般母品牌表示厂家的实力和历史,子品牌则表示产品的性能特质、适用场合以及文化内涵。  相似文献   

2007年6月22日,由中国世界贸易组织研究会、中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究中心、中国社会科学院可持续发展研究中心.香港理工大学亚洲品牌管理中心等机构联合举办了“全球品牌论坛2007年会”,推出了“中国生活方式最佳品牌”。之前,主办单位成立了《全球化时代中国城市居民生活方式与品牌研究》课题组,针对活跃在中国市场的全球品牌和本土品牌进行调查研究,首次从品牌影响大众生活、品牌创造全新体验的角度进行评选,那些与日常生活息息相关、正在改变大众的生活方式、提供全新的生活体验的品牌是“中国生活方式最佳品牌”奖项的首选。[编者按]  相似文献   

在雪铁龙与东风雪铁龙展台,东风雪铁龙以“品牌20年创享车生活”为主题,分设五大展区,其中品牌20周年活动专区,集中展示东风雪铁龙20年辉煌历程;环保科技区,集中展示代表雪铁龙前沿轿车技术及环保设计理念的ECODrive模拟器、EP61.6T发动机等;运动活力区,集中展示代表C4系列活力运动风格的新C4及家族系列车型(C-Quatre/C4picasso/C4Aircross):高端产品区,集中展示C5车系及现场魔术表演展现动态舒适,以及各高端概念车所承载的尖端科技:明星车型展区,集中展示新世嘉VTS科技创新的无限魅力。  相似文献   

近日,时尚户外品牌弗邦行(FORESUN)发布了2012/2013秋冬新品,共分为2个系列:风格形象系列和生活休闲系列。风格形象系列的主题为父辈的旗帜,展示了一系列军装风  相似文献   

2010年12月20日,当代豪华车品牌英菲尼迪携旗下灵感奢华座驾英菲尼迪M系列、奢华全尺寸SUVQX56、跑车型SUVFX系列、运动型豪华座驾G系列以及跑车型CrossoverEX系列等全系明星车型璀璨登临第八届中国(广州)国际汽车展览会。  相似文献   

在北京、上海、广州等大都市生活的人们,可以轻易发现你家的楼下、小区内有一些户外的健身器材——漫步机、太极揉推器、蹬力器、扭腰器等等,这些器材统称“健身路径”,同时在许多专业健身俱乐部、健身会所以及单位健身房,细心的人们会注意到,这些器材有一个共同品牌——“澳瑞特”。  相似文献   

This article addresses current environmental issues by taking a network perspective to examine the initiatives to solve them. Previous investigations of network dynamics and mobilization concern the business context, but we broaden the analysis to the societal networks wherein business is embedded. Our aim is to investigate the early emergence of collective action around a common issue. We analyze the network mobilizers, who promote the issue and its solutions, and the mobilization mechanisms that they employ. We have conducted a case study that examines three initiatives to save the Baltic Sea, all involving business, governmental, and civil society actors. This rich case material leads us to formulate a conceptual model of value-based network mobilization. The mobilizing actors, values, and relationship sediments emerge as important factors in creating issue networks. Our key contribution is to show how the environmental issues bring new types of actors to networks and change the rules of the game. We propose that ‘modern environmental networkers’ should become more important in the future, and that business firms need to develop their skills in playing the new games with these new actors.  相似文献   

The issue of how different actors in a network understand changes to their industry remains an under-researched but crucially important area. According to the industrial network approach, companies interact according to their perceptions of the relevant network environment and their subjective sensemaking of the network logic and exchange mechanisms relating to the activities, resources, and actor bonds. Using a case study of the Norwegian/Japanese seafood distribution system, we propose a methodology that allows us to better understand these perceptions. We develop an analytical method based on ‘dottograms’ which facilitates a more detailed understanding of change within networks. In particular, we show how the dimensions of time (past, present and future changes) and space (change at actor, dyad or network level) can be better understood, and also how the method facilitates our understanding by ascribing reasons for the change. As such, we provide a methodological contribution to research on business networks and change.  相似文献   

While previous research has found project buying to be distinct from other buying situations, in that it typically involves a multi-organizational network, to date there has been very little empirical research on this phenomenon. Our aim in this paper is therefore to investigate the structure and decision-making processes of the project buying network during the project cycle and its interactions with project sellers. We first develop a preliminary conceptual framework for analyzing the project buying network, which is then applied to a comparative case study of three development projects. The findings from the case study allow us to propose a revised conceptual framework for analyzing the dynamics of the project buying network during the project cycle, as well as interaction with sellers. Our findings also contribute an understanding of development projects, in particular the role of financiers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of university science parks in fostering interorganizational technology transfers and technological development. We first try to contrast the development of science parks with the theoretical and empirical findings from scholarly work in the area of the management of technology. This theoretical context allows us to interpret and to discuss empirical data collected from Belgian and Dutch science park firms. The data collection mainly focused on the interactions of park-based firms with their external R&D environment. This analysis leads to two important findings: (1) the level of R&D activity at the tenants is rather moderate for most of the parks studied, and (2) the tension between 'regionalism' and 'internationalism' in contemporary R&D management.
In the wake of this second finding, arguments are presented to complement and even to change the focus from the 'miniature' R&D network which might develop on university science parks toward the 'R&D community' network holding together researchers working on a particular, interrelated set of scientific and technological problems wherever they may be located around the globe. Moreover, it is argued that a unified theory on the emergence and the development of new technologies is badly needed. Only if the dynamics underlying the development of a new technology are unravelled and better understood can technology policies, such as the ones involving the creation of science parks, be targeted more effectively.  相似文献   

The research purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse how three basic types of logistics firms differ in terms of their core capabilities and network development as well as the effects of the difference. Based on the resource-based view and the industrial network approach, a conceptual framework is developed to differentiate logistics firms. Two case studies of logistics firms are used as examples to demonstrate how the framework can be used. Logistics firms have clear differences in capabilities and network focus. These firms follow different dominating logics of value creation that make them develop in different ways and think totally differently. This research enhances our understanding of the different logics of logistics firms and their interdependence. They are complementary and interacting in the logistics service supply chain. Moving between the basic types of logistics firms means changing the capabilities and network focus, which is costly and difficult. The conceptual framework can be used as a tool to comprehend multiple types of logistics firms. It also helps us to analyze related strategic moves.  相似文献   

Few researchers have examined empirically the dynamics of human–non-human networking and its importance for strategic outcomes, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship. In this paper, we use Actor-Network Theory to observe and investigate the role of materially heterogeneous entities in the entrepreneurial network. Building on the results of a four-year, multi-case study, this paper describes how an entrepreneurial network, beyond its social nature, is also a socio-material constellation. The symmetric treatment of human and non-human actors enables us to move away from the figure of the heroic entrepreneur. Our findings reveal various roles that the heterogeneity of actor-networks can play in the entrepreneurial process. We see on the one hand their power to attract and recruit new allies when they are aligned with the entrepreneur's vision, and on the other their ability to repel and block the new venture creation process when they fail to effectively translate what the entrepreneur has in mind.  相似文献   

Research on inter-organisational networks reflects their acknowledged and growing importance. Strategy research, however, is only beginning to investigate the nature of networks and how network participation can affect organisational performance. Networks embody a relational view of the organisation and their study draws attention to the mechanisms by which relationships are secured and managed. Board of directors interlocks are a principal traditional indicator of network ties, yet little has been written on the role of interlocks in different types of networks and their potential effects on performance. We develop a typology of inter-organisational networks based on the key dimensions of organisational interdependence and network durability; a micro-typology of embedded networks in East Asia based on formalisation of ties and networking scope; suggest that key aspects of directors' roles differ based on the type of network in which they are engaged; and develop specific propositions for further investigation.  相似文献   

Developing a Network R&D Strategy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
If you visualize your firm as a unit in a vast and complex network of contacts, it may change the way you manage your technological resources. That's the proposition of Håkan Håkansson and Jens Laage-Hellman. They present here a framework for examining the technological and knowledge bonds that develop among members of the network and suggest several alternatives for structuring network relationships. The key issue, they believe, is to choose a cooperation strategy that provides the right balance between efficient use of resources and the control of technology.  相似文献   

While strategy scholars primarily focus on internal firm capabilities and network scholars typically examine network structure, we posit that firms with superior network structures may be better able to exploit their internal capabilities and thus enhance their performance. We examine how innovative capabilities—both those of focal firms and those they access through their networks—influence the performance of Canadian mutual fund companies. We find that a firm's innovative capabilities and its network structure both enhance firm performance, while the innovativeness of its contacts does not do so directly. Innovative firms that also bridge structural holes get a further performance boost, suggesting that firms need to develop network‐enabled capabilities—capabilities accruing to innovative firms that bridge structural holes. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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