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外来入侵物种是森林生态系统健康最大的生物威胁,通过生物入侵对森林生态服务功能经济损失评价研究,可以提高林业工作者对外来入侵物种危害程度的认识,为制定生物入侵防治的政策和制度提供科学依据。目前国内外的相关研究,在基础理论、研究方法、技术路线、计算结果敏感度分析等方面均存在缺陷和不足,严重制约了这一研究的深入开展。而资源经济学、生态经济学、灾害经济学等学科的理论研究成果,生物入侵WEB数据库的大量涌现,粗糙集、杂合粗糙集数据挖掘方法的日益成熟,3S技术在生态服务功能评价中的广泛应用,为生物入侵对森林生态服务功能经济损失评价研究提供了新的理论、方法和技术手段。从这个角度出发,本文对未来的经济损失评价研究进行了展望,探讨了经济损失评价研究的重点和需要解决的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

随着国际、国内贸易的日益频繁,外来有害生物入侵所带来的巨大经济损失以及对生态系统稳定性和物种生存自然平衡所造成的破坏和威胁,成为21世纪最棘手的问题之一。农技推广服务是减轻生物入侵损失的重要环节,而要减轻或消除生物入侵危害,应从建立早期预警和风险评价机制、加强对异地引种的管理、完善法律法规、开展国际合作、培养公众生物安全意识等方面强化生物入侵管理。  相似文献   

防治外来生物入侵的法律对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外来入侵物种是指从自然分布区通过有意或无意的人为活动而被引入,在当地的自然或半自然生态系统中形成了自我再生能力、给当地的生态系统或景观造成明显的影响的物种。外来入侵物种在当地定植、①扩展并产生一定影响的过程称为生物入侵。它们对入侵地的生态安全、经济发展以及人类健康造成了巨大的生态灾难和经济损失,因此,引起了人们广泛的关注。然而,由于缺乏对入侵生物的综合性认识,对于控制入侵生物措施的研究也才刚刚起步,还没有系统的控制外来入侵生物的有关程序与法规。为了保护中国的生物多样性,维护生态安全,亟须加快中国在这一领域的立法步伐。  相似文献   

正外来生物的入侵,在严重干扰生态系统的同时,还给我国带来了年均超过570亿元的经济损失。农业部发布的最新消息称,我国入侵物种达到529种。其中大面积发生、危害严重的达100多种,对我国生物多样性以及农牧业生产等构成了巨大威胁。据介绍,从20世纪80年代以来,外来物种在我国呈现出更快的增长趋势,近10年新增入侵物种近50种,20余种危险性入侵物种接连在我国大面积爆发成灾。外来生物入侵范围也相当广泛,涉及农田、湿地、森林、河流、岛屿、城镇居民区等几乎所有生态系统。入夏以来,过度繁殖的水葫芦在全国多地爆发,伴随其中的是阻断航道、影响航运、造成水质污染,水葫芦会吸收水中的  相似文献   

人类历史上外来物种的地理引入对区系经济发展有过积极的作用,由于物种地理引入过程中的“入侵”机制,使得引入种不但不能增加原生地生物区系的物种种类,反而减少了它的生物多样性,加速了原生生物区系的物种灭绝速度,引发水土流失,恶化人类生存环境,增大难以逆转的经济损失隐患,进而制约区域经济的可持续发展,对区域经济可持续发展可能会造成严重的潜在危害。为了维护区域经济的可持续发展,必须谨防物种地理入侵。  相似文献   

自建国伊始,数不清的外来物种就被有意或无意地引入美国,其中有些成为入侵种,对环境、经济和公众健康等构成严重威胁。美国很早就开始采用法律手段对其加以管制,经过100多年的发展,其应对生物入侵的立法体系渐趋完善并成为许多国家效仿的榜样。我国同样深受生物入侵的危害,但在应对生物入侵的相关立法方面还存在一系列重大缺陷。考察美国生物入侵立法的历史并从中获得有益启示,对完善我国的生物入侵立法体系具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

人类历史上外来物种的地理引入对区系经济发展有过积极的作用,由于物种地理引入过程中的"入侵"机制,使得引入种不但不能增加原生地生物区系的物种种类,反而减少了它的生物多样性,加速了原生生物区系的物种灭绝速度,引发水土流失, 恶化人类生存环境,增大难以逆转的经济损失隐患,进而制约区域经济的可持续发展,对区域经济可持续发展可能会造成严重的潜在危害.为了维护区域经济的可持续发展,必须谨防物种地理入侵.  相似文献   

海洋是生物资源的宝库,同时也是最容易遭受外来物种入侵、定居、扩散和蔓延的区域。我国在防范外来生物入侵方面还存在一些薄弱环节,使得我国海域外来物种入侵现象日趋增多,带来的威胁也越来越严重。我国现有法律法规中对外来水生物种的管理仅有原则性规定,不足以形成有力防范屏障,因此需要从政策法规、管理、科技等方面对外来海洋生物入侵加以控制,同时提高公众对生物多样性保护的认识,从而切实保护海洋生物多样性、维护海洋生态环境平衡。  相似文献   

极端天气事件导致基础设施破坏间接经济损失评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
极端天气事件造成的经济损失包括直接经济损失和间接经济损失.间接经济损失是衡量现代经济系统脆弱性的重要指标,也是灾后恢复重建的重要参考依据,加强间接经济损失评估具有十分重要的意义.以2008年中国南方低温雨雪冰冻灾害为例,应用非正常投入产出模型对灾害过程中电力和交通基础设施破坏造成的间接经济损失进行了评估.结果显示,电力、交通等基础设施破坏对经济系统其他产业生产造成严重影响,影响依据相互关联程度不同而存在差别,造成总的间接经济损失超过100多亿元.因此,极端天气事件风险分析和应急管理应该把间接经济损失评估纳入其中.非正常投入产出模型为经济系统脆弱性分析以及间接经济损失的估算提供了有力的工具.  相似文献   

巢湖流域水土流失的环境经济损失研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先对水土流失经济损失的国内外研究现状进行了总结概述。在此基础上,以巢湖流域为例,针对流域特点及水土流失状况,确定水土流失造成的养分损失、泥沙淤积损失、水分损失及耕地损失四项实物型损失量作为衡量水土流失环境经济损失的指标,选用替代花费法、恢复费用法及影子工程法等对水土流失的经济损失进行了评估和货币化计量。  相似文献   

Most evaluations of the economic impacts of invasive species are done post facto and concentrate on direct production loss caused. However, the effects of invasive species on non-market services such as biodiversity and landscapes can be considerable. A proactive approach of assessing the expected economic impact of invasive species prior to their occurrence may contribute to greater efficiency of policy makers. Here we used a stated preference method for a priori evaluating the willingness of the population to pay for different control programs of a new invasive bee species in Israel, the dwarf honey bee, Apis florea. We evaluated possible economic impacts of A. florea using two model plant species expected to be adversely affected by its invasion due to decreased pollination. The plants have no market value but they add aesthetic value to the open landscape. Using a mixed logit model we found that the mean willingness to pay (WTP) differed between the model plants, and increased with the extent of plant loss. Respondents differentiated between levels of damage to the plants and between control methods in their preferences for a specific program. Our results provide means for informed proactive decision making in preventing the continued invasion of the bee.  相似文献   

Land use change and land management intensification are major drivers of biodiversity loss, especially in agricultural landscapes, that cover a large and increasing share of the world's surface. Incentive-based agri-environmental policies are designed to influence farmers' land-use decisions in order to mitigate environmental degradation. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes for biological conservation in a dynamic agricultural landscape under economic uncertainty. We develop a dynamic ecological economic model of agricultural land-use and spatially explicit population dynamics. We then relate policies (subsidies to grassland, taxation of agricultural intensity) to the ecological outcome (probability of persistence of a species of interest). We also analyze the associated trade-offs between agricultural production (in value) and biological conservation (in probability of persistence) at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(2):187-199
Invasions of ecosystems by exotic species have been the focus of a growing body of research in applied biology and ecology, but relatively little attention has been paid to their economic consequences. Even where economic estimates have been made these often make ad hoc assumptions about the biological relationships of interest and lack grounding in economic theory. This paper develops an integrated ecological-economic approach to assess the economic consequences of invasion for a commercially harvested endemic species whose population dynamics are altered by the invader. As a case study, the Black Sea anchovy fishery represents an interesting example of such a situation. In the early 1980s, the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi invaded the Black Sea, eventually becoming established and experiencing a population explosion with dire consequences for the commercial anchovy fishery. In modeling the population dynamics of the Black Sea anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), the influence of Mnemiopsis is incorporated as a structural change in the anchovy stock-recruitment relationship. Then the economic loss associated with this structural change is assessed, using a discrete, dynamic bioeconomic model. It is shown that Mnemiopsis had a dramatic effect on the potential sustainable harvest from an optimally managed anchovy fishery but these losses were at least an order of magnitude lower than estimates cited elsewhere.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(3):397-416
A model of a plant community that is biologically reasonable and easily adaptable to economic models is presented. The model includes optimization, competition, stochastic limiting resources, and identification of redundant and invasive species. Species exhibit a rich array of traits that make them suited for some set of environmental factors and not for other sets. And because environmental factors are constantly changing, species that are very successful under one set of factors become redundant under another set, implying that an ecosystem needs redundant species as insurance. Invasive species are the flip side of redundant species as they are successful, at least under some environmental conditions. Identification depends on four physiological parameters defining each plant: two respiration parameters, a parameter that gives the plant's ideal level of the stochastic limiting resource, and the specific leaf area. The parameters are terms in an expression that gives the net energy intake of an individual plant, and the plant behaves as if it optimizes this by choosing its individual biomass. Success of species is judged based on the biomass of the species in steady state. An application extends the range management literature by incorporating the model into a rangeland manager's decision problem extends the range management literature. The model allows for multiple plant species, addresses the influence of limiting resources (other than density dependence), and tracks the response of the entire system to human and natural system perturbations. The methods allow simple predictions of community composition in the face of jointly determined economic/ecological behavior. The power of the method is demonstrated through stylized examples of alternative invasion control techniques.  相似文献   

Systems of numerical representation and computation are crucial for the operation of modern market economies. Surprisingly, however, numerical institutions and people’s numerical abilities are usually taken as given in economic analysis. To develop a richer vision of economic agents, this article investigates the interplay of biological and economic factors in the development of systematic numerical cognition and economic calculation in human societies. In investigating the economic basis of numeracy, we emphasize that it is the relevance of economic objects to need satisfaction and their scarcity that initially makes people seek to quantify goods and to develop numerical tools. As for biological aspects, we identify the pre-numerical (iconic) quantitative capacities that we share with other species as part of our biological endowment. We then investigate the fully-fledged symbolic systems of numerical representation that are unique to humans. We examine the scope for economic exchange in societies in which agents are endowed with natural iconic means for representing set sizes but lack a conventionalized number system. We also investigate the minimal set of quantitative representations that people need to have in order to engage in monetary exchange and precise economic calculation.   相似文献   

We combine a new economic geography model of agglomeration and dispersion of economic activity with an ecological–economic model of species diversity to examine optimal policies of biodiversity conservation in a two-region world. Species diversity is inevitably impaired by anthropogenic impact. Thus, the economic and ecological systems compete for space and the question arises as to how this conflict should be resolved. The decisive parameters of the model are related to biological diversity (endemism vs. redundancy of species) and the patterns of economic geography (centrifugal vs. centripetal forces). As regards the choice of environmental-policy instruments, it is shown that Pigouvian taxes do not always establish the optimal allocation.  相似文献   

基于繁殖竞争视角,利用1996-2014年《中国统计年鉴》和2011年《中国家庭金融调查》数据,从宏观和微观层面实证考察男女性别比例失衡与创业决策的关系,并在此基础上,着重研究男女性别比例失衡对四类不同人群创业决策的影响。研究结果表明,男女性别比例失衡与创业决策显著正相关,但它仅与未婚男性人群创业决策显著正相关,而与未婚女性/已婚男性/已婚女性人群创业决策均不相关。结果为人类经济行为和结果提供新见解,证明了某些生物属性可能会对人类经济行为(如创业)产生影响。但是,为解决就业问题和实现经济增长目的,政府不应有意操纵男女性别比例失衡以促使人们选择创业,而应为未婚男性人群制定个性化创业扶植政策等。  相似文献   

A two-species bioeconomic model is analyzed, but in contrast to most similar models, there is no biological interaction between the species, only economic. The interaction takes place in the market where the quantity of either species may affect the price of the other. The effects of cross-price elasticities on the optimal steady state and on the optimal paths in the sole-owner case are investigated both analytically (steady states) and numerically (optimal paths). First, it is shown that if the harvest of one species has impact on the price of another species, then this has a positive effect on its steady-state stock. The effect increases with the stock-elasticity in the cost function. Further, in the case of linear demand functions, the steady state outcome depends solely on the sum of the cross-price parameters and not their individual values. Secondly, in the investigation of optimal paths, it is shown that if the harvest of one species has impact on the price of the other, optimal trajectories reach steady state faster for itself and slower for the other species. Further, when cross-price elasticities are sufficiently high, the paths go from being monotonic to feature over- or undershooting.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(3):367-381
Invasive species can pose significant risks to society. Managing invasive risks cost-effectively would likely benefit from an integrated bioeconomic framework that accounts for the feedback links between the biological and economic systems. Modeling these feedbacks can be challenging relative to the standard “damage function” approach in which the parameters from one system are added to a model of the other, without any feedback. Given time constraints, the open question is whether the effort to capture feedback links is worthwhile and provides more useful information than not integrating. Herein, we use as our foil the case of zebra mussels in a Midwestern Lake. We consider responses from the removal of two forms of feedback: the loop between the firm and the biological system, and a loop between the manager and a firm. Our results suggest accounting for feedbacks can matter—but not in every dimension.  相似文献   

This paper developes a bioeconomic model to analyse the economic losses from the reduced harvesting of prey species resulting from an increase in the stock of a natural predator. Examples of large mammals creating economic damage are whales and African elephants. The economic losses depend critically on the actual management of the prey stock, although the three measures we develop are equal when the stock is managed so as to maximize the sustained economic rent from the prey species. Predation losses are illustrated by the case of the Northeastern Atlantic Minke whale, where the estimate of the average predation cost per whale in 1991–1992 is between $US 1780 and $US 2370, using Norwegian cost and earnings data. A ten percent stock increase is estimated to cause a loss of almost $US 19 million to the fishers of the prey species. If half of this cost were assigned to Norway it would be equivalent to 2.8 and 6.7 percent of the gross profits of the Norwegian cod and herring fisheries, respectively.  相似文献   

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