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The problem of this study was to determine the views of undergraduate college of business students concerning skill and competencies needed for employment. A questionnaire was developed and administered to junior and senior level students enrolled in the college of business. 360 students completed the questionnaire. Students ranked "Integrity/Honesty" and "Good Work Ethic" as the two most important qualities needed for employment. Students believed that "Knowledge of a Second Language" was the least important quality needed for employment.  相似文献   

Because of the severity of unemployment, how to solve this problem has gradually become a topical subject in China from the perspectives of both academics and practitioners in recent years. The severity of employment can be observed not only on the constant soaring of some macroscopically total amounts such as the total unemployment and the rate of unemployment, but also on the extremely uneven distribution of regional employment. There are many reasons for the uneven distribution of regional employment, among which the enormous disparity in FDI's regional distribution in China is an essential influential factor. This article aims at explaining the interrelationship and function mechanism between 1"])I and the change of our country's regional employment, and putting forward the corresponding regional policy suggestions through the empirical research on the FDI's regional distribution and its employment effect.  相似文献   

Since 2003, China's labor market has been facing two coexisting crises: a rural labor surplus and a severe shortage of migrant labor Using data from the 2000 China Health and Nutrition Survey questionnaire, which covers 288 villages in 36 counties, this paper attempts to find a solution to this dilemma. Specifically, a multinomial logit model, a Mincer- type model and a probit model are applied to examine the effect of educational level on the employment choices for rural laborers, and on the wages and the employment status of migrants. Based on the results of our analysis, we propose the implementation of policy aimed at increasing the educational level of rural dwellers, in conjunction with other policies to eliminate all artificial barriers, to facilitate the migration of rural laborers.  相似文献   

Employment Effectiveness of China's Economic Stimulus Package   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using an input--output method, this paper simulates the impacts of the global financial crisis and the decline of exports on China's economy and employment. With shrinking external demand, boosting domestic demand becomes crucial for maintaining economic growth and promoting employment. Our simulated results indicate that an investment scenario with employment as a priority can achieve the objective of employment maximization without significantly reducing growth. Public investment should focus on employment, education, health, housing and social security to rebalance China's economy so that it can realize sustained and stable economic growth.  相似文献   

Since the initiation of reform and opening to theoutside world,and during the transition from aplanned economy to a market economy,China hassteadily dealt with some prominent issues.Among theseare the employment of a large number of new workers,the transfer of surplus rural laborers and the re-employ-ment of a great number of laid-off staff and workers at  相似文献   

China's economy in 2006 continued to register high growth of 10.5 to 10.7 percent with low inflation (CPI at 1.3 percent),dissipating fears of a hard landing. Since its accession to the WTO,China has become a significant global economic player,and is the favorite destination for many regional and global production networks. China is now a truly economic power (jingji daguo). China's economic leadership is also increasingly confident of its ability to manage China's domestic economic growth and its growing relations with the outside world. Although China's growth is expected to slow down in 2007 to approximately 9.5 percent,the national mood now is one of "more balanced" growth rather than "fast growth". Therefore,the building of a "harmonious society" is to be emphasized in China,while letting economic growth solve the burning social and environmental issues. In 2007,the government will also need to deal with various internal and external macroeconomic imbalances. The renminbi will be under even stronger pressure to revalue,given China's record trade surplus of US$160bn and foreign reserves of US$1tn.  相似文献   

The present paper argues that China's existing population and employment statistics are misleading, and have failed to include many of the migrant and labor force flows between urban and rural areas. The paper reconciles the differences between official census data and other survey statistics and attempts to recalculate China's urban population and employment figures. Our analyses indicate that official statistics of 2012 underestimate China 's urban employment by approximately 47 million while overestimating rural employment by 31 million. The adjusted urbanization rate exceeded 55 percent in 2012, almost 3 percentage points higher than the official statistics. Nevertheless, there remains much potential for rural-to-urban migration. More specifically, if the current bottlenecks in household registration, social security and public welfare systems can be removed or relaxed, China's urbanization rate could rise by another l O percentage points or even more over the next decade.  相似文献   

I. Introduction The township and village-owned enterprises (TVE) in rural China have ever been both an engine of the Chinese economy and an important contributor to the success of Chinese economic reform. They were established by the township and village authorities in the 1980s to achieve three main purposes: to provide government revenue, to increase ruralresidents’ income, and to create employment opportunities for the tremendous rural surplus labor force. The extent of the achievements…  相似文献   

Using a difference-in-differences model, the present paper provides empirical evidence of minimum wage effects on employment and working hours in China. The results show that male employment is not affected by a minimum wage increase, although men "s working hours do increase. In contrast, female employment is more likely to be negatively affected by a minimum wage increase, while their working hours remain unchanged. This may lead to women being in a more disadvantaged position in the workforee, and adopting a monthly minimum wage may induce firms to extend men's working hours. Therefore, to better protect disadvantaged workers, we suggest that minimum wage regulation should focus on the target group of less-educated women, and that a unified minimum hourly wage needs to be set for both full-time and part-time workers. Meanwhile, the importance of human capital accumulation shouM be addressed in alleviating the negative effects of minimum wage increases.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the contribution of modern service industry to the economic development in six aspects: the modern service industry can promote economic growth, expand employment, promote economic restructuring, enhance the level of urbanization, improve people's standard of living and help enterprises to convert business ideas.  相似文献   

Based on economic growth theory and the World Bank's analytical framework relating to the quality of growth, the present paper constructs a framework that encompasses physical, international, human, natural and knowledge capital to synthetically interpret economic development. After defining the five types of capital and total capital, we analyze the dynamic changes of these types of capital in China and in other countries. The results show that since China's reform and opening up, knowledge, international, human and physical capital have grown rapidly, with speeds of growth higher than that of economic growth. As the five types of capital have all increased at varying paces, the savings level of total capital in China has quadrupled in 25 years and overtook that of the USA in the 1990s. The changes in the five types of capital and total capital reveal that there are progressively multiple driving forces behind China's rapid economic development. Implications for China's long-term economic development are thereby raised.  相似文献   

I. General Correlation between Employmentand Income Distribution in ChinaBy the general rules of the market economy, the size of employment and the wage levelshould be expanded and raised with economic growth. The wage level should move in theopposite direction from the changes in the size of employment, and the total payroll shouldmove in the same direction with the size of employment when there is little change in thetotal payroll.Correlation between Employment and Income Distribution in…  相似文献   

Firm growth is critical to economic development and the creation of wealth and employment. Exploring issues and challenges facing high-growth companies may offer valuable insights into promoting dynamic entrepreneurship in contemporary society. This paper investigates Slovenian high-growth companies (data from the Slovenian 500 fastest growing gazelles competition2007 to 2009). Fundamental research questions are: Why do some firms continue to create new employment and find innovative solutions to old problems (i.e., they grow) whereas others--the majority, remain small and behave in accordance with the traditions of their respective industry? Where do explanations for such divergence lie, in companies' size or industry--in entrepreneurs' or managers' gender, or in technology orientation (high-tech versus low-tech)? This study aims to add to the literature on high-growth companies by examining high-growth companies to help people better understand the attributes associated with companies' growth. The findings provide evidence of considerable heterogeneity among Slovenian fast-growing companies, making any kind of policy which linked to "common characteristics" hard to formulate and implement. The discussion focuses on the importance of policies using a character framework to foster the working of markets, while removing unnecessary obstacles.  相似文献   

The study examined the relationship between government policies and financial performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Iraq. The study aimed at establishing the relationship between government policies and financial performance of SMEs. In the Republic of Iraq, it is estimated that 99% of the business entities are SMEs. They also contribute to GDP and provide employment. Notwithstanding the recognition of the important roles SMEs play in Iraq, their development is largely constrained by a number of factors, such as the existence of laws, regulations, and rules that impede the development of the sector. The study provided some relevant recommendations to policy makers, development agencies, entrepreneurs, and SME managers to ascertain the appropriate strategy to improve the SME sector in Iraq.  相似文献   

Employment is a foundation of people's livelihood. In a quite long time at present and in the future, our country's employment situation is very severe. As a "rising industry", tourism is a labor-intensive industry and has the features of high degree of trade correlated, great employment capacity, low entry-level, wide field, and flexible employment way, etc. Furthermore, our country has rich tourist resources, and making good use of this advantage and developing tourism have profound meaning in promoting employment. At present, the main barrier that restricts tourist employment of our country is our insufficient development of tourism, which embodies in the tourist infrastructure construction lags behind, and the tourist investment lacks plan and the tourist products develop poorly. Strengthening the tourist infrastructure construction, well planning the investment and positively developing tourist products will promote tourist employment effectively.  相似文献   

China's industry currently accounts for 45 percent of the country's GDP growth. With its fast growth rate, the industrial sector shores up the steady growth of the national economy and helps boost the development of other sectors. If China's industry suffers from the country's WTO entry, the development of the whole national economy will be greatly affected. The impacts will interact and lead to magnified effects in some areas. The purpose  相似文献   

I. Introduction Since the second half of the 1990s, the Chinese economy has witnessed some unprecedented changes: a sharp increase in urban unemployment, stagnation of labor transfer from agriculture to non-agricultural sectors and serious deflation. All these changes indicate a significant departure from the previous development trajectory: sustained full employment in urban areas, rapid labor transfer from agriculture to non-agricultural sectors and persistent and significant inflation. Beg…  相似文献   

Labor Market Reform, Income Inequality and Economic Growth in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The year 1996 was a turning point both in terms of Chinese labor market reform aria m China's economic growth pattern. Before 1996, labor market reform was mainly implemented through adjustment of people's occupation and income structure. Since 1996, employment restructuring has led to differentiation in terms of employment status. Labor market reform in the former stage resulted in slow growth in wages, whereas reform in the latter stage enhanced economic efficiency. Both stages have enabled the Chinese economy to apply its comparative advantage of low labor cost. Labor market reform has also increased income disparity and, therefore, new challenges are posed in sustaining economic growth. China needs to adjust its development strategies and introduce labor market reform that can improve income equality, so as to achieve sustainable economic development.  相似文献   

Established in 1955, the Economic Research Journal (Jingji Yanjiu) is a comprehensive Chinese economics journal sponsored by the Institute of Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and circulated worldwide. It has been adhering to the principle of maintaining high academic standard, keeping pace with the times, upholding innovation and promoting forward thinking. Based on China's realities and geared to the forefront of the international economics research, ERJ is devoted to…  相似文献   

In measuring the present scale of China's public debt, two different types of indexes, stock index and flow index, should be employed separately. The scale of public debt in China, developing from zero in 1979 to what it is today in a short period of a little over 20 years, results from the compound effects of factors such as institutional reform, tax "default", non-standardized government revenue, borrowing new debts to repay old ones, and an expansionary fiscal policy. Under the background of China's current situation, to prevent the latent risk of public debt, we must focus on diminishing the comparatively high debt dependence degree with mutual effects of multiple factors.  相似文献   

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