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基于以往的研究文献中往往把网络口碑和传统口碑的影响进行分别研究,本文将两种不同环境下的负面口碑进行比较研究,通过构建口碑对购买意愿的影响因素模型,采用实证研究的方法,比较负面口碑的数量、负面程度、接收者与发送者的关系强度和发送者的专业性等因素在两种环境下对消费者购买意愿的影响,同时探讨不同的产品涉入度是否对负面口碑与消费者购买意愿之间的关系造成显著差异.  相似文献   

网络口碑信息对消费者购买决策的影响:一个实验研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
金立印 《经济管理》2007,(22):36-42
本文通过实验法考察了网络口碑信息对消费者购买决策的影响,就网络口碑的影响力在口碑信息类型、传播方向和产品涉入度不同的情况下会表现出哪些差异等问题作了分析。实验结果支持了所提出的6项假设,网络口碑信息对于消费者购买决策的影响力可能会随着口碑传播方向、信息类型以及产品卷入度的不同而呈现出显著差异的预测得到了证实;信息类型、传播方向和产品卷入度之间所存在的交互效应也会明显地作用到网络口碑对消费者购买决策的影响效果。  相似文献   

网络口碑营销研究进展述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邵兵家  师蕾  王亚涛 《技术经济》2010,29(7):127-129
本文对CNKI和ISI数据库中167篇网络口碑营销的文献进行了研究主题和研究方法的分析。结果发现,国内在网络口碑营销的研究内容和理论深度上与国外相比存在明显的滞后。国外研究主题侧重于网络口碑与消费者行为关系、网络口碑效应以及网络口碑可信度等方面。国外以调查实证和实验研究方法为主,国内则以描述性为主。未来可以通过调查或实验方法就中性网络口碑的作用以及网络口碑作用机理等开展研究。  相似文献   

随着网络的普及,网络的移动化,企业越来越重视网络口碑营销的价值.本文在分析国内外关于网络口碑营销的相关成果的基础上,得出口碑数量、 专业性等因素会对大学生购买决策产生影响,并在此基础上提出对策建议.  相似文献   

辛冲  郭鑫  周宇姼 《技术经济》2016,(10):102-109
分析了社交网站中的网络口碑对消费者团购意愿的影响,并探讨了品牌信任对上述影响的中介作用。基于对304位有网络团购经验的高校学生的深度访谈和问卷调查,运用因子分析、相关分析以及结构方程模型等方法,对相关假设进行了实证分析。结果表明:社交网站网络口碑的数量、质量和时效性与消费者团购意愿之间存在显著、正向且直接的影响关系,品牌信任在二者之间发挥部分中介效应。  相似文献   

辛冲  李蕊  郭鑫 《技术经济》2017,36(6):120-126
通过对400位有网络购物经验的高校学生进行实验研究,采用2×2组间因子设计,运用描述性统计分析、方差分析方法,验证了不同的网络口碑诉求方式和网络口碑传播方向对消费者购买意愿的影响机理。结果表明:在社交网站中,感性诉求方式的网络口碑信息的效果优于理性诉求方式;正向的网络口碑信息对消费者的购买意愿具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

宁连举  孙韩 《技术经济》2014,(3):54-59,96
用在线负面评论的内容相关性和专业性衡量在线评论质量,采用实验研究的方法,从在线负面评论的负面程度、数量、内容相关性和专业性4个维度,研究了在线负面评论对网络消费者购买意愿的影响,建立了在线负面评论与网络消费者购买意愿的关系模型,检验了网站类型在该模型中的调节效应。结果表明:在线负面评论的负面程度、数量、内容相关性和专业性正向影响网络消费者浏览网站时的感知风险,进而影响其购买意愿;网站类型在此过程中起调节作用;相比在团购网站上购物,消费者在非团购网站上购物时受在线负面评论影响产生的感知风险更大。  相似文献   

在相关文献研究的基础上,结合互联网时代口碑传播的特点,对现有的口碑传播研究模型进行了补充与完善,主要针对以往研究较少涉及的口碑结构特性以及口碑接收者特征要素进行了剖析,希望能为管理实践提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

在学者对网络口碑以及品牌转换的研究的基础上,文章基于消费者的矛盾态度,对网络口碑与消费者品牌转换行为之间的关系进行了分析与验证。研究发现,网络口碑对消费者品牌转换行为影响显著,负面网络口碑更容易导致消费者品牌转换行为;消费者的矛盾态度在网络口碑与消费者品牌转换行为关系中起着部分中介作用;消费者特征变量对消费者品牌转换行为的影响不显著。  相似文献   

彭诗金  王颖 《时代经贸》2008,6(19):62-64
在各种信息来源渠道多元化的今天,口碑的作用日益凸显。网络的普及,使得负面口碑的影响成几何级速度扩大,成为影响品牌形象的重要因素之一。本文从负面口碑的概念入手,分析了负面口碑传播的原因及其所产生的影响,探讨应对负面口碑传播的策略。  相似文献   

Fiscal policy is less credible than monetary policy, due to political economy issues. This paper provides an explicit measure of fiscal credibility, based on the anchoring of private expectations onto official targets. It documents how credibility varied among a sample of 27 European countries over 1995–2019. Credibility behaves like a stock of trust that is affected by fiscal policy, past performance, and institutions (fiscal rules and councils). This paper highlights how regular government communication – budgets and fiscal plans – is crucial to anchor expectations and buttress credibility. Last, it shows that credibility is associated with better sovereign financing conditions. Governments should thus strive to maintain their credibility.  相似文献   

Central bank independence (CBI) and fixed exchange rates are used by governments to achieve stable prices. This article analyzes the mechanisms through which the two monetary institutions could work: Indirectly via a disciplinary effect on money growth rates or via an additional credibility effect on inflation expectations and the cost of capital. I further explain how both discipline and credibility are affected by the distinct flaws of independent central banks and fixed exchange rates: central banks lack transparency and fixed exchange rates take many shapes and are routinely devalued. The argument is tested with quarterly data from postcommunist countries for years 1991 to 2007. The findings show a strong disciplinary effect of monetary institutions on rates of M2 change and an effect on inflation controlling for money growth, but credibility does not extend to lower real short‐term market interest rates. Political institutions do condition the effect of central bank independence, while the types of fixed exchange rates affect money growth rates and inflation to different degrees.  相似文献   

We study the impact of forward policy rate guidance by the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) used as an unconventional monetary policy tool at the zero lower bound of the policy rate on real and breakeven US Treasury yield curves. We find that explicit FOMC policy rate guidance announcements led to a significant reduction in real yields at horizons of 2 to 5 years ahead. By contrast, long-term breakeven inflation rates were little affected, suggesting that inflation expectations have remained well anchored, and that explicit FOMC policy rate guidance has not adversely affected central bank credibility.  相似文献   

口碑传播作为我国农村居民在生活中传播信息内容最丰富、最受信任的沟通方式,极大地影响着农村消费者的购买选择。本文从口碑传受双方特征、口碑信息类型与农村居民购买决策之间的关系入手,得出传播者专业能力对口碑在农村消费群体中传播效果的影响最大,意见领袖居其次,感知风险、关系强度和口碑信息类型也发挥着不同程度的影响,且产品类别的调节作用显著。这说明企业要想提高自身在农村市场的竞争力,积极开展口碑营销是行之有效的途径,应不遗余力地从各方面着手与农村居民建立联系,针对不同产品类别加强口碑管理。  相似文献   

会计信用的经济学分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
万晓文 《当代财经》2006,(5):103-107
会计信用问题的提出,源于会计信用缺失的严峻现实。会计信用与会计诚信不同,依据新制度经济学、委托代理理论、信息经济学等理论的观点,会计信用实质上是一种制度结构,旨在规范会计行为主体自觉选择诚信执业。社会也迫切需要建立并实施一套健全有效的会计信用体系。  相似文献   

要想从根本上彻底地杜绝会计信息的虚假问题,就应从最基层的会计人员缺乏诚信的问题着手,加强会计诚信的宣传教育、提高诚信意识,完善相关机制、加强内部控制,逐步形成良好的诚信环境,进而化解会计行业的诚信危机,挽救会计行业的公信力。  相似文献   

This paper explores how elections impact stock markets across diverse political institutions. I argue that electoral and party systems impact the fragmentation, credibility, and predictability of electoral information, influencing levels of uncertainty resolved by elections and leading to distinct stock market reactions. First, elections in majoritarian electoral systems produce larger cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) than elections in proportional representation systems. Second, the weaker institutionalized a party systems is, the larger are the CARs around elections. Third, these two institutional variables interact. Elections in majoritarian (proportional representation) systems with weak (strong) party system institutionalizations will have particularly large (small) CARs. I formally derive these propositions, conduct event studies of the impact of 87 elections on SMs in 21 countries from 1999 to 2016, and analyze four case studies.  相似文献   

张勇 《财经研究》2008,34(6):131-143
文章以1994年前后的价格冲击下人民银行将适应性政策转变为非适应性政策这一事件为背景,考察了公众对政策可信性的变动及其对通胀预期形成方式和菲利普斯曲线稳定性的影响。我们首先在理性预期假定下设定引入政策可信性变量的菲利普斯曲线模型。通过对"产出-物价"曲线的判断,SVAR模型中通胀冲击下通胀和产出缺口的响应函数以及菲利普斯曲线模型的递归最小二乘法检验,得出我国公众对政策的可信性增加,进而导致其通胀预期形成方式中的前向参照政策信息的成分增加,菲利普斯曲线发生改变。这就意味着,如果人民银行试图维持通胀预期形成方式和菲利普斯曲线的稳定,就应该保证政策可信性具有稳定性,而且,从长期实现价格稳定目标的角度来看,人民银行还应不断提高这一政策的可信性。  相似文献   

We compute a time-varying metric of monetary policy credibility based on Ghana’s experience, using both symmetric and asymmetric approaches. We then follow-up with some empirical evidence to address the linkages between macroeconomic developments and central bank credibility. The empirical results reveal high and low credibility cycles with an average duration of 2 years over the study period. Particularly, higher levels of credibility were associated with stable domestic currency and lower nominal interest rates. This reinforces the notion that efficient monetary policy delivers higher central bank credibility with better outcomes for macroeconomic variables. In contrast, the level of credibility tends to worsen in the wake of weakening macro fundamentals which are not adequately countered by monetary policy decisions. There is therefore the need for efficient monetary policy formulation to achieve a stable macroeconomic environment in Ghana. This will in the long-run build policy credibility towards attaining the central bank’s medium-term inflation target.  相似文献   

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