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The traditional analysis of innovation has focused on the Schumpeterian hypothesis of a positive link between market power and innovation. This often includes an implicitly linear view of the innovation process, with R & D as a necessary first step. This paper widens the determinants of innovation beyond R & D to include technology transfer and networking effects, thus extending the standard Schumpeterian analysis. When tested on a dataset of c. 1300 UK manufacturing plants, R & D, technology transfer and networking are found to be substitutes in the innovation process, with the two latter intensities especially important in increasing the extent of innovation. There is no evidence that (actual) monopoly power increases the extent of innovation, but there are significant plant and sectoral effects on innovation.  相似文献   

In this study, the author tests for economies of scale with the use of patent citationsand assesses the impacts of technological opportunity on research productivity inthree global industries, namely, computer, chemical, and electrical and electronic.Technological opportunity in an industry is jointly represented by knowledgespillovers, inter-firm research overlap and scope of research. In particular, the effect of knowledge spillovers is decomposed into internal, intra-industry and inter-industry spillovers. The results suggest no evidence for economies of scale, but the impacts of various aspects of technological opportunity on research productivity are significantly positive. Moreover, the data indicate that if the number of firms in each overlapping research area is small, a rise in the number of these areas enhances research productivity.  相似文献   

By deriving a formal model of industry R & D that identifies factors influencing industry R & D intensity, this paper first suggests firm density, defined as the inverse of average firm sales or simply the number of firms divided by industry sales, as a measure of market structure that is appropriate in explaining industry R & D intensity. The model shows that the cost structure of R & D, consumer preference over quality and price, the appropriability of R & D, firm density, and the average level of firm R & D intensity jointly determine industry R & D intensity. In particular, firm density has a positive relationship with industry R & D intensity, implying that firms in higher firm-density industries feel fiercer competitive pressure and thus engage more intensively in R & D. An empirical analysis of panel data on industry R & D activities of Korean manufacturing industries during the period 1991–1996 provides supportive evidence for the predictions of the model including the positive relationship between firm density and industry R & D intensity. The theoretical model and the empirical results are also consistent with the recent survey of U.S. corporate R & D activities by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the National Science Foundation (1999).  相似文献   

The Determinants of Pharmaceutical R&D Expenditures: Evidence from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past 20 years, the world pharmaceutical industry has experienced a dramatic increase in R&D intensity. We apply and extend a model developed by Grabowski and Vernon (2000, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 10, 201–215) with a pooled data sample of the 15 publicly listed Japanese drug firms for the period 1987–1998. As in the original study, we find expected returns to be an important determinant of R&D spending in the Japanese drug industry, albeit considerably smaller than in the U.S., which is particularly obvious in the case of returns from newly introduced drugs. However, our results are sensitive to econometric model specification, in particular to controlling for serial correlation and to a dynamic specification of the baseline model. Likewise, estimates on financial constraints are sensitive to model specification, indicating that Japanese drug firms face small or no financial constraints. Our results are consistent with the general literature on R&D investment behaviour, yet raise some methodological questions with regard to the original study.  相似文献   

知识经济背景下,研发人员成为企业创新的核心人才之一,在促进企业技术创新能力提升和增强方面起着极为关键的作用。针对企业中的研发人员,如何制定相应的激励制度对其进行激励,尤其是研究不同激励制度在提高企业技术创新能力时的影响程度,是学术界和企业界共同关注的焦点。文章在对研发人员激励制度和企业技术创新能力相关内容整理分析的基础上,建立了研发人员激励制度对企业技术创新能力影响的理论模型,提出了影响程度假设,并以郑州市科技型中小企业为研究对象进行实证研究。研究结果证实了股权激励制度和薪酬福利激励制度对提高企业技术创新能力的影响最明显,培训、发展和环境激励制度的影响次之,成就激励制度的影响最小,最终得出物质激励制度在研发人员心中仍然占据着重要的地位。  相似文献   

This study shows that firms in the pharmaceutical industry experience decreasing returns to scale in R & D as the level of R & D expenditures rises. The paper presents the results of our study of the innovative output of 16 pharmaceutical firms over a 19 year period. Given the strong correlation between R & D budgets and firm size, our study suggests the wave of mergers in the industry may yield less innovative productivity than managers expect.  相似文献   

新日本石油集团的研究开发事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新日本石油集团由日本石油集团与三菱石油集团1999年合并而成。集团组织架构中的开发部、中央技术研究所、其他专业研究所、新能源(事业)本部和新产品事业部构成研发组织的核心层。新日本石油的研发机构根据公司的情况和特点,结合公司的战略,制定研发方向和研发活动的原则,形成自己的研发运作方式。其组织形式和管理模式是针对日本企业协调性和团队意识比较强的特点而构建起来的,具有特色,方式灵活,主要按技术领域进行管理。新日本石油实行产、销、研一体化的发展,注重提高研发效益,重视对技术的评价试验,重视和强调满足客户的需求,在与客户的互动中进行项目的研发。新日本石油的研发事业的发展情况也反映了当今产、销、研一体化和注重提高研发效益的世界研发活动的发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国工业绿色转型研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目前,中国已进入产业转型升级的重要战略机遇期。面对应对气候变化的国际压力和日益加大的资源环境约束,中国工业迫切需要加快绿色转型。工业是中国经济的主体产业,工业绿色转型势必会对经济社会发展产生重大影响。一方面,在推动工业向绿色、低碳化转型过程中,需要付出一定的成本和代价;另一方面,实现工业绿色转型也将产生显著的效益。总体而言,工业绿色转型的效益远高于成本,这将成为中国工业绿色转型的根本动力。中国工业绿色转型需要加快机制创新。应充分借鉴国际经验,以政府战略法规为支撑,市场化推进,鼓励产业界积极响应、企业自主行动和公众广泛参与,建立涵盖环境规制、节能减排机制、绿色技术研发和产业化应用机制、国际协调机制的综合性、开放式绿色转型机制创新体系,并在技术、资金、交易机制、国际合作等方面不断丰富绿色转型的政策措施。  相似文献   

国有企业推动科技进步是履行社会责任的体现。改革进入新时期后注重发挥市场的决定作用,混合所有制下也应发展国有企业促进科技创新的作用。国有企业不仅有义务也有能力开展技术创新,这样不仅有利于自身的发展,也有利于整个经济转变发展方式。国家应该出台一系列政策鼓励国有企业开展技术创新,国有企业自身也应该主动调整。  相似文献   

科技研发经费管理是关于研发资金提取、拨付、使用和核销等完整资金运动过程的管理,具有专款专用、专项核算的特点。随着电网企业科技投入迅速增长,科技研发经费管理日趋重要。分析了电网企业科技研发经费管理流程,梳理了研发经费管理关键控制环节,提出了加强科研经费管理的具体措施。  相似文献   

This paper develops microcomputer-based R and D project selection and project evaluation models. The models use Lotus 1-2-3 as a vehicle to provide practical research management support suitable for a developing country. The models are readily adaptable for various R and D management applications.  相似文献   

R&D资源投入结构包括财力投入结构、人力投入结构、政策投入结构等内容,是反映区域创新能力的重要指标。本文依托对R&D财力投入结构、人力投入结构两个核心指标的考察、从R&D资源投入的部门结构、研发阶段结构、行业结构和区域结构等4个方面入手,基于R&D资源投入结构的视角,对老工业基地区域创新能力提升问题进行了深入研究,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of control rights in biotechnology alliances through three case studies and a quantitative analysis. Aghion and Tirole [1994] argue that control rights will be assigned so as to maximize the value of the final output, as long as the R&D firm has sufficient financial resources. Consistent with this framework, the allocation of control rights to the R&D firm increases with the firm's financial resources. The empirical evidence regarding the relationship between control rights and the stage of the project at the time the alliance is signed is more ambiguous.  相似文献   

合作研发装备制造业共性技术可以实现资源共享、优势互补,分散研发风险,有效提升装备制造业的自主创新能力.要加强企业、高校、研发机构与政府的合作,构建装备制造业共性关键技术合作研发的组织模式,合理选择和开展共性技术研发活动,建立装备制造业共性技术研发组织的良性运行机制,以提升装备制造业乃至整个国家和地区的技术核心竞争力.  相似文献   

资金价值评估是目前PPP项目经济评价的核心。作为目前国际应用前景最广阔 的方法,PSC评价法被广泛应用于PPP项目的资金价值评估。但是,PSC评价法存在过多假设条件、折现率取值和周期性等缺陷。针对我国目前PPP项目评估现状,通过对PSC评价法存在问题的分析,从PSC值确定、风险调整以及折现率方面对PSC评价法进行改进,并提出契合我国具体国情的保障措施,最后通过案例分析对PSC评价法的运用进行了说明。  相似文献   

This cross-section study of a sample of 278 firms from the COMPUSTAT II database explores the relationship between a firm's profitability and other variables, notably its own R & D capital, knowledge and market spillovers and appropriability. The proxy for knowledge spillovers is based on technological distance. Market spillovers are based on a patent input-output matrix. Both spillover proxies combine information on R & D expenditures and patent counts.The results do not reject the hypothesis that R & D has a direct, positive effect on profitability, especially in industries with effective patent protection. Information spillovers affect profits negatively, market spillovers positively.  相似文献   

交通行业人才开发主体之间的博弈行为,直接决定着交通行业人才开发平台运行的效率与管理模式。文章引入博弈理论分析了各主体之间的相互关系,解析人才开发主体的机理.并提出了合作的管理思路。  相似文献   

运用DEA模型的Malmquist指数法对2000~2012年我国区域高技术产业研发创新全要素生产率(TFP)进行测算,并将知识产权保护、FDI与研发创新TFP纳入统一的框架下进行系统分析,考察知识产权保护、FDI对我国高技术产业研发创新TFP及其分解指数的影响。研究结果表明:我国高技术产业研发创新TFP年均增长6.3%,主要动力为技术进步;我国各区域的知识产权保护水平差异显著;回归结果显示:对于我国高技术产业研发创新TFP而言,知识产权保护有着显著的促进作用,FDI表现出显著的负溢出效应,二者的交互作用也存在显著正向影响。  相似文献   

上海生物医药研发外包服务支术市场现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海生物医药产业的发展非常迅速,而研发外包服务(主要是离岸外包)成为这一产业中最耀眼的明珠。本文根据技术市场管理办公室登记涉外合同交易数据库,分析了上海生物医药研发外包行业的现状、特点、市场规模、优势领域等情况,同时也分析了研发外包服务业在发展过程中存在的一些问题,并提出笔者的一些观点和看法。  相似文献   

探究跨国公司和中国高校R&D合作中技术溢出的影响因素,对于增强R&D合作,促进跨国公司向我国高校的技术溢出以及完善国家创新体系具有重要价值。在现有理论文献和调查的基础上,提出假设,通过问卷统计分析对跨国公司与中国高校R&D合作中技术溢出的影响因素进行了实证检验,研究结果表明,现有沟通交流水平以及合作环境状况对高校科研能力获益,高校与跨国公司的合作地位差距对高校科研管理获益,以及高校与跨国公司的技术差距对高校科研资源获益均产生负面影响,但高校与跨国公司的技术差距却对高校教育功能获益产生正向影响。  相似文献   

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