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This paper examines the implications of Nepal's exchange rate policy for its export performance over the period 1980–2010. We first document Nepal's long-standing currency peg against the Indian rupee and that Nepal's real exchange rate appreciated substantially from the late 1990s. We then employ a gravity modeling approach to confirm that this real exchange rate appreciation has adversely affected Nepal's exports, especially to third-country markets. Nepal's exchange rate-related export competitiveness trap provides a motivation to reconsider the current peg.  相似文献   

How does participating or moving to more upstream in the global value chains (GVCs) affect the premium paid to skilled compared to unskilled labor within firms? In this paper, we develop a model of heterogeneous firms with intermediate trade and two skill inputs, in which we apply the fair wage hypothesis to predict the wage premium changes according to firms' GVCs activities. The model predicts that firms' backward GVC participation, as measured by the share of foreign value-added content in exports (FVAR), has an ambiguous impact on wage inequality of skills, which depends on the relative importance of “FVAR-labor substitution effect” and “FVAR-profit effect.” However, moving to upstream sectors in GVCs, as measured by the export varieties' upstreamness (or average distance from final use), raises a firm's wage premium. Using detailed Chinese firm-level data from 2000 to 2006, we develop a Mincer-type empirical model to study the wage premium changes associated with FVAR and upstreamness. We find robust empirical evidence that the rise of wage inequality in China mainly arises from moving to more upstream sectors rather than changing GVC participation.  相似文献   

人民币汇率变动对中欧出口价格的传递效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文探讨了人民币升值对向欧元区出口价格的汇率传递效应及其对中欧贸易顺差的调节作用。作者利用1999年1月至2006年12月的月度数据,在SITC一位数商品分类层面上,考察了人民币/欧元汇率变动对中国向欧元区出口价格的影响。实证结果显示,不同类商品的出口价格汇率传递弹性存在较大差异,汇率变动引起中国向欧元区出口价格较大幅度的调整,人民币升值对占中欧出口总额一半以上的第6类和第7类商品出口没有抑制作用。因此,人民币升值对中欧贸易顺差的调节作用有限。  相似文献   

徐瑜佳 《特区经济》2010,(12):77-79
本文运用Johansen协整方法对不同汇率制度环境下人民币汇率对我国进出口贸易的影响效应进行了比较分析,发现汇改前,无论是进口额还是出口额,均与人民币汇率不存在长期均衡关系,而汇改后的出口额却与人民币汇率存在显著的长期协整关系,且人民币汇率升值对出口的抑制效应非常显著。这意味着在研究人民币汇率对进出口贸易的影响效应时尤其不能忽略不同汇率制度环境的影响,所反映的政策含义表明政府当局在制定汇率制度时要保持审慎的态度,以避免人民币升值过快引起对我国出口的抑制效应。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the movements of tradable goods prices in Japan. The import price indices and the export price indices are matched with the domestic wholesale price indices at the most detailed level available for Japan, and the pricing behavior in the yen appreciation period (1985–1995) is examined. In the import-side analysis, we investigate how far the price movements under currency appreciation deviate from the law of one price. We find that internal–external price differentials have surprisingly expanded for most of the products since 1985. For a number of commodities, the import prices do not decline as far as the exchange rate appreciates, and the domestic wholesale prices do not decrease as far as the import prices decline. Although the expanded price gaps cannot necessarily be interpreted as a result of deliberate trade barriers, they suggest that some sort of handicap is imposed on imported goods and the large fraction of rent generated by the yen appreciation is intercepted in the middle. In the export-side analysis, the relationship between the globalization of firms' activities and export pass-through is investigated. Our cross-sectional regression analysis indicates that the export path-through rates tend to be low when the value added ratios of foreign production of Japanese firms are high. Low export pass-through under currency appreciation is often interpreted as a result of firms' attempts to keep their foreign market share, but the globalization of firms' activities may be another important factor in lowering the pass-through.J. Japan Int. Econ.,December 1997,11(4), pp. 611–641. Department of Economics, Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan.  相似文献   

Despite an enormous currency depreciation, the growth rate of Indonesia's non-oil exports, measured in dollars, did not accelerate during the first two years of the Asian crisis. In fact, during the second year of the crisis non-oil export value dropped sharply. This paper demonstrates that the main reason for the decline in the dollar value of non-oil exports was a collapse of export prices. Non-oil export dollar prices fell 26% between the second quarter of 1997 and the second quarter of 1999. Measured at constant prices, non-oil exports grew 24% and manufactured exports 31% during this period. Non-oil import prices fell by roughly the same amount as non-oil export prices during the crisis, with little change in the non-oil terms of trade. The decline in the price of traded goods significantly reduced the magnitude of the real exchange rate depreciation experienced by Indonesia.  相似文献   

在既有的基于微观视角的包含两币的局部均衡模型中引入交易货币,发现国际贸易中计价货币选择的决定因素依次为:卖方市场结构、出口品差异化程度、出口国所占目标市场份额、其他出口商的计价策略和汇率的稳定性.在同质性商品的国际贸易中,计价货币的非同质性会导致货币垄断计价.其中,进口方货币的垄断计价地位较为稳定,出口方货币垄断计价情...  相似文献   

China's surplus in processing trade remains large. Processed exports are final goods produced using parts and components that are imported duty free. Because much of the value‐added of these exports comes from East Asia, exchange rates throughout the region should affect their foreign currency prices. This paper presents data on value‐added exchange rates for processed exports over the 1993–2013 period and reports that they significantly affect exports. While the renminbi appreciated 36 percent between the beginning of 2005 and the end of 2013, exchange rates in supply chain countries depreciated. This has mitigated the effect of the RMB appreciation on the price competitiveness of processed exports.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the factors affecting the demand for ASEAN's labor-intensive exports. Results obtained using a panel data set including exports to 25 countries indicate that an appreciation in ASEAN countries would substantially reduce exports of clothing, furniture, and footwear. In addition, an increase in foreign income and an appreciation among competitors would raise ASEAN's exports. These results indicate that profit margins for labor-intensive manufactures are thin and that slow growth abroad will curtail ASEAN's exports. These findings imply that policymakers should seek to promote domestic and regional demand, expand the technological base, and consider exchange rate coordination to mitigate “beggar-thy-neighbor” policies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the real trade balance and the real exchange rate for bilateral trade in merchandise goods between Singapore and the USA on a quarterly basis over the period 1970 to 1996 using the partial reduced form model of Rose and Yellen (1989). We also hope to shed further light on what has become known as the ‘Singapore export puzzle’: the observation that, despite periods of rapid nominal and real appreciation of the Singapore dollar, export growth in aggregate has remained buoyant.Our findings suggest that the real exchange rate does not have a significant impact on the real bilateral trade balance for Singapore and the USA, thus confirming previous work which finds a weak relationship between changes in the exchange rate and changes in export and import prices and volumes for Singapore. We also found little evidence of a J-curve effect. Although positive coefficients linking real exports with lagged values of the real exchange rate might be indicative of ‘small country’ pricing by exporters in U.S. dollars, it is not clear that this is masking J-curve effects from an initial rise in import values as the home currency depreciates.  相似文献   

Tariffs, currency wars, and protectionism pose risks for Chinese firms. In theory tariff increases and exchange rate appreciations exert equivalent effects on export volumes. This paper estimates tariff and exchange rate elasticities for China’s exports. The results indicate that, while exchange rates matter, tariffs increases deter exports almost three times as much as equivalent exchange rate appreciations do. The results also indicate that China’s flagship industries such as electronics and machinery are exposed to tariff increases and exchange rate appreciations. The paper then considers how China can promote freer trade to mitigate risks and reduce uncertainty.  相似文献   

Using a panel vector autoregression approach and industry breakdown data for financial constraints obtained from the Bank of Japan's Tankan (Short‐Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan) database, this study empirically investigates whether and how Japanese firms' financial constraints (internal and external) influence the response of Japanese sectoral exports to an exchange rate shock. Furthermore, we use the industry‐specific real effective exchange rate data developed by to allow for different movements of real effective exchange rates across industries. It is found that financial constraints have a significant influence on Japanese exports in response to exchange rate shocks. Japanese exporters with either lower internal financial constraints or external financial constraints are less affected by the yen's appreciation. In addition, if firms face high external financial constraints, only reducing the internal financial constraints cannot help them mitigate the impact of the yen's appreciation on their exports. Thus, an accommodative financial environment also plays an important role in alleviating the impact that the yen's appreciation has on Japanese exports.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of RMB exchange rate movements on Chinese multi-product firms' export behavior using China's firm-level micro data and highly disaggregated customs data over 2000–2007. We find that real appreciation of RMB exerts negative effects on Chinese multi-product firms' export prices and export quantities, and the effects are significantly different across firms with different productivity as well as the product ladder within multi-product firms. In addition, we document that real appreciation of RMB narrows multi-product firms' export scope and induces firms to skew their export sales towards the best performing products. Finally, the paper explores the effects of RMB exchange rate movements on firms' export duration, and shows that real appreciation of RMB lengthens the export duration of core products but shortens the export duration of non-core products.  相似文献   

汇率是调节一国进出口贸易的重要工具,在欧元区由于使用统一的货币,这使得成员国无法通过改变汇率来调节本国的进出口贸易,而成员国的通货膨胀率的不同造成了欧元区各国的实际汇率并不相同,实证分析发现,实际汇率与区内出口贸易存在着明显的负相关,实际汇率每增加1%,区内出口就会减少2.39%。  相似文献   

胡冬梅  袁君宇 《南方经济》2019,38(11):94-112
文章扩展了Yang(2007)的厂商定价模型,对汇率传递非对称性、特点和成立条件进行理论分析,发现对称传递需要满足严格的条件,而现实中更常见的是非对称汇率传递。在一定条件下,商品需求弹性越大,越可能呈现出口国货币贬值传递率高而升值传递率低的特点。利用2000年1月至2011年12月我国出口日本的966种商品价格数据,发现汇率波动向价格传递具有非对称性:(1)人民币升值时,日元价格上涨较少;而贬值时,价格下降较多。我国出口商品的需求弹性较大,在日本市场上面对的是一个强竞争结构。(2)若月度升值超过一定幅度(测算约为2.43%),传递率又会有所上升,说明尽管日元价格易跌难涨,但在升值导致成本上涨较多、明显挤压利润时,厂商不得不适当提高日元售价。采用2000年至2018年9月日本从中国进口单位价值指数进行稳健性检验,得出类似结论。现阶段稳定的人民币名义汇率对我国出口企业是更为有利的。  相似文献   

This paper, considering revenue and cost exposure channels, investigates the effects of exchange rate on fixed capital investment in Mexican manufacturing sector over 1994–2003. We find that i) currency depreciation has a positive (negative) effect on fixed investment through the export (import) channel; ii) exchange rate volatility impacts mostly export oriented sectors; iii) the sensitivity of investment to exchange rate movements is stronger in non-durable goods sectors and industries with low mark-up ratios.  相似文献   

This paper examines an international Cournot duopoly wherein a home firm and a foreign firm compete in the home market under exchange rate uncertainty. The foreign exporting firm, being risk averse, has incentives to hedge its exchange rate risk exposure. In a two-stage setting, we show that hedging via an unbiased currency futures market acts as a strategic device. In particular, under either constant or decreasing absolute risk aversion, an increase in the hedging volume of the foreign firm promotes its exports and deters the home firm’s output. In contrast to the well-known full-hedging result in a perfectly competitive environment, we find that the foreign firm over-hedges for strategic reasons. Furthermore, the separation result from the hedging literature under perfect competition no longer holds in our duopoly framework, i.e., equilibrium output levels depend on the risk attitude of the foreign firm as well as the probability distribution of the spot exchange rate.  相似文献   

In July 2005, the Chinese Government unpegged the RMB from the US dollar. As the RMB has followed a remarkably predictable appreciation over time, I examine the price of Chinese exports to the USA after unpegging the exchange rate. Results suggest that the Chinese industries with greater import market share were able to raise their prices after the removal of the pegged exchange rate regime; however, over time there is a significant deflationary trend. Chinese export prices tended to decrease under an unanticipated RMB appreciation; this effect was more pronounced for industries with more pricing flexibility. This suggests that Chinese exporters are consistently "pricing to market" and thus creating a significant foreign exchange policy implication. Specifically, a more flexible exchange rate regime will likely have little impact on the prices of Chinese exports to the USA but might increase the profit volatility of Chinese firms.  相似文献   

Following an idea of Milton Friedman's “plucking model,” we propose to use a state-space model with Markov switching as an auxiliary tool for detecting currency manipulation. Without imposing any a priori restrictions, our model tests if fluctuations of a country's exchange rate are symmetric or if there exists a time-varying support level or resistance level of exchange rate. Using weekly and monthly data of countries on the “monitoring list” of the US Treasury as of April 2017, we find that exchange rates of China, South Korea, Switzerland, and Taiwan rarely fall below their time-varying trends, but are plucked upward from time to time by transitory shocks, suggesting that the FX (foreign exchange) authorities of these countries may have been intervening more actively against appreciation shocks. Our sub-sample analysis reveals that our model accurately captures the period of Switzerland's minimum exchange rate policy with probability of one and Japan's exchange rate rarely falls below its trend after implementing Abenomics. We discuss the difficulties of detecting FX intervention along with the relative advantage of our approach.  相似文献   

Hedging and nonlinear risk exposure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper documents some empirical evidence of nonlinear spot-futuresexchange rates relationships and develops an expected utilitymodel of an exporting firm to examine the associated economicimplications. The model shows that the firm should export more(less) and adopt an over (under) hedge in an unbiased currencyfutures market if the spot-futures exchange rates relationshipsis convex (concave) rather than linear. When fairly priced currencyoptions on futures are available, the firm should use them inconjunction with the currency futures so as to achieve betterhedging against its nonlinear exchange rate risk exposure. Thisprovides a rationale for the hedging role of options when theunderlying uncertainty is nonlinear in nature.  相似文献   

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