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利用外资发展我国经济。是我国对外开放的重要组成部分。在当今国际资本流动出现新特点的形势下,我国面临的引资竞争环境并不宽松。要提高我国引资竞争力,必须强化国内引资要素。  相似文献   

王琴 《江南论坛》2013,(11):14-15
一、沪宁杭城市功能现状分析 上海正在打造成为全球化城市.南京与上海同是长三角城市群的主要城市.单在城市功能的转型升级上节奏较慢.杭州也在走国际化城市之路.不同的城市有不同的优势.结合新型城镇化的背景.怎样转型升级城市功能.可根据2006—2011年间的各方面统计数据来分析上海、南京、杭州近年发展的优劣势。  相似文献   

1.处理好服务业市场开放和合理保护的关系。我国要根据自身发展的需要与加入WTO的承诺,积极、稳妥、有序地扩大服务业的对外开放,把握"渐进的"和"有管理的"原则。制定完备的与国际惯例接轨的法规;对服务业外资企业的责权利作出明确划分。加强对服务业整体行业的开放  相似文献   

加强职业培训提高竞争能力谢宏辉(广州国际经济技术合作公司)1.承包劳务员工队伍迅速发展,人员结构有所变化随着我国对外开放的深入发展.对外经济技术合作领域正向多领域和高层次不断发展。外经贸体制的改革,外经贸权限的下放,使全国承包劳务企业从70年代末的数...  相似文献   

加强职业培训提高竞争能力谢宏辉(广州国际经济技术合作公司)1.承包劳务员工队伍迅速发展,人员结构有所变化随着我国对外开放的深入发展.对外经济技术合作领域正向多领域和高层次不断发展。外经贸体制的改革,外经贸权限的下放,使全国承包劳务企业从70年代末的数...  相似文献   

随着知识经济的兴起,很多新的概念或观念必然影响到每一位消费者,从而导致市场需求的重大变化。近几年来,出现的诸如“生态”、“高技术”、“网络”、“技术创新”、“企业再造”、“知识经济”、“可持续发展”等新观念,不仅渗透到社会各个阶层,影响每一位消费者,而且也必然作用于企业集团。现代市场观念与知识经济新观念的有机结合,一定会促进市场营销深层次的变革。就企业集团而言,营销观念的变革与更新是先导。一、树立生态营销观念,促进企业集团可持续发展可持续发展是解决人口、资源、生态、经济、社会等一系列问题的一种比较新的发…  相似文献   

杨静 《广东经济》2003,(2):13-15
目前,东莞高新技术产业的发展动力正由比较优势转向竞争优势。对此本文试以实证分析的方法,通过东莞高新技术产业发展的过程与现状,大量调研数据以及国内外产业调整与区域竞争新态势的分析,揭示东莞由比较优势的转换而导致发展动力的重构以及重构动力的主要对策。  相似文献   

开展绿色经营提高竞争能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业作为人的要素和物的要素的生产集合体,是社会经济有机体的基本细胞之一,其生存与发展是通过不断竞争而实现的。竞争的手段随着社会经济发展水平和市场环境的变化而日益多样化,逐步从质量竞争、服务竞争、品牌竞争,发展到绿色竞争。随着人类社会环保意识的增强,以及国际社会、各国政府对环境问题的重视,高污染企业不是在政府强制性的关、停、并、转过程中消亡,就是在绿色消费运动中因产品遭到强烈抵制而被市场自然淘汰。企业单靠传统的竞争手段已不能适应生态时代市场和社会环境变化的需要。引入绿色竞争手段,强化绿色经营理念,…  相似文献   

宁金彪 《经济论坛》1998,(10):14-15
一、在引资的着眼点上,从资源导向型向市场导向型转变,从重数量、重速度向重质量、重效益转变在招商引资的初始阶段,一般是从当地的土地资源、工农业资源、矿产资源、劳动力资源等条件出发,靠这些方面的优越条件来吸引外资。在与外商合作时,需要搞什么项目,适合上什...  相似文献   

努力培育城市功能 提高城市综合竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市功能是指城市在一定时期和一定地域的社会经济发展中所起的作用。城市最基本的功能是集聚。城市功能可分为普通功能和特色功能两类。普通功能体现着一切城市的共性,区分的是城市和乡村间的界限,特色功能则体现出城市的个性,区分的是此城市和彼城市间的界限,不同层次的城市有不同的功能,世界的城市一般分为四个层次,第一层是世界高等级,是全球性的信息、金融领导控制中心,如纽约、东京。第二层是区域性的金融,管理和服务中心,如香港、上海等大成都市,第三层是具体进行生产和装配的城市,就是大工业基地,第四层是局部地区的加工、交换中心,目前嘉兴的城市层次处于第三层的第四层之间。“十五”及至2010年,嘉兴城市功能建设的核心内容应该是制造业的集聚,即建设大工业基地。着力点应从五个方面努力提高城市的普通功能。从四个方面大力培育城市的特色功能。  相似文献   

This paper studies policy competition for foreign direct investment between host and home countries. Three results have been obtained. First, policy competition does not change the attractiveness of any country as a location for investment. Second, as a result, policy competition does not change regional welfare. Lastly, the equilibrium policy could be either a subsidy or a tax.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) activity show substantial differences in specifications with little agreement on the set of included covariates. We use Bayesian statistical techniques that allow one to select from a large set of candidates those variables most likely to be determinants of FDI activity. The variables with consistently high inclusion probabilities include traditional gravity variables, cultural distance factors, relative labour endowments and trade agreements. There is little support for multilateral trade openness, most host‐country business costs, host‐country infrastructure and host‐country institutions. Our results suggest that many covariates found significant by previous studies are not robust.  相似文献   

Migrant networks and foreign direct investment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although there exists a sizeable literature documenting the importance of ethnic networks for international trade, little attention has been devoted to studying the effects of migrants on foreign direct investment (FDI). The presence of migrants can stimulate FDI by promoting information flows across international borders and by serving as a contract enforcement mechanism. This paper investigates the link between the presence of migrants in the US and US FDI in the migrants' countries of origin, taking into account the potential endogeneity concerns. The results suggest that US FDI abroad is positively correlated with the presence of migrants from the host country. The data further indicate that the relationship between FDI and migration is stronger for migrants with tertiary education.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an apparent conflict between the theory of foreign direct investment (FDI) and recent trends in the globalized world. The bulk of FDI is horizontal rather than vertical, and standard theory predicts that horizontal FDI is discouraged when trade costs fall. This seems to conflict with the experience of the 1990s, when trade liberalisation and technological change led to dramatic reductions in trade costs yet FDI grew much faster than trade. Two possible resolutions to this paradox are explored. First, horizontal FDI in trading blocs is encouraged by intra-bloc trade liberalisation, because foreign firms establish plants in one country as export platforms to serve the bloc as a whole. Second, cross-border mergers, quantitatively more important than greenfield FDI, are encouraged rather than discouraged by falling trade costs.  相似文献   

This study utilizes panel data as a means of examining the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Spain. Data that are taken in the period 1993–2002 are used in order to estimate the determinants of FDI, at the sectoral level, by differentiating the manufacturing sectors, and at the regional level. The analysis investigates the sectoral, regional and macroeconomic variables that have successfully attracted FDI inflows from those that have not. Empirical results suggest that the differential between labour productivity and the cost of labour has been an important determinant of FDI in Spain during the period 1993–2002. Factors related to demand, the evolution of human capital, the export potential of the sectors and certain macroeconomic determinants that measure the differential between Spain and the European Union average, also play a very important role in attracting flows of FDI. Certain policy issues that are relevant to the results are also discussed.  相似文献   

Tax incentives offered to attract firms engaged in foreign direct investment are often tied to performance requirements such as domestic content restrictions or adherence to environmental standards. The tax competition literature has repeatedly shown that competition between municipalities for mobile firms tends to drive taxes to low levels. One would expect a comparable result for burdensome performance requirements. Despite this, the evidence suggests that while taxes have indeed been driven down, performance requirements are as popular as ever. We explain this seeming conundrum by showing that in the presence of spillovers, binding performance requirements can act as a coordination device for firms. In equilibrium, municipalities choose performance requirements, which maximize joint surplus from investment. Competition between municipalities then transfers this surplus to firms via tax subsidies.  相似文献   

The determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) have been extensively studied. Even though there is extensive research in the area, most of it is based on analyzing the effects of host country characteristics on FDI flows, and yet there is little research on how neighboring country characteristics play a role in facilitating FDI flows to host countries. This paper analyzes the association between the democracy level in neighboring countries and FDI flows to host countries. Using bilateral FDI flows from the OECD countries, with a large host country sample, we find that countries surrounded by democratic countries attract higher FDI flows. Furthermore, we find evidence that countries that are surrounded by neighboring countries with good institutions tend themselves to have better institutions, experience lower civil conflict, and have higher political stability and hence indirectly attract higher FDI flows. Our findings suggest that if neighboring countries act in such way as to become more democratic, FDI flows to these countries would be higher since not only does improving the quality of democracy attract more FDI inflows, but also being surrounded by neighboring advanced democratic countries will also lead to higher FDI flows to them.  相似文献   

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