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王宝海 《数据》2004,(5):59-60
互联网的出现为传统的统计调查带来了新的契机,给调查人员提供了一个全新的、具有很多先天优势的问卷调查工具.与传统的电话调查、入户访问相比,网上调查具有周期短、效率高、费用低、区域广等优点,是统计调查的一个发展方向.网上调查的应答者是用键盘和鼠标填答问卷的,比用手工填写印刷问卷节省时间、速度快,一般比传统调查方式有更高的应答率.随着人们新鲜感的减退和大量垃圾邮件的不断发送,网上调查的回收率反而逐渐降低.因此,如何提高网上调查回收率,成为一个不可忽视的问题.  相似文献   

此次调查共收回来自全国各地的调查问卷58275封(问卷形式包括网上和信函方式)。调查显示,97.46%的被访者在日常生活中遇到过“霸王条款”或“霸王现象”.只有2.54%的人没有遇到过。  相似文献   

一、少儿百科类图书市场发晨现状(一)调查问卷的设计本文研究的数据主要来源于问卷调查的结果。为了了饵顾客的需求和心里状况,笔者在进行了一次问卷调查。问卷的内容包括调查对象的基本信息和问题两部分,共设置10个问题。根据随机抽样调查的原则,对书店的顾客进行随机的问卷访问。共发放调查问卷350份,回收148份,回收率42.3%。经过分析、筛选,剧除无效的问卷。得出有败问卷112份。  相似文献   

问卷调查已经成为企业文化建设中获取信息的一个主要的方法。文章对问卷调查的内容范围进行阐述,指出在进行问卷设计时,需要遵循问卷设计的三项原则,才能使调查可以达到所期望的效果。  相似文献   

充分借鉴B2C网上零售市场电子服务质量评价研究成果,设计了C2C交易市场电子服务质量综合评价调查问卷,通过对中国C2C交易市场网上购物用户的问卷调查,获得了消费者对中国C2C交易网站和网上卖家提供的电子服务质量关键维度的评价情况,并进行了多角度的统计分析,根据调查结果,对C2C交易平台提供商和在线卖家提高服务质量提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

充分借鉴B2C网上零售市场电子服务质量评价研究成果,设计了C2C交易市场电子服务质量综合评价调查问卷,通过对中国C2C交易市场网上购物用户的问卷调查,获得了消费者对中国C2C交易网站和网上卖家提供的电子服务质量关键维度的评价情况,并进行了多角度的统计分析,根据调查结果,对C2C交易平台提供商和在线卖家提高服务质量提出了相关对策建议.  相似文献   

本文通过分析各种问卷调查方式,结合当前实际需求,开发了一个B/S模式的多用途信息调查问卷系统。可以对信息互动和反馈的问卷进行发布、添加任意问卷和调查内容,并提供多种结果分析。系统实现了问卷的创建、管理、发布、统计,解决了调查人员繁重复杂的录入等工作。  相似文献   

问卷调查是以问卷形式向调查对象了解情况或征询意见的一种调查研究方法.在审计特别是经济责任审计中得到普遍运用。但由于多种原因。在对领导干部的任中、离任审计中,有的问卷调查流于形式,要么审计人员草草调查.机械地走完程序,要么被问人员消极配合、随意敷衍了事。达不到问卷调查的真正目的。笔者经过多年经责审计实践,认为应从以下三方面做好问卷调查工作。  相似文献   

国务院发展研究中心中国企业家调查系统与中国企业联合会研究部共同组织实施的“2000.千户国有企业经营者问卷调查”,于 2000年底发出调查问卷4000份,回收有效问卷1075份,调查样本全部为国有及国有控股企业,覆盖我国除港澳台地区之外的31个省、自治区和直辖市的企业,其中大、中、小型企业分别占48.5%、46%和5.5%。 调查结果表明,大多数企业经营者认为目前政府机构改革和政企关系调整初步取得阶段性效果。企业产权关系出现了可喜的变化,国有出资主体逐步开始明确,经营者与国有资产考核同步有了较大的…  相似文献   

0 引言 传统问卷调查组织者不但需要花大量的时间、精力、费用来设计、印制调查问卷,还要对调查问卷进行发放和回收,最后对问卷结果进行统计.而且有些问卷调查时间跨度比较大,在人工进行调查问卷统计时随机性很大,不免会产生数据的差错、遗漏等问题.  相似文献   

现代互联网的发展便利了居民生活,尤其体现在互联网购物上。文章以顾客满意度影响因素理论为基础,使用问卷调查并结合卡诺模型的直接标度法对问卷结果进行处理和分析。研究在互联网购物中,不同因素对顾客网购满意度的影响程度,并从不同角度提出提高顾客网购满意度的建议。  相似文献   

为了及时获取教学情况,进行教学评价是主要的方式。传统的调查方法回收统计耗时大、资源浪费大,为了解决诸如此类问题,在线教学评价问卷采用三层B/S体系结构设计方法,在网页中显示调查内容,由后台数据库存放调查结果,编写代码实现结果的显示,实现教学评价无纸化模式。  相似文献   

网上购物作为一种崭新的消费模式,成为越来越多消费者的日常行为,网上购物正在迅速发展。在中国,网购市场主要集中在经济相对发达的城市,对于拥有几亿人口的农村市场却是鲜有涉及。对于伴随着中国网民增速的放缓、中国网络购物用户增长速度和绝对增长量双双出现回落的今天,开拓农村网购市场是十分必要的。文中正是基于此选取具有较强代表性的湖北省大悟县宣化店镇进行实地调研,通过问卷调查、访谈和深入发掘等方法针对农村市场特征发现实际问题,找出深层原因,提出具有针对性的合理建议,为开拓农村网购市场提出策略及方法。  相似文献   

The World Wide Web (WWW) is increasingly being used as a tool and platform for survey research. Two types of electronic or online surveys available for data collection are the email and Web based survey, and they constitute the focus of this paper. We address a multitude of issues researchers should consider before and during the use of this method of data collection: advantages and liabilities with this form of survey research, sampling problems, questionnaire design considerations, suggestions in approaching potential respondents, response rates and aspects of data processing. Where relevant, the methodological issues involved are illustrated with examples from our own research practice. This methods review shows that most challenges are resolved when taking into account the principles that guide the conduct of conventional surveys.  相似文献   

李斌成 《物流技术》2020,(2):146-149
甘肃财贸职业学院成立教学改革团队,对近2年本校毕业生进行了网上问卷调研,并深入多家企业走访调研,完成物流市场劳动力分析报告,设计改良了物流管理专业人才培养方案。  相似文献   

本文探讨网络零售业中,服务补救如何通过感知公平的不同维度对顾客补救后满意度和行为意向产生作用。以前人研究的理论成果为基础,本文建立了感知公平、补救满意度、重购意向、口碑传播之间的关系模型,通过问卷调查法获取数据,采用结构方程对假设进行了验证。本研究表明,感知公平的三个维度对顾客满意都有正向影响,而感知程序公平对顾客的重购意向和口碑传播有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to identify factors affecting participation rates, i.e., nonresponse and voluntary attrition rates, and their predictive power in a probability-based online panel. Participation for this panel had already been investigated in the literature according to the socio-demographic and socio-psychological characteristics of respondents and different types of paradata, such as device type or questionnaire navigation, had also been explored. In this study, the predictive power of online panel participation paradata was instead evaluated, which was expected (at least in theory) to offer even more complex insight into respondents’ behavior over time. This kind of paradata would also enable the derivation of longitudinal variables measuring respondents’ panel activity, such as survey outcome rates and consecutive waves with a particular survey outcome prior to a wave (e.g., response, noncontact, refusal), and could also be used in models controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. Using the Life in Australia? participation data for all recruited members for the first 30 waves, multiple linear, binary logistic and panel random-effect logit regression analyses were carried out to assess socio-demographic and online panel paradata predictors of nonresponse and attrition that were available and contributed to the accuracy of prediction and the best statistical modeling. The proposed approach with the derived paradata predictors and random-effect logistic regression proved to be reasonably accurate for predicting nonresponse—with just 15 waves of online panel paradata (even without sociodemographics) and logit random-effect modeling almost four out of five nonrespondents could be correctly identified in the subsequent wave.


Web surveys are becoming an indispensable tool for quantitative researchers, and online survey panels have proliferated in recent years. However, little research has addressed the challenges of using online panels, namely the potential effects of respondents’ survey experience, also known as panel conditioning. This paper is based on a study of Danish parents’ day care arrangements and their associated level of satisfaction. A survey was conducted through an online panel and included measurements of past survey participation. Through tests of independence on key variables and the application of various ordered logit models, we find no significant evidence that survey experience affects respondents’ reported level of satisfaction. These results persist when testing the potential interaction between survey experience and experiences with day care services. Furthermore, we relate our results to the existing literature and discuss the possibility of different effects cancelling each other out. This leads us to recommendations on the use of online panels and suggestions for elaboration in future research.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of survey mode on respondent learning and fatigue during repeated choice experiments. Stated preference data are obtained from an experiment concerning high‐speed Internet service conducted on samples of mail respondents and online respondents. We identify and estimate aspects of the error components for different subsets of the choice questions, for both mail and online respondents. Results show mail respondents answer questions consistently throughout a series of choice experiments, but the quality of the online respondents' answers declines. Therefore, while the online survey provides lower survey administration costs and reduced time between implementation and data analysis, such benefits come at the cost of less precise responses. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

网络科技论文发表平台学术论文质量提升的起点在于高水平论文作者向其投稿的意愿。据此,本论文采用问卷调查的方式对作者向网络科技论文发表平台投稿的心理进行了调查,并通过对回收问卷的数据分析,得到了影响作者投稿的主要心理因素。  相似文献   

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