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高原反应是上高原的人最怕的,正确的方法会让你免遭高原反应的痛苦。  相似文献   

每个久居都市的人,恐怕都会在日益紧张的生活节奏里感到压力山大。在忙碌中感到身心俱疲时,在喧嚣里感到心烦意乱时,内心难免会渴望有那么一丝的静谧。不妨给自己放个假吧,远离尘世的纷扰,漫步在历史悠久的古色小镇,细细观赏、慢慢品味,一场旅行就这样安安静静的度过  相似文献   

“黄金十年”让白酒行业颇为强势,其宣传力度和话题性也远非其他酒类可比,于是,在老百姓限中白酒就像是四处炫富的“土豪”,哪儿哪儿都有它的身影。如今,白酒进入了有些冰冷的“白银时代”,按说也该痛定思痛,远离浮躁,踏踏实实地做产品、搞经营。  相似文献   

原本是以游客的身份来看拉萨的,但从没到时的渴望,初到时的兴奋、安慰,分明就是游子对故乡的感情。前世生在这里吧?!所以提笔写下了“回到拉萨”。 虽然是凌晨3点多才入睡,但当清晨的阳光刚刚射入屋中,我就醒了。似乎每根兴奋的神经都在催促我起床。走出住所,赫然发现自己竟住在布达拉宫红山脚下,全身被太阳和布达拉的金光洗涤着,惊喜之余,周身通泰。 传说中,当雅砻部落在西藏南部逐渐强盛,开始建立吐蕃王朝时,“神”便派遣  相似文献   

过去有一套"嗑儿",说"关东城(东北)三大怪,窗户纸,糊在外,大姑娘叼个大烟袋,养活孩子吊起来." 窗为木窗棂,有菱形、正方、盘常(现叫中国结)等花样.分上下两扇.有"窗蛤蟆"(蛙嘴形木块),挡住上下四个窗轴,开关拆卸灵便.需通风上扇支起,三伏天狗伸舌头的时候,上下全御,那叫敞亮.  相似文献   

在我的家乡松嫩平原,乡村里一些行当,转眼间,就如同谢了幕的演员;一闭眼,那形象那音容笑貌,还在眼前晃动;一睁眼,舞台上却见不到他们了.  相似文献   

在这个车流穿梭的都市迷宫,我们不断地迷路,像几米笔下的盲女孩找不到自己的位置。纽约、东京、巴黎、莫斯科,在所有谁也不能看清谁的都市森林,等你的人会在哪站的地铁出口?  相似文献   

"成功,就在绝不言弃的努力之中。"美国著名主持人莎莉·拉斐尔的经历,最好的诠释了这句话。在其职业生涯中,莎莉·拉斐尔曾遭遇了18次辞退,一路走来历尽坎坷。最早的时候,她想到美国大陆无线电台工作。但是,电台负责人认为她是一个女性,不能吸引听众,拒绝了她。她来到了波多黎各,希望自己有个好运气。但是她不懂西班牙语,为了熟练语言,她花了三年的时间。  相似文献   

大清国走了,德国人走了,日本人走了……今天的青岛,它的西洋建筑、它的曲折街巷,它的淳朴民风历经百年、亘古不变,在不声不响地一次次拒绝不属于它的的改变之后,青岛,成为中国最老派的海滨城市。  相似文献   

中国是一个海洋大国,海岛众多,面积大于500平方米的岛屿有6500多个,面积在500平方米以下的岛屿和岩礁约上万个。海  相似文献   

距黑河市区仅15公里的黑河龙珠远东国际滑雪场位于省级风景名胜区卧牛湖畔.夏天这里山水环绕、林木秀美、气候凉爽宜人.冬天山峦起伏、白雪皑皑、是闻名遐迩的旅游胜地.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to segment the Far East Asia tourist market by using push attributes and to delineate related implications. Literature regarding these related studies and market segmentation processes was reviewed. This study utilized push attribute data collected from those people who would most likely travel to the Far East Asia in the early part of the twenty‐first century. A factor‐cluster approach was employed to find and explore the market characteristics. Seven factors and six clusters were extracted from the data analyses. Cluster scores were significantly different by destination, by country of origin, and by themselves. Clusters have unique characteristics in terms of push attributes. Thus, there is a need to cater each cluster by considering the market preferences separately. Further research is recommended to further the understanding of the Far East Asian tourist market.  相似文献   

中外旅游集团的实力对比分析及启示   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
尹幸福 《旅游学刊》2004,19(2):9-10
它山之石,可以攻玉。为此,我们研究了世界大型旅游企业,如日本的JTB、德国的TUI和Thomas Cook,以及美国运通。有关资料显示:JTB在2000年实现营业收入116亿美元,拥有国内338家办事处,2500家分支机构,66家国际分支机构;德国的TUI在2001年实现营业收入22亿欧元,拥有797家分支  相似文献   

The focus on individuals in tourism research has led to limited and fragmented research on family groups and their leisure experiences away from home. This article extends conceptual and theoretical understandings within family tourism research by offering a three-dimensional framework inclusive of group perspectives. A whole-family methodology was used with 10 families (10 fathers, 10 mothers, and 20 children) in New Zealand as a more critical and holistic approach to tourism concepts. Empirical findings illustrate group dynamics along with the underrepresented generational perspectives of children and gender perspectives of fathers to provide insights into family functioning. This resulted in a three-layered model of family holiday experiences inclusive of group sociality. The collective intentionality of family togetherness on holiday is contrasted with more balanced modes in own time, highlighting the complexity of socialization within tourism theory and practice.  相似文献   

Using a random sample of 485 household from Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi, the study estimates household demand for Food Away from Home (FAFH). The study uses household production model to estimate the demand for FAFH. The estimated income elasticities for FAFH are positive and elastic implying that growth in expenditure on FAFH outpaces growth in income. Urdu speaking have the highest growth in expenditure on FAFH as their income grow, followed by Emiratis, English and Arabs. As compared to Emiratis, Arabs and English spend significantly less amount on FAFH while Urdu speaking spend significantly higher amount. The expenditure on FAFH in popular restaurants is statistically less as compared to Asian restaurants. Hence, the industry should expect a growth in demand for FAFH especially keeping in view the expanding Emirati economy.  相似文献   

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