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农村城镇化是推进国家农业发展产业化、现代化进程的重要环节。帮助引导转变农村劳动力就业方向、推进土地科学流转、提高农田出产效益,城乡居民养老一体化,是农村城镇化的任务所在。中国城镇化发展的未来以县域为重点。通过促进县域经济的发展,带动农村劳动力合理化分配,逐步实现“县域城镇化”,更好的与高新技术、现代产业接轨。为此,农村地区发展必须走可持续发展之路,以科学发展观为导引,依靠群众的力量,不断创新思路,稳步推进经济综合发展。  相似文献   

农村城镇化是推进国家农业发展产业化、现代化进程的重要环节。帮助引导转变农村劳动力就业方向、推进土地科学流转、提高农田出产效益,城乡居民养老一体化,是农村城镇化的任务所在。中国城镇化发展的未来以县域为重点。通过促进县域经济的发展,带动农村劳动力合理化分配,逐步实现"县域城镇化",更好的与高新技术、现代产业接轨。为此,农村地区发展必须走可持续发展之路,以科学发展观为导引,依靠群众的力量,不断创新思路,稳步推进经济综合发展。  相似文献   

康伟立 《商业时代》2013,(4):132-133
农村城镇化一直是我国学术界探讨研究的重点问题之一,也是统筹城乡发展、全面建设小康社会的重要内容。本文分析了河北省唐山市城镇化发展现状,并对国内外农村城镇化模式路径进行了研究,从科学规划、合理布局;培植乡镇企业、催生产业集群;土地要素的合理流转以及保障农村公共物品的供给等角度,提出了适合唐山市自身实际的农村城镇化路径选择。  相似文献   

北安市交通条件便利,区位优势明显,是国家级城乡一体化试点城市。目前,北安市在城镇化发展中主要存在着城镇布局不合理、城镇体系落后、农民城镇化意识差、基础设施薄弱等问题,严重制约了城镇化的发展。北安市应充分发挥农民的主体作用及区位优势,加快农村城镇化的各项配套改革及建立多元化的投融资体系,重视对城镇建设的科学规划,大力发展城镇经济,以促进全市经济社会的全面发展,加速农村城镇化进程。  相似文献   

农村教育与城镇化互动发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李继云 《价格月刊》2007,(11):13-16
农村人力资本的匮乏、教育的不配套,成了农村城镇化发展的巨大障碍。本文在论述农村城镇化与农村教育关系后,分析了云南省红河州城镇化进程中农村教育存在的问题,提出了发展农村教育的对策建议。  相似文献   

黔东南苗族侗族自治州是典型的少数民族区域,是国家精准扶贫的重点区域,也是贵州省黔中经济区的重要组成部分。本文从农业产业化和农村城镇化研究综述出发,分析了黔东南州农业产业化与农村城镇化互动发展现状,发现了黔东南州农业产业化和农村城镇化发展的制约因素,最终提出了探索黔东南州农业产业化与农村城镇化互动发展的对策建议,为黔东南州农业经济、城镇化和区域经济又好又快发展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

王鹏 《商》2014,(38):268-268
城镇化水平是衡量一个社会发展的重要标志,新型城镇化道路是我国社会主义现代化和全面建成小康社会的一个重要环节。2013年我国的城镇化率达到了53.73%,城镇化水平和城镇的数量也迅速增加,但是在新型城镇化道路上的问题也日益突出,包括制度障碍、资源与环境的约束、区域发展不平衡。要消除城乡制度差异、科学规划城镇空间布局、构建城乡一体化的管理机制、提升农村人力资本水平,需要政府在新型城镇化发展中发挥宏观调控的作用,以确保我国新型城镇化建设稳步推进。  相似文献   

当前河北省农村工业化与城镇化都取得了显著成绩,但是农村工业化与城镇化的不协调发展也影响了河北农村经济、社会的持续、健康发展。因此,加强河北省农村城镇化与工业化协调发展是河北省社会进步和经济发展的客观要求和必然趋势。  相似文献   

摘要:农业产业集群对农村城镇化建设有重大的促进作用,它为农村城镇化建设提供产业支撑,同时它有利于为新型城镇培育新型农民。但是,由于历史的、现实的各方面原因,目前,农业产业集群发展过程中仍存在农业产业集群层次低、农民文化科技水平低、发展资金严重短缺等问题。今后应该采取制定科学的农业产业集群发展规划、创造利于农业产业集群发展的环境、积极筹集资金、加强科技创新等措施加快城镇化建设。  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地是一项系统工程 ,其为黑龙江省工业发展带来机遇的同时 ,也为农村城镇化的加速发展创造了条件。当前由于县城经济与人口、资源、环境之间的矛盾 ,使农村城镇化进程存在一些制约因素。应采取抓好城镇合理布局、发展农村民营企业、加大农村产业化力度与信息化建设等措施加快黑龙江省农村城镇化进程  相似文献   

高广智  王波 《北方经贸》2003,(11):60-62
回顾 2 0世纪 80年代以来发生的主要金融危机 ,作者认为委托—代理投资及其引发的道德风险是导致资产泡沫形成、膨胀和破灭并最终引发金融危机的重要原因 ,最后给出相关结论。  相似文献   

The introduction of an unconditional basic income has been discussed in Switzerland for many years. Germany, however, takes a sceptical view of this idea. The authors of this ?Zeitgespräch“ express disparate opinions on how broadly the concept should be defined, but they agree on the motive behind the concept: respect for human dignity. Moreover, it may make many social policy rules obsolete. There are conflicting opinions concerning the reaction of labour supply to the unconditional basic income. Some authors fear that it will shrink substantially. But its financing will be the main problem. There are proposals to increase the value added tax rate. The economic impacts of funding it by income tax revenues are analysed using a macroeconomic model. Ultimately, the implementation of the concept will have distributional effects which are very difficult to predict.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the collective qualification of members of society as belonging to a certain category or group based on a fixed attribute. Our model contains three main features: the existence of individual gradual opinions, the notion of elitism (only the opinions of certain individuals are taken into account to delineate the reference group), and the idea of sequentiality (elites are successively created by using the previous elites’ opinions on a social decision scheme). The main results of the paper characterize when this sequential procedure converges for some intuitive ways of aggregating individual opinions. Finally, we analyze the role of convergence for two extra basic properties (symmetry and contractiveness) that elitist rules should possess.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the main problems and constraints of the traditional brand management system and to give insight into the main trends for its future development. It reviews changes which have occurred at the main environmental variables, influencing the structure, and the problems that brand managers must deal with. Based on the expressed doubts concerning the future of the structure, it researches the brand managers' opinions on the future development and existence of the position.  相似文献   

宏观经济政策对微观企业行为影响是当前经济和管理学领域的一个热点话题。文章以2006—2015年沪深两市A股上市公司为样本,理论分析与实证检验了宏观产业政策对微观企业审计意见的影响及其内在机理。实证结果发现,产业政策显著降低了受支持企业被出具非标准审计意见的概率,并且路径分析揭示,产业政策对审计意见的影响通过提高受支持企业的盈余信息质量得以实现,在通过双重差分(DID)控制潜在的内生性之后,仍表明产业政策能显著提高受支持企业的盈余信息质量。进一步探究其内在机理发现,产业政策会降低受支持企业的融资约束程度,从而降低企业市场融资动机下的盈余操纵行为,进而提升其盈余信息质量;同时产业政策会通过降低受支持企业大股东的掏空行为,从而降低其为掩盖掏空而进行的盈余操纵,进而提升盈余信息质量。这些发现揭示了产业政策影响审计意见的内在机理,不但为产业政策的积极经济后果提供了支持证据,也丰富了审计意见研究的相关理论。  相似文献   

保险电子商务是今后保险业发展的趋势之一.我国各家保险公司及保险网站对保险电子商务虽有涉足,但未能在社会公众里引起较大的影响,除了技术原因之外,对保险电子商务的立法规范以及监管缺位是阻碍其发展的重要原因。首先提出电子合同的认可度及电子签名的法律效力两个问题.然后就保险电子商务监管提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

The world today is rife with product recommendations from professional critics and experts that are available from numerous sources—television, magazines, radio, internet, etc. Very often these recommendations shape our decisions and choices. In this study, we investigate two main issues regarding expert opinions. First, we present an approach that uses information available from every expert, including those who are silent about the product, to obtain a consensus measure of expert opinion. Our model also allows us to obtain a measure of how informative each expert is and how their information content may vary by type of review. More importantly, our overall measure of expert opinion weights the opinion of each expert based on how informative they are at the particular quality level of the product being evaluated. In other words, we provide consumers with a method that reconciles conflicting expert opinions into a summary measure. The second issue we investigate in this paper is the meaning of “silence” in expert opinions. Our model demonstrates that the fact that an expert is silent about a product may imply a positive or a negative review, depending on the expert. We use data from the motion pictures industry to illustrate our approach. JEL Classification M31  相似文献   

文章从WTO/TBT协定的基本要求和我国技术法规体系的现状入手,将各种形式的国家技术规范强制性要求与WTO/TBT协定定义的技术法规进行比较分析,指出了我国现行技术法规体系存在的问题和不足。在此基础上,就建立健全国家技术法规体系的基本原则、总体架构和应解决的主要问题进行了初步探讨,提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

李湮 《江苏商论》2011,(11):100-102
少数民族村寨旅游社区内部、外部利益主体主要包括村民、旅游开发商、基层政府组织。随着旅游的发展,围绕各种利益产生的利益冲突也不断出现,主要是村民之间、村民与旅游开发商之间、村民与基层政府之间、旅游开发商与基层政府之间的内外部冲突。本文着重分析两类主体利益冲突的类型与根源。  相似文献   

Most of the newly acceded central and east European EU countries are among the main beneficiaries of EU Cohesion Policy. The main objective of this policy is to improve the long-term growth and employment prospects of the supported regions, and thereby to support convergence towards higher levels of per capita income. In the short run, however, EU Cohesion Policy may at times amplify macroeconomic challenges for supported countries. In periods of a downturn of the economy it can have a stabilising impact. During periods of unsustainably fast economic growth, however, its short-term demand effects may contribute to internal and/or external macroeconomic imbalances. Economic policymakers should thus ensure that EU Cohesion Policy enhances long-term productivity, while avoiding, in times of overheating, an increased risk of unsustainable developments as a result of the additional demand stimulus from EU Cohesion Policy. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Central Bank. The authors are grateful to Martin Bijsterbosch, Gesa Miehe-Nordmeyer, Ad van Riet, Philipp Rother and Desom Weller for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

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