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雪佛龙公司是美国一家老牌子石油公司,现拥有资产600亿美元,员工32000人,在全球100多个国家进行石油天然气作业。它在油品销售方面也有着悠久的历史和丰富的经验。 该公司美国国内的油品销售业务由雪佛龙油品公司负责。目前它在美国国内经营着六座炼油厂和8000多家加油站,主要集中在美国的西部、西南部和南部的25个州。1999年雪佛龙在全国增加了385家加油站,在市场相对疲软的情况下,其汽油销售量实现厂4.8%的增长。 雪佛龙的油品销售已不仅仅是简单的油品销售,而是形成  相似文献   

黄晓 《化工管理》2013,(16):204
最近几年,我国的汽车保有量在持续增长,在一定程度上促进了国内加油站的发展,石油经营企业通过增加产品和服务,使得非油品业务服务也在不断提高。非油品业务的发展不仅为国内加油站带来了丰厚的利润,提高了其企业品牌和市场竞争力,并且也方便了有车一族,拉动了经济增长,提供了更多的就业岗位等。本文首先对我国加油站非油品业务的发展现状进行了简单介绍,然后分析了我国加油站非油品业务的发展策略。  相似文献   

从今年7月1日起,博世正式任命泰瑞来接替瑞世轲负责亚太区业务。泰瑞来将负责博世在亚太区的所有国家,包括中国和印度市场。资料显示,自2006年起,泰瑞来成为博世集团董事,此前一直负责市场销售、整车厂销售业务以及汽车售后市场业务部。而瑞世轲自2008年起负责亚太区,从今年1月起接管欧洲、俄罗斯、中东和非洲地区业务,同时负责消费品技术业务部。"2012年,我们在亚太地区的销售  相似文献   

<正>7月28日,苏树林总经理在集团公司非油品业务工作会议上提出,要把非油品业务发展为中国石化的主要业务之一。这是中国石化加快发展的重大战略决策,标志着打造非油品主业今后将成为油品销售企业的重要经营目标。  相似文献   

TBA销售是日本加油站非油业务中重要的经营模式。中国石油加油站TBA试点销售获得成功,销售收入持续增长,表明中国石油加油站具备开展TBA经营的能力。中国石油加油站开展TBA销售的策略:一是采取自主经营的模式,不实行股份制经营;二是发挥网络优势,实行连锁经营;三是突出其快捷便利的特点,坚持多做保养,多换轮胎,避免市场通吃的定位;四是针对目标市场,因地制宜地开展TBA销售;五是开展品牌扩展计划,形成“中国石油品牌→加油站单站品牌→油品和服务品牌→扩展油品和服务品牌”4个层次组成的加油站品牌体系。  相似文献   

本报讯近日,北京梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车金融公司获得银监会批准租赁执照,成为首家在华提供汽车租赁业务的汽车金融公司。该业务的推出,意味着今后汽车企业可以利用融资租赁方式在中国市场开展汽车销售业务。奔驰金融租赁业务获批,意味着其他汽车品牌金融公司随后也将获得这一业务,今后车企可以利用融资租赁业务创新销售方式。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展和成品油市场的逐步放开,油品零售业竞争日益加剧,发展非油品业务,拓展加油站服务前景广阔,势在必行。20世纪50年代,美国的加油站新增了修车业务。20世纪70年代,英国的加油站出现了超市。直到2003年,中国石化才开始在部分加油站开展简单的非油品销售业务,当时还只局限于毛巾、手套之类的简  相似文献   

"十二五"以来,受多方因素影响,我国油品消费增速已经放缓。在市场需求下滑的同时,经营成本仍持续攀升,成品油销售业务已进入较为艰难的时期。本文旨在探讨提升油品销售企业成品油物流工作水平的若干思路,以期进一步降本增效,促进相关业务的有效发展。  相似文献   

世界排名前四位的英荷壳牌集团、埃克森公司、莫比尔公司(美孚)、英国石油公司(BP)在石油勘探、炼油和石油化工三个领域中,上游石油勘探效益显泽,在该领域中的投资也最多;中游炼油领域效益较差,投资逐年减少;下游石油化工领域的效益较好,投资呈现增加趋势。我国原油价格与国际市场接轨后,石油勘探部门的经济效益会有所提高,因此建议集中人力、物力和财力,加强石油勘探与开发,严格控制炼油能力的增长,发展油品深度加工,提高油品质量,并加强销售网络的建设;依托现有石化装置,扩大装置的规模,多生产适销对路的产品,以遏制石化产品的进口。  相似文献   

中海石油炼化有限责任公司(简称“炼化公司”)是中国海洋石油总公司的全资子公司,2005年11月在北京正式注册成立,目前的注册资本为121亿元人民币。主要经营范围为:石油炼制、石油产品的生产、销售、储运和贸易;石化产品的生产、销售、储运和贸易;石油炼制及石油化工技术开发和研究汽油、煤油、柴油批发及仓储业务等。  相似文献   

Recently it has become obvious that OPEC, a cartel which only a few years ago could cause substantial redistribution of wealth in its favor, is now hard pressed to protect these gains. In the history of cartels the phenomenon is not new, and the conventional tools of industrial organization analyses are used here to provide insights into the process. The dynamics of structural change and the conduct of market participants have undermined OPEC's dominance in world crude oil trading. Strategies adopted by major energy companies which have contributed to weakening the cartel are examined. The development of crude reserves alternate to those held by OPEC has been the focus of large investment expenditures. In addition, the development of flexible trading policies for purchases of crude oil has enhanced bargaining power with alternate suppliers. The paper also examines marketing and organizational changes within OPEC. Less and less are OPEC members simply sellers of crude oil. Increasingly, crude is bartered or sold in packages containing mixtures of LNG or refined products. Moreover, corporate diversity among various OPEC national oil companies is growing as major new facilities in refining, marketing, transportation and chemical production come into operation. The very fact that this complexity reflects explicit decisions by participants indicates the growing force of individual as opposed to group interest maximization and permanently weakens the cartel's ability to exercise market power.  相似文献   

埃克森美孚、壳牌、BP、道达尔、雪佛龙五大国际石油公司均采用上下游产业一体化发展模式,业务、产品和服务多元化,产业链各环节协同发展,提升整体竞争力,并适时对产业链进行优化调整,主动适应能源行业发展趋势和竞争环境变化。近年来,五大公司受益于产业一体化发展,较为平稳地应对了低油价冲击,并且通过降低成本、资产优化等措施,提升了产业经营能力和质量,盈利能力对油价的依赖程度明显下降。炼油、化工等中下游业务在低油价时期表现较为稳健,受到一体化公司的重视,主要国际石油公司油气产业链进一步完善,产业发展更趋于均衡。  相似文献   

In the last ten years industrial companies have gone from offering products to offering products/services and then to offering solutions. At the same time, the theory of marketing has also evolved to provide, under the heading of S-D logic, an enlarged conceptual framework. In this article we apply the conceptual framework of S-D logic to the marketing of solutions. Based on two case studies, we highlight the limits to current offering strategies in terms of co-creation and involving customer network actors. We suggest an approach to co-create value in customer networks based on a switch from customer value proposition to customer network value proposition.  相似文献   

In recent years, in overall value, the EU has become a net importer of organic food to supply increasing demand. Financial support for farmers during the conversion period has been made to help expand organic production as this was seen as a barrier to conversion. Meanwhile, farmers have been marketing products produced in this conversion period and labelled as such, the extent to which is described here for the UK, Portugal, Denmark, Ireland and Italy. Consumers’ attitudes towards, and willingness-to-pay for, conversion-grade food in these countries is examined. It was found that consumers would be prepared to pay a premium for conversion-grade produce of around half the premium for organic produce with vegetables attracting a higher premium than meat. Finally, the potential of policies for marketing conversion-grade products to encourage more conversion is examined, together with barriers to achieving this. It is concluded that barriers to marketing such products, particularly from retailers, will be formidable. Thus, alternative policies are suggested.  相似文献   

随着经济的增长,越来越多的人们在繁重的工作之余,渴望体验不同的生活.近年来旅游需求呈现出大幅度增长的势头.各大旅游酒店面临着日益激烈的竞争压力,在这种背景和环境下,就迫使旅游酒店必须从传统营销方式向体验营销方式转变,进一步开展体验营销.不断提高旅游酒店本身产品和服务的质量,为顾客带来美好的体验,积极打造旅游酒店的核心竞...  相似文献   

Companies are recognizing and pursuing the opportunity to serve the market known as the base of the pyramid (BOP), i.e., consumers who live in poverty in developing countries. The BOP constitutes the largest remaining global market frontier for businesses. Until recently, it has been ignored because of its seeming unattractiveness and insurmountable challenges compared with middle‐ and high‐income markets. However, BOP consumers desire and are able to pay for quality products tailored to their needs. In response, firms are developing new products specific to the demands and conditions of this low‐income population. To innovate effectively, ensuring new products are well received, firms need to know how to enhance new product adoption among these consumers despite the barriers of poverty. We address this need by developing a model of adoption contextualized to the BOP. Based on theories of innovation and poverty, and drawing on the emergent subsistence market literature, we propose that certain new product characteristics, social context dynamics, and marketing environment approaches moderate or counter some of the limits of poverty, making adoption possible. We then discuss the managerial and theoretical implications of our model for innovation practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

Got milk? The rapid rise of China’s dairy sector and its future prospects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper synthesizes recent research and new empirical findings to build a more comprehensive understanding of developments in China’s dairy sector. China’s tremendous rise in dairy demand has been driven by several mutually reinforcing factors: including rapid income growth, promotion by the government and dairy industry, changes in urban lifestyles, and the development of new, more sophisticated marketing channels. Domestic milk output has grown to satisfy rising demand largely by increasing the dairy herd. Substantial increases in productivity have been achieved through technology adoption, but there is evidence that the torrid growth has created inefficiencies because adaptations to marketing rules, infrastructure, and institutions have not kept pace with the changing environment. These results suggest there is ample room for future growth in both domestic milk production and dairy demand, but multinational firms and imported products will likely play and increasing role as China’s dairy market continues to develop.  相似文献   

名牌从不同的角度看有不同的含义,创造石油名牌产品,实施名牌战略从转变经济体制,转变经济增长方式,参与市场竞争,提高产品质量,加快企业发展等四个方面有着十分重要的意义。石油企业创造名牌产品,实施名牌战略,必须从提高企业科技水平,管理水平和营销水平等几方面下功夫。  相似文献   

Traditional industrial marketing communication approaches have come under increasing cost pressures in recent years. As a result, industrial marketing managers have been turning to alternative approaches. The company magazine and newsletter is one approach which has become popular among marketers of both services and products. This study attempts to determine the effectiveness of this type of publication on various dimensions and attempts to address the question of what constitutes a good company magazine or newsletter.  相似文献   

Forecasts for business-to-business electronic commerce over the next few years are in the trillions. Manufacturers represent a significant portion of business-to-business activity and their web sites an integral component of business-to-business electronic commerce. Should they choose to, manufacturers can use their web sites not only to conduct electronic commerce but also to engage in a wide range of marketing communications. Marketing communication activities include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing. The results of our content analysis of 188 Fortune 500 manufacturer web sites indicated that few manufacturers use a broad range of marketing communications activities. Analysis of differences in the use of marketing communications on web sites suggests that some aspects of web site marketing communications differ based on manufacturer characteristics such as sales, R&D to sales ratio, and net income.  相似文献   

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