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实施新会计准则对基层银行监管的挑战及建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、实施新会计准则对基层银行监管的挑战1、资本监管的难度更大。资本充足率是监管部门对银行监管最重要的监管指标。实施新会计准则后,由于会计核算科目的调整,一些表外业务被纳入表内核算,如衍生金融工具纳入表内核算后,改变了原风险加权资产的结构,资产加权风险计算工作量更大、更复杂。此外,随着市场价格的波动,公允价值的频繁变化会大大增加银行资本的波动性。监管部门须审查银行评估内部资本充足率所用的风险计量方法是否完善,对其资本监管难度将更大。  相似文献   

中国商业银行收入结构多元化对银行风险的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
不同于以往文献专注于收入结构与银行绩效关系的研究,本文基于资产组合理论关于多元化组合可以分散风险的观点,对我国商业银行收入结构多元化与银行风险变化之间的关系进行研究。首先利用14家商业银行12年的数据建立面板数据模型,分析非利息收入占比提高对银行风险的影响。在此基础上,再根据资产组合理论对银行风险进行进一步的分解,试图更深一步探讨收入结构多元化与银行风险变化之间的关系。结果表明,中国商业银行收入结构多元化与银行风险间的关系并不显著,银行风险的降低主要归因于利息收入波动风险减小,而随着非利息收入占比的提高,非利息收入波动风险反而增加,对总风险的贡献值增加。基于本文的实证结果,在银行风险控制方面对中国商业银行收入结构转型提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

基于中国上市银行四维多元化指标的构建和归纳,应用动态面板GMM模型对收入、地域、资产和非传统业务活动多元化与银行风险之间的关系进行实证研究发现:收入、资产和非传统业务活动的多元化有助于降低银行风险,且国有银行获得的多元化收益多于中小银行;但在地域多元化方面,国有银行的地域多元化反而可能导致风险提高,而中小银行的地域多元化则更有利于分散和降低风险.  相似文献   

本文以中国14家商业银行2000~2009年的数据为样本,在测度中国银行业体系风险性指数的基础上,考察资产价格波动对银行收入结构及银行体系风险的影响.研究结果表明:中国银行业纷纷通过上市融资的方式来改善自己的资本资产结构,收益和资产状况得到了较大改善,银行体系稳定性明显增强;资产价格波动与非利息收入结构有明显的正相关关...  相似文献   

2017年发布的巴塞尔协议III最终方案标志着商业银行资本监管体系正式迈入后危机时代。在银行资产负债表不断扩张的背景下,通过对131家银行2013-2019年数据进行分解,本文发现:我国商业银行资本充足率提升主要依赖内源性资本扩充,大部分来自留存收益;风险加权资产占比只在极少数银行有下降;前期缓冲资本水平较高的银行面临总资产和风险业务的高速扩张。进一步研究表明:大型银行的风险资产管理更规范,2014年施行的资本管理高级方法显著降低了试点银行的风险加权资产占比,其作用机制为调整贷款结构和改进银行风险权重。  相似文献   

本文基于15家中国上市银行2003-2012年数据,应用三阶段最小二乘法(3SLS)考察了杠杆率约束对银行资本、风险承担行为的影响。研究结果表明,兼顾了杠杆率约束的资本监管促进了我国商业银行资本水平的不断提高与风险水平的逐步下降,银行资本变动与风险水平变动之间存在显著的负相关关系。面对越来越严的监管标准,监管压力不仅作用于资本相对不足的银行,同样也作用于资本充足性银行,资本水平较高的银行具有更强的资本补充能力,向目标资本水平调整的速度更快。本文认为,《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》关于杠杆率与资本充足性相结合的监管精神强化了金融风险监管,对未来我国商业银行表外业务及风险计量方法的使用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

增强银行经营的稳健性、减少银行信贷行为的亲周期效应对实体经济带来的负面影响,对我国经济的平稳发展具有重要现实意义。本文在对理论文献进行系统梳理和经济学分析的基础上,对宏观经济波动下我国银行业资本缓冲调整行为特征、资本缓冲对宏观经济波动产生影响的传导效应进行了理论分析,并利用2000-2010年我国45家商业银行的年度非平衡面板数据,对该问题分析提出的相关理论假说进行了实证检验。实证结果表明:(1)我国银行资本缓冲与宏观经济波动之间呈现正相关关系,这有别于世界主要市场经济国家银行业资本缓冲与经济波动两者之间的负相关关系;①(2)我国银行业资本缓冲在经济周期上升期的提高主要是通过增加资本金②或权益的方式实现的;(3)我国银行信贷增速呈现出有悖其他市场经济国家的逆周期特征,资本缓冲与经济周期的正相关关系强化了银行信贷增速的逆周期特征;(4)资本缓冲会显著降低银行的存款溢价,而其对贷款溢价的影响并不明显;(5)资本缓冲对存款溢价的削弱作用更多地出现在经济下行阶段,而其对贷款溢价的影响效应在不同经济周期并未呈现显著差别。  相似文献   

本文采用40家中国城市商业银行2007~2013年间的微观数据,将两步系统广义矩估计方法引入到非平衡面板数据模型中,实证检验了银行收入结构多元化对银行风险的影响。研究结果表明:非利息收入占营业收入的相对比重会显著增加银行的资产组合风险,收入结构多元化指数会显著分散银行的资产组合风险;非利息收入占营业收入的相对比重会显著降低银行的杠杆风险,收入结构多元化指数会显著增加银行的杠杆风险;银行收入结构多元化对银行整体风险没有显著的影响,原因可能是来自于收入结构多元化对银行整体风险分解指标的正负效应的相互抵消。  相似文献   

本文基于中国52家商业银行2007~2012年的非平衡面板数据,运用最小二乘法和广义矩估计(GMM)研究方法,对中国银行业缓冲资本调节与资产风险变化的关系进行实证研究。中国银行业缓冲资本调节与资产风险变化总体上互为正相关关系,对于缓冲资本水平低于4%的银行,两者之间则呈现负相关关系。因此,对于缓冲资本水平较高的银行,可以考虑适当增加风险资产,以提高资本的利用率;对于缓冲资本低于4%的银行,其缓冲资本具有一定的顺周期性,建议资本监督部门以4%缓冲资本水平为参考,对中国银行业的缓冲资本水平进行具体的指导。  相似文献   

在国内金融市场逐渐走向世界的背景下,我国商业银行将面临着更加激烈的市场竞争环境。商业银行资本结构动态调整灵活性的高低,将影响商业银行能否得到健康发展。通过采用非线性最小二乘法对上市商业银行资本结构动态调整影响因素进行实证后发现,我国上市商业银行资本结构动态调整,与盈利能力、公司规模、成长性、市场竞争因素、经济增长呈现正相关性,与税负效应、不良贷款率、股权集中度、通货膨胀、股权流通性呈现负相关性,而与资产担保价值则无关;而在调整方向上则具有非对称性,资本结构向上调整的速度明显快于向下调整的速度。就不同类型银行而言,规模性因素、税收效应两个因素,对大型国有银行资本结构动态调整的影响比股份制银行以及城商行要显著,而不良贷款率的影响正好相反。就商业银行面临的市场竞争压力而言,所受的压力越大,其资本调整速度越快。因此,商业银行必须降低风险资产,提升银行资产的质量。国家层面,必须要发展债券市场,促进银行债权结构的改善;同时,适当改变监管政策,以促进商业银行间形成良性的市场竞争。  相似文献   

The relationship between macroeconomic developments and bank capital buffer and portfolio risk adjustments is relevant to assess the efficacy of newly created countercyclical buffer requirements. Using the U.S. bank holding company data over the period 1992:Q1–2011:Q3, we find a negative relationship between the business cycle and capital buffer. Our results offer some support for the Basel III agreements that countercyclical capital buffer in the banking sector is necessary to help the performance of the real economy during recessions. We find a robust evidence of inverse relationship between business cycle and bank default risk. Our analysis provides evidence of diversification benefits. The probability of insolvency risk decreases for diversified banks and banks with high revenue diversity achieve capital savings.  相似文献   

This paper examines empirically the hypothesis that market discipline is effective in providing incentives for banks to limit their risk of default, by holding capital buffers against adverse outcomes in portfolio risk. We have constructed a large cross-country panel data set consisting of observations on 729 individual banks from 32 different countries over the years 1993 to 2000. Theory implies that the strength of market discipline ought to be related to the extent of the government safety net, the observability of bank risk choices and to the proportion of uninsured liabilities in the bank's balance sheet. Using panel data techniques, we test whether these factors provide incentives for banks to hold larger capital buffers against adverse outcomes in portfolio risk. Our results suggest that government safety nets result in lower capital buffers and that stronger market discipline resulting from uninsured liabilities and disclosure results in larger capital buffers, all else equal. While our results therefore point to the effectiveness of market discipline mechanisms in general, we also find that the effect of disclosure and uninsured funding is reduced when banks enjoy a high degree of government support. Our results finally suggest that while competition leads to greater risk taking incentives, market discipline is more effective in curbing these incentives in countries where competition among banks is strong.  相似文献   

本文在经济下行周期的背景下,从行业组合的视角探讨商业银行如何根据国家政策及自身战略积极布局信贷资产,从被动调控向主动管理转变,实现收益、风险及资本的优化.本文提出两个优化模型——基于最优增长率的均值方差基准模型和专家判断的主动配置模型,通过加入风险相关性、风险容忍度、经济资本等约束,为银行在不同风险偏好下积极配置资产提...  相似文献   

There is a current controversy concerning the appropriate size of banks’ capital requirements, and the trade-off between the costs and benefits of implementing higher capital requirements. We quantify the size of capital buffers required to reduce system-wide losses using confidential regulatory data for Australian banks from 2002 to 2014 and annual public accounts from 1978 to 2014. We find that a moderate increase in bank capital buffers is sufficient to maintain financial system resilience, even after taking economic downturns into consideration. Furthermore, while banks benefit from paying a lower cost of debt when they have a higher capital buffer, lending volumes are lower indicating that credit supply may be hampered if bank capital levels are too high within a financial system.  相似文献   

段军山 《金融论坛》2006,11(6):53-57
商业银行直接或间接地参与股票市场,就会因股票价格的波动影响银行资产质量进而影响银行资产负债表和银行稳定。理论和实践证明股票价格的急剧波动和银行部门不稳定性扩散之间存在紧密的联系;同时,银行信贷的扩张对股票价格的波动有很大影响。对我国的经验分析表明:银行间信贷市场与股票市场的资金连通存在较强的相关性;上市银行脆弱度与上证综合指数的相关性在5%水平上显著。在综合经营的大背景下,应加强对我国金融脆弱性的识别和监管,疏通货币市场与股票市场正常的资金联系,加强对商业银行的审慎管理,银行自身也要加强风险管理。  相似文献   

Using an unbalanced panel of accounting data from 1997 to 2004 and controlling for individual bank costs and risk, we find capital buffers of the banks in the EU15 have a significant negative co-movement with the cycle. For banks in the accession countries there is significant positive co-movement. Capital buffers of commercial and savings banks, and of large banks, exhibit negative co-movement. Those of co-operative and smaller banks exhibit positive co-movement. Speeds of adjustment are fairly slow. We interpret these results and discuss policy implications, noting that negative co-movement of capital buffers will exacerbate the pro-cyclical impact of Basel II.  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between discretionary capital buffers, capital requirements, and risk for the 99 largest European banks from 2013 to 2020. Discretionary buffers are banks’ own buffers, or headroom: the difference between reported and required capital. Against the backdrop of steadily increasing capital requirements over the sample period, I exploit unique and detailed Pillar 2 data that banks disclose since the release of a 2015 European Banking Authority opinion. I show that less headroom is associated with increased bank risk, even for well-capitalized banks. An additional examination of banks’ responses to the 2016 and 2018 EBA stress tests reveals that banks supervised by the ECB struggled to improve headroom. Overall, I document limitations of the effectiveness of bank capital requirements.  相似文献   

采用部分调整模型和傅里叶单位根检验对中国14家上市商业银行的最优资本水平进行研究,并估计出存在最优资本水平银行的最优资本比率值和资本调整速度。研究发现,大部分上市银行均存在最优资本水平,但不同类型和资产规模的银行在最优资本比率的目标变量选择方面有所差异。平均而言,大型商业银行最优资本水平较高,股份制银行最优资本水平较低。资本调整速度在银行间差异很大,自有资金比率调整速度最快,核心资本充足率和资本充足率调整速度较慢。  相似文献   

Loan pricing under Basel capital requirements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We analyze the loan pricing implications of the reform of bank capital regulation known as Basel II. We consider a perfectly competitive market for business loans where, as in the model underlying the internal ratings based (IRB) approach of Basel II, a single risk factor explains the correlation in defaults across firms. Our loan pricing equation implies that low risk firms will achieve reductions in their loan rates by borrowing from banks adopting the IRB approach, while high risk firms will avoid increases in their loan rates by borrowing from banks that adopt the less risk-sensitive standardized approach of Basel II. We also show that only a very high social cost of bank failure might justify the proposed IRB capital charges, partly because the net interest income from performing loans is not counted as a buffer against credit losses. A net interest income correction for IRB capital requirements is proposed.  相似文献   

The tax benefit of interest deductibility encourages debt financing, but regulatory constraints create dependency between bank leverage and asset risk. Using a large international sample of banks this paper shows that banks located in high-tax countries have higher leverage and lower average asset risk-weights. This trade-off is stronger when regulation is more stringent and for banks with less capital. Non-financial firms' leverage and asset risk are positively related to tax rates, as further evidence of the regulatorily induced adjustment of portfolio risk. A difference-in-difference analysis provides support for a causal interpretation of these results. Overall, higher tax rates are positively correlated with systemic risk, suggesting that the lower asset risk does not offset the risk-inducing effect of tax rates on bank leverage.  相似文献   

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