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Bawa  Kapil  Ghosh  Avijit 《Marketing Letters》1999,10(2):149-160
The shopping trip to the grocery store is one of the most basic elements of consumer behavior. The authors seek to provide an understanding of the factors that account for variations in shopping behavior across households. They present a model of shopping behavior that assumes that households seek to minimize the travel cost associated with shopping and the cost of holding goods in inventory. As in the classic EOQ model, observed shopping behavior reflects the manner in which households balance these costs while meeting their consumption needs. A number of propositions derived from the model are tested using data on shopping trips made by households over a one-year period. The results support the model and indicate that the relationship between household characteristics and shopping behavior can be fairly complex: for some households shopping may have a recreational aspect while for others it may compete directly with wage-earning activity.  相似文献   

The present study provides an extension of the research which has focused on in-home shopping activity. Recent reviews of the extant literature are discussed, leading to the position that research must begin to examine a broader range of factors which prompt and sustain in-home shopping behavior. A framework representing an adaptation and extension of several retail patronage models is developed and tested. The results obtained generally support the advisability of this approach.  相似文献   

感知风险是消费者行为研究中的一个重要内容,对消费者的购买行为与决策有重要的影响。对于网上消费这一新的消费方式,感知风险研究所取得的进展如何,是一个值得讨论的话题。对于企业而言,若想提高消费者网上购物的数量,仅仅提高产品和服务的绩效是不够的,还需要进一步提高网上零售商的服务,改善网上的经营环境等。  相似文献   

购物中心选址的综合评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
购物中心的选址正确与否,直接决定了购物中心运营后经营效果。通过对影响购物中心选址因素的分析,运用层次分析方法设计了选址评价的指标体系,然后确定每层因素权系数,再确定低层因素对目标层的组合权重系数,应用数学的方法建立购物中心选址的综合评价系统。在一定程度上解决了如何运用数学方法分析和处理购物中心选址评价中大量存在的模糊问题,从而在很大程度上提高了购物中心选址决策的正确性,为开发商成功投资购物中心提供了更可靠的依据。  相似文献   

未来数年内,内容的类型化和院线扩张毫无疑问将成为中国电影产业平行发展的两条基本线索,越来越多的资金也将从四面八方涌向这个产业。但我们并不能因此断言中国电影产业的故事一定会是一出喜剧,这取决于它的脚本编写是否真正符合商业规律。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop comprehensive food shopping profiles of career-oriented, income-oriented, and at-home wives. Discriminant analysis revealed distinct profiles for the career-oriented and at-home wives. However, income-oriented wives were similar to career-oriented wives regarding some demographic characteristics, shopping patterns, and some shopping strategies, and similar to at-home wives for other shopping strategies. Income-oriented wives were more likely to have husbands who shared the food shopping role. Overall, the findings of this study suggest that measures of food shopping strategies be refined and that replication of the methodology be used with samples varying in family structure.  相似文献   

In January 1985 the Department of the Environment (DOE) produced Development Control Policy Note (DCPN) I I to super-sede the 16-year-old policy notes DCPN 3 and 11, which advised local authorities on the planning issues pertaining to amusement centres and betting offices. The new note covers all service uses and is the result of u DOE review into the growth of this sector and the planning problems associated with this element of land rise change in shopping centres. This article outlines the background to the DOE review, discusses the main points contained within the revised note, and concludes that the advice, although worthwhile, is somewhat belated to be of much value to planning authorities.  相似文献   

伴随着在线零售的迅速发展,在线购物体验及其衍生的购物体验价值日益受到学术界和实务人士的重视。基于消费者体验视角,本文考察了在线购物体验的四个维度,即感官体验、实用体验、认知体验与关系体验,识别出在线购物体验价值的四种类型,包括经济性价值、社会性价值、享乐性价值以及利他性价值——本研究证实的一种新的购物体验价值,发现消费者感知的在线购物体验会正向影响购物体验价值,后者又会对在线购物意向产生正向影响。研究还发现,性别、互联网经验、网购年龄及网购频率会影响消费者的在线购物体验及体验价值感知。  相似文献   

In MADM problems, the attributes are often rated in linguistic variables, some researchers transform them into numerical values through some formulas. However, it might be inconsistent with real human thinking in some extent. In order to deal with such problems, a sample survey based MADM method with prospect theory is proposed. Firstly, through sampling survey, we collect the data in single point format corresponding to the words, and establish the codebook by mapping words into fuzzy sets, after that fuzzy operation rules are suitable for them. Secondly, based on the reference points, the gain and/or loss matrix is obtained, in accordance with the value function, the prospect value matrix is constructed. Finally, if the attributes are independent, the weighted prospect value of each alternative is computed, if the attributes are dependent, the Choquet integral based prospect value of each alternative is computed. The alternatives are ranked in descending order respect to the defuzzified values. The first alternative is chosen as the best decision result. The feasibility of the proposed method is illustrated through an application in online shopping problem from real life.  相似文献   

Male shoppers are recognized as an important and distinctive market segment. While initial steps to categorize and classify male shoppers have been taken, the majority of existing empirical research considers male shoppers as a single, homogeneous market segment. Recognizing that our understanding of male shoppers can be improved by identifying smaller, more homogeneous sub-segments, this exploratory study uses Generational Cohort Theory (GCT) as a framework to examine the shopping orientations of US men across four different generational cohorts: the Silent generation, the Baby Boomers, the 13th Generation, and the Millennials. The findings of this study support the use of GCT as a market segmentation tool for male shoppers and provide insight to help retailers understand how men in the four cohort groups approach shopping. Specifically, the findings suggest that male shoppers in the Millennial generation exhibit significantly higher levels of shopping enjoyment, recreational shopping tendency and market mavenism than males in the other generational cohorts.  相似文献   

"苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之."天津海关侦查分局局长刘晓辉对这句话格外欣赏.这句话如此的大气凝重以致我不由想起他的故事.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate purchase intent in online marketplaces as an international phenomenon. A profile of the international online consumer is established, taking into account factors such as indicators of socio-economic development of their home countries. A structural model is analyzed using LISREL, testing the importance of CSR, the propensity to buy from international online vendors and commitment with purchase intent as the dependent variable. A cross-national dataset of 804 respondents from 57 countries is analyzed, showing that CSR activities alone do not increase purchasing intent, but they do when mediated by commitment.  相似文献   

2001年2月21日,广东省湛江市中级人民法院对湛江海关查处的特大走私进口3万吨铜精矿案部分涉案人员作出一审判决,以走私普通货物罪分别判处蔡伟雄、陈宽余无期徒刑、有期徒刑12年,以受贿罪判处肖鸣杰有期徒刑3年.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of advertising on brand images. One hundred and twenty female cat owners were divided into three equal treatment groups. Each group was given a specified shopping list and asked to describe the personality of the female shopper. Two leading national brands of canned cat food served as the test items. The brands were at relative competitive parity, except in terms of advertising-achieved image association. Analysis of the data suggest that image distinctions are influenced by image-oriented advertising. The results support the view that a major function of advertising is in the area of the consumer's perception of particular brands.  相似文献   

Relying on customer attribution theory and psychological contract model, we find that customers perceive a psychological contract breach more severe and experience more intense emotions when they attribute the service failure to external factors rather than internal factors (Experiment 1), and message construal level (Experiment 2) moderates the effect of psychological contract breach on the formation of their intense affective reactions. The study demonstrates that the way a firm communicates to customers about the unfulfilled promises affects their interpretation of the breach and thus the intensity of the emotional reactions.  相似文献   

The market for second‐hand luxury products is growing and the variety of available sales channels has increased; consumers can buy second‐hand luxury goods not only from brick‐and‐mortar stores but also from a myriad of both global and local online channels. Arguably, the increase in available sales channels has changed consumers’ purchasing behaviour as the roles between sellers and buyers are alternating as one can act as a buyer one day and a seller the next. However, prior research on luxury consumption has mainly focused on brand‐new luxury goods, largely neglecting the consumption of previously‐used luxury products and has not accounted for the multi‐channel shopping environment. The purpose of this paper is to understand how consumers mentally approach the purchase of second‐hand luxury products and what kinds of decision‐making styles they use. The empirical interview data of 22 consumers was analysed by the means of shopping style dimensions that account for both consumer characteristics and external shopping conditions. The interviewees were members of a Facebook buy and sell ‐group focused on luxury products and had recently bought a second‐hand luxury product. All the existing dimensions were evident in the data but an additional dimension was also identified: resale value consciousness. The new dimension emphasizes an investment‐led and price‐quality conscious shopping style but was also found to relate to impulse buying and brand consciousness. The emergence of the dimension is argued to be due to the increase in viable online sales channels for second‐hand luxury products.  相似文献   

Most online shopping platform firms generate revenue from three sources: pay-per-click search advertising, pay-per-impression display advertising, and membership fees. The strategies that influence these revenue sources typically are studied individually, rather than in a holistic fashion. In response, this study uses time-series data with 18 million buyers and sellers from 2010 to 2011 and undertakes a quasi-experiment to analyze how the distinct effects of buyer- and seller-side strategies on revenues (1) vary across all three revenue sources and (2) depend differentially on a platform’s upmarket repositioning strategy. The results show that buyers that purchase through direct traffic (e.g., typing in the site address) yield more display advertising and membership fee revenues than those gained through organic traffic (e.g., landing from a search engine). Engagement strategies that appeal to established sellers (i.e., value-added services) yield more search advertising and membership revenue than those that appeal to new sellers (i.e., social forums). An upmarket repositioning strategy (i.e., eliminating low quality sellers) enhances the revenue effects of buyer traffic generation and seller engagement strategies. Post hoc analyses suggest that a 1% increase in direct traffic generates an additional $151,506 in display advertising revenue after (vs. before) the repositioning.  相似文献   

Shopping malls are unique retail environments offering individual consumption experiences within a holistic retail ecosystem. Drawing on a bibliometric analysis and a systematic review of 31 articles, this research synthetizes Jean-Charles Chebat's contributions to the shopping mall literature. Findings highlight four core clusters of the shopping mall literature, namely spatial wayfinding, atmospherics, consumer differences across shopping mall experiences, and shopping mall consequences. The newly developed Shopping Mall Experience Framework extends Chebat's research proposing additional elements of interest for current mall retailing research. Managerial implications offer practical guidance on successfully designing and maneuvering shopping malls of the future.  相似文献   

This study aims at developing and validating a measurement model for customer engagement with specific focus on mobile devices for shopping. Further, role of customer engagement in building customer loyalty is explored. The research in this investigation used three studies for developing customer engagement scale and validating the proposed model. The study involved data collection from experts and users through varied methods including in-depth interviews, and surveys. Further structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. Findings of this study include development and validation of customer engagement as second order construct arising out of six different customer experiences - social-facilitation, self-connect, intrinsic enjoyment, time-filler, utilitarian and monetary evaluation experiences. Further, the study established significant role of customer engagement in predicting customer loyalty in addition to existing constructs of satisfaction and convenience. This study contributes to evolving scholarly research on customer engagement. This study further provides a framework to retailers for devising matrices to track experiences and engagement of customers on mobile devices for shopping. Further, retailers may be able to use customer engagement to differentiate themselves from competition in attracting merchants and advertisers.  相似文献   

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