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新济贫法制度对近代英国社会产生重要影响,其评价问题也是备受争议的问题,为了实事求是地评价新济贫法制度,必须客观认识新济贫法制度残酷性的历史事实,客观认识新济贫法制度逐步改善的历史事实,也必须客观认识院内救济与院外救济共存的历史事实。只有这样,才能够准确认识和把握英国新济贫法制度的历史全貌,也才能更好地理解和评价济贫法制度在英国社会政策发展史上的地位。  相似文献   

<正>济贫法制度是西方国家政府救济制度出现的标志之一,也是近代西方社会救助的核心制度,更是现代社会救助制度的直接渊源。英国济贫法制度具有近350年的历史,遗憾的是,国内学术界迄今并未对其做出全面、系统的研究。丁建定教授撰写并出版的《英国济贫法制度史》,可谓弥补了史学界与社会保障学界在这一研究领域的缺憾。作为国内学界第一部英国济贫法制度的研究著作,本书所提出的一些重要学术观点具  相似文献   

胡文秀 《中国外资》2013,(14):167-168
英国《济贫法》自1601年颁布至1948年终止,历经了300多年的时间,在这300年间,受英国社会环境变化的影响,《济贫法》被不断修改完善以适应英国社会需要。本文试图梳理《济贫法》从1601年颁布到1834年新《济贫法》的实施以及到1948年《济贫法》彻底告别历史舞台这一历史过程,对其历史演变进程进行分析研究探讨。  相似文献   

新自由主义是相对于古典自由主义而言的,是在古典自由主义理论思想的基础上发展起来的一个新的理论体系.亚当*斯密被认为是这个理论的创始人,该理论也称为"华盛顿共识".新自由主义从其创立到如今,经历了不同的实践,也带来一系列的争论,在经济学界的争论热潮较高.  相似文献   

虽然《雾都孤儿》抨击了“济贫法”,揭露了资本主义社会的吃人实质,但是也处处体现出等级观念对作者思想的深刻影响。而这种影响则使本书表现出了贵族与生俱来的好运和他们之间的“牢固友谊”,表现出了对盗贼们的不屑一顾与嘲弄;也宣扬了具有善良的品德和维护等级秩序的重要性。  相似文献   

姜静  卞新龙 《金卡工程》2009,13(12):104-104
西方自然法思想的奠基者是斯多葛学派,该学派认为在人类早期自然状态下人们以理性为基础的成文或者不成文的法则即自然法,在黑暗的中世纪,教会控制了社会的各个领域,包括法律服从宗教,宗教裁判所的法律依据是"神法"而不是"人法"。到了近代,西方一些思想家对自然法从新解释发展了自然法思想,从而确立了以理性为基础的法律思想,摆脱了教会的约束,产生了社会契约论。自然法思想已成为西方普遍接受。  相似文献   

约翰·格雷是英国当代著名政治哲学家,曾经担任牛津大学政治学教授,现任伦敦经济学和政治科学学院的欧洲思想史教授.他在1986年发表的<自由主义>以及在1989年发表的同名论文集中,试图为自由主义找到一种稳固的理论基础.继1993年出版<后自由主义>一书之后,他又于2000年出版了<自由主义的两张面孔>.在这本书中,他沿着<后自由主义>的思路继续前进,在勾画出自由主义的两张面孔后,他批判了主流自由主义,并站在多元主义的立场上,以回到霍布斯为口号,把"权宜之计"(modusvivendi)作为解决自由主义困境的药方.  相似文献   

  迪特·格林  王蔚   《当代金融研究》2018,2018(3):156-162
在迪特·格林看来,狄骥核心思想在于对法兰西第三共和国中后期主流的法秩序概念和法学方法进行了彻底批判,认为其所处时代的法学尚停留在形而上学阶段。在对"法律"和"立法"严格区分的基础上,狄骥将法律中唯意志主义的所有形式剔除而凸显"客观法"。"社会连带之事实"在整个狄氏思想脉络中成为其解释"客观法"内容之依据,并因此着力摒弃大革命法秩序核心观念:如"主权"自由"与"主观权利"。迪特·格林认为狄骥学说全部目的在于使得政治权力及个人意志均遵循客观法,使用"公共服务"概念摒弃"公共权力"并试图以全新的方式定义"国家"  相似文献   

从新自由主义的背景与分支、发展与问题、未来的趋势对新自由主义进行文献综述,并着重对代表人物哈耶克及其思想进行分析论述。  相似文献   

本文从社会学视角对影响当代大学生思想行为的社会思潮进行了分析。认为新自由主义、新"左派"和民族主义、实用主义、拜金主义等是对大学生思想行为影响较大的社会思潮。同时认为市场化改革和全面开放导致的社会流动、阶层分化和融入全球化的进程迅速而剧烈,经济与社会政治的发展还不够协调,是各种社会思潮产生、流行和互动的原因。  相似文献   

Recent research asserts that an essential feature of good corporate governance is strong investor protection, where investor protection is defined as the extent of the laws that protect investors' rights and the strength of the legal institutions that facilitate law enforcement. The purpose of this study is to test this assertion by investigating whether these measures of investor protection are associated with an important role of good corporate governance: identifying and terminating poorly performing CEOs. Our tests indicate that strong law enforcement institutions significantly improve the association between CEO turnover and poor performance, whereas extensive investor protection laws do not. In addition, we find that in countries with strong law enforcement, CEO turnover is more likely to be associated with poor stock returns when stock prices are more informative. Finding that strong law enforcement institutions are associated with improved CEO turnover‐performance sensitivity is consistent with good corporate governance requiring law enforcement institutions capable of protecting shareholders' property rights (i.e., protecting shareholders from expropriation by insiders). Finding that investor  protection laws are not associated with improved CEO turnover‐performance sensitivity is open to several explanations. For example, investor protection laws may not be as important as strong law enforcement in fostering good governance, the set of laws we examine may not be the set that are most important in promoting good governance, or measurement error in our surrogate for extensive investor protection laws may reduce the power of our test of this variable.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a theoretical framework for determining whether laws designed to reduce lead paint risk are consistent with efficiency. We do this in the context of both owner-occupied and rental housing, and under different informational scenarios depending on who has knowledge about the risk. Our results suggest that efficient lead paint laws would impose on property owners and landlords a duty to notify buyers and tenants about known risks but would not impose on them a duty to inspect for or abate the risk. Our review of the existing law shows that common law standards are largely consistent with efficiency, but statutory law is not.  相似文献   

中国老年照护法律和政策体系由五个层次构成,1999年以来进入快速发展期,但目前还存在总量不足、操作性措施少、衔接配套差、优惠政策落实难、家庭照护法律和政策滞后等问题,需要据此进行针对性的完善.  相似文献   

The enactment of bankruptcy laws by the People's Republic of China (PRC or China) in 2006 was a necessary step in the development of its economy. This law represented a significant modernisation of the insolvency framework, supporting the transforming economy, but it was also a law of political expediency, for the enhancement of external relations. One aspect of the enhancement of external relations was the provision of cross‐border insolvency rules. However, this complex area of law was addressed in only one article, which was only a starting point, leaving many details unaddressed, and further reforms are required. In particular, it is desirable that the law provides a greater level of predictability as to the likely outcomes of cross‐border insolvencies, to encourage inward trade and investment, as well as encourage external trade. Both inbound and outbound business dealings are important to China's continued economic development. It is clear also, however, that insolvency law and practice is still a developing area for China. The establishment of a modern and unified system of insolvency laws was a big step for China, representing a sacrifice of tight controls on insolvencies, but the impact of this law in practice is only recently developing, with a loosening of state controls, after a very slow start. 1 The establishment of a cross‐border insolvency framework represents a further challenge; one that is likely to beset with considerable difficulties, as any further development of this law would potentially entail some further loss of control over proceedings, not least in outbound cases, and resistance may be anticipated. In keeping with China's historical approach to lawmaking in the area of bankruptcy law, it is likely that the cross‐border insolvency framework will develop gradually and with caution. This article assesses the way forward in respect of cross‐border insolvency laws, contending that an incremental approach over a period of years, in three broad stages, is required, with more developed and country‐specific approaches providing a link, or interim stage, between the clarification of the Article 5 and the formal adoption of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Model Law on Cross‐Border Insolvency Proceedings 1997 (Model Law) in China. Copyright © 2018 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Insurance law has been embedded in an international context ever since. This is true not only for marine insurance and reinsurance but also for manifold other branches of the insurance sector. Against this background, the European Single Market and the intended legal harmonisation and integration are particularly important for insurance contract law. The future development of insurance law should give special attention to the question if and to what extent there is a convergence in the respective member state insurance contract laws. At the outset, the comparative analysis shows that French and German insurance contract law is governed by a “risk bearing community model” (Gefahrengemeinschaftsmodell) and that English law can be characterized as an “individual contract model” (Individualvertragsmodell). Convergence is not only found in European directives but also in reforms and reform proposals in member state law.  相似文献   

Performance auditing is a longstanding feature of democratic government in many countries. It aims to lift the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector organisations, but numerous authors have voiced scepticism about its ability to do so. From three decades of performance auditing literature, this paper distils seven critiques of performance auditing: ‘anti‐innovation’, ‘nit‐picking’, ‘expectations gap’, ‘lapdog’, ‘headline hunting’, ‘unnecessary systems’ and ‘hollow ritual’. The paper concludes that the critiques are not valid in all cases, but serve to categorise risks to be managed in the design of performance audit programs and associated institutional arrangements. In light of the critiques, the paper proposes desirable elements of frameworks for monitoring and reporting the performance of institutions with performance audit mandates.  相似文献   

We examine how state antitakeover laws affect bondholders and the cost of debt, and report four findings. First, bonds issued by firms incorporated in takeover-friendly states have significantly higher at-issue yield spreads than bonds issued by firms in states with restrictive antitakeover laws. Second, firms in takeover friendly states have significantly higher leverage than their counterparts in restrictive law states. Third, bond issues are associated with negative average stock price reactions among firms in takeover-friendly states, but positive stock price reactions among firms in restrictive law states. Fourth, existing bond values increase, on average, upon the introduction of Business Combination antitakeover law. These results indicate that state antitakeover laws tend to decrease bond yields and increase bond values, which is the opposite of their effect on equity values. This, in turn, implies that state laws help mitigate the agency cost of debt by shielding bondholders from expropriation in takeovers. Overall, the empirical evidence suggests that the effect of antitakeover provisions on firm value must take into account the impacts of both bondholders and stockholders.  相似文献   

This article compares reforms to directors' liability for insolvent trading in Singapore and in Australia. We analyse the law in these two countries because they are important Asia‐Pacific trading partners and their laws were originally largely the same—Singapore's law on insolvent trading reflected the law in Australia from the 1960s. However, the law in the two countries has now diverged substantially. The comparison of these two countries therefore represents an interesting case study in how countries differ in their approaches to balancing the competing interests evident in laws that impose personal liability on company directors for insolvent trading. Reform of the prohibition against insolvent trading was a focus of Australia's insolvency law reforms in 2017, which led to the introduction of a safe harbour for directors from liability. Singapore's omnibus insolvency law reforms of 2018–19 include amendments to update Singapore's fraudulent and insolvent trading provisions by introducing a concept of “wrongful trading.” The article finds that there are some areas of convergence between these two jurisdictions when it comes to debates about such provisions but concludes that the different contemporary legislative histories in Australia and Singapore have affected their approaches to reform. Reformers in both jurisdictions have attempted to find an appropriate balance between protecting creditors, discouraging director misconduct, and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation; however, this comparison suggests that the weight that reformers place on creditor protection compared with the concern that excessive personal liability can make directors unduly risk‐averse is influenced by their existing legislative framework and experience of those laws. Although Australia has shifted away from a strict focus on creditor protection, to give directors more opportunities to engage in restructuring, Singapore's amendments may provide a more creditor‐friendly regime.  相似文献   

目前对英美金融消费者保护法律的介绍,着重于条文和概念,对于背后广泛运用衡平法下信义义务的精神实质很少关注.已有的法与金融理论研究虽然指出了英美法系较之于大陆法系更有利于保护投资者,从而较好地促进了金融发展.但对于为何促进了金融发展缺乏学理分析.为此,本文指出其法律基础和作用途径是信义义务,用不完全合同理论和科斯定理推论三,对金融消费者保护中运用信义义务的合理性作了经济学原理分析,并对英美金融服务者与金融消费者的信义关系及其信义义务适用情形、与普通法不同的处理方式进行了阐述.这对于我们在移植英美金融监管法律时,加强对形式后面的精神实质的理解和运用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

美国在反欺诈、反贿赂的域外管辖权等公法部分的证券立法经验,对于我国红筹企业在科创板上市的管辖权完善具有积极的借鉴意义。与SEC相比,我国证券监管机构在跨境执法权限上的立法层级不高,调查取证等原则性规定的实际指导意义有限,在司法与执法互动的制度上仍待完善,双边合作监管等“软法”性质的跨境执法合作也比较少。有必要通过赋予证监会更多独立性,建立以司法互动为核心的跨境执法机制,加强柔性跨境执法合作等方式,完善我国证券域外管辖与跨境执法。  相似文献   

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