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This paper empirically investigates market behavior and firms?? lobbying in a unified structural setup. In a sequential game, where firms lobby for regulation before they compete in the product market, we derive a testable measure of lobbying coordination. Applying the setting to the early U.S. cellular services industry, we find that lobbying expenditures, as measured by campaign contributions, and market conduct were consistent with a one-shot Nash equilibrium and that price caps were binding on average. Furthermore, campaign contributions from cellular firms effectively lowered the burden of the price caps and reduced production costs.  相似文献   

In the high‐tech sector, component suppliers are often able to offer preannounced price cuts (price markdowns) to manufacturers due to technological innovation that allows them to produce the existing components at lower costs. In this context, manufacturers (buyers) are primarily concerned with their existing inventory carried beyond the price cuts in order to lower inventory costs. In this research, we develop a newsvendor‐based decision model for this problem based on our experience in industry and a focal case study environment. Specifically, we consider the issue of delivery and demand uncertainties, and the interplay of the buying firm's operating hours and the transportation carrier's delivery hours, which combine to influence inventory costs and order fulfillment. We illustrate the results with numerical examples and sensitivity analyses, using a real world data set. We found that stockout cost plays a critical role in the ending inventory decisions. Lowering stockout cost will benefit buyers from lower risk of obsolescence costs.  相似文献   

Valuation and management of money-back guarantee options   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, we model money-back guarantees (MBGs) as put options. This use of option theory provides retailers with a framework to optimize the price and the return option independently and under various market conditions. This separation of product price and option value enables retailers to offer an unbundled MBG policy, that is, to allow the customer to choose whether to purchase an MBG option with the product or to buy the product without the MBG but at a lower price. The option value of having an MBG is negatively correlated with the likelihood of product fit and with the opportunity to test the product before purchase, and positively correlated with price and contract duration. Simulation of our model reveals that when customers are highly heterogeneous in their product valuation and probability of need-fit, and if return costs are low, an unbundled MBG policy is optimal. When customers have high likelihood of fit or return costs are excessive, no MBG is the best policy. When customers have small variance in product valuation, but vary greatly in likelihood of product fit, the retailer may prefer to offer a bundled MBG contract, extracting consumer surplus by charging a price close to the valuation level.  相似文献   

Prices for grocery items differ across stores and time because of promotion periods. Consumers therefore have an incentive to search for the lowest prices. However, when a product is purchased infrequently, the effort to check the price every shopping trip might outweigh the benefit of spending less. I propose a structural model for storable goods that takes into account inventory holdings and search. The model is estimated using data on laundry detergent purchases. I find search costs play a large role in explaining purchase behavior, with consumers unaware of the price of detergent on 70 % of their shopping trips. Therefore, from the retailer’s point of view raising awareness of a promotion through advertising and displays is important. I also find a promotion for a particular product increases the consumer’s incentive to search. This change in incentives leads to an increase in category traffic, which from the store manager’s perspective is a desirable side effect of the promotion.  相似文献   

This paper connects trade flows to deviations from the law of one price (LOOP) in a structural model of trade and retailing. It accounts for the observed cross-country dispersion in prices of goods, based on retail price survey data, by focusing on two sources of goods market segmentation — (i) international trade costs, and (ii) non-traded input costs of distribution. I find that a multi-sector Ricardian trade model, ala Eaton–Kortum, augmented with a distribution sector, can account for the average price dispersion for a basket of goods fully and generates 70% of the variation in price dispersion across goods within the basket. While tradability of goods is important in explaining the average price dispersion for the basket of goods, distribution costs are important in explaining why, within the basket, some goods show more price dispersion than others.  相似文献   

Order placing and delivery always play a significant role in any business industry. Nowadays, most customers want useful products at their doorstep without visiting any retail store. In this current study, an advanced dual-channel supply chain model is constructed for a single product with two players. Customers can order online or offline from the retail store. In contrast, retailers use only offline mode to take the product from the manufacturer, and retailers charge a different amount for delivery. To optimize profit and satisfy the consumers, retailers only provide a free transportation service when customers order a certain quantity. If customers order less than the desired amount, a transportation charge will be applied to the customers. Contrary to the existing research, demand for the products varies with the selling price online and offline and is also affected by the free home delivery service. Manufacturers use a single-setup multi-delivery (SSMD) transportation strategy to enrich the system's profit. To make the study more applicable, all unit costs are considered fuzzy. Signed-distance defuzzification technique is adopted to defuzzify the fuzzy values. Finally, the total profit of the supply chain is optimized along with the optimized value of the decision-making variable through an uncertain optimization technique. Numerical experiments are carried out along with sensitivity analysis to show the applicability and optimality of this study. Though the crisp data set provided a 0.72% better result compared to the fuzzy data set, but fuzzy data set provided a more realistic result. Numerical results prove that the home delivery service provided 14.59% better profit. Finally, it can be stated that the home delivery policy with some charged amount based on ordered quantity is the best retailing strategy for the dual-channel supply chain.  相似文献   

The paper aims to optimize the final part of a firm’s value chain with regard to attended last-mile deliveries. It is assumed that to be profitable, e-commerce businesses need to maximize the overall value of fulfilled orders (rather than their number), while also limiting costs of delivery. To do so, it is essential to decide which delivery requests to accept and which time windows to offer to which consumers. This is especially relevant for attended deliveries, as delivery fees usually cannot fully compensate costs of delivery given tight delivery time windows. The literature review shows that existing order acceptance techniques often ignore either the order value or the expected costs of delivery. The paper presents an iterative solution approach: after calculating an approximate transport capacity based on forecasted expected delivery requests and a cost-minimizing routing, actual delivery requests are accepted or rejected aiming to maximize the overall value of orders given the computed transport capacity. With the final set of accepted requests, the routing solution is updated to minimize costs of delivery. The presented solution approach combines well-known methods from revenue management and time-dependent vehicle routing. In a computational study for a German metropolitan area, the potential and the limits of value-based demand fulfillment as well as its sensitivity regarding forecast accuracy and demand composition are investigated.  相似文献   

Noel D. Uri 《Metroeconomica》1979,31(3):383-392
The principal question addressed in this paper concerns the optimal price profile for a regulated public utility where demand is stochastic. Through the introduction of rationing costs and a rate-of-return constraint, marginal revenue will be approximately equated to the cost associated with satisfying the last unit of consumers’demand. This has significant implications for capacity expansion. Namely, capacity is added to keep the risk of failure minimal. As a result, to the extent that the associated costs are higher for the last unit of capacity, a higher marginal revenue and hence price will result. That is, if the marginal unit of capacity has a high operating and delivery cost and low capital cost with high reliability and consequent high total cost (e.g., an internal combustion peaking unit), the indicated result follows. Consequently, there is a direct trade off between the level of risk of failure and marginal revenue. This provides a rationalization for the existence of the price differential between firm and interruptible customers. Finally, if the firm is contrained to earn a fair return on its capital investment, it will set prices to favor the consumers generating the expansion in capacity.  相似文献   

The current study explores consumer attributes such as attitudes, subjective norms, connectedness, and price consciousness and their relationship with purchase intentions of Hispanic shoppers within the locally produced food category. Four hypothesized direct-path relationships and one moderation effect across the four proposed paths were tested via a two-step process in structural equations modeling. Results of measurement model testing suggested that a five-factor model fits well for the Hispanic group. Within the structural model process, a significant positive relationship was found between two proposed paths: consumer attitudes with intention to purchase and price consciousness with intention to purchase. A moderation effect of perceived product availability was found only for the path of price consciousness with intention to purchase. These results suggest that factors such as subject norms and connectedness, often associated with the local food category, may not be important drivers for purchase intentions for the Hispanic food shopper in retail grocery channels. However, other factors relating to attitudes, price consciousness, and product availability may be more salient. From this exploration, implications for marketers are provided and future research directions suggested.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evidence for nonlinear price behavior in retail goods prices across U.S. cities. First, a simple continuous-time model is used to explore the types of price behavior that can arise in the presence of market frictions. These frictions could be interpreted as transport costs, but we prefer a broader interpretation in which they operate at the level of technology and preferences. Second, we gather price data from 24 U.S. cities on individual goods like orange juice and toothpaste. The empirical analysis reveals that price discrepancies between U.S. cities are stationary and nonlinearly mean-reverting to price parity.  相似文献   


Competitive webrooming, the phenomenon in which consumers gather product information online but ultimately purchase the product in an offline store of a competing retailer, has gained traction and become a major threat for retailers. To gain a deeper understanding of its drivers, we surveyed 1081 retail customers about their most recent consumer electronic product purchase to examine the impact of channel-related aspects as well as retailer-related aspects – a dual approach that has not been applied previously. A channel’s anticipated after-sales service and price level are the strongest predictors for webrooming. Moreover, retailer aspects determine whether customers simultaneously switch retailer when webrooming. A retailer’s assurance of delivery, including payment modalities, return policies, and product obtainment, as well as competitive product prices motivate consumers to switch retailer when webrooming. These results suggest that customers have a fundamental need for certainty within and after the buying process, which can be satisfied by both channel and retailer. Additionally, this is the first study to empirically test for interactions between channel and retailer aspects, as they are likely to occur in real shopping situations. We identified two interactions: First, a retailer’s assurance of delivery can compensate for an anticipated lack of a channel’s after-sales service, dampening the impact of the latter on competitive webrooming. Second, retailer’s price attractiveness acts in a similar vein. Hence, to steer customers into channels and/or keep them with the company, retailers should emphasize their price attractiveness as well as assurance of delivery.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of theoretical developments in the area of western consumer behaviour, to date the likelihood of Asian variants to existing consumer behavioural models has not been explored in any detail. Based on prior research in the field of retail attribute testing this empirical study investigates the influence of supermarket store attributes on Chinese (Macau) customer satisfaction moderated by the biographical factors of age and income. The results indicate that the store attributes of distance and speed of check out were significant for age, and that delivery service and price reductions were significant by income. Total independent variable rankings indicated store location, price and product variety were perceived by Chinese respondents as being the most important store attributes influencing satisfaction.  相似文献   

The notion of the “learning effect” suggests that when a firm introduces a new product, the costs of production will decline as the accumulated output increases. In this paper we analyze this effect on price paths and production rates along time. The distinction between production level and sales level affects the behavior of the firm that can utilize the option of holding inventory. In this case we show that the optimal price increases, even though production costs decrease over time due to “learning by doing.”  相似文献   

This paper models the dynamic interactions between product prices at different regional markets and input costs and derives cost‐price thresholds that can be used to evaluate alternative product sourcing and procurement strategies. The model is tested empirically by estimating a vector autoregressive model using data from the U.S. leafy green industry.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the impact of price consciousness, perceived risk, and ethical obligation on attitude and intention towards counterfeit products. Data were collected from a sample of 200 respondents via an online questionnaire. A conceptual model was derived and tested via structural equation modelling in the contexts of symbolic and experiential counterfeit products. Findings show differences in the factors (and weight thereof) impacting attitude and purchase intention in the two product contexts. Specifically, ethical obligation and perceived risk are found to be significant predictors of attitude towards both symbolic and counterfeit products, while price consciousness is found to predict only attitude towards experiential products, but not purchase intention in either counterfeit product context.  相似文献   

This research explores the impact of channel-based price discrimination on key consumer reactions. Three experimental studies provide evidence that price differentiation with lower online prices is feasible. Results indicate the effects observed depend on the size of the price difference and differ between product categories. The studies provide evidence on the interplay of two central cognitive effects when facing channel-based price differences: (a) implicit assumptions on higher costs running a conventional store which may justify differing prices versus (b) a general negative attitude towards price discrimination. Moreover, we show actively communicating additional value provided offline fosters acceptance of price discrimination.  相似文献   

The travel industry is currently experiencing a major transition as distribution channels change in response to developments in information technology. This study investigated whether online travel agents (OTAs) can offer air tickets with different prices given the lower search costs made possible by the Internet. This investigation first examined the hypothesis that price dispersion does not exist in air ticket offerings by OTAs. Hedonic regression models with log-linear form are then built to explain the pricing characteristics of air tickets. After accounting for differences in ticket attributes, ticket prices were found to vary by as much as 1.859% across OTAs. In other words, different OTAs were offering identical tickets at different prices. Statistically, significant interaction effects existed between airlines and OTAs, suggesting that travelers with specific airline preferences should expect to find different prices on different OTAs, even when ticket attributes are identical. This work thus revealed imperfections in the online air ticket market. It is therefore necessary for fare conscious air travelers to search different web services provided by OTAs to locate the best deal.  相似文献   

In a game-theoretic framework, I analyze how a brand manufacturer can thwart new entrants into its market. Three strategic options are considered, a price adjustment of the premium product, a quality adjustment of the premium product and a portfolio adjustment of adding a fighter brand. In a basic setup, I show that the incumbent's best response to entry is to choose a portfolio adjustment. If, however, the incumbent is uncertain about whether the rival firm will enter the market, a price adjustment of the premium product might be the better alternative if launching the fighter brand is associated with costs. Moreover, if technological progress improves the efficiency of product development, a combined quality and portfolio adjustment might be the best alternative for the incumbent.  相似文献   

Managing pricing is a challenging task due to the significant impact on shares and the likelihood of strong consumer and competitor reaction. The major contributions of this paper are to assess comprehensive share response to temporary, evolving and structural changes in prices and to determine the level of market share as a function of levels of prices. For the empirical analysis, we examine two consumer product categories and find that it is valuable to distinguish among temporary, evolving and structural changes in prices, as their impact on market shares tends to differ. Further, we find that subsequent competitive reaction will influence predictions of price response. Accordingly, it is important for managers to use conjectures regarding competitive price reactions in assessing the impact of policy changes. We conclude with the strategic implications of the findings and discuss a number of opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

Costly search can result in consumers restricting their attention to a subset of products–the consideration set–before making a final purchase decision. The search process is usually not observed, which creates econometric challenges. I show that inventory and the availability of different package sizes create new sources of variation to identify search costs in storable goods markets. To evaluate the importance of costly search in these markets, I estimate a dynamic choice model with search frictions using data on purchases of laundry detergent. My estimates show that consumers incur significant search costs, and ignoring costly search overestimates the own-price elasticity for products more often present in consideration sets and underestimates the elasticity of frequently excluded products. Firms employ marketing devices, such as product displays and advertising, to influence consideration sets. These devices have direct and strategic effects, which I explore using the estimates of the model. I find that using marketing devices to reduce a product’s search cost during a price promotion has modest effects on the overall category revenues, and decreases the revenues of some products.  相似文献   

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