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This article evaluates organization size as a segmenting variable and as an influence on industrial buyer behavior. The results demonstrate that organization size is an important factor in predicting certain aspects of industrial buyer behavior.  相似文献   

This article offers suggestions for sales management in the 1980s. Experts believe that energy and other resources will decline, government regulation will increase, and increased attention will be given to social responsibility. Several recommendations for dealing with these anticipated pressures are presented.  相似文献   

This article empirically measures the effects of organizational separation on industrial buying in the commercial construction industry. It was reasoned that the relationship between organizations and their buying centers should depend on the separations between organizational buying units. Two types of organizational separation were measured— geographic separation and communication separation. Industrial sellers must relate selling effort to buying behavior and procedures. This study reports on how buying influence varies between firms that operate at various levels of organizational separation. The managerial implications of matching the pattern of buying influence with appropriate selling effort is presented.  相似文献   

This article examines some managerial aspects of successful trade show promotions. In particular, trade show objectives, advantages, preshow and postshow campaigns, and exhibit evaluation are stressed.  相似文献   

Sales managers are seeking answers to facilitate the salesforce motivational process. This study empirically tested one of the most prominant motivational theories, which, some authorities consider the leading work formulated on the idea that satisfaction leads to performance. This study found no support for Herzberg's dichotomy or the correlation between satisfaction and performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on various factors that should be applied by industrial advertisers in order to improve their advertising effort. Topics on setting objectives, developing copy, designing the layout, and selecting media are covered in an applications-oriented way. The result is a concise approach of how industrial advertising can be more effective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to test the effects of product type and purchase experience on industrial buyer behavior. The research was conducted in the commercial construction industry. The findings indicate that product type is a meaningful variable which is related to industrial buyer behavior; however, the purchase experience variable or buyclass variable is not significantly related to buyer behavior as measured in this study.  相似文献   

The sale of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) equipment represents a large and growing market both in number of dollars and products. This article analyzes the purchaser's perceived role in the EDP acquisition process from both public and private sector perspectives. Major public and private sector purchasing differences are discussed in terms of their implications for improving EDP marketing success. Differences discussed include: purchaser influence in the EDP decision process, necessity of seller-buyer interface, method of purchase, and purchasing's organization structure for buying EDP equipment.  相似文献   

Some of the most dramatic changes in organizational buyer behavior have occurred and continue to occur in the industrial purchasing function. Purchasing is becoming less and less a lower-level staff function and more and more a top-level management position. This article examines some of the major changes in the purchasing function and the reasons for those changes. The article concludes by considering some of the major implications of these changes for the industrial marketer.  相似文献   

Humor is an oft used promotional tool in advertising, and the question naturally arises as to whether humor can also be designed to accomplish specific goals in the industrial selling process. In this article, principles of humor are applied to the buyer/seller process, with particular reference to the steps of the sale. The judicious use of humor by the industrial salesperson can enhance the sales presentation and favorably influence the overall buyer/seller relationship, provided the salesperson has adequate knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of humor.  相似文献   

It has been argued that many, if not most, organizational buying decisions are made not by individuals, but by coalitions. At the same time, coalition formation has been all but ignored in theoretical and empirical research on the buying process. This article discusses the nature of coalitions and their likelihood in industrial buying. Managerial implications of the presence of coalitions are drawn for both the industrial buying and selling organization.  相似文献   

Many firms in less developed countries (LDCs) make little use of available information when they are considering investing in new production technology. A very small number of alternative suppliers are generally considered and supplier evaluation is often perfunctory. A number of questions concerning the information on alternative suppliers are raised and answers were sought in a field study carried out in Brazil. The factors that influence the degree of search by managers for information on alternatives included the relative cost of the equipment, the familiarity of the buyer with the technology, the cost of acquiring the information, the available resources of the company, and the buyer's expectations concerning quality and price, Implications for industrial marketing in LDCs are discussed and suggestions are made concerning the assistance that LDC governments can provide to firms that import production technology from the industrialized countries.  相似文献   

Territoriality is the drive of an individual to stake out, establish, maintain, and defend an area of space for personal use. The “area of space” may be physical or psychological. Industrial buyers and others involved in the buying process, as members of organizations, will act to establish individual territories within the organization and may also act to represent an organization's territorial needs. Because an understanding of the behavior of buyers is important to industrial sales people, and because the concept of territoriality is a mixture of psychological processes, physical behavior, and the space surrounding an individual, a Territoriality Scan System is proposed to assist the salesperson in improving his or her sales communications with industrial buyers. A salesperson can gather important information about an industrial buyer's psychological processes by observing the buyer's physical behavior and surrounding physical space using the Territoriality Scan System. These observational measurements can then be used to enhance the entire sales presentation.  相似文献   

In many companies, sales management pursues several objectives through the sales force compensation scheme, some of them qualitative and long-run. On the other hand, salesmen within the same sales force are likely to display heterogeneous preference patterns for compensation formulae. In this frequent occurrence, a jointly optimal compensation plan is not likely to be found (or even to exist), and a sales manager can only hope to find one of the best possible compromises between management's and salesmen's objectives. This paper proposes a seven-step procedure for finding such a compromise. An actual application is reported, and operational procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

A mail survey of 200 organizational buyers was conducted to determine if the number of individuals in the buying center or the amount of perceived self-influence varied by organizational and buyer characteristics or by the type of purchase decision. The results of the study indicate that the type and size of the firm, as well as the buyer's educational level, affect both the number of individuals in the buying center and the amount of perceived self-influence of the organizational buyer. The results further indicate that the size of the buying center increases and the amount of perceived self-influence decreases as the purchase decision becomes more complex.  相似文献   

China, under the direction of its new political leadership, is extremely interested in purchasing the most up-to-date technology. However, still being a less-developed nation, there is some doubt about her ability to absorb this high-level technology. If the U.S. industrial marketers hesitate to sell this technology, China will buy it from other industrialized countries. The authors maintain that the U.S. industrial marketers must sell the high-level technology to China. However, they also must make sure that this technology will be transferred successfully. In order to assure the success, the authors suggest that special attention be paid to the development of marketing support service systems as highly technical industrial products are sold to China. These systems will at least temporarily overcome existing barriers to technology transfer and hence will facilitate smooth and enduring technology transfers in the long run.  相似文献   

This article addresses the auditing of the firm's current marketing position. The corporate image of a medium-sized industrial manufacturing company is analyzed to determine how the company is perceived in the market by its own management and by its existing and potential customers relative to competition.  相似文献   

Predicting market share can be difficult for industrial firms whose sales occur in the form of a few large contracts received at irregular intervals during the course of a year. This article discusses the problems that this type of sales pattern may cause and provides a solution for determining probabilistic share forecasts.  相似文献   

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