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This paper evaluates the effect of wind generation on \(\text {CO}_{2}\) emissions using 2008–2012 historical data for the Irish Single Electricity Market. Wind generation displaces \(\text {CO}_{2}\) emissions, as expected, in line with the average system emissions. Over the whole period, wind generation avoided about 8.8 million tons of \(\text {CO}_{2}\), equivalent to about 12% of total system emissions. To understand what drives the level of abatement we evaluate the results by technology and determine that wind generation has similar effects on total emissions from CCGT and coal plants, due to the higher carbon content of coal. Each MWh of wind, however, replaces more generation from CCGTs than from coal plants, in proportion to their generation. We also test the hypothesis that as wind displaces baseload plants it pushes them to generate less efficiently, but find no evidence of a strong negative effect of wind on CCGT or coal plant efficiency. Finally wind displaces about 2.5% fewer emissions when the pumped storage plant is on outage, suggesting that wind is more effective when paired with a flexible system.  相似文献   

If carbon capture and storage (CCS) is to become a viable option for low-carbon power generation, its deployment will require the construction of dedicated CO2 transport infrastructure. In a scenario of large-scale deployment of CCS in Europe by 2050, the optimal (cost-minimising) CO2 transport network would consist of large international bulk pipelines from the main CO2 source regions to the CO2 sinks in hydrocarbon fields and saline aquifers, which are mostly located in the North Sea. In this paper, we use a Shapley value approach to analyse the multilateral negotiation process that would be required to develop such jointly optimised CO2 infrastructure. First, we find that countries with excess storage capacity capture 38–45 % of the benefits of multilateral coordination, implying that the resource rent of a depleted hydrocarbon field (when used for CO2 storage) is roughly $${\$}1$$ per barrel of original recoverable oil reserves, or $${\$}2$$ per boe (barrel of oil equivalent) of original recoverable gas reserves. This adds 25–600 % to current estimates of CO2 storage cost. Second, countries with a strategic transit location capture 19 % of the rent in the case of national pipeline monopolies. Liberalisation of CO2 pipeline construction at EU level could eliminate the transit rent and is shown to reduce by two-thirds the differences between countries in terms of cost per tonne of CO2 exported. Reaching agreement on such liberalisation may be politically challenging, since the payoffs are shown to be strongly divergent across countries.  相似文献   

孙伍琴 《经济视角》2012,(3):127-128
本文在筒述PBL教学法内涵的基础上,通过设计核心问题、建立学习小组和开展小组讨论等三个环节探索PBL教学法在《国际金融》教学中的运用。本文认为,通过运用PBL教学法,《国际金融》教学改革的创新与特色有三:一是通过设计核心问题为同学搭起了《国际金融》课程的知识架构和内在联系;二是通过学生自己收集、分析相关资料以感受和体验知识的生产过程,从而进一步提高了学生的学习主动性和学习能力;三是通过建立学习小组和开展小组讨论,在一定程度上培养了学生的团队合作精神。  相似文献   

The demand environment has a great influence on innovations and the formation of the motive force of the innovation. The demand causes the desire: the desire forms the motive force; the motive force inspires the innovative thinking. the innovative thinking becomes the innovative practice; and the innovative practice.finally, meets people's demand.  相似文献   

It is important to establish the evaluation system of the cleaner production of the mining enterprise, which canprovide the technical support and guidance for the cleaner production evaluation and facilitating the promotion ofcleaner productive techniques so as to realize the integration of economic development and environmental protection.This paper, according to the characteristic of mining and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), establishes the evaluationindex system, puts forward the overall quantitative evaluation method based on Fuzzy Mathematics and the experts’experience, and establishes the evaluation system of cleaner production. The main problems in cleaner production of themine are analyzed by calculation, and some countermeasures and suggestions are proposed.  相似文献   

V. Masson  N. Sim  L. Wedding 《Applied economics》2013,45(35):4334-4344
In this article, we investigate whether the Australian Football League intervention policies coincided with a more even-playing field in the league, as captured by individual match margins. We find that only two out of the eight major policies implemented over the last hundred years are correlated with lower margin.  相似文献   

A. Dupuy 《Applied economics》2013,45(21):2723-2731
While the skill-premium has been rising sharply in the US and the UK for 20 years, the Dutch skill-premium decreased for much of that period and only started to rise in the early 90s. In this article, we investigate whether the Dutch skill-premium will rise in the next decades. To answer this question, we forecast the skill-premium using the Katz and Murphy (1992 Katz, L and Murphy, K. 1992. Changes in relative wages, 1963–1987: supply and demand factors. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107: 3578. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the Krusell et al. (2000 Krusell, P, Ohanian, L, Ríos-Rull, J-V and Violante, G. 2000. Capital-skill complementarity and inequality: a macroeconomic analysis. Econometrica, 68: 102953. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) models. The Katz and Murphy model (KM) explains demand shifts by skill-biased technological change in unobservable variables captured by a time trend. In contrast, the Krusell et al. model (KORV) explains demand shifts by (observable) changes in the capital stock under a capital-skill complementarity technology. The results show that while the KM model predicts that the skill-premium will have increased by 30% in 2020, based on realistic predictions of the stock of capital, the KORV model predicts that the skill-premium will remain between ?5 and +5% of its 1996 level.  相似文献   

on the basis of the self-organizing theories the thesis analyzes how enterprises realize the stride development through the technology stride. At First the thesis sets up the stride development system of enterprises and then the thesis reveals the mechanism that the technology stride will give rise to the stride development of ente~fises. In the end the thesis puts forward the enlightenment for the stride development of enterprises from the stride development system of enterprises.  相似文献   

It is urgent that how the middle part of China plays its unique role during the development process of northeast, west and east area. This paper analyses the environment pollution problems caused by economic development of Taiyuan and points out that Taiyuan should accurately locate and seize the opportunities for the growing-up of the west area and make Taiyuan become one of the economic growth poles in the central China.  相似文献   

The fiscal cost of the financial and economic crisis in Europe is huge. The paper provides provisional estimates of this cost and looks at its implications for the sustainability of public finances, taking into account also the impact of aging populations. The historical experience suggests that economic growth is persistently lowered in the aftermath of financial crisis, making fiscal consolidation more difficult yet all the more essential. Meanwhile the timing of the exit from fiscal stimulus and subsequent fiscal consolidation must reconcile sustainability and stabilisation goals—a delicate balancing act. The paper will argue in favour of structural reform to boost the economic growth potential alongside fiscal consolidation. The fiscal coordination framework in the EU, together with the Europe 2020 strategy, is seen to underpin this approach.  相似文献   

In the wake of the Single European Act of the mid-1980s and a series of follow-on initiatives aimed at fostering greater integration in Europe, a number of commentators began describing Europe as a truly novel political-territorial arrangement. By the middle of the 1990s, however, the adoption of a common currency came to dominate the European integration agenda. The embrace of monetary union reflected a view of European integration that was firmly embedded in the logic of the modern territorial state system. That logic led many commentators to view the success or failure of integration in terms of the degree to which powers were being transferred from state governmental and economic institutions to the central decision-making bodies of the European Union. Such an approach cast the EU as a super-state rather than as a new type of political-institutional entity. As a result, the integration project was less subversive of the state system than it might otherwise have been – bolstering the view of the European Union as a distant bureaucracy not adequately attuned to the needs of everyday Europeans and fueling nationalist sentiments: a social force with deep roots in the modernist territorial order. Moving the European integration process forward will likely require embracing conceptions of progress that are less tethered to modernist territorial ideas and assumptions.  相似文献   

The interview is an important segment and a usual means of choosing staffs, and the interview's quality directly influences the result of recruitment. This composition has posed and analyzed eight psychology errors, including first-sight effect, halo effect, casting effect, order effect, contrast effect, convergence effect, induce effect and fatigue effect. The interviewers should try their best to avoid them and ensure the interview's quality,  相似文献   

组织部门是党委的重要职能部门,组织工作是党的全部工作的基础。随着政府机构改革,上层建筑的职能转换,组织工作的内容和要求也有了新的变化。因此,必须防止和克服困于一时一事的部门视觉障碍,把握深化改革、发展经济的大局,从解放思想、加强干部队伍建设的任务要求出发,去重新审视、精,C谋划和准确定位组织工作。总结我们辛集市组织工作,之所以在专家咨询服务团、发展党员、农村基层组织建设等方面创出了一些经验,无一不是改革创新的结果。但如果简单地停留在这些经验上吃老本,不改革创新,就不会再有新的进步和发展。因此,在…  相似文献   

一、规划内容,注意系统性。邓小平理论是完备的科学体系。要学好邓小平理论,必须按照中央关于在全党深人学习邓小平理论的《通知》要求,完整准确地掌握其科学体系和精神实质,不能仅仅以了解它的某些论述和某些词句为满足,要用科学的态度、求实的精神把其作为一门科学从总体上学习研究,避免以个别代替一般,以只言片语代替整体。系统地学习和掌握邓小平理论,就目前来讲,要突出克服两种倾向:一是碰到什么学什么,想学什么就学什么,什么好学就学什么,缺乏计划性、目的性,零敲碎打。二是集体学轮流念,个人学泛泛测览,缺乏深人的思…  相似文献   

Along with our country urbanization advancement quickening, the scale of construction land expands, but there are many problems in collecting land. These questions have directly restricted the land collection work to develop smoothly. This paper analyzes the main questions which collection work is up against and puts forward the improved proposal aiming at the peasant losing territory being short of participating in the process of pricing compensation, social security vacancy and so on.  相似文献   

SheffieldisEngland'sfourth-largestcity,andworldfamousforitssteelandcuileryindustries.Butmodemtechnologymeansthafewerworkersareneededtoruntheseindustries,andthechallengefacingSheffieldinthe21stcenturyisfindingaltemativeworkforitscitizens.SheffieldCityCouncilhasalreadybegunmeetingthischallengebyinvestinginleisurebasedactivitieswhichwillprovidejobsandattractvisitorstothecity.In1991SheffieldstagedtheWorldStudentGames,andthesportSfacilitiesitbuiltforthaeventreSultedinSheffieldbeingnamedasBrita…  相似文献   

The concept that the economic development and supremacy hydropower energy are superior to any others leads to the excessive hydropower exploitation of the west Sichuan, deeply threatening the fragile eco-environment in this area and that of the whole Yangtze River and even of the whole country simultaneously. The present paper put forward that hydropower should be developed with ecological, social, and economical concern. The primary, extensive, circling-developing development model should be altered immediately, and that based on caring about eco-environment, being harmonious to the regional eco-environment should be highlighted, and sustainability of hydropower should be paid attention to.  相似文献   

The ambient tax is often considered as an efficient instrument to achieve a first best outcome of ambient pollution when the regulator cannot observe individual emissions, or when monitoring costs are prohibitive. While this view is supported to a large extent by experimental findings, there remains several hurdles that hinder the implementation of the ambient tax in the field. One of these hurdles is the nature of the damage. Experimental findings suggest that the efficiency of the ambient tax is higher under external damage, i.e. if ambient pollution affects non-polluters (Spraggon in J Public Econ 84:427–456, 2002) than under internal damage, i.e. if ambient pollution affects polluters themselves (Cochard et al. in Environ Resour Econ 30:393–422, 2005). But this result rests on very different experimental settings. Therefore, we designed a new experiment that allows to compare external and internal damage within a common setting. Our main finding is that the ambient tax is equally efficient under internal and external damage.  相似文献   

Earnings management is popular in the banking industry. Earnings can be manipulated by discretionary loan loss provisions (DLLP). Analysing the trajectories of banks’ DLLP (i.e. their change in DLLP over time) is an effective way to assess the performance in earnings management for the banking industry, but seems not to have been addressed in the earnings management literature. In this study, we analyse the trajectories of DLLP with the yearly data from 2007 through 2012 for four types of banks in China. The results have indicated that state-owned banks, policy banks and city commercial banks seem to manage earnings well. Cautionary notes about bank risks are provided.  相似文献   

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