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本文分阶段对2005年汇改前后人民币汇率及人民币汇率波动对货币流动性及银行流动性的影响进行了研究。实证研究表明:从长期看来,人民币汇率水平与流动性正相关,即人民币升值会增加流动性,但人民币汇率波动会使这一效果减弱;汇改后人民币汇率波动对流动性的作用变得更加明显;相比较作用于银行的流动性效果来看,人民币汇率宏观上对货币的流动性影响更加明显。  相似文献   

本文试图引入宏观审慎管理理念,从支付系统整体流动性入手,通过构建logistic模型来测度与评估支付系统流动性风险。实证结果显示,系统参与者整体流动性风险概率水平波动较为频繁,但处于较低状态。在宏观审慎管理框架下,人民银行应重点关注系统性风险,把系统潜在的流动性风险降到最低层次。  相似文献   

劳芬 《时代金融》2014,(3):84-86
经验研究揭示,在金融扩张条件下,样本期内流动性和经济增长存在显著的周期性波动特征,其中流动性的短周期波动和长周期波动均滞后于经济增长短周期波动和长周期波动,同时经济增长可以Granger引起流动性,因此在一定程度上表明经济增长的周期性波动是流动性周期性波动的根源,同时金融扩张也是流动性产生的Granger原因,金融扩张和经济增长均形成对流动性短期冲击效应,但二者对流动性的冲击效应相反。  相似文献   

流动性风险管理是银行经营管理过程中的基础性工作,无论是在宏观经济平稳发展时期还是经济大幅波动时期,流动性风险始终是金融市场关注的重要方面。目前我国宏观流动性较充裕,商业银行整体流动性风险可控,但也存在一定的风险隐患。本文根据我国商业银行的实际情况,对银行流动性风险进行压力测试分析,研究极端市场情况对商业银行流动性可能造成的不利影响。分析结果表明,在轻度压力情景下,商业银行流动性降低的幅度并不大。若经济不断恶化,市场环境处于严重压力情景时,银行流动性水平将急骤下降,银行将面临巨大流动性风险。  相似文献   

本文通过建立三元VAR(6)-GARCH(1,1)-BEEK模型从均值和方差层面刻画了我国金融系统不同维度流动性之间的溢出效应。研究发现,市场流动性、融资流动性与货币流动性之间存在双向均值溢出效应;融资流动性对市场流动性具有单项均值溢出效应,对货币流动性则具有单项波动溢出效应;货币流动性、融资流动性与市场流动性之间存在双向波动非对称溢出,且市场流动性的波动溢出效应较强。综上,本文认为监管者应加强不同维度流动性间的传导转换效率,同时密切监控金融市场资金状况,防止金融市场流动性出现大幅波动,并在执行货币政策时,兼顾各维度流动性变化对货币政策效力的影响。  相似文献   

流动性创造功能的发挥是银行服务实体经济高质量发展的关键。本文使用2007年第1季度-2020年第2季度我国36家上市商业银行面板数据,考察了在数字金融发展视角下经济政策波动如何影响银行流动性创造。结果表明,经济政策波动上升会抑制银行流动性创造,且主要体现在对银行资产端和负债端流动性创造的抑制,但会促进银行表外流动性创造。基于对银行风险承担的中介效应分析发现,经济政策波动上升主要是通过银行降低资本风险承担、资产风险承担和违约风险承担,从而抑制银行流动性创造。对于反映银行数字化转型程度的移动服务、研发能力、软件应用和公司治理等水平较高的银行,经济政策波动对银行流动性创造的负向影响有所降低。但是对于处在反映数字金融服务总体水平及其覆盖广度、使用深度和数字化程度等水平较高地区的银行,经济政策波动对银行流动性创造的抑制作用更加明显。  相似文献   

就宏观和整体而言,近两年,我国流动性过剩问题已基本形成共识.但就区域和流动性类别而言,流动性过剩问题却存在着明显的不平衡性,有必要对货币流动性与银行体系流动性的不一致性进行区域分析,以便在货币当局的流动性管理中有所区别,实现流动性过剩的破解与促进经济健康发展的同步进行.  相似文献   

中国债券流通市场的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文在讨论了债券市场价格波动性、流动性和收益率曲线的定义及测度方法的基础上,对交易所债券市场与银行间债券市场进行了实证比较研究。最后指出,我国债券流通市场的发展取决于政府债券流通市场的应有发展,并应正确处理不同国偾交易组织方式间的关系。  相似文献   

流动性、波动率及交易活跃度是金融市场微观结构研究中的三个热点问题,在实际的金融市场上也得到了极大关注。利用沪深300股指期货的高频数据,检测出股指期货价格发生跳跃的交易日,并运用Granger因果检验方法研究了跳跃发生日和无跳跃发生日中,市场流动性、波动率及交易活跃度这三个指标之间的相互因果关系。实证结果表明,无论价格是否发生跳跃,我国股指期货市场上的流动性与波动率及流动性与成交量指标之间均存在双向的Granger因果关系。而衡量期货市场交易活跃度的另一重要指标——持仓量,在无跳跃发生时可引导流动性和波动率指标,但在有跳跃发生时这些因果关系消失。  相似文献   

本文基于总体流动性分析方法,重新审视了宏观审慎监管的横向维度与纵向维度,认为其与总体流动性理论关注的两个环节(即流动性自身变化规律,以及流动性总量、结构、趋势与经济波动的关系)相关,但存在片面性。宏观审慎监管应拓展其维度内涵,变金融分析为"货币-金融-经济"整体链条分析,以建立与总体流动性分析适应的调控新框架。  相似文献   

We develop an empirical framework that links micro-liquidity, macro-liquidity and stock prices. We provide evidence of a strong link between macro-liquidity shocks and the returns of UK stock portfolios constructed on the basis of micro-liquidity measures between 1999 and 2012. Specifically, macro-liquidity shocks, which are extracted on the meeting days of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) relative to market expectations embedded in 3-month LIBOR futures prices, are transmitted in a differential manner to the cross-section of liquidity-sorted portfolios, with liquid stocks playing the most active role. We also find that there is a significant increase in shares' trading activity and a rather small increase in their trading cost on MPC meeting days. Finally, our results emphatically document that during the recent financial crisis the shocks–returns relationship has reversed its sign. Interest rate cuts during the crisis were perceived by market participants as a signal of deteriorating economic prospects and reinforced “flight to safety” trading.  相似文献   

The financial crisis showed, once again, that neglecting real estate booms can have disastrous consequences. In this paper, we spell out the circumstances under which a more active policy agenda on this front would be justified. Then, we offer insights on the pros and cons as well as implementation challenges of various policy tools that can be used to contain the damage to the financial system and the economy from real estate boom–bust episodes. These insights derive from econometric analysis, when possible, and case studies of country experiences. Broadly, booms financed through credit and involving leverage are more likely to warrant a policy response. In that context, macroprudential measures can be targeted more precisely to specific sources of risk, but they may prove ineffective because of circumvention. In that case, monetary policy may have to be used to lean against the wind.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of monetary policy in the early stages of the Great Depression and considers the mechanism whereby this policy may have affected real activity. I conclude that the depression was preceded by a dramatic shift towards a highly contractionary monetary policy. The economic impact of this policy seems unlikely to have come through the conventional Keynesian channels of a shortage of liquidity and high ex ante real interest rates, but instead may have operated through unanticipated deflation, and, after 1930, through the disruption of financial intermediation as a consequence of the banking panics.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact of equity market liquidity on Canadian economic growth and investigates how consumer attitudes/sentiments affect the dynamic macro-liquidity relationship. Using various market liquidity proxies (e.g., illiquidity ratio and open interest of equity futures) while controlling for a specific set of variables, we obtain the following main results: we document the predictability role of liquidity on future economic growth, and we find that during periods of high exchange-rate volatility between the Canadian and US dollars, growth becomes highly affected by stock-market liquidity movements. Furthermore, there is some evidence that stock market liquidity contains additional information for estimating the future state of the economy but is conditional on periods of higher positive consumer attitudes—specifically, consumer confidence in the economy. Additionally, we find strong evidence consistently supporting the premise that a positive change in general consumer sentiment exhibits a direct and significant effect on some macro-economic variables including personal consumption, consumer credit, and economic growth.  相似文献   

本文分析了宏观审慎政策对企业金融化的影响及其传导机制,研究发现,宏观审慎政策通过限制银行信贷影响企业从事投资活动的资金来源,进而抑制企业的金融投资。这一过程可以概括为"宏观审慎政策-银行信贷-企业金融化"。本文以2000-2016年沪深两市A股非金融行业上市公司的年度财务数据为样本,进行实证分析,结果表明,宏观审慎政策能够显著降低非金融企业的金融投资增长率,有利于抑制企业金融化趋势,回归主营业务,避免经济脱实向虚。考察不同的宏观审慎工具,本文发现,相比于准备金要求,贷款价值比工具对降低企业金融投资增长率的作用更显著。本文通过中介效应检验,验证了银行信贷是宏观审慎政策影响企业金融化的部分中介变量,其中介效应在总效应中占比约为20%。  相似文献   

This paper highlights that an open economy, like Oman, could often enjoy partial monetary policy independence despite operating with a fixed peg, which may appear as a clear violation of the ‘macroeconomic trilemma'. While explaining the country-specific factors that create the scope for partial monetary policy independence, the paper underscores that for meaningful use of this partial monetary policy independence to attain domestic goals of inflation and output, the transmission mechanism of monetary policy must work effectively. Empirical analyses presented in this paper for Oman, however, suggest the presence of not only the ‘interest rate puzzle’ but also the ‘IS puzzle’ and the ‘Phillips curve puzzle’, which together signal the presence of significant transmission weaknesses. The paper, thus, concludes that costs stemming from loss of any monetary policy independence because of the fixed peg may not be very significant for Oman, and hence, any alternative exchange rate regime cannot be viewed as appropriate just on the grounds that an alternative regime could deliver greater monetary policy independence.  相似文献   

Banking market conditions and deposit interest rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows that the impact of market structure on bank deposit interest rates is complex. Both market size structure and multimarket bank presence have independent effects on rates. There is evidence that mid-size banks were more aggressive competitors than other banks, but that the effect of market structure on deposit rates has evolved over time, with mega-banks recently becoming more aggressive competitors. This may be related to the growth of mega-banks in many markets. These findings have implications for existing theories of deposit pricing and, by extension, antitrust policy in banking.  相似文献   

In this paper model a is constructed that combines trade slow lags with the model in the appendix to Dornbusch's seminal paper on exchange-rate dynamics. Here output is free to vary and inflation is determined by a simple Phillips curve mechanism. It turns out that, because of the trade slow lags, monetary expansion causes interest rates to decline, but the exchange rate need not oveshoot, as one would expect; whereas fiscal policy always produces overshooting. It follows that monetary policy may be a less important source of exchange-rate variability than is commonly believed, and fiscal policy more important.  相似文献   

余粤 《金融研究》2019,465(3):111-128
本文将一个基于动态新凯恩斯理论的连续时间黏性价格一般均衡模型与随机动态资产配置模型相结合,进而研究基于内生宏观经济动态和货币政策规则进行资产配置的问题。在最优配置策略下,投资者相对风险偏好随无风险名义利率的增大而单调减小,而随通胀率的变化呈“U”型,说明投资者在通胀偏离稳态幅度较大时配置风险资产的相对意愿较高。此外,本文也给出了使用该模型讨论投资者最大化跨期效用对经济反作用这一宏观审慎问题的方式。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role that the imperfect knowledge of the structure of the economy plays in the uncertainty surrounding the effects of rule-based monetary policy on unemployment dynamics in the euro area and the United States. We employ a Bayesian model averaging procedure on a wide range of models which differ in several dimensions to account for the uncertainty that the policymaker faces when setting the monetary policy and evaluating its effect on real economy. We find evidence of a high degree of dispersion across models in both policy rule parameters and impulse response functions. Moreover, monetary policy shocks have very similar recessionary effects on the two economies with a different role played by the participation rate in the transmission mechanism. Finally, we show that a policymaker who does not take model uncertainty into account and selects the results on the basis of a single model may come to misleading conclusions not only about the transmission mechanism, but also about the differences between the euro area and the United States, which are on average essentially small.  相似文献   

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