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本文利用我国44个行业中的367家企业共计103616位消费者的满意度数据,以及这44个行业的产业集中度数据,通过结构方程模型,实证研究了我国市场结构和市场绩效之间的关系。研究结果表明,与美国等西方国家不同,处于市场经济条件下转型过程中的中国市场,主要是市场绩效决定市场结构,而不是市场结构决定市场效率。  相似文献   

本文综合考虑项目层和企业组织层影响因素,提出企业技术创新项目效率综合评价方法。首先分析组织层与项目层的影响因素;然后,构建涵盖项目层和组织层影响因素的两层次系统动力学仿真模型,为所建立的数据包络分析模型提供仿真值,有效解决数据包络分析模型中定性变量的量化;最后,以国内纺织业某大型集团公司多项技改项目为例,验证建模思路与方法的正确性。研究成果对于企业技术创新项目的有效管理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

在分析我国责任保险发展现状的基础上,运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对我国15家财险公司的责任保险经营效率进行了分析,同时对我国各省、自治区、直辖市的责任保险发展进行了分区域的效率分析。结果显示,我国责任保险技术效率水平较低,且区域间的责任保险发展效率也很不均衡。  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of market structure and technology on airline fleet composition in the deregulated airline industry. To capture the effects of market structure and technology on airline fleet acquisition and use, a profit function which allows airline fleet in its specification is applied to derive the fleet composition function of an airline. The results show a steady pattern in airlines' adoption of two-engine wide-bodied aircraft during the post-deregulation era, providing evidence that the airlines have responded consistently to changes in market structure and technology in acquiring two-engine wide-bodied aircraft after deregulation.  相似文献   

现有文献主要从区域、产业和企业等层面探讨技术创新效率评价方法。本文针对建设工程项目独特性和创新性特点,分别从工程过程管理和组织行为视角分析技术创新影响因素,确定效率评价的构成要素,运用系统动力学构建技术创新能力动态模型。同时,将动态模型与DEA 算法结合,完整给出建设工程项目的技术创新效率评价方法。同时,以8 个项目进行案例分析,得到各项目技术创新效率值及排序;并选取3 个关键要素进行敏感性分析,结果表明提高专利工法申请量是提升效率的最有效途径。研究成果将为管理者提升项目管理绩效提供方法依据。  相似文献   

This paper explores market share instability as a measure of market mobility. Using a newly constructed panel data set, we examine the determinants of the market share instability of leading firms in Japanese manufacturing industries. The findings suggest that there is a significant relationship between concentration and market share instability, and the market shares of leading firms are more stable in highly concentrated industries. We also provide evidence that industry growth has a significantly positive effect on market share instability.  相似文献   

The measurement of corporate performance is central to strategic management research. A common objective of this research is to identify top performers in an industry and their sources of competitive advantage. Despite this focus on best firms and practices, most researchers utilize statistical methods that identify average effects in a sample, and they assess a single performance dimension while ignoring other relevant dimensions. Emphasis on purely financial measures can overlook the fact that a firm's efficiency in transforming resources has been shown as a major source of competitive advantage. In this article we demonstrate how frontier methodologies, such as Data Envelopment Analysis and the Stochastic Frontier approach, can address these challenges. We provide an illustration based on longitudinal data from U.S. and Japanese automobile producers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文基于VAR模型,实证分析1953~2014年我国能源效率与能源结构两者之间的动态关系。研究发现:能源效率与能源结构之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系,二者呈现正相关;在长期,能源效率与能源结构具有明显的促进作用。脉冲响应函数及方差分解分析了影响能源效率的主要影响因素,并提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国服务业技术效率在时间和空间上不断发生变化,并导致区域之间的差异。本文运用随机前沿分析方法和马尔可夫转换模型测度分析了30余年来(1978~2012)各省区服务业技术效率值,从时间和空间两个角度定量化研究了其演变特征与规律。结果表明:(1)服务业的技术效率在时间和空间两个维度变化,服务业技术效率整体有很大提高。当前东部地区服务业技术效率主要居于较高水平,内部服务业技术效率差异较大;中部地区主要居于较高水平;西部地区内部差异较小,都居于较高水平。(2)各地区服务业技术效率水平越低,变化的幅度和速度越大;水平越高,变化的幅度和速度越小。  相似文献   

本文以高管薪酬激励为视角,将高管薪酬激励、股权集中度与企业绩效放在一个统一的分析框架下,以产权性质为依据,收集了 2007~2015 年国有企业与民营企业的面板数据,分别实证检验了高管薪酬激励与企业绩效的关系,以及股权集中度是否在其中发挥调节作用。研究发现:高管薪酬激励对企业绩效有显著的促进作用,并且国有企业中的促进作用要强于民营企业;股权集中度在国有企业中对于高管薪酬激励与企业绩效之间的关系有显著的负向调节作用,而在民营企业中不存在显著调节作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the efficiency and price effects of mergers by applying a frontier profit function to data on bank megamergers. We find that merged banks experience a statistically significant 16 percentage point average increase in profit efficiency rank relative to other large banks. Most of the improvement is from increasing revenues, including a shift in outputs from securities to loans, a higher-valued product. Improvements were greatest for the banks with the lowest efficiencies prior to merging, who therefore had the greatest capacity for improvement. By comparison, the effects on profits from merger-related changes in prices were found to be very small.  相似文献   

We present a meta-analysis of the relationship between concentrated ownership and firm financial performance in Asia. At the cross-national level of analysis, we find a small but significant positive association between both variables. This finding suggests that in regions with less than perfect legal protection of minority shareholders, ownership concentration is an efficient corporate governance strategy. Yet, a focus on this aggregate effect alone conceals the existence of true heterogeneity in the effect size distribution. We purposefully model this heterogeneity by exploring moderating effects at the levels of owner identity and national institutions. Regarding owner identity, we find that our focal relationship is stronger for foreign than for domestic owners, and that pure “market” investors outperform “stable” or “inside” owners whom are multiply tied to the firm. Regarding institutions, we find that a certain threshold level of institutional development is necessary to make concentrated ownership an effective corporate governance strategy. Yet we also find that strong legal protection of shareholders makes ownership concentration inconsequential and therefore redundant. Finally, in jurisdictions where owners can easily extract private benefits from the corporations they control, the focal relationship becomes weaker, presumably due to minority shareholder expropriation.
J. (Hans) van OosterhoutEmail:

Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens   (PhD, Erasumus University) is a professor of organization theory at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His research interests include bureaucracy and institutional theories of organization, comparative corporate governance, and business ethics. Marc van Essen   is a PhD student at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He holds an MSc degree in economics and law from Utrecht University. His research interests include shareholder activism, comparative corporate governance, and meta-analytic research methods. J. (Hans) van Oosterhout   (PhD, Erasumus University) is a professor of corporate governance and responsibility at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His research interests include the positive and normative theory of organizations and institutions, comparative corporate governance and management and governance of professional service firms.  相似文献   

本文在分析中国各主要工业省区工业用水现状的基础上,选用随机前沿生产函数模型,利用13个主要工业省区1999~2013年的面板数据,测算每年的工业用水效率值,通过定额比较法计算工业节水潜力,并通过系统聚类方法将13个主要工业省区划分为3种节水潜力类型进行分析。分析结果表明:各主要工业省区的工业用水效率均未达到1,说明各省存在一定的节水空间,节水潜力较大;随着工业用水效率的不断提高,各省每年的工业节水潜力大体上呈逐年递减态势;各省区不仅工业用水效率存在差异,工业节水潜力也存在明显差异,其中,江苏和湖北的工业节水潜力较大,黑龙江、上海、福建和广东次之,其他省区工业节水潜力较小。  相似文献   

为了研究电子商务集群模式与销售绩效间的关系,通过调查分析企业进行电子商务集聚的方式对其进行模式划分,主要为第三方电子商务平台、电子商务行业协会、电子商务产业园区、区域电子商务品牌、自建网站等模式;以集聚模式为因子,以销售量为绩效目标,建立绩效分析的指标结构模型,以台州地区110家企业的调研数据为样本,借助AMOS结构模型分析软件对样本数据进行回归分析。结果表明:第三方电子商务平台、区域品牌、行业协会、产业园区对销售量呈正向影响,影响程度依次减弱,而自建网站对销售量的影响不大。研究结果可为优化企业电子商务集群模式,促进销售绩效的提高提供参考,有助于企业采取相应策略以提高经济效益。  相似文献   

Research summary : How do peripheral firms compete and secure future growth? Building on literature in strategy and organizational theory, we test a model of peripheral entry and growth in the mainstream market segment. Using data from 289 craft breweries over 11 years, we find evidence that niche producers are increasingly entering the mainstream market and competing with market‐center firms. We identify two mechanisms contributing to these actions: legitimacy transfer and cognitive claims of authenticity. As hypothesized, imitation of niche products by macro breweries facilitates craft beer entry into mainstream markets. Moreover, two authenticity‐based identity codes are found to reliably influence craft brewery growth: a local identity (i.e., operating in one's local market) and a product proliferator identity (i.e., offering a more diverse set of products) . Managerial summary : How can small niche firms compete with larger, more established organizations? By examining the rapidly expanding craft beer industry, this study explores how craft breweries are able to both enter the market space of these larger competitors and secure sustained patterns of growth. Specifically, we highlight two factors influencing the success of craft breweries. First, as major beer producers mimic niche products (i.e., faux craft beer), smaller niche firms are allowed to enter the market by exposing the typical consumer to the tastes of craft beer. Second, craft breweries enjoy increased success if they (a) emphasize the local elements of their company, and/or (b) offer a larger number of products . Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文依据中国的市场化改革特征,将产业结构和制度引入到随机前沿生产函数的分析框架中,探讨了产业结构和制度对经济增长的影响。数理分析表明,产业结构和制度不仅对经济规模产生直接影响,而且还通过对生产要素的资源配置功能发生作用,影响其产出效率,从而对经济增长产生间接影响。实证分析显示,在改革开放的30年中,产业结构和制度对经济增长的作用具有明显的阶段演进特征。总体上,产业结构调整对经济增长的直接影响在短期和长期内均有明显作用,但是其要素配置功能则只具有短期效应,制度对经济增长的影响则不同,其对要素配置功能具有长期和短期效果,而对经济增长的直接影响则是短期的。  相似文献   

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