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We present three scenarios concerning access to documents in three real world fields of application, which have in common that they are very difficult to support with classical anticipative access control systems. We show, how - based on a highly configurable notification and negotiation service, which is tightly integrated with a classical access control system - the common permission and denial options can be extended with awareness and negotiation and how this approach supports the three initial access scenarios. We also introduce our implementation of the notification and negotiation service in the PoliTeam project.  相似文献   

"Is It Commercially Irresponsible to Trust?"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers a recent U.K. legal dispute where a supplier sued a large organization, which had been a long-term customer, for breach of implied contract. It uses this case to discuss aspects of the nature of trust between organizations. The discussion encompasses a consideration of the distinction between trust and reliability; and, why the concept of blanket trust is not helpful. In conclusion, by contrasting business-to-business and personal relationships, the paper suggests that firms in their relationships with other institutions should never follow an unquestioning form of strong trust.  相似文献   

朱熹妍  刘睿 《中国市场》2011,(21):50-52
<正>日前,美国著名科技杂志Fast Company公布2011年度全球50家最具创新力的公司,绝大多数上榜公司均为世界著名企业。中国企业除华为与曙光电子两家上榜外,另一家则是鲜为人知的长春大成实业集团有限公司(下称大成)。  相似文献   

Research that examines race-stereotyped advertising emphasizes the social impact of these representations and overlooks the potential positive effect on advertising effectiveness. The present research examines the effects of race-stereotyped portrayals on advertising effectiveness among both members and nonmembers of a group that is stereotyped in an advertisement. We integrate research on consumer identity, social categorization, and advertising persuasion to hypothesize the process underlying viewers' attitude formation when exposed to advertising featuring a race-stereotyped portrayal. Results of an experiment conducted in South Africa demonstrate that members of the group that is the subject of the stereotyped portrayal (stereotyped viewers) feel offended. At the same time, results suggest that nonstereotyped viewers experience ambivalence when exposed to stereotyped portrayals. Findings highlight the role of viewers' strength of identification and provide guidance to advertisers with regard to the use of stereotyped portrayals in advertising.  相似文献   

Among the rights of workers articulated in Catholic social thought is the right to associate or the right to form associations of working persons. This right has been discussed in Church documents since the time of the publication of Rerum Novarum in 1891. It is this right that is addressed in this paper.  相似文献   

Four hundred parents were interviewed in the Southwestern United States to study parental response to the idea of child marketing and specifically television advertising to children. Findings indicate that the children of those parents interviewed are exposed, on the average, to more than twenty hours of television each week and that in-store product recognition on the part of the children is quite high. General response of the parents indicate a strong doubt in the honesty of advertising to children and a call for greater federal legislation to correct the situation. Also, a strong degree of cynicism was observed among parents interviewed about the institution of television advertising to children and its apparent misleading aspects. Parents were quick to criticize the use of premiums and prizes as a tool of selling to children.  相似文献   

In developing plans for achieving health‐related goals, two fundamentally different strategies are often used: focusing on healthy foods that one should include in their diet, such as kale (referred to as “approach”), and focusing on unhealthy foods that one should exclude from their diet, such as cake (referred to as “avoidance”). The present research examines the differential effectiveness of approach‐ and avoidance‐based strategies across levels of self‐control, highlighting differences in food choices. The results reveal that those low in self‐control focus on avoidance items they really like and approach items that are less appealing, while those higher in self‐control show an opposite pattern, leading to more‐motivating plans. In addition, the results show that the self‐control by strategy type interaction on liking leads to differences in propensity to choose healthy items. Overall, this research highlights the importance of understanding differences in the implementation of commonly recommended strategies to improve one's health and wellness.  相似文献   

Numerous researchers have investigated the compromise effect, according to which a middle option of a consideration set is assumed to be perceived more attractive by consumers, thus becoming more likely to be chosen than the extreme options. However, a closer examination of the experimental designs that were used in previous studies on compromise effects clearly reveals a lack of realism in terms of forced choices between fictitious options in hypothetical choice settings of student samples. This article reports two consecutively implemented studies demonstrating that the compromise effect is robust even in an enhanced design that incorporates basic conditions of real purchase decisions in laboratory‐based experiments. Specifically, the relative share of the middle option increases significantly in an overall analysis when experienced consumers make unforced decisions between real brands in a binding choice context. However, segmented analysis indicates substantial differences, meaning that (1) the compromise effect is strong and significant among quality‐seeking consumers, whereas (2) the compromise effect is weak and insignificant among price‐conscious subjects.  相似文献   

Through research undertaken in several child adoption agencies, the authors examine the ethical consequences of the use of marketing techniques in the child adoption process within England and Wales.

Increasingly child adoption organisations and social work professionals are made accountable via the language of customer service and performance measurements. The use of commercial techniques such as marketing is justified on utilitarian grounds. However, any utilisation of marketing within the child adoption process is forced to ensure that the child is not de-centred. Here, the authors argue, there are tensions between the humanitarian project that is child adoption, and the unease produced by viewing the child as human 'product'. The use of marketing in child adoption raises issues related to the objectification and commodification of the child and prospective adopters. Within child adoption it is assumed that we must engage with the child as 'face' (Bauman 1995). But will these assumptions stand the encroachment of marketing techniques into this very sensitive area?  相似文献   

Previous studies have reportedstudents' widely held belief that they are moreethical than businessmen. On the other hand,widespread cheating among college students hasbeen reported. This paper examines thisinconsistency between the beliefs of collegestudent regarding the need for ethical behaviorin a business setting and their actions in anacademic setting.The results of this study indicate that whilestudents are generally upset with cheating intheir class, a large proportion of themnonetheless engage in such behavior. It wasfurther found that students have a goodunderstanding of what constitutes ethicalbehavior in the business world and the need forsuch behavior. However, they also believe thatbusiness people fail to act in an ethicalmanner, and that they may need to actunethically to advance their careers.  相似文献   

McNair (1991) discusses the "proper compromises" made by junior auditors in large public accounting firms by arguing that the conflict between high-quality and low-cost auditing leads to "ethically ambivalent" behavior. Specifically, McNair provides evidence that success during the early stages of a public accounting career requires auditors to complete quality audits in an unreasonably short period of time. Completing quality audits within insufficient time constraints puts junior auditors in the following dilemma: report time truthfully and fail versus underreport time and succeed. We reevaluate this conflict approximately one decade after McNair's study and provide evidence that pressures toward "ethical ambivalence" have been reduced in public accounting firms.  相似文献   

Household and food store manager perceptions of the acceptance of four means of reducing the incidence and severity of food safety hazards were estimated using a mail survey in early 1992. Households gave limited acceptance to use of vacuum packaging, irradiation, organic production and pesticide-free production as means of reducing food safety hazards. Education of the household head was the only socioeconomic characteristic statistically impacting household acceptance of these four activities. Store manager perceptions of their customers' reactions to these procedures were statistically less favorable than those of the households.  相似文献   

Within business to business relationships it is not uncommon for some of the parties to be perceived as exercising power over others. A question that therefore needs to be addressed is why some parties appear to be willing to accept subservient roles. This paper will consider the possibility that an apparently subservient role may be acceptable to a party for two reasons. First, the party may not perceive their situation as being inequitable. Second, the party may believe that, at least in the short-term, there is no realistic alternative other than to accept a subservient role.  相似文献   

The "ethical environment of business" provides a constructive frame of reference for business ethics instruction. As illustrated by a suggested role play about foreign sweatshops, it provides a realistic, problem-solving context for the study of moral and ethical ideas. Once ethical behavior is viewed through this paradigm, students can better see how business policies are shaped by ethics and prepare themselves to react to their own ethical environment.  相似文献   

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