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商誉是能够为企业带来超额报酬能力的一种无形资产。商誉可以从企业外部购入,也可以从企业内部产生,也就是自创商誉。自创商誉一是由企业所处的客观环境形成的,二是由企业主观努力造就的。目前,商誉在企业经营活动中起着越来越重要的作用,商誉已成为现代企业中无形资产的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

一、商誉的涵义及其特点(一)商誉的涵义目前,对商誉是一种无形资产这一观点存在较为一致的看法,但对商誉的内涵的认识还存在许多争议。经济学的商誉观点认为,商誉就是对企业在未来获得超额利润所起作用的一种"积极资本"。由于传统会计学遵循"稳健性"原则,"商誉按其来源被区分为外购商誉和自创商誉。外购商誉是指购买企业的购买价大于  相似文献   

在非同一控制下企业合并中会产生商誉,而商誉会为企业带来未来经济效益,是企业价值的重要组成部分。本文首先定义了非同一控制下的企业合并和商誉,其次分析了非同一控制下企业合并产生的商誉的确认和计量。再次,本文指出了非同一控制下企业合并中商誉存在的问题,最后据此提出了优化对策。  相似文献   

商誉分为两个大类,一种是自创商誉,一种是合并商誉。对于自创商誉,我国的会计准则并不予以确认。对于合并商誉,其产生于企业合并,是合并企业的初始投资成本大于被合并企业可辨认净资产公允价值份额的那一部分。在新的会计准则下,对商誉的确认有了明确的规定。本文就新准则下商誉的确认进行探讨。  相似文献   

企业合并分为同一控制下的企业合并和非同一控制下的企业合并两种类型,同一控制下的企业合并在合并日并不会涉及合并商誉,但非同一控制下的企业合并大多会涉及合并商誉的确认和计量问题。本文从企业合并商誉的形成原因出发,简单介绍了我国新会计准则对商誉的确认和后续计量的具体账务处理方式,并浅谈几点对企业合并商誉的思考。  相似文献   

<正>商誉作为企业的无形资源,能够给企业带来超额收益,其来源有两方面:一为企业自创商誉,二为企业并购中产生的合并商誉。由于自  相似文献   

彭国平 《商业研究》1999,(12):104-105
商誉是一项无形资产,它的实质是企业超出同行业平均盈利水平的超额盈利能力。因此,商誉的价值应该依据企业的超额收益来确定,商誉数量上实际就是企业超额盈利的本金化价格,企业的超额盈利越大,其商誉也就越高.  相似文献   

商誉是指当购买企业的购买成本超过其在被购买企业可辨认资产和负债的公允价值中股权的份额时,应当将其超出数额确认为商誉。关于商誉的性质,目前会计界主要有三种代表性的观点:1.商誉是对企业好感的价值;2.商誉是企业获取超额盈利的一种能力;3.商誉是企业各种未入账的无形资源。笔者主要对商誉会计进行国际比较,并谈一下对我国的启示。  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展企业商誉日益成为影响企业竞争力的重要因素,越来越被人们重视。商誉本身作为一种资产又具有它独特的特性,商誉价值受企业不同因素的影响,所以在对企业商誉价值的评估时要综合考虑各因素,运用恰当的评估方法。  相似文献   

随着国社会经济模式的不断发展,以及企业经营模式和制度的变革,企业不再只是注重货币资金和固定资产等有形资产,一些看不见的无形资产也会对企业的资产状况和企业价值造成不小的影响。企业商誉是一种反映企业潜在价值的无形资产,越来越多的企业会涉及商誉问题,所以对企业商誉的价值评估尤为重要。对企业商誉的价值评估有一定的不确定性,容易出现评估偏差,导致对企业价值的评估不准确。本文分析企业商誉内涵和评估商誉方法、企业商誉价值评估存在的问题,并提出建议。  相似文献   

金可可 《财贸研究》2005,16(3):105-108
商誉出资已逐渐为我国公司制实践所认可,但如何完成商誉出资的交付,出资人应当承担哪些义务,商誉资本在公司资本中可占多大比例等问题,是我国公司法理论以及各地商誉出资实践所需要解决的问题。如何解决这些问题,关键在于把握商誉的本质特征,从而使商誉出资能起到应有的功效。  相似文献   

世界企业并购的动因、特点及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自 2 0世纪 90年代中期开始 ,在全球领域内掀起了企业并购的浪潮 ,对世界经济产生了巨大的影响。中国加入WTO之后 ,中国企业将更加直接地与世界跨国企业竞争 ,通过剖析世界企业并购浪潮的起因 ,出现的新特点 ,可以使中国的企业并购活动更加规范、有效 ,从而最终出现可以与世界跨国企业相抗衡的大型企业集团。  相似文献   

Corporate executives, at the behest of Wall Street, have embraced the heresy of upsizing short-term shareholder profits by downsizing the long-term work force. This restructuring of corporate America, which views the corporation as an investment organization rather than a social organization, has created an ethical quandary by removing from the equation a sense of larger-purpose. This paper proposes a new paradigm, LIFESIZING, to address the issues raised by this ethical quandary. The paper will explore the effect the creation of fictitious personhood (Corporations, Government, Wall Street, Unions, etc.) has had on the concept of personal responsibility and common good when responsible individuals are but transient members of such a legal entity. It will briefly recap the history of downsizing, the practice of treating workers as an expense rather than a capital asset, stakeholder theory, and the rise of a "me-first" culture. It will then define and apply LIFESIZING to both the individual and the corporation in an attempt to provide a sense of balance missing from current discourse.  相似文献   

My aim in this paper is to explore the notion that corporations have moral rights within the context of a constitutive rules model of corporate moral agency. The first part of the paper will briefly introduce the notion of moral rights, identifying the distinctive feature of moral rights, as contrasted with other moral categories, in Vlastos' terms of overridingness. The second part will briefly summarize the constitutive rules approach to the moral agency of corporations (à la French, Smith, Ozar) and pose the question of the paper. The third part will argue that, since the moral agency of corporations is dependent on the choices of those whose acceptence of the relevant rules constitutes the corporation as a moral agent, the rights of corporations are conventional; that is, they exist because they are so created. Thus, as a first answer, corporations do not have moral rights. But this raises a further question which we must explore. Once a corporation has been constituted, by the acceptance of the relevant rules by the relevant persons, does the corporation then have rights which endure? Can those who have constituted a corporation with certain rights morally change or cancel those rights in medias res without doing some sort of moral violence to the corporation? Do corporations at least have a moral right to persist in the conventional rights with which they were constituted? The balance of the paper will explore this question. I shall speak of the overriding character of a corporation's claim that its conventional rights persist, and also the important way in which such a moral claim is non-conventional, if such a claim can be made at all. But I shall argue in conclusion that corporations do not have such a right. But I shall also argue that those persons whose acts have originally constituted the corporation as a moral agent may well have rights which would be violated if the conventional rights of the corporation were changed or terminated without their participation.  相似文献   

跨国企业作为参与国际市场竞争的有效企业组织形式,在进行经营管理时会遇到文化差异所带来的管理障碍。本文在探讨跨国企业中文化差异产生的原因及其影响的基础上,提出利用文化差异取得文化多样化竞争优势,有效实施跨文化管理。  相似文献   

Authors of books on business ethics and corporate social responsibility fall into two general approaches when they answer the question: ‘Why should a business firm, which represents private property, have greater obligations to the local community than an ordinary citizen?’ Authors generally subscribe to a ‘rights’ approach or to a ‘power’ model. This paper will present four rights approaches and three power models which are used to describe the relationship of the firm to society. Introducing these different approaches and models will be two brief expositions which provide the setting for determining the relationship of a firm to society. The first traces two lines to the development of the contemporary American corporation. The second views the business corporation as a quasi-public institution.  相似文献   

餐饮业核心竞争力分析——以杭州为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化和经济一体化的发展,市场竞争呈现出明显的国际化趋势,企业面临的环境更为严峻。文章界定了核心竞争力、企业核心竞争力概念,以杭州为例,对餐饮业核心竞争力的构成要素进行了总体评价分析,从餐饮业战略决策能力、餐饮业技术开发能力和餐饮业营销方式能力三个方面,提出了餐饮业提升核心竞争力对策建议。  相似文献   

我国中小企业激励机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万蓬勃 《北方经贸》2007,(1):114-116
中小企业已成为我国社会主义市场经济中最具活力的经济增长点和重要组成部分,在满足人们的多样化需求、培养企业家、进行技术创新、提供新的就业机会等方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用.但随着市场经济的深入发展,其不适应市场经济发展的因素也日益显现,其中最重要的一个因素是中小企业缺乏一个能够调动员工积极性、吸引员工并使员工忠诚于企业的激励机制.本文通过对我国中小企业激励机制现状的分析,对如何建立有效的激励机制作了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

史征 《商业研究》2003,(1):171-173
中国加入WTO后,国内市场和国际市场将会很快地融合在一起,这对国内企业来说,是一个机遇也是一个挑战。市场变大以后,物流水平的高低不仅会影响到企业效益的高低,也直接关系到企业核心竞争力的增强,最终也决定了企业能否不断发展。我们应正视我国专业物流水平与国外发达国家相比存在的差距,充分认识到现代物流对企业发展的巨大作用,借鉴国外著名物流公司成功经验,转变传统的物流观念,优化供应链管理,大力发展第三方物流,促进企业发展。  相似文献   

管理层收购 (ManagementBuy -outsMBO)是近期市场所关注的一个热点话题。在我国 ,它被作为国有股减持、明晰企业产权结构、提高企业治理结构效率的一种方式。但是 ,由于我国特殊的产权结构 ,相关法律法规还不健全 ,资本市场并不成熟 ,运用基金方式进行MBO会带来加重企业的负担、令企业家误入歧途、造成国有资产流失、MBO基金套牢等问题。  相似文献   

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