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本文通过小组访谈和文献研究的方法,借助信息经济学中的信号理论,研究品牌可信度对于消费者品牌选择偏好的影响机制。其中研究变量主要包括:品牌可信度、感知质量、感知风险、信息搜寻成本、相对价格以及品牌选择偏好。  相似文献   

本文通过小组访谈臀南籽芯康姆椒?借助信息经济学中的信号理论,研究品牌可信度对于消费者品牌选择偏好的影响机制.其中研究变量主要包括品牌可信度、感知质量、感知风险、信息搜寻成本、相对价格以及品牌选择偏好.  相似文献   

品牌竞争是竞争的高级阶段,是确保它们赢得未来优势的必备条件。品牌竞争的目的是赢得消费者,消费者的品牌偏好在其中发挥着重要作用。本文从消费者品牌偏好的形成入手,试图探讨消费者品牌偏好的影响因素和培养其品牌偏好的措施。  相似文献   

本文通过小组访谈和文献研究的方法,借助信息经济学中的信号理论,研究品牌可信度对于消费者品牌选择偏好的影响机制。其中研究变量主要包括:品牌可信度、感知质量、感知风险、信息搜寻成本、相对价格以及品牌选择偏好。  相似文献   

网络消费者品牌偏好与品牌选择的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了网络消费者品牌偏好与品牌选择之间的关系。从品牌偏好形成过程的视角,界定网络消费者品牌偏好的三个维度,构建了以购买意愿为中间变量的品牌偏好与品牌选择的概念模型。本文以手机使用的主要群体——年轻人作为研究对象,利用问卷调查获得相关数据,并对其进行信度和效度分析,运用结构方程建模来研究品牌偏好和品牌选择的关系。研究结果表明,品牌偏好的三个维度:认知偏好、情感偏好以及行为意向偏好对购买意愿有正向影响,并通过购买意愿间接影响品牌选择,其中情感偏好直接对品牌选择产生显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

消费者品牌偏好的形成及行为经济学视野的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,企业品牌产品在生产、销售、服务等价值链活动中的行为及信息传播构成了消费者从外部环境中认知品牌最基础的信息。成功的品牌信息会引起一种情感反应,可以把消费者与产品的距离拉近,品牌如能成为消费者自我实现或表现自我的媒介,消费者就会产生接受、喜欢的行为倾向。文章提出,消费者对品牌功能的预期是形成品牌情感的先决条件,偏好反转现象与消费行为倾向密切关联。  相似文献   

本文分析了家用轿车消费者的品牌偏好特点,从品牌市场定位、品牌形象传播、顾客忠诚度培养等方面为厂家的品牌建设提出建议。  相似文献   

品牌只有进入消费者的考虑集中才有可能被最终购买.本文采用逐步线性回归方法,验证了品牌资产、对产品品质的评价、消费者的人文统计因素会对品牌进入消费者考虑集产生的影响;不同因素对品牌进入消费者考虑集的影响大小不同,当企业不具备改善影响品牌进入消费者的考虑集的所有因素时,要努力改善对品牌进入考虑集影响较大的因素,以便更好的提高品牌进入消费者考虑集的可能性.  相似文献   

旅游业是香港的主要的产业之一,位居地产之后。从2001年到2012年,内地访港游客从四百多万上升到二千多万,在港零售消费金额则相应上升八倍之多。但从2013年以后,香港面临接待游客容量超负荷的问题,引起社会排外情绪,这严重影响了内地游客访港和消费购物的热情;同时香港地产租金上涨幅度过大,使得零售业界成本高涨,导致香港零售业销售总额连年下降。面对这样的困境,业界需要调研大陆访港游客的零售购物消费者偏好因素,同时根据调研结果调整市场营销策略就变得十分之重要。为此,通过文献分析法,探讨香港零售业界面临困境的各种原因,然后,提出假设,进行实证研究。设计项目问卷,通过科学方法收集1000个问卷数据。用因子分析法,研究证实了3个维度的零售消费偏好的影响因素,使用多重回归分析法,得出对应的各种因素的重要性顺序:企业表现;香港的政治和社会因素;政府表现。  相似文献   

本文从反事实思考和归因的视角,研究了不同的品牌偏好时后悔的影响.研究发现,相对于最偏好品牌,次偏好品牌总体上处于劣势,只有在最偏好品牌的结果为否定,次偏好品牌的结果为肯定时,选择次偏好品牌的后悔程度低于选择最偏好品牌.  相似文献   

中外企业品牌管理研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李晓青  周勇 《商业研究》2005,(21):77-80
随着企业之间的竞争形式由产品力竞争向品牌力竞争的转变,品牌正成为企业掌握的最有效的竞争手段,相应地,有效的品牌管理亦成为企业制胜的关键。基于此,对国内外品牌管理研究进行概括与述评,以求对我国企业的品牌管理实践提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

This article investigates the priming effect of news context on Chinese college students' brand attitudes. The first experiment examined the effects of domestic news topics and news negativity and found that exposure to positive Chinese product news led to lower attitude scores for Nike. The second experiment employed a news piece on China–U.S. trade relations and tested whether different news sources (the Chinese press, the U.S. press, and a combination of Chinese and U.S. press) had the same effect on Chinese brand attitudes. It located a significant effect of news source on Chinese attitudes toward Coca-Cola and Nike.  相似文献   

“老字号”餐饮企业体验营销研究——以全聚德集团为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘佐太  景鹏飞 《商业研究》2006,(24):159-162
在餐饮业竞争日趋激烈的今天,一大批“老字号”餐饮企业经营情况持续低迷,有些甚至破产。因此“老字号”餐饮企业在继承传统的前提下,不断进行开拓创新就显得尤为必要。伴随着体验经济的到来,一些“老字号”餐饮企业不断发掘自身优势,开展多层次的体验营销,取得良好的经营业绩。中华老字号“全聚德”开展的体验营销获得巨大成功为其他一些“老字号”餐饮企业的改革创新树立了榜样。  相似文献   


Chinese domestic brands have developed rapidly in recent years, and yet few of them have entered global competition as product or service brands brands with exceptions such as Huawei. In addition, the evolution of Chinese brands has hardly been understood or introduced properly by international business educators. In this article, we identify the development patterns of Chinese domestic brands by using a local hotel brand as an example. Particularly, we examine and discuss how a Chinese brand can be established with specific positioning, brand image, and product offering, as well as how the brand can grow by vertical and horizontal extensions based on balancing market opportunities and the brand’s own capabilities. Moreover, we expect this research to facilitate the understanding of Chinese brands among international business education.  相似文献   

消费者自我概念结构维度对品牌个性的相对影响力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章实证调查了消费者自我概念结构维度对品牌个性的相对影响力。问卷调查数据分析显示,在三个被研究的自我概念维度中,实际的自我概念对品牌个性具有最显著的积极影响;社会的自我概念对品牌个性也具有显著的积极影响。而理想的自我概念对品牌个性的影响未获统计学意义上的支持。另外,文章也获得品牌个性显著影响消费者品牌购买和品牌口传意图的实验证据,这些研究结果能够为实施基于消费者自我概念的品牌个性战略提供启示。  相似文献   

绿色认证对品牌信任和购买意愿的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绿色认证是政府或民间机构向企业证明其产品符合相关环境保护要求的手段.通过绿色认证的企业通常会把绿色证书或标志放在公司网站和产品包装的显著位置,目的是提高消费者对企业生产的产品和品牌的信任感,提高消费者的购买意愿.文章通过问卷调查,检验绿色标志对消费者品牌信任度和购买意愿的影响,分析了消费者价值观对这种影响的作用,提出结论和未来研究方向.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to propose and test a model in order to better understand brand equity. The goal of this research is to identify the drivers and determine how they influence brand equity performance in the researched industry in order to develop a more effective brand strategy. Quantitative data collected are used to test a model of brand value in the context of the food industry. The findings of this research provided evidence that the customer-based brand equity model can be applied to the food industry context and be used to guide marketing activities internationally. Brand awareness has a positive influence on brand associations and perceived quality. Brand associations have a positive influence on brand loyalty. Finally, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations all have a positive effect on brand equity. This study contributes to the scarce international brand equity literature by testing the proposed model using data from a sample of consumers in two European countries.  相似文献   


This study investigates differences between U.S. global and local brands in the Indian market. Attitudes toward American products and the brand equity of U.S. global and local casual apparel brand in the Indian market are examined. It is postulated that global and local brand influence brand equity, which is composed of brand image, brand awareness, emotional value, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and purchase intention. A total of 411 college students in India participated in the survey. Using repeated measures ANOVA, this study finds that Indian consumers perceive global and local brands differently based on brand equity.  相似文献   

This study explores product value with reference to brand development. The question of which perceived product value acts dominantly has received very little attention, in particular, whether multiple product value may importantly enhance consumers' brand preference/purchase. This research investigates relationships between multiple perceived snack foods' product value, brand preference and purchase intention. Findings show significantly positive effects of brand preference on purchase intention, and brand preference as a mediator between multiple perceived product value and purchase intention. Findings also reveal multiple value perceptions of snack foods, (e.g., functional-price/value for the money and performance/quality, emotional, and social dimensions) be significant in the formation of brand preference, whereas only functional-price/value for the money and emotional value relate to purchase intention directly.  相似文献   


We tested the impact of power-distance belief (accepting and expecting power disparity) on consumers’ preference for status brands (brands such as Rolex or Louis Vuitton, which are associated with social status). Our correlational and causal results show that consumers with high power-distance belief tend to have a stronger preference for status brands than those with low power-distance belief. Notably, buying status belief (a belief that buying status brands can enhance one's social status) moderates this effect. Further, this two-way interaction is stronger for people with a relatively lower, rather than higher, self-worth state.  相似文献   

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