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中国的世界遗产管理之路--黄山模式评价及其更新(下)   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2003,18(2):52-58
本文认为,黄山模式的更新,主要应进一步解决好以下三方面问题,即:遗产管理标准;遗产经营制度;遗产与当地社区的关系。这就是说:①黄山必须按“遗产真实性与完整性”原则,制定一系列可操作的管理标准,并将旅游服务标准按遗产保护要求而绿色化;②黄山旅游活动必须严格按“山上游,山下居”(即“景区游,区外居”)的方式进行,而不是过去的“山上游,山上居”;③黄山的经营必须破除“一套班子,两块牌子”的传统做法,对于遗产(即景区),应按“非营利”制度经营,对于非遗产类活动(如食、住、行等),则按市场体制经营;④黄山应妥善地解决有关的行政区划问题,使得为黄山保护提供主要支持的当地社区能从黄山旅游业发展中真正受益。  相似文献   

徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2003,18(1):44-50

中国的世界遗产管理之路-黄山模式评价极其更新(上)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):10-18
黄山一直被视为中国文化与自然遗产管理的样板单位。本文基于对黄山诸多侧面的认真调查,在肯定黄山模式成就的同时,指出黄山模式更新的必要性与迫切性。本文认为,黄山模式的意义在于它适应当代社会和经济的发展趋势,在遗产管理中引入市场机制,较好地解决了遗产管理费用问题以及对当地的经济贡献问题。同时,本文还认为,作为一个现代社会的世界遗产管理单位,黄山正面临着命运攸关的挑战。  相似文献   

中国的世界遗产管理之路——黄山模式评价及其更新(中)   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2003,18(1):44-50
第二部分 黄山模式的更新为了应对上述挑战 ,黄山模式有必要更新。本章逐次讨论黄山模式更新的 4个方面 ,它们是 :建立符合国际遗产条法和我国相关法规的遗产质量管理指标体系 ;在旅游管理中真正落实“景区游 ,区外居”方针 ;经营体制由“单纯的市场导向”改变为“多使命指导下的市场操作” ;行政建制应重新调整 ,第一理顺与周边社区的关系 ;第二理顺与皖南经济乃至安徽经济的关系。5 建立质量管理指标体系5 1 旅游对遗产质量的影响现时黄山在遗产质量上出现的问题 ,是与尚未建立完备与恰当的遗产质量管理指标有关的。文化与自然遗产的…  相似文献   

在3-5年的轮休中,景点并不是一封了之,而是定期体检,不断采取保护措施。轮休期满,由专家评估,植被恢复健康、水土流失得到综合治理、野生动物恢复到一定水平、旅游设施没有安全隐患等几项标准齐备后,再重新开放。  相似文献   

丽江发展模式——丽江模式丽江模式,即政府投入巨资实施,通过建章立制,使积极的保护与旅游开发有机结合。其行动计划的实施包括建立机构、制定遗产保护资金管理机制和在核心区鼓励传统文化的开展。主要包括:  相似文献   

对世界遗产的旅游价值分析与开发模式研究   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
梁学成 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):16-22
本文结合我国世界遗产旅游价值的开发实际,通过对世界遗产旅游及其价值的分析,指出世界遗产有形价值与无形价值的内在联系以及相互的依存关系,并通过提出假设及其理论论证与检验,指出开发世界遗产的无形价值将有助于提高遗产的旅游价值和旅游者的满意度.并在此基础上,根据世界遗产资源的类型与特点,对我国世界遗产的旅游价值开发模式以及相应的实施对策进行了探讨.  相似文献   

中国“世界遗产”的可持续旅游发展研讨   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
陶伟 《旅游学刊》2000,15(5):35-41
世界遗产是“人类智慧和人类杰作的突出样品”,在新世纪的今天,“遗产旅游”作为一种世界现象,已成为人类求取与外部世界高度和谐的最有效形式之一,成为一种高质量回归自然、回归历史的必须性的社会生活组成部分,研究“遗产旅游”的可持续发展已成为当今的重大论题。本文首次对中国“世界遗产”的现状进行了全面综合的把握,揭示了遗产地采取可持续旅游发展战略的必然性以及目前存在的主要问题和矛盾,分析了发展“遗产旅游”中应正确处理的三大关系,提出遗产旅游可持续发展的内涵并寻求我国世界遗产地旅游可持续发展的建议与对策。  相似文献   

中国“世界遗产”的可持续旅游发展研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
世界遗产是“人类智慧和人类杰作的突出样品” ,在新世纪的今天 ,“遗产旅游”作为一种世界现象 ,已成为人类求取与外部世界高度和谐的最有效形式之一 ,成为一种高质量回归自然、回归历史的必须性的社会生活组成部分 ,研究“遗产旅游”的可持续发展已成为当今的重大论题。本文首次对中国“世界遗产”的现状进行了全面综合的把握 ,揭示了遗产地采取可持续旅游发展战略的必然性以及目前存在的主要问题和矛盾 ,分析了发展“遗产旅游”中应正确处理的三大关系 ,提出遗产旅游可持续发展的内涵并寻求我国世界遗产地旅游可持续发展的建议与对策。  相似文献   

线性文化遗产是一种特殊的遗产类型,随着人们对遗产完整性不断深入的理解以及遗产活化利用理念的发展,线性文化遗产旅游的重要性日益显现。因此,树立线性文化遗产意识,把握线性文化遗产特征,是推进线性文化遗产旅游利用和可持续发展的重要问题。本文以《世界遗产名录》中收录的线性文化遗产为基础数据,对线性文化遗产的类别与列入标准、资源组合模式和核心区与缓冲区等典型特征进行深入分析,并从旅游空间演化和旅游活化路径两方面总结其对旅游利用模式的影响,以期为线性文化遗产旅游的可持续发展提供科学参考。研究结果表明,线性文化遗产旅游空间结构发展过程遵循“增长极”演化规律,并在遗产文化分层上表现出不同的利用方式和活化路径。  相似文献   

This research used Huangshan, Xidi and Hongcun in southern Anhui (China) as a case to study the impact of World Heritage List (WHL) status on international visitors. The study categorised all the visitors into two types – WHL aware and WHL unaware – based on awareness levels of the World Heritage status of the destination. The two groups were compared in terms of visit purposes, socio-demographics and other characteristics. The results showed that the World Heritage List status did have an impact on travellers' visit decisions. Additionally, the World Heritage List status proved to be related to tourists' visit purposes, activity patterns and socio-demographic characteristics. However, the World Heritage List status will be a more influential tool for destinations when marketers place emphasis on the underlying cultural contents of sites and make the cultural elements accessible and interpretable for international visitors.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and assesses the Chinese academic literature on World Heritage Sites. Management structure, lack of financial resources, impacts on the World Heritage Sites and heritage education are themes that are commonly addressed. Research opportunities are identified. In particular, the need for more detailed case studies on a greater variety of sites is required. Such studies should be informed by clear concepts and appropriate theoretical frameworks if knowledge is to be cumulative and lead to the enhanced management of World Heritage Sites.  相似文献   

The relationship between heritage and tourism at Word Heritage Sites is thought to be particularly problematic. Yet, each year more heritage sites gain this status. This paper explores the issues that emerge between tourism and heritage at two heritage sites, one with World Heritage listing and the other embarking on the application process. Interview data were collected in relation to the Royal Exhibition Buildings and Carlton Gardens (REB), Australia and Oamaru's Historic Precinct, New Zealand; secondary data were used to contextualise the findings. The findings of the two case studies indicate that the process, and outcomes, of World Heritage (WH) status influence the nature of the relationship between heritage and tourism. The findings of this case study analysis indicated that prospect of WH listing seems to be a catalyst for decision-making and developing networks between the various stakeholders of heritage and tourism, but heritage stakeholders seem to be grappling for power at this time. Once the listing process is successful, heritage then seems to gain the balance of power, and tourism seems to be less successful in controlling the situation. Further research is warranted on this topic to explore whether the findings from two sites can be generalised to other heritage sites.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the factors that constitute the social value of heritage in relation to sustainable tourism. To do so, this paper provides a theoretical contribution by unifying the fields of heritage management and sustainable tourism through a mixed-method approach. It showcases the social dimension of the World Heritage Site of Altamira, Spain, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. Research findings provide information about the multiple factors determining the social value of heritage, namely: existential, aesthetic, economic, and legacy values and the risks associated with underestimating the contemporary social value. Ultimately, this research paves the way for improving normative approaches toward sustainable tourism and, offers practical solutions to the challenges faced by the Altamira and other World Heritage Sites.  相似文献   

我国自然与文化遗产可持续发展的组织体系建设   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
罗佳明 《旅游学刊》2003,18(1):51-55
自然与文化遗产管理的组织改革是遗产管理中的难题,在转型期中的遗产保护和旅游经营开发之间的各种矛盾都会在组织问题上体现出来。本文在总结国内外现阶段自然与文化遗产管理组织现状的基础上,概括了遗产管理组织体系建设的约束条件,并对我国的遗产管理现状进行分析,最后提出若干组织改革的建议。  相似文献   

In 1991, Ayutthaya, the former capital city of Thailand and now an archaeological park, was inscribed on the World Heritage List. Currently, it receives some one million international visitors a year, mainly day-trippers from Bangkok. Despite this, the on-site interpretation put in place in 1992 (largely signage in Thai and English) has never been assessed in terms of the content of the signs and the reactions of visitors. This paper pertains to one part of the first extensive study of the interpretation employed at Ayutthaya, a study that included a visitor survey that was both a demographic study and an initial investigation into the cross-cultural dimension of interpretation at Ayutthaya. The international visitation to this World Heritage Site is overwhelmingly Western and, therefore, a critical issue arises: what do non-Asian, non-Thai and non-Buddhist visitors gain from the experience? If the visitor is not of the same culture being experienced, and if cross-cultural translation itself is a highly complex and sometimes contentious and problematic process, then it is likely that the deeper cultural significance of the site cannot be well understood in a one-day visit. If the deeper meanings of Ayutthaha remain elusive, does it follow that appreciating the cultural and heritage values of the site is, in direct proportion, an unattainable goal? The study points towards what may be possible when heritage interpretation, in an age of unprecedented global travel, is regarded as a negotiation of a cultural divide.  相似文献   

An analysis of three of the United Kingdom's cultural World Heritage Sites (WHS) illustrates, inter alia, the vigour and commitment of these sites in their application of the World Heritage Committee's recommendations. The cultural sites discussed in this case study include the Tower of London, Blenheim Palace and Maritime Greenwich. Attention is paid to the interrelationship between UK heritage legislation and UNESCO conventions and guidelines. The category of cultural landscape is analysed against the background of 20th century ideas concerning landscape. The concomitant consideration of the gradual impact of management plan requirements indicates the direction in which WHS will be aligned as the 21st century progresses. The 21st century developments also reinforce observations regarding the uniqueness of every aspect of each site, even when narrowed down to three sites of only one of the signatory nations to the World Heritage Convention.  相似文献   

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