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A number affirms use external sourcing of technology to create technological change in their organizations. In this article, Falguni Sen and Albert Rubenstein develop a rationale to support the concept of an integrative technology development strategy which emphasizes the role of in-house R&D during the planning and implementation process for externally sourced technology. They divide the external sourcing process into two major components: an acquisition phase and an implementation phase. Next, they define five distinct stages within both phases. Based on a review of the literature, the authors identify some common problems with external sourcing and discuss potential ways that in-house R&D can alleviate them by becoming involved in specific steps in each of the ten stages. The data in the article have been obtained from thirty-one cases of external sourcing of technology from a diverse group of industries in the United States and India. R&D's involvement in the external technology process varies among firms and is generally low in the acquisition phase. In the research, R&D managers describe barriers to their involvement, and the article develops measures of effectiveness of the activities in each stage of the external sourcing process. The authors recommend removing relevant barriers, especially in those stages where the involvement of in-house R&D groups could increase the effectiveness of the process. 相似文献
2020年,是我国乃至世界历史上极为不平凡的一年,也是我国钢铁工业发展极不平凡的一年。2020年是“十三五”收官之年。通过5年努力,钢铁行业“十三五”期间供给侧结构性改革取得显著成果,超额完成了1.5亿吨粗钢去产能任务,全面出清了1.4亿吨地条钢,全行业经济效益明显扭转,实现了脱困发展。2020年1—11月重点统计钢铁企业实现利润1934亿元,而2015年全年重点统计企业亏损645亿元。2020年粗钢产量突破10亿吨,成为全球历史上首个粗钢产量超过10亿吨级的国家,钢材消费量将达到9.81亿吨,同比增长9.6%,增长近1亿吨,双双再创历史新高。2000MPa级最高强度缆索钢丝用盘条、全球首发的高速铁路用耐腐蚀钢轨U68CuCr等高端钢铁材料“补短板”取得新突破,对国家重大工程、重要领域起到强大支撑作用,服务强国战略。 相似文献
目前,我国电力供需矛盾趋于缓和,但与我国经济发展势头和发达国家相比,这种供求关系的平衡是相对的、暂时的、低水平的。从市场营销的角度看,构成市场的三大要素:人口、购买力、购买欲望都具有很大潜力,随着我国国企改革进一步深化、经济结构调整以及加入WTO,这种巨大的潜力将会在近几年内暴发。因此,重新审视营销理念,建立相应的营销战略,对于电力企业的改革与发展具有重要意义。 一、电力营销需要打造一种深刻的哲学文化 营销哲学文化是企业营销事业的灵魂,是企业文化在社会上的广泛认可和共鸣。三株口服液年销售额在… 相似文献
企业竞争已经由低层次的产品竞争发展到高层次的战略竞争,而企业发展模式是企业在市场中竞争的“制空权”。在市场经济条件下,如何选择合适的多经企业发展模式,不仅关系到电力多经企业当前的经济效益,而且关系到多经企业的改革、生存和持续发展。电力多经企业迫切需要选择适合企业自身发展的模式,才能在风云变幻的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 相似文献
彭安福 《中国电力企业管理》2002,(3):38-39
许继集团有限公司是以生产电力系统自动化及继电保护、控制产品为主的大型国有企业集团,现拥有8个中外(港)合资公司在内的21个子公司。员工4331人,各类专业技术人员2559人,占全员比例的59%,其中本科生1150名,硕士136名,博士及博士后29名,国家级有突出贡献专家8名。 相似文献
毕可利 《中国电力企业管理》2005,(1):33-34
2004年是中电联火力发电分会承前启后,继往开来之年。第三届五次会议总结了三届火电分会四年来的辛勤工作和骄人业绩,圆满地完成了历史赋予的使命,顺利实现了与第四届理事会的工作交接。以往四年,火电分会坚持以有为求有位,以有位促发展,在开拓中进取,在服务中提高,在探索中发展的服务宗旨和“自律、协调、监督、服务”的工作方针,紧紧围绕电力体制改革和企业发展实际,充分发挥桥梁纽带作用,提供广阔信息交流平台,伴随着电力体制改革锐意进取,开拓创新,使火电分会队伍不断发展壮大,不断拓宽服务领域,提高服务质量,为企业多办事、办好事、办… 相似文献
李丰 《中国电力企业管理》2002,(4):37-38
自2000年以来,在内蒙电力集团公司的支持和帮助下,施工企业以“减员分流”为重点,通过买断、下岗、分流、消肿、退养和产权二元化、资质就位、内部改制等措施,逐步走出了困境。到2001年9月底,4个施工企业减少富余人员3400人,完成产值67753万元,比上年同期增长242%,利润总额实现1099万元,已扭亏为盈,为下一步改制、改组奠定了良好的基础。施工企业真正要走出困境获得新生,必须要按市场化的导向,从体制、机制、管理上进行系统改革,实施“创新工程”,推动施工企业的改革与发展。一、推进体制创新第一… 相似文献
Consistency Matters in Formally Selecting Incremental and Radical New Product Ideas for Advancement 下载免费PDF全文
Katrin Eling Abbie Griffin Fred Langerak 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》2016,33(Z1):20-33
Several new product development (NPD) scholars have argued that formal processes should be used when selecting incremental new product ideas for advancement at the very beginning of the fuzzy front end (FFE), but that such formal processes may be less beneficial when selecting radical new product ideas. However, arguments also exist for using formal idea selection processes for both types of new product ideas. In practice, informal processes are used for selecting both idea types and more formal processes are used for selecting radical ideas. Unequivocal empirical evidence for either of the opposing views or practices is lacking. This study sheds light on this matter using data from 161 of the firms that participated in the Product Development and Management Association's latest (2012) Comparative Performance Assessment Study. The results reveal that the highest idea success rate (i.e., the proportion of selected ideas that are eventually launched as new products and are successful in the marketplace) is associated with firms’ use of formal processes to select the vast majority of both incremental and radical new product ideas for advancement. This finding supports earlier claims that even for (raw) idea selection processes that take place at the very beginning of the FFE, managers need to adopt a portfolio perspective and consistently use formal idea advancement selection processes to ensure attaining the right balance between radical and incremental projects in later stages of the NPD pipeline to enhance overall NPD success. Notably, this finding shows that common managerial practices of using inconsistent approaches for selecting radical and incremental ideas for advancement need to be reconsidered. 相似文献
Exploring Users' Appropriateness as a Proxy for Experts When Screening New Product/Service Ideas 下载免费PDF全文
Peter R. Magnusson Erik Wästlund Johan Netz 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》2016,33(1):4-18
Despite the popularity and extensive use of engaging users in crowdvoting, very little research has been conducted into the appropriateness of users as substitutes for experts when judging ideas. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the appropriateness of using users as a proxy for professional experts during the initial idea screening of new product/service ideas. In other words, are users' assessments during idea screening conformant with professional experts' assessments and are they reliable as a proxy for experts during idea screening? In a comparative study, two different approaches to outsourcing the screening of wireless ideas to users are examined, including assessment by two different user panels: (1) technically skilled users and (2) technically naïve users. These two approaches were compared with the assessments made by professional experts. The results showed no conformance between users and experts when comparing their absolute scores. However, during a relative comparison (the ranking of ideas), both user panels were conformant with the professional experts. A test of the user panels' ability to select the same top ideas as the professional experts was successful, indicating good conformance between the user panels and the professional experts. This paper's contribution is knowledge of how conformant external users are compared with professional expert judges during idea screening. The results indicate that companies can employ users during the initial screening process using criteria assessment to select the best ideas for further elaboration, something that would significantly reduce the number of ideas. The paper suggests an alternative design to crowdvoting, whereby the users assess the relevant criteria. 相似文献
在电力行业的改革与发展中,管理创新是永恒的主题,而管理创新有两个重要的前提条件,一是转变观念,二是夯实基础。要实现持续的管理创新,关键是转变观念。厂网分开改革以来,形成了一批新的市场主体,开创了电力发展的新局面;但应该看到,有些企业仍在沿袭传统的管理模式,从而影响了企业竞争力与活力的发挥。有专家指出,国有企业要特别注意避免犯“大企业病”,即高高在上、目空一切、自以为是、以我为中心、控制一切、指挥一切、听不得异议等。本刊编选了两篇文章,一篇是江苏省委自揭“衙门作风”,说的是政府,但对我们企业也可以参照;另一篇是江… 相似文献
关于电力公共基金的构想 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
刘树杰 《中国电力企业管理》2003,(9):34-35
建立电力公共基金是一个既合乎市场化改革方向,又符合我国国情的较好的政策选择。电力公共基金的用途主要有:支持电力“普遍服务”原则,落实居民用电“城乡同价”,扶持可再生能源发展。电力公共基金的来源:向电力消费者征收,多用电多负担。 相似文献
Commercial Innovations from Consulting Engineering Firms: An Empirical Exploration of a Novel Source of New Product Ideas 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ian Alam 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》2003,20(4):300-313
Industrial firms interact with many outside organizations such as the customers, suppliers, competitors, and universities to obtain input for their new product development (NPD) programs. The importance of interfirm interactions is reflected in a large number of interdisciplinary studies reported in a wide variety of literature bases. As a result, several sources of new product ideas have been investigated in the extant literature. Yet given the growing complexity and risks in new product development, there seems to be a need for managers to obtain input from new and unutilized sources. Apparently, one source that industry has not tapped adequately for its NPD efforts is the consulting engineering firms (CEFs). To fill the aforementioned gap in the literature, this article explores the roles and suitability of CEFs in new product development by conducting a rigorous in‐depth case research of new product idea generation in a large Australian firm manufacturing a variety of industrial products. To generate ideas for the sponsoring firm, longitudinal field interviews with 64 managers and engineers from 32 large CEFs were conducted over a one‐and‐one‐half year period. The findings of the field interviews were combined with the documentary evidences and the archival data. This longitudinal data collection enabled the author to generate new product ideas over real time and to gain access to the information that otherwise might have been difficult to obtain. The results suggest that CEFs are a rich source of new product ideas of potential commercial value. However, industry is making little use of CEFs, which underscores the need for industrial firms to collaborate and to establish an effective idea transfer relationship with them. Moreover, the services of CEFs are not restricted to idea generation but can stretch across the entire NPD process. These findings of the study encourage product managers to conceptualize NPD as a highly synergistic mutually interdependent process between CEFs and industrial firms rather than simply an arm's‐length consulting transactions. Given the dearth of research on idea generation with CEFs, this study highlights the findings that are novel and that go beyond the techniques of new product idea generation established in the extant literature. 相似文献
Arina Soukhoroukova Martin Spann Bernd Skiera 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》2012,29(1):100-112
The proliferation of interconnectivity and interactivity through Internet‐based technologies enables new forms of support for new product development. This paper analyzes idea markets, which use widely distributed knowledge, the power of markets, and the Internet to support the crucial initial tasks of the new product development process, including the sourcing, filtering, and evaluation of new product ideas. Idea markets employ virtual stocks to represent new product ideas and allow participants to suggest and trade new product ideas in a virtual marketplace. This paper empirically explores the performance of idea markets in a real‐world field study at a large, high‐tech business‐to‐business company that includes more than 500 participants from 17 countries and features various idea sourcing tasks. The results indicate that idea markets are a feasible and promising method to support the fuzzy front end of the new product development process. Idea markets offer a platform and formal process to capture, select, and distribute ideas in an organization, which motivates employees to communicate their ideas to management. By effectively sourcing and contemporaneously filtering, idea markets help reduce the number of ideas brought to management's attention to those that seem worthy of further consideration. Because idea markets also have the ability to source many ideas, they can increase efficiency at the fuzzy front end of the new product development process. 相似文献