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The usage rate of the Internet for adolescents and youngsters is very high. Nearly 95% of adolescents and youngsters have used the Internet in 2008. Such a high rate implies that Internet services must be greatly influencing the daily lives of adolescents and youngsters. Against this backdrop, this research aims to explore the cognition and use of Internet services among adolescents and youngsters and determine its promotion effect in their lives. Results show that there are significant differences in the Internet service cognition and use among different demographic groups. By stepwise regression, this research found that the Internet services indeed influence adolescents’ and youngsters’ quality of life. Digital amusement, cultural resource reservation, network communication, and e-Business positively enhance the quality of life of adolescents and youngsters. On the other hand, the degree of cognition and use of online learning have a negative correlation on life promotion.  相似文献   

企业家的领导力可以分成学习能力、教导能力以及决策能力三个方面的内容。首先,对于学习能力来说,企业家可以将网上智慧平台作为基础,通过直播模式和慕课模式提升自身的学习能力。其次,对于教导能力来说,企业家可以借助融媒体环境的支持,将文字社交融媒体环境和视频社交融媒体环境结合起来,以此提升自身的教导能力。最后,对于决策能力来说,企业家可以通过智能数据辅助整合以及AI技术辅助筛选的方式提升自身的决策能力。基于此,论文对企业家领导力提升的文化路径进行了研究和分析。  相似文献   

顾崧 《价值工程》2013,(17):215-216
网络教育的实施离不开技术支持服务功能的建设。网络教学作为一种新兴的教学形式之所以能够迅速兴起并快速发展,必须承认其具有一定的优势,即只要具备上网条件,就能随时随地进行学习。通过网络教学与传统课堂教学的比较,我们不难看出它有许多优点。网络教育通过开放式学习形式,为学员提供了比较丰富的学习资源和沟通环境,对学员自身掌控学习时间,合理安排工作与学习的关系等方面的确发挥出资源共享优势,因此网络教育逐步得到了广大教师和学员的认可。但是大家又不得不一分为二的看待问题,在看到它的优点的同时也要看到其自身存在的弊端。只有在开展网络教育的过程中不断发现存在的问题,并逐步想办法解决掉这些问题,网络教育才能实现经久不衰,可持续性发展。  相似文献   

自2005年至今,河海大学依托学科优势和雄厚师资力量,联合举办了"全国水文站站长培训班",在人才培养、学习与教学模式、支持服务、技术路线、办学管理机制与资源建设等方面进行了卓有成效的探索与实践,取得了可喜成果和宝贵经验,同时针对培训工作中存在的局部问题,采取了一系列规范管理的有效措施,促进培训工作健康、有序的发展,对行业类培训具有一定的借鉴和参考意义。  相似文献   

新生代企业家是青年人才中的重要群体,是推动经济社会发展的重要生力军。目前,共青团启动了新生代企业家培养计划,希望通过采取相关措施加强新生代企业家队伍建设和培养支持。基于此,论文从共青团的视角出发,以当地新生代企业家为研究对象,采用问卷调查、座谈调研和实地走访等方式开展研究,分析了新生代企业家的群体特征、发展现状、目前的培养路径,并提出了一些建设性对策建议。  相似文献   

随着网络购物的普及,我国的物流业越来越发达,物流业务也日渐增多。如果采用传统的管理模式对物流业进行管理,不但效率很低,也十分容易出错。因此现代信息技术为物流业提供了物联网技术,通过物联网技术可以对物流进行高效而准确的管理。文中就目前我国物流业中的物联网技术进行了讨论,并就其中的不足之处提出了改进意见。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,网络编辑成为目前需求量增加且非常受欢迎的职业,也是各大高等院校新增设的一个专业。高职实训基地是实现培养高技能人才目标的重要途径和保证,网络编辑专业的实训基地建设备受关注。本文从实训基地的内涵、意义、建设思路、具体方案等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文以实地调研的方法,从创业准备及目的、创业素质及心态两方面对中山市青年的创业素质进行了调查和研究,分析了青年在创业中出现的问题及原因,并提出高校、社会和政府三位一体的帮扶建议,以期对有志青年的成功创业有所帮助。  相似文献   

吴建文 《物流科技》2003,26(6):25-27
从网络广告的优势及其主要特点,分析网络广告在互联网上所产生的巨大的宣传作用,为商家提供了销售产品新方式。  相似文献   

任伟  刘进 《价值工程》2010,29(26):158-159
云计算(Cloud computing),是一种基于互联网的计算新方式,通过互联网上异构、自治的服务为个人和企业用户提供按需即取的计算。利用云计算资源,降低成本,规避安全风险,建设数字化学习资源,为教育、教学提供一个强大、高效的学习平台。  相似文献   

张涛 《价值工程》2012,31(4):134-135
在高校中,大学生是校园网的主要用户。由于许多大学生不能合理的使用网络资源,网络在给大学生的学习与成长带来便利的同时,也给大学生的身心健康带来了不良的影响。基于用户实名认证的上网行为管理体系,把用户作为服务与管理的基本元素。该管理体系可以有效的监控与管理用户的上网行为,记录每个用户的上网日志,有助于发现学生上网过程中的问题,制定有效的学生用户管理策略。  相似文献   

针对物流工程专业特点,结合物联网技术的体系架构,以智慧物流服务为目标,对适用于物流工程专业培养目标的物联网技术课程建设进行了探索。针对物流仓储、分拣、出入库及运输过程监控管理等环节的技术特点,将物联网技术的感知层、网络层和应用层分别与其在物流领域中的具体应用相衔接,从智慧物流具体应用需求出发,设计了基于射频识别技术、ZigBee基础编程和传感器应用的课程实验,采用线上与线下、理论与实践相结合的教学过程管理方式,建立了基于课堂表现、在线学习、阶段考试、实验操作、实验表现和期末考试的过程化考核方式。  相似文献   

文章指出,随着Internet的迅速发展、物流配送的方便快捷、网上商品的日益丰富,网上购物呈现迅猛的发展势头。购物网站如何将成千上万的商品介绍给不同需求的用户,用户怎样从众多的商品中快捷地找到自己需要的产品,将Web数据挖掘技术用于个性化网上购物可以较好地解决上述问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an implementation evaluation of a Benefits-to-Wages (BtW) program operated in Perm, Russia. In part because of the low level of support for Active Labor Market Programs (ALPs) by Russian national and regional governments, municipalities have begun implementing ALPs of their own. Participation in the BtW program is limited to an unemployed adult in very low income family where at least one child is present. The program appears to be highly successful, with 74% of applicants finding jobs while still participating in the program. The assessment found that participation in the program, and job acquisition in particular, were important in raising participant families' incomes. Nevertheless, only about 10% of participants with jobs were lifted out of poverty. Receipt of certain social services and Employment Services, including training, had little impact on which participants succeeded in finding a job. Similarly, person attributes, such as education and prior work experience paid no statistically significant role. This pattern is consistent with a situation in which job requirements are modest and are met by most program participants. Various patterns indicate the program did have a positive effect on job acquisition, although the absence of a control group prevents any stronger statement.  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络技术的发展,通过Internet投稿和审稿已成为期刊管理的发展趋势。科技期刊在线审稿系统(OMRS),是指利用编辑部内部局域网和Internet为基本平台,实现作者、编辑、审稿专家、编委四位一体的协作化、网络化、角色化地编辑稿件业务处理平台。文章结合实际编辑审稿流程以及"科技期刊在线审稿系统"的系统结构和功能,分析了其对科技期刊编辑部的意义。通过利用科技期刊在线审稿系统(OMRS),促进学术期刊信息化。  相似文献   

We report our findings from the analysis of crisis episodes that resulted in the development of new capabilities in eight small firms. When dealing with resource constraints in periods of crisis, entrepreneurs engaged in a number of actions to develop their firms' capabilities. By accreting resources such as knowledge, skills and other assets, entrepreneurs were able to expand their repertoire of potential solutions and change the firm's learning trajectory. Our contribution is to describe the process of resource accretion (the gradual accumulation and integration of resources) through grafting and bonding of capabilities into the firm's ambit, which is dependent on the proximities, salience and relationships of resources. We observe three patterns within the accretion pathways of the eight firms in the study, namely the combination of coping mechanisms, the extension of networks, and the reprisal of previously successful solutions. These activities support resource accretion and the subsequent expanded solution space where entrepreneurs begin the process of embedding new capabilities. Such coping routines are necessary antecedents for the development of nascent dynamic capabilities in small firms.  相似文献   

This article suggests a theoretical framework for illustrating significant iterative processes that need to be strategically managed when entering a new field or changing a social position within a field. Applying a process-relational perspective, the framework theoretically underpins what propels individuals to change their behaviour conceptualized as constructing a strategic fit between personal structure and fields. Using Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capitals as a lens the analysis reveals how capital transformations eventually can lead to a social construction of this temporary strategic fit. The article argues that the performance of habitus expresses temporary field specific social positioning as a social materialization of macrostructures (gender, age, class, etc.). This suggested framework is applied to conceptualizing how nascent entrepreneurs successfully negotiate entrepreneurial processes. It is concerned with a small aspect: how to physically start a business (its registration and the start of trading). In this context, the article unpacks how the transformation of capitals mediates nascent entrepreneurs’ social positioning. This article contributes to the growing ‘social turn’ research situating entrepreneurial processes within social relations and context and the emerging Entrepreneurship as Practice field. It offers practical implications for business support and research directions.  相似文献   

基于Web Services的财务管理信息系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘位龙  王洪海  张新 《价值工程》2006,25(10):86-88
随着经济全球化进程的不断深入,企业在开展财务管理信息化过程中碰到了许多问题。本文提出利用WebServices技术来解决财务集中管理和财务业务协同工作问题。首先分析了存在的问题,然后介绍了WebServices技术,最后对系统的体系结构、功能和需解决的关键问题等进行了论述。并且以.NET为开发平台,充分运用Internet技术和Web服务技术,建立了基于Web服务的企业应用模式,利用B/S模式实现了会计核算与财务管理的信息化。  相似文献   

网络捐款模式探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丹  杜晖 《价值工程》2010,29(22):251-252
近年来,网络和慈善事业飞速发展的,网络捐款凭借快速、方便的特点,已逐渐成为重要的捐款途径。本文通过对网络捐款基本模式进行分析,发现其存在信息发布分散、监管缺失、信息反馈缺乏针对性等问题。针对上述问题,借鉴第三方B2C电子商务模式,提出了第三方网络捐款模式并对其进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

Developing a non-profit's resources produces a successful fund raising program, maintains this foundation program director. Found at the tip of every non-profit's fingers, they include volunteer services, innovative campaigns and good proposal writing. An aggressive implementation of these resources is in order if a non-profit desires to effectively address its long and short term goals.  相似文献   

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