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For beef exporters, one of the important questions in the Korean beef market is why Korean consumers are willing to pay almost three times more for domestic Korean beef than they pay for imported beef. To answer this question, we surveyed 1,000 shoppers in Seoul, Korea, and conducted a conjoint analysis on consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for country equity of domestic vs. imported beef and quality attributes of marbling, freshness, genetically modified organism (GMO)‐free feed ingredients and antibiotic‐free production. Among all factors contributing to the price differentials, the most important factor seems to be the country of origin followed by the use of GMO feeds and antibiotics in beef production, marbling grade and freshness. This study finds that Korean consumers value origins of imported beef approximately $14/lb less than the Korean origin. Korean consumers’ valuation of beef quality and country of origin differs by some demographic groups: older vs. younger generations, homemakers vs. non‐homemakers and consumers who prefer to purchase packaged beef vs. consumers who prefer to purchase butcher shop beef. Our empirical findings suggest that the top priority for beef exporters who wish to increase sales and value of their beef in the Korean market must be to counter Korean consumers’ strong ethnocentrism by improving the value of their country of origin.  相似文献   

This study examined consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for locally produced ground beef with an emphasis on the impacts of product attributes and the heterogeneity caused by rural consumers’ characteristics. We applied the choice-based conjoint technique to analyze data collected from a typical rural town in the Northern Great Plains. The results indicate that location associated product brand differences and leanness were dominant components affecting consumers’ WTP. The premium of locally produced ground beef for consumers with a close tie to local production is $0.48/lb. Cut difference, grass-fed, and organic were trivial factors in determining consumers’ WTP.  相似文献   

Decomposing Local: A Conjoint Analysis of Locally Produced Foods   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Increasingly, foods are marketed as "locally grown." We use stated preference data from a choice-based conjoint instrument to address two issues surrounding consumer demand for locally produced goods: (1) what is the geographical extent of "local," and (2) is the value consumers place on "local" production distinct from other factors that are often confounded with locally produced foods such as farm size and product freshness? We find our subjects place similar value on products produced "in state" and "nearby" and that consumers' willingness to pay for local production is independent from values associated with product freshness and farm size.  相似文献   

In most retail markets, sellers post the price and consumers choose which products to buy. We designed an experimental market with posted prices to investigate consumers' willingness to pay for the color of salmon. Salmon fillets varying in color and price were displayed in twenty choice scenarios. In each scenario, the participants chose which of two salmon fillets they wanted to buy. To induce real economic incentives, each participant drew one binding scenario; the participants then had to buy the salmon fillet they had chosen in their binding scenario. The choice data were analyzed with a mixed logit model.  相似文献   

This study assesses the comparability of discrete choice experiment (DCE), ranking conjoint analysis (RCA) and multiprofile best–worst scaling (BWS) in a nonhypothetical context in terms of estimated partworths, willingness to pay (WTP), response consistency and external validity. Overall, the results suggest that: (i) the conjoint analysis formats that were used in this study provide similar estimated WTP, but different estimated partworths and computed external validity; (ii) the inclusion of the full ranking information in the estimation of the parameters of interest affects the estimated partworths, but not the estimated WTP; and (iii) it is more appropriate to use multiprofile BWS over DCE and RCA because it has better predictive power of consumers’ preferences and provides estimated WTP comparable to those obtained in the others conjoint analysis formats. The BWS’ cognitive process could be considered clearness for participants implying significant increment of its predictive power.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the main determinants of consumers' knowledge and their willingness to pay for organic food products. Moreover, the relationship between knowledge and buying behaviour is explored. Virgin olive oil is taken as an example. Data was generated by way of an experimental auction carried out in two cities in northeast Spain. A three-equation model is estimated: (1) Consumer knowledge; (2) the decision to pay a premium for organic olive oil; and (3) how much premium consumers are willing to pay. Results indicate that socio-economic variables are main determinants of consumer knowledge, and that consumer attitude, lifestyle and knowledge all influence the decision to pay a premium for organic olive oil.  相似文献   

Rice has been identified as an important food security crop in Ghana. However, there is a production deficit and new technologies to reduce the deficit are not widely adopted. Although poor adoption by farmers’ is often linked to constraints such as access to information, farmers’ perceptions of the technologies are also important. We apply an advanced discrete choice experiment to evaluate farmers’ preferences for rice production practices. Specifically, we generate willingness to pay (WTP) estimates using willingness to pay space (WS) and compare these with values from the indirect or preference space (PS) method. Our modelling also accounts for the effects on WTP estimates of farmers’ stated attribute importance (SAI) information. Empirical results from WS and PS models reveal that on average, farmers value higher yields and are negatively affected by higher risk of crop failure and labour requirements. Comparing the performance of the two models, we find the WS model provides a superior fit to our data and reduces the likelihood of producing implausible WTP estimates. Further, SAI inclusion did not produce much variation in our WTP estimates.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, the development of so‐called ‘modern’ vegetable supply chains is receiving considerable interest amongst researchers and governments. This interest partly stems from the view that enhancements in food safety can be achieved if farmers are willing to adopt supply chains that are often associated with ‘western’ forms of retailing. Our study investigates farmers’ willingness to change to two ‘modern’ alternatives – a supply model based on cooperatives and another based on investors facilitating the change. Using discrete choice data drawn from 412 farmers, mixed logit models in willingness to pay space are developed that reveal the relative importance of different drivers of change. The paper offers insights that can inform governments about the incentives required to bring about change. In addition, the paper illustrates the novel application of a choice experiment to enumerating the perceived costs of changes in vegetable supply chains.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study is to examine consumer factors that affect the demand of organic olive oil (socioeconomic characteristics as well as attitudes towards organic products, food safety and the environment). Heckman approach for single equation procedure was applied in order to (1) identify the profile of regular buyers of organic olive oil based on the aforementioned factors and (2) to estimate income elasticity for the same product. Results indicate that the demand for or ganic olive oil is strongly affected by socioeconomic characteristics such as income size and occupation status, and to a lesser extent by attitudes towards organic products, food safety and the environment.  相似文献   

Employers of agricultural undergraduates are presented with hypothetical job candidates with different attributes and salaries, and are asked which candidate, if any, they would hire. The employer choices are then used to estimate the additional salary they will pay for undergraduates with certain attributes. Students are administered similar surveys where they indicate which hypothetical candidate they think will be hired, which can be used to estimate students' perceived salary increase associated with each attribute. Employers' stated values are then compared to students' perceived values to identify any misperceptions regarding the monetary return of select attributes.  相似文献   

论文通过对湖南娄底市消费者问卷调查数据,并利用SPSS统计分析软件对影响消费者水产品质量安全支付意愿的变量进行研究分析,结果显示:消费者的受教育程度、性别、家庭月收入、每月农产品花费、年龄因素对消费者水产品质量安全支付意愿有较大影响,但消费者受教育程度、性别与支付意愿呈负相关关系。并在此基础上提出相关建议:加大对水产品质量安全知识的宣传和普及;加大对认证水产品的补贴;在超市和农贸市场做好定点宣传和推广工作;制定切实可行的可追溯安全水产品营销战略。  相似文献   

This article analyzes adoption and impacts of Bt cotton in Argentina against the background of monopoly pricing. Based on survey data, it is shown that the technology significantly reduces insecticide applications and increases yields; however, these advantages are curbed by the high price charged for genetically modified seeds. Using the contingent valuation method, it is shown that farmers' average willingness to pay is less than half the actual technology price. A lower price would not only increase benefits for growers, but could also multiply company profits, thus, resulting in a Pareto improvement. Implications of the sub-optimal pricing strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

研究目的:以南京市为例,研究耕地的非市场价值及城乡居民支付意愿的影响因素。研究方法:条件价值法,计量模型。研究结果:(1)南京市耕地的非市场价值为504087.92万元,单价为20760.59元/hm2;(2)57.76%市民和60.32%的农民家庭愿意为耕地非市场价值付费,支付意愿分别为208.33元/户•a和120.26元/户•a;(3)家庭收支水平、年龄、性别、受教育状况、对耕地非市场价值的认知等是影响城乡居民支付意愿的重要因素。研究结论:受家庭支付能力及其在耕地非市场价值方面受到教育的影响,城乡居民对耕地非市场价值的支付意愿并不高。  相似文献   

The EU Broiler Directive came into force in the UK in June 2010 with the aim of setting new minimum standards, monitoring broiler welfare and addressing any welfare problems. A survey questionnaire was used to elicit information from a stratified sample of citizens in England and Wales regarding their willingness to pay for the provisions of the Directive, as an estimate of the consumer surplus associated with the legislation. We also explore the usefulness of Prelec's ( 2004 ) Bayesian Truth Serum (BTS) in promoting respondents’ truthful reporting. A median willingness to pay of £21.50 per household per year (corrected for sample bias and possible ‘yea saying’) was estimated from 665 responses. This provides an estimated benefit of the legislation to citizens of over £503 million per year, equivalent to 5.3% of current consumer expenditure on chicken. This compares to an estimated £22 million per year cost of producers’ compliance and government enforcement associated with the legislation. No statistically significant differences in responses between respondents that did and did not have a BTS incentive to answer questions truthfully were found, which might reflect apparently truthful answers in this case, an insufficiently strong financial incentive or a weakened effect due to an element of disbelief in the BTS amongst the sample. The analysis suggests that the benefits of the Broiler Directive to citizens greatly outweigh the additional costs to producers, making a case for the legislation to be retained.  相似文献   

We elicit willingness to pay for conventional, organic and/or food‐safety‐inspected tomatoes in a traditional African food market. We identify four elicitation methods that can be conducted with one respondent at a time, and use them in a field setting: the Becker–DeGroot–Marschak mechanism, multiple price lists, multiple price lists with stated quantities, and real‐choice experiments. All four methods give similar results; showing that consumers are willing to pay a premium for organic and food‐safety‐inspected tomatoes. However, the size of the premium is significantly larger when consumers choose between alternatives than when they indicate their reservation price. The new multiple price lists with stated quantities were easy to explain in the busy market setting, gave the respondents the opportunity to determine the amount they wanted to buy, and had valuations in line with the other non‐comparative valuation methods.  相似文献   

We compare consumer valuations of beef ribeye steaks from cattle produced without growth hormones or genetically modified corn in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Results suggest that French consumers place a higher value on beef from cattle that have not been administered added growth hormones than U.S. consumers; however, valuations of non-hormone-treated beef are statistically indistinguishable across Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Results also suggest that European consumers place a much higher value on beef from cattle that have not been fed genetically modified corn than U.S. consumers.  相似文献   

In this work the actual situation of organic production and marketing in Spain is explained, studying and analyzing their evolution in the last decade of previous the century and in the first years of the new millennium. In Spain, organic production began in the 1970s with pioneers in Catalonia, Murcia Region, and other zones. It was in the 1990s when was observed a great increase in organic surfaces. A very interesting and critical date is that at the moment, more than 80% of organic products are being exported to other European countries, United States, and other foreign markets, and it is necessary to find new marketing strategies and innovations to structure the organic market, give new information to consumers, improve investments in the relation between retailers and consumers, and improve the perception of the utilities of these products. In some countries, as is the case of Spain, the consumers don't have enough information about the characteristics of organic products, organic food, and organic production methodologies. They must have all the information about the benefits of organic production methodologies and their implications in environmental conservation, biodiversity protection, food quality and safety, and this task must be provided by the new marketing strategies and actions.  相似文献   

Biofortified staple foods are currently being developed to reduce problems of micronutrient malnutrition among the poor. This partly involves use of genetic modification. Yet, relatively little is known about consumer acceptance of such second‐generation genetically modified (GM) foods in developing countries. Here, we analyse consumer attitudes towards provitamin A GM cassava in the north‐east of Brazil. Based on stated preference data, mean willingness to pay is estimated at 60–70% above market prices for traditional cassava. This is higher than the results from similar studies in developed countries, which is plausible given that micronutrient malnutrition is more severe in developing countries. GM foods with enhanced nutritive attributes seem to be well received by poor consumers. However, the results also suggest that acceptance would be still higher if provitamin A were introduced to cassava through conventional breeding. Some policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new approach with two-dimensional point of view to test predicting factors that are influencing European trader decisions for the adoption of innovative seafood products in the distributor channels. A combination of two main predicting factors for adoption is investigated in the “supply factors” (4Ps: product, promotion, place, and price) and the “five innovation demand factors” (5IDs: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability). The findings indicate that 4Ps and 5IDs have a significant effect as controlling variables in the decision-making process for innovation adoption. This fact shows a strategic function and illustrates that supply–demand factors have a pressure effect on the innovation adoption process in the market. The results are important both for satisfying consumer expectations and for industrial innovation strategies.  相似文献   

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