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Similar to the Olympics in Bei- jing,the World Expo poses some new challenges and difficulties to the city of Shanghai.However,in Wan's eyes,many opportunities have already been realized, especially with respect to the develop- ment of Shanghai.  相似文献   

The government of China has always attached great importance to the protection of copyright and taken the activity of cracking down the infringement and piracy as an important work to rectify and standardize the market economic order.  相似文献   

"Crucial for economic growth,energy utilization has its role in all economic sectors and every aspect of people's daily life. Now we are in dire need of a new profession,namely energy man- ager.We not only need to have passion and responsibility,but also a scientitic approach to conserve energy and cut emissions.Ap-  相似文献   

History In 1949,The Chinese People's Politi- cal Consultative Conference(CPPCC)was established. The CPPCC held its First Plenary Ses- sion from September 21st to 30th,1949,in Beiping(now Beijing),in which exercised the functions and powers of the National  相似文献   

Nowadays,peoplewhetherChineseorAmericanshaveestablishedcloserconnectionswiththegiantsilvergraybird-Boeingairplane.CooperationbetweenBoeingandChinadatesbacktoearlythiscenturywhenthecompanywasfirstestablishedintheUnitedStates.Itwasatthattimethatthefounderof…  相似文献   


This paper argues that marketing scholars should be paying a lot more attention to the rhetorical form which the economic historian Philip Mirowski – following the novelist David Foster Wallace – calls murketing. Combining philosophical, historical, economic and fictional resources, the paper first produces a synthetic account of what murketing is. Blurring calculated dishonesty with impassioned sincerity, murketing operationalises a double-truth dialectic which treats consumers as both subjects and objects within the process of their own persuasion. In order to indicate how murketing works, the paper then considers recent examples from murketing practice where allusions are made which are both cynical and gnostic, both conceited and intimate, and both earnest and ironic. The paper closes by indicating how its account of the theory and practice of murketing might inform the future study, consumption and regulation of advertising and marketing communications.  相似文献   

China and the Republic of Korea formally set up the diplomatic relations,which has added more vitality to the cultural and economic exchanges betweenthe two countries.  相似文献   

In June and Octobcr, 2003, Cenlral Government signed the Closer Economic Partncrship Arrangement (CEPA) with the Governmenl of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China. The agreement has been implemented since January 1,2004.  相似文献   

The Tongling Non-ferrous Metals(Group) company was known forproducing the first copper ingot afterthe founding of new China.Through 44years and generations of exploration, thecompany has now become a large nationalconglomerate of more than 30 units, includingsix mines, two smelting plants and threecopper processing factories, coordinated withmining, dressing, smelting and deepprocessing, with its products reaching 150varieties. The Jinlong Copper Co. Ltd.,jointly invested by this company and Japan'sSumitomo co., is the largest Sino-Foreignjoint venture in Anhui Province and theChina National Non-ferrous Metals IndustryCorporation, and is planned to go into operationin 1996. By then, the Tongling Non-ferrousMetals (Group) Company will be highlightedin China's copper industry. In June 1993, the Ministry of ForeignTrade and Economic Cooperation authorizedthe company with the right of import andexport operation. In October the same year,the company established its own foreigntrade institution--the Tongling Non-ferrousMetals Import and Export Company, which  相似文献   

"In 2005, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) strengthened its government news briefing service in the spirit of offering more information, while constantly improving the planning and organizing of press conferences and the competence of spokespersons. Notable progress was made in shaping an institutionalized, standardized and specialized government news briefing and spokesperson system. Three impressive features of this system stand out."  相似文献   

InDecember1998,theChinaAcademyofSocialScienceandtheMinistryofCivilAffairsconductedaninvestigationintotheurbanpoorinShanghaiandthesocialsecuritysystemforthoseonthelowest.IncomeThoselivingonsocialsecurityincomeinShanghaihaveanincomeofRMB243permonthonav...  相似文献   

The Chinese government is always paying great attention to the Customs IPR Protection.China has established her border measures of intellectual property rights as far as September of 1994.  相似文献   

On Oct.12, the 4th Beijing Chaoyang Internatienal Business Festival (BCIBF) closes with “Awarding Ceremony of the” Top Ten Financial Personages from home and abroad. Nearly halfof them, who were voted by International Finance News and People‘s Daily Online, came for their rewards.  相似文献   

Since 1997 to 2000, CCPIT has organized domestic enterprises to participate in 7 Partenariats in Europe for 4 successive years, 146 Chinese enterprises had conducted598 rounds of business negotiations, and had reached53 cooperative agreements  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the trust-based mechanisms underlying the relationship between ethical leadership and followers’ organisational citizenship behaviours (OCBs). Based on three-wave survey data obtained from 184 employees and their supervisors, we find that ethical leadership leads to higher levels of both affective and cognitive trust. In addition, we find support for a three-path mediational model, where cognitive trust and affective trust, in turn, mediate the relationship between ethical leadership and follower OCBs. That is to say, we found that ethical leadership leads to the development of cognitive trust, which subsequently influences the development of affective trust. Affective trust, in turn, induces followers to exhibit OCBs as a means of reciprocating the leader’s favourable behaviour. Our findings suggest that both affective and cognitive trust plays an important role in the social exchange processes that underlie the relationship between ethical leadership and the discretionary behaviour of followers.  相似文献   

This article discusses strategies called olio and intègraphy as convenient terms for a multi-method approach to studying situations. Encompassing the familiar activities called ethnography, netnography, and symbolic analysis, as well as participant-observation and use of the media, the purpose is to integrate information, data, findings, and examples from a variety of sources in the environment that bear on topics of interest and to explicate what they mean to members of the culture, including the subjects, the researchers, and the audience. This is a classical behavioral science approach that makes explicit the role of the researcher as a participant–observer and an interpreter. It is rooted in symbolic interaction, the classic work of Mead [1934. Mind, Self, and Society, edited by Charles Morris. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press], who noted that “the reflective experience, the world, and things within it exist in the form of situations” (Becker, Howard, Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes, and Anselm L. Strauss. 1961. Boys in White. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press). In addition to summarizing case examples to illustrate the value of this approach, the “consumption of death” is extensively examined as an under-researched and multi-faceted complexity of circumstances and responses.  相似文献   

AttheendoflastyealtheAll-ChinaYOuthFCderationandtheChineseYOuthDailyofficejointlypublishedtheresultsofamajorreaders'investigationnamed"1978-1998:thetwodecadesintheEyesofChina'sYouth".25200peopletookpartintheinvestigation,89.9%ofthembelievedthewholesituationofChinesesocialdevelopmentwasgood,and86.9%ofthembelievedtheywerebeneficiariesofthereformandopening-up.Readersfrom32provinces,autonomousregionsandmunicipalitiescompletedtheinvestigationbyansweringthequestionspublishedintheChineseYOuthDa…  相似文献   

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