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Dr.VaLidity of Family History Data on Primary Adult-Onset DystoniaMartino D./Aniello M.S./Masi G. et al. [Dr. G. Defazio,Dept. of Neurol. and Psychiat. Sci., University of Bari,Piazza Giulio Cesare 11, 1-70124 Bari, Italy]Background: To our knowledge, no study has assessed thevalidity of family hist ory data provided  相似文献   

We analyze growth and diversification of U.S. dairy farms by examining changes in ten size cohorts and new entrants through three successive censuses. We reject Gibrat's law and the mean reversion hypothesis of growth. Growth rates appear bimodal where the smallest and largest farm cohorts grow fastest. All cohorts diversify but the largest farms do not diversify as rapidly as medium-sized farms. New entrants are generally large, and they diversify more rapidly than comparably sized incumbents do. These data suggest that scale economies persist even for the largest cohort of U.S. dairy farms and scale economies dominate scope economies for large farms.  相似文献   

政府·市场·农民张培育农村社会主义市场经济体制,是我国90年代农村改革的目标。推进农村经济市场化,是我国农村经济体制的又一次历史性变化,也是新疆农业再上新台阶,实现持续、稳定、全面、协调发展的根本所在。因此,认真分析和研究农村经济体制转换过程中的新情...  相似文献   

人参Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer是我国传统补益药中最具有代表性的药物之一《神农本草经》载:“人参主补五脏,安精神、定魂魄、止惊悸、除邪气,明目、开心、益智、久服轻身延年。”临床应用至少已有两千多年的历史了。近年来国内外不少学者对人参进行了大量的生药、植化、生化、实验药理与临床等  相似文献   

The persistence of agricultural protectionism throughout the world is intriguing given the widely recognized benefits of free trade. The political economy literature over the last decades has considered groups’ interest, politicians’ preferences, and their interactions within domestic politics as the primary forces driving agricultural protection. Yet, a growing body of studies suggests that it would be judicious to weigh in consumers’ or taxpayers’ perspectives in deciphering the nature of agricultural protection. This study examines U.S. citizens’ preferences about government intervention in agriculture and trade. Results show that they are in strong support of agricultural protection and their perceptions of national food security, family farms, environmental sustainability, and multifunctionality of agriculture play a significant role in shaping their support/opposition toward government intervention. The conventional political economy literature theorizes that consumers or taxpayers would oppose public policies that increase their tax burden; however, in the case of the farm sector, they have little incentive to voice their objections given the costs of farm programs are spread across a large number of consumers and taxpayers. U.S. citizens’ support for government involvement in agriculture as reported in this and other prior studies does not lend support for such political economy explanation.  相似文献   

对农业和农村经济结构进行战略性调整是农村经济工作的中心任务,对此,大家没有异议。可一到实际工作中,却又总免不了“翻烧饼”。结果,“星星还是那颗星星,月亮还是那个月亮”,早籼稻还是那茬早籼稻,百姓家里还是那样“空空行囊”。   敢问结构调整路在何方?最近,笔者到江西铅山县紫溪乡调研,找到了答案:专业大户带动,不失为调整措施到位的一条“金光大道”。   这个乡共有 1 7万亩耕地。过去春播全是清一色的早籼稻,农民增产不增收。这些年,几个先知先觉的专业大户凭着对市场需求的耳聪目明,改早籼稻为红芽芋,一发而…  相似文献   

日光性皮炎俗称"日晒伤",是由于皮肤暴露部位因日光过度照射,在暴露部位引起的皮肤急性光毒反应.日光中的中、长波紫外线辐射使真皮内多种细胞释放组胺、5-羟色胺、激肽等炎性介质,使真皮内血管扩张,引起组织水肿.  相似文献   

Deadwood is recognized as one of the most important resources affecting forest biodiversity. Its absence from the forest landscape is, therefore, of concern, such that one official Swedish environmental objective is to increase the volume of deadwood. However, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, another environmental goal, is likely to work against this biodiversity objective. In this study we utilize a regional economic forest sector model, focusing on northern Sweden, in order to estimate the effect of a large scale introduction of stump harvest on the future use of forest fuel. In addition, an ecological model, describing the relationship between the availability of stumps and the abundance of saproxylic beetles, is linked to the economic model.The parameters used in the economic model are derived from a data set spanning 28 years while the ecological model is derived from a survey of ten clear cuts, undertaken seven years after the clear cutting, in order to investigate the abundance of saproxylic beetles in stumps. We simulate the effects of an increased demand for wood fuels in northern Sweden, with or without stump harvest. The two scenarios have different effects on all major round wood markets in the region, as well as on the abundance of saproxylic beetles. More specifically, the harvest of stumps is associated with a 5% reduction in the mean abundance of saproxylic beetles living in deadwood on future clear cuts and a 3% increase in the use of renewable energy recourses in heating plants.  相似文献   

  2014年,宁夏自治区粮食局、自治区教育厅联合出台了《全区中小学爱粮节粮教育社会实践基地建设的指导意见》。经过半年筹建,近日,在青铜峡市中航郑飞塞外香面粉有限公司新场区建设的宁夏中小学爱粮节粮教育社会实践基地通过了自治区粮食局爱粮节粮教育社会实践基地建设验收小组现场考核验收。基地建成后,青铜峡市粮食局将把活动的常态化开展列入重要议事日程,积极配合教育主管部门和学校组织更多的中小学生们参加教育实践活动,让广大中小学生感悟“一粥一饭,当思来之不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰”的深刻内涵。  相似文献   

国以民为本,民以食为天,我国人民的吃饭问题,历来是一个难以解决的问题。新中国建立以来,严峻的课题就摆在了党和政府的面前,几十年来,经过艰苦奋斗虽有所缓解,但随着国情的变化,仍未从根本上得到解决。因此,深入研究粮食问题,积极搞好粮食改革,探索建立一个符合中国国情、适应社会主义市场经济发展的粮食新体制,全面推动我国粮食业的发展势在必行,意义深远。国情人口多、耕地少、底子薄是我国的基本国情。人口,近10多年我国以平均每年1500万左右快速增长,全国已超过12亿,本世纪末,将达到13亿。耕地,自1986年以来,全国净…  相似文献   

Although meat demand is one of the most studied issues in agricultural economics, our understanding of this phenomenon has been hampered by valid concerns about model specification uncertainty. This article revisits the need for more general theories of aggregate U.S. meat demand. Using a Bayesian averaging of classical estimates approach, we draw comprehensive inferences over 1,048,576 demand systems. We find very little evidence supporting the need for more general theories that include demand determinants beyond prices and expenditures. We find strong evidence in support of symmetry and negativity, but strong evidence against homogeneity, which is consistent with other research.  相似文献   

鸡过河小偷偷了一只鸡,正在河边给鸡拔毛,这时一个警察走了过来,小偷急忙把鸡仍到了河里。警察问:你在干什么?河里是什么东西?  相似文献   


50万的裸体照片 总经理坐在他律师的办公室里。律师问:"您是想先听好消息呢,还是先听坏消息?" "先告诉我好消息吧。"总经理急切地说。  相似文献   

6月18日,由国家机关事务管理局、教育部、共青团中央、国家粮食局共同在北京航空航天大学举办“厉行节约学校在行动”主题宣传活动,倡导高校师生节俭养德,推进厉行节约的校园文化建设。  相似文献   

主题 :台湾求购新鲜的樱桃和桃公司名称 :THEWELLSFUNDINC .公司地址 :3RDFL .NO .10LANE 56 0CHONG CHENGRD .HSIN DAN主题 :美国求购饲料大麦公司名称 :M .A .B .ASSOCIATES公司地址 :82 90ClearyBlvdPlantation ,FL 3332 4UnitedStates主题 :巴拿马求购番茄酱公司名称 :WTI 2 0 0 1TradingCo公司地址 :WorldTradeCenter (Panama)主题 :孟加拉求购油菜籽公司名称 :Sk .A .A .Parvez公司地址 :…  相似文献   

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