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This paper presents a critical review of the global value chain (GVC) literature in light of the “technological capabilities” approach to innovation in less-developed countries (LDCs). Participation in GVC is beneficial for firms in LDCs, which are bound to source technology internationally. However, the issues of learning and technological efforts at the firm level remain largely hidden in the GVC literature. We propose a shift in the empirical and theoretical agenda, arguing that research should integrate the analysis of the endogenous process of technological capability development, including specific firm-level efforts, and of the mechanisms allowing knowledge to flow within and between different global value chains into the GVC literature. 相似文献
We extend the nominal rate of protection (NRP) methodology to a value chain framework. We develop our methodology for three types of value chains: a new value chain created by policy, a value chain in which a by‐product is created in the processing of a commodity, and a value chain in which processing of a commodity generates new product(s). We consider two cases of value chains: when the commodity is tradable and when it is non‐tradable. The proposed indicator, value chain NRP, allows policy‐makers to see an aggregate measure of all policy impacts on all the commodities and products in the value chain, normalised at the farm level. We apply the methodology to selected value chains in India. Our results indicate that farmers are subsidised, but at different rates. Both sugarcane producers and sugar producers are protected, but sugar producers are protected at higher rates. Producers of downstream products such as ethanol and molasses are taxed, whereas the crushing industry is subsidised. We observe that there is increasing protection along the value chain from commodity to product for the oilseeds sector, whereas the picture is less clear for the sugarcane value chain. 相似文献
Derek G. Brewin 《Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie》2016,64(1):5-19
To open this address, I would like to advocate for membership in the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES). The fact that applied economics offers theory and methods that help us address topics as diverse as the Canadian grain value chain and the economics of species at risk speaks well for the future of our discipline. There is a vast array of work for us to do. Membership in the CAES offers an excellent link to the most up‐to‐date research in this area through our journal and conferences. Every society I attend inspires me to examine my own research and look at problems in new ways using new tools I learned from presentations made by the members of CAES. The main message of my address is to promote the application of Game Theory strategies as a way to understand behavior in the grain value chain. These tools are already being applied in areas as different as optimizing tradable systems of environmental goods and assessing competitive behavior in beef packing. Tout d'abord, je tiens à mentionner que j'appuie l'adhésion à la Société canadienne d'agroéconomie (SCAE). Le fait que l’économie appliquée offre la théorie et les méthodes qui nous aident à examiner des sujets aussi variés que la chaîne de valeur des grains du Canada et l’économie des espèces en péril augure bien pour l'avenir de notre discipline. La diversité du travail à accomplir est immense. Être membre de la SCAE procure un lien privilégié à la recherche de pointe grâce à notre Revue et à nos conférences. Aujourd'hui, mon message vise principalement à promouvoir l'application des stratégies de la théorie des jeux pour comprendre le comportement au sein de la chaîne de valeur des grains. Certains domaines, tels que l'optimisation des systèmes d’échange des biens environnementaux et l’évaluation du comportement concurrentiel dans le secteur du conditionnement du b?uf, utilisent déjà ces outils. La panoplie d'outils à notre disposition est mise en valeur dans notre Revue et lors de nos congrès. Tous les congrès auxquels j'assiste me motivent à examiner ma propre recherche et à analyser les problèmes sous un angle différent grâce aux nouveaux outils mis au point et présentés par les membres de la SCAE. 相似文献
Cristina Calvo-Porral J. Andrés Faíña Medín Paulino Montes-Solla 《国际粮食与农业综合企业市场学杂志》2013,25(2):132-148
ABSTRACTBased on the existing marketing concept on relational and functional benefits and on the retailing management of customer value, the present research empirically tests the influence of these customer benefits by providing a comparative analysis for different retailing formats, such as supermarkets and hypermarkets. Using questionnaire data for a sample of customers (N = 362), the authors developed structural equation modeling. This study identifies the factors influencing customer value, as well as the key to understand the relationships of customer benefits, customer value, loyalty, and purchase intention in the retailing service context. The contribution of the present research includes empirically testing a conceptual model, by developing a comparative analysis, along with providing some meaningful insights to retailing managers on how to strategically manage customer value variables to increase and enhance customer retention and purchase intent. 相似文献
Lenis Saweda O Liverpool‐Tasie Charuta M. Parkhi 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》2021,72(1):158-179
Climate induced events exacerbate food production and distribution risks, posing a threat to global food security. Though many studies focus on farmer adaptation to climate change, there are few studies of actors in the middle of agricultural value chains such as traders, logistics providers, and processors. The activities of these actors, referred to as the ‘hidden middle’, are key determinants of the prices received by farmers and the price and quality of food products for consumers. We explore how climate events and risk perceptions affect the adoption of value‐adding and damage control strategies among maize traders in Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy and most populous country. We find consistent evidence that climate events and climate risk perception discourage the adoption of value‐adding practices including storage. This potentially affects the availability and price of maize for consumers (household and industry) in the lean season. However, once traders store maize, climate risk does not affect the adoption of damage control, but training and social networks do. These findings suggest that actors in the midstream of food value chains are responding to climate change and more attention needs to be paid to these actors to maintain the availability of affordable and safe maize products throughout the year. There is also a need for strategies to reduce the risks of trading activities due to climate change. 相似文献
新旧土地利用分类体系对比分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
通过对新旧土地利用分类的产生背景、分类原则及其依据、体系、含义等方面进行对比,表明两种不同的分类体系是在不同的社会经济背景下产生的,有各自的优点和缺点。同时,针对新分类中存在的问题,提出了相应的建议,以求不断地完善和充实。 相似文献
随着社会经济的不断发展,人们逐渐提高了对食品安全的重视度,而食品微生物检验技术的应用频率逐渐提高,检验方法和技术也越来越精准.本文介绍食品微生物检验检测的主要内容,即食物的污染程度和内部的致病菌.探究PCR技术、生理生化技术、免疫学检测技术、质谱技术和光谱技术这5项新技术在食品微生物检验检测中的应用情况,并总结提升应用... 相似文献
对世界和中国林产品贸易中比较优势的检验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为考察不同因素对世界和中国林产品贸易格局的影响程度,本文对基于要素禀赋的比较优势理论在世界和中国林产品贸易中的适用性做了检验。研究结果表明:除纸和纸板外,林产品总体、原木、其他原材、锯材、人造板以及木浆和回收纸的世界贸易流向均符合贸易的比较优势理论,环境变量对林产品贸易流向影响不显著,但并不能排除一国政府的环境政策对林产品贸易流向的影响。中国的林产品总体和各分类林产品均按照比较优势参与贸易,比较优势发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文的实证研究结果可以为制定我国林产品贸易政策提供参考和依据。 相似文献
蜂产品在食品、医药、化妆品等领域有着广泛的应用.然而,现有蜂胶检测标准和手段不足,无法准确评价我国蜂产品的真伪和品质,加之受利益驱使,国内蜂产品产业乱象丛生,制假售假现象严重.为此,本文基于文献计量学和聚类分类等方法,从发展趋势、技术分类、区域分布和同族专利分析等方面对蜂产品检测技术进行归纳汇总分析,以期为相关部门和科... 相似文献
针对中小企业对技术创新模式选择的困境,考察了中小企业技术创新模式,在对技术创新模式与创新绩效之相关性进行理论分析的基础上提出研究假设,以四川省338家中小企业为样本进行实证分析。结果表明:合作创新的积极性、模仿创新的积极性和重视性与中小企业技术创新绩效正相关;相比模仿创新模式,合作创新模式对技术创新绩效的影响程度更显著。最后,根据研究结论,探讨了中小企业技术创新模式选择的相关启示。 相似文献
农村金融是现代农村经济的核心,是推进城乡统筹发展,促进农业现代化的重要支撑。在总结青岛农村金融发展情况、梳理国内外先进经验及实践基础上,针对青岛市农村金融需求潜力未释放、有效供给不足、体系不完善、信用基础薄弱等四方面突出问题,提出了积极建立农村保险和担保体系,争取开展农村抵押融资业务试点,创新发展农业产业链金融,完善农村信用体系建设等创新性对策建议。 相似文献
本文着重介绍了当前常用的西式火腿类肉制品加工技术,并以蒸煮火腿和带骨火腿为例,介绍了西式火腿类肉制品加工技术,以期促进西式肉制品加工技术的应用,为我国肉制品加工技术的研究和发展提供有效参考. 相似文献
近些年来,国内食品制造行业的发展速度越来越快,针对食品安全问题的监管成为了重中之重.然而,由于食品行业门槛低,在食品制造与销售环节的监管不到位,食品安全问题频繁出现,给民众的生命安全带来危害,妨碍了食品行业的可持续发展.面对此种严峻形势,国家有关部门加大了对食品微生物的检验检测力度,如何合理运用新型技术完成食品安全的检... 相似文献
Lung-Fai Wong 《Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie》1989,37(1):77-93
基本农田保护机制的创新问题探讨 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
程永政 《中国农业资源与区划》2009,30(5):25-28
结合近几年基本农田保护规划实施的情况,从保护指导思想、保护管理体系、保护手段、布局调整、投入机制与农民参与等方面,对基本农田保护机制的创新进行了探讨。 相似文献
新型城镇化建设中的农村金融困境与创新 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
推进新型城镇化建设是促进我国经济转型、城乡协调发展的的重要举措。新型城镇化需要发展农业产业化、兴建基础设施等,催生了大量金融服务需求,但现有的农村金融体系难以提供足够的金融供给以满足这些需求。可通过设法使农村土地经营权、宅基地等满足正规金融机构抵押条件及赋予民间金融合法地位等金融创新,使更多的资金投向农村,推进新型城镇化建设。 相似文献
The Interaction of Global Value Chains and Rural Livelihoods: The Case of Smallholder Raspberry Growers in Chile 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper integrates aspects of global value chain and sustainable rural livelihoods analyses in an exploration of the local impacts of agri‐food globalization in Chile. In particular, it examines the evolution of the raspberry export sector in the context of Chile's non‐traditional agricultural export boom, and considers its importance to smallholder growers and rural households in central Chile. The paper first outlines the geography and structural configuration of the global value chain for Chilean raspberries, and considers modes of governance and forms of coordination between key actors within the chain. Second, the terms and implications of smallholder grower participation in the value chain are explored in a discussion of access to key livelihoods assets. The paper concludes that institutional support to smallholders, even in the case of a crop that is widely seen to have a small‐scale ‘size bias’, remains integral to their capacity to comply with required safety and quality standards and gain and retain market access via the value chain. 相似文献
高保护价值森林判定与国家级生态公益林区划比较分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在对国内外高保护价值理念与应用简介基础上,进行了高保护价值森林判定与国家级生态公益林区划的比较。结果表明:两者之间交叉覆盖,在区划判定理念、林地区划界限、保护生物多样性和保持水土涵养水源目的等方面具有一致性,而在区划范畴、判定标准、内涵侧重点与范围、区划工作难易程度、区划结果应用效力等方面存在着差异。因此,建议开展高保护价值森林判定的通用性标准及其落实政策的研究。 相似文献
文章在梳理生态产品价值内涵的基础上,结合典型价值实现案例,阐释了生态产品价值实现的内涵及其主要路径,并对现阶段不同路径面临的现实困境提出完善建议。研究表明:(1)生态产品价值包括经济价值、生态服务价值和社会文化价值,现阶段生态产品价值实现的焦点和难点在于生态服务价值和社会文化价值。(2)市场主导型、政府主导型和生产要素参与分配型是实现生态产品价值的三种主要路径。(3)现阶段不同实现路径面临着差异化的困境,市场主导型缺乏完善的产权机制和交易价格机制,政府主导型缺乏完善的利益协调机制、有偿使用机制和财政补偿机制,生产要素参与分配型缺乏特色的经营模式和科学的收益分配机制。鉴于此,应从制度设计和生态产品价值核算体系两个维度加以完善。 相似文献