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农业供应链金融的数字化转型:理论与中国案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着农村电商、物联网和数字金融的快速发展,我国农业供应链金融开始向数字化转型,本文对数字化农业供应链金融模式进行理论和案例分析。研究发现,相比于传统农业供应链金融,数字化农业供应链金融借助于电商平台、物联网、大数据和云计算等数字应用和技术,能够降低金融服务过程中的交易成本,构建农村数字化信用评价体系,优化风险控制策略,最终提高金融供给效率。目前数字化农业供应链金融已形成互联网企业驱动和数字化农业企业驱动两种模式,但是仍面临资金成本高、数字足迹缺乏和信息孤岛等问题,限制其作用的发挥。未来应加快对传统农业的数字化改造,推动农村电商的发展,支持和规范涉农互联网金融机构的发展,最终完善数字化农业供应链金融模式,为发展中国家的农业供应链金融贡献创新模式。  相似文献   

This article investigates 4 key areas of supply chain management to identify opportunities to create value for Australian farmed barramundi. These key areas are product attributes, material flow, information flow, and relationships. This exploratory study forms the first stage of a value chain mapping study. Based on data gathered from 13 in-depth interviews, 7 with farmers and 6 with wholesalers/retailers, a preliminary map of the value chain for Australian farmed barramundi was developed. From a producer perspective, 3 key issues emerged: lack of collaboration, inconsistency of product quality, and lack of knowledge of what consumers value. Although wholesalers/retailers identify product consistency as a key issue, they further identify product dumping and the growth of imports as areas of major concern. These findings laid the foundation for strategy development at both the individual and industry level. The insights from this case highlight the value of chain analyses as a diagnostic tool for strategy development.  相似文献   

用信任、关系承诺和依赖性3个维度作为衡量木材加工业供应链伙伴关系的调查指标,对福建省莆田市70家木材加工业供应链企业的性质、企业参与木材加工业供应链的情况、企业对供应链上下游企业更加偏好信任的企业类型以及木材加工业供应链的伙伴关系进行问卷调查。调查结果表明:不少原木材或木制品流通企业开始走上了工贸结合的道路,绝大多数被调查企业既有上游供应商也有下游厂商或经销商,一半的企业更加信任供应链上游企业;在木材加工业供应链中,多数企业对上下游企业之间的信任度较高、关系承诺较好,多数企业认为通过建立供应链伙伴关系能实现双方共赢但倾向于有更好的供应商或厂商时选择更换。因此,建议在木材加工供应链伙伴企业间,建立以木材行业协会为纽带的信任机制,建立以核心企业为中心的长期合作关系,建立信息共享平台,促进木材加工业供应链伙伴间的信息共享。  相似文献   

林业产业管理的新动态:林业绿色供应链   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
将绿色供应链中的绿色制造拓展到林业资源培育等环节,研究林业产业多目标管理的新动态——林业绿色供应链问题。在对一般绿色供应链的基本思想和发展动态进行系统梳理的基础上,研究了林业绿色供应链的内涵、特性、理论基础和研究动态,并探讨了其应用领域的相关问题。通过这些研究,提出了林业绿色供应链管理的思想,指出其核心问题是林业资源链、价值链和生态链的协同共生,即绿色共生问题;勾勒出林业绿色供应链的理论基础——绿色共生理论的基本内涵;并以林-浆-纸产业链为例,对林业绿色供应链共生系统的结构和共生模式研究提出了建议。同时指出了林业产业可持续发展发展的新途径,为林业绿色供应链的研究提供了建设性思路。  相似文献   

The objective of the article is to examine whether relationship quality in the Spanish pig-to-cured ham supply chain positively influence small and medium enterprise (SME) stakeholders' competitiveness. A structural equation modeling approach has been used with information from a survey conducted on farmers, processors, and retailers in the pig-to-cured ham chain located in the Spanish region of Aragon.

Results indicate that the quality of the relationship positively influences stakeholders' competitiveness in the supply chain. Second, improvements in communication also positively affect the quality of the relationships. Then, the quality of communication has also a positive effect on stakeholders' competitiveness through the relationship quality.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the transmission of price volatility and market power in the German fresh pork supply chain. We use a theoretical model underpinning this relationship followed by an empirical application that uses monthly farm, slaughterhouse and retail pork price data for the period 2000–2011. We examine both the relationships of market power with price level transmission and price volatility transmission in the chain. We use a vector error correction model and least squares regressions to analyse price transmission and price volatility transmissions, respectively. Results show that retail market power limited both types of transmissions. Competition inducing policy measures coupled with measures that support price risk management initiatives of chain actors are suggested.  相似文献   

Based on field research in the Badia of Jordan and the first of its kind, this study specifically addresses the supply chain, marketing trends available to Badia farmers, the governance system that impact farmers, and the challenges facing them. Available cheese chains included Safeway and Civic Consumer Corporation chains as inaccessible by Badia farmers and wholesalers and Tal Arrimah (TA) Factory chains as accessible by Badia farmers. The data was elicited from archives, semistructured interviews, PRA (Participatory Rapid Appraisal), and survey with 118 participants carried out during the months of March–June 2007. The new trends have driven new organizational and institutional changes that led to the rise and use of contracts. Contracts varied in their attributes of delivery, prices, risk management, and provision of services such as credit and technical assistance. For the TA Factory, contracts remained unwritten and informal and did not set substantial requirements for technology upgrading and investment. The study recommends initiating written contracts for the benefit of the farmers as well as that of produce quality and standards.  相似文献   

This study attempts to empirically investigate how the concepts of relationship marketing affect market performance in Chinese vegetable sector. We interviewed 167 vegetable farmers and 84 processing and exporting companies to test our conceptual relationship model. Results demonstrate that personal relationships (called guanxi in China) significantly improve interpersonal trust and transaction-specific investments, which eventually show a significant impact on market performance. Results imply that the impact of guanxi networks differ on farmers and on companies. The study also reveals that transaction-related attributes (such as risk, channel requirements, and transaction conditions) influence trust, investment behavior, and market performance together with guanxi networks. The article ends with several managerial implications regarding the development of relationship marketing in China.  相似文献   

森林保险成本和价格与供求失衡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构成森林保险产品的成本有物业和设备成本、产品设计成本、宣传展业成本、查勘理赔成本、契约成本、赔付成本;在森林保险的构成成本中,以赔付成本为主的可变成本占总成本的67%以上,保险公司难以通过扩大经营规模有效分摊成本,森林保险价格具有刚性,较高的刚性价格抑制了森林保险的需求,造成森林保险供求失衡。  相似文献   

Fat taxes and thin subsidies: Prices, diet, and health outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“Fat taxes” have been proposed as a way of addressing food-related health concerns. In this paper, we investigate the possible effects of “thin subsidies”, consumption subsidies for healthier foods. Empirical simulations, based on data from the Continuing Study of Food Intake by Individuals, are used to calculate the potential health benefits of subsidies on certain classes of fruits and vegetables in the United States. Estimates of the cost per statistical life saved through such subsidies compare favorably with existing U.S. government programs.  相似文献   

Nutrition security has been studied but rarely in the context of a developed economy. Furthermore, few studies have looked at how fluctuating produce process may influence nutrition security and how consumers cope with abrupt macro-economic changes. Between 2014 and 2015, Canadian consumers saw produce prices jump by more than 25% in a year in some cases. This exploratory survey looks at socioeconomic factors and evaluates how price increases influence produce consumption and substitution. A total of 1007 respondents participated in a cross national survey over a two-week period. Results show that lower income households are more vulnerable than higher income respondents. Results also explore a few more behavioral factors such as where produce shopping occurs and how market data is gathered before purchases. Respondents who consult flyers and use apps are more likely to behave rationally and cope with changing prices. Some limitations are presented. And finally, future research thrusts related to produce price fluctuations and nutrition security are suggested.  相似文献   

The majority of studies on consumer demand for organic products neglect the presence of non‐organic competitors, ignoring their effect on consumer demand for organics. This article uses a demand system which includes both organic and non‐organic fruits and vegetables, with actual (as opposed to stated) data for household purchases. Estimation of our model provides empirical evidence on the interrelationships between organic and non‐organic products, as the relevant cross‐price elasticities. Own‐price elasticities indicate that organic fruits and vegetables are more price elastic than their non‐organic counterparts, and that lower social class households with children have the most own‐price elastic demand. Cross‐price elasticities indicate relatively strong loyalty to organic products.  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全问题的集中爆发,与供应链中食品企业安全责任的缺失不无关联。基于供应链视角,在界定食品供应链与食品安全责任内涵的基础上,分析了食品供应链中食品安全责任缺失风险的传导机制,提出了相应的风险规避策略,期望为食品行业相关部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

In this article, we study the heterogeneity of fruit and vegetable consumption patterns in France. A finite mixture of AIDS models is used to describe food demand patterns revealing different preferences over distinct classes. We obtained six different clusters, which reflect specific socio-demographic characteristics and different income and price elasticities. This approach is appropriate for targeting specific public nutritional policies. Our main results show that unlike the other clusters in which the usual price and income policy tools may be used, the lowest income cluster with the lowest consumption, remains insensitive to economic variables.  相似文献   

供销社改革是我国农村经济改革的重要内容。而供销社改革最重要的环节是社有企业的改革。文章对社有企业改革的相关问题进行了分析。所涉及的问题是:社有企业改革的目标和阶段,社有企业的经营性与公益性的关系,社有企业分类改革的战略,社有企业联合发展的构想。正确处理这些问题是供销社社有企业改革的关键。林业产业化的发展需要走合作社的道路,供销社的改革对林区专业合作社的健康发展具有启示作用。  相似文献   

随着城镇化进程的加速,土地供给和土地需求间矛盾日益凸显,土地差别化供给是解决当前土地供给和土地需求矛盾的重要手段。从土地差别化供给角度对河北省资源环境承载力进行了研究,确定了水资源承载力、环境质量、自然灾害危险性3个领域层、8个指标层的评价指标体系,运用综合评分法评价出河北省各县域的资源环境承载力水平,将149个评价单元的资源环境承载力划分为高水平区、中高水平区、中低水平区和低水平区4个等级,并结合评价结果对河北省土地差别化供给从供给量和供给结构两个方面提出了实施建议。  相似文献   

Higher world food prices have led many developing countries to adopt policies to mitigate the impact on low-income households. This article sets out a partial equilibrium framework to evaluate the efficiency, distributional, and revenue implications of alternative policy responses. The model is applied to evaluate tariff reductions and targeted transfers in Madagascar. Although lowering tariffs generates substantial efficiency gains, these accrue mainly to the top half of the welfare distribution, and poor net sellers are actually worse off. Developing a system of targeted direct transfers to poor households is likely to be a substantially more cost-effective approach to poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

超市与供应链上游主体农产品质量控制行为的博弈分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
超市在与农贸市场的竞争中必须立足于“以质取胜”。超市要即时、高效地获得质量可靠的农产品供应,选择最合适的供应链方式并对其实施有效管理是根本的前提和基础。本文通过完全信息条件下重复博弈模型的分析,结果表明:超市和供应链上游主体形成稳定的合作关系,可以减少各主体的“以次充好”等质量投机行为,有利于超市获得高质量的农产品供给;进一步使用完全信息和不完全信息条件下的委托-代理模型分析,其结果则表明:在与上游主体形成稳定的合作关系后。超市还应设计包含有效的激励和约束等内容的供应链契约,以确保供应链上游主体的行为不偏离于超市的农产品质量控制目标。  相似文献   

Modern biotechnology will generate crops with higher yields and enhanced resistance to pests and diseases. In the case of perennial crops, the age composition of the present stand, the farmers' willingness to invest, and the yield profiles of old and new trees determine the speed of adoption of the new technology and the timing of the effects on supply and demand conditions. We adapt conventional welfare measures to account for these factors in the Assessment of research induced supply shifts. The application to cocoa in Malaysia shows that consumers and adopting producers gain and non-adopters lose. Overall, 72% of the welfare gains go to the consumers.  相似文献   

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