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汪勰 《城市问题》2012,(9):50-54
通过中国城市群发展案例,分析了政府引导、市场导向、主导产业辐射带动等三种发展类型的城市群对区域经济发展的不同影响,提出城市群建设必须考虑与产业发展的平衡、协调和联动,必须与工业化、城市化、服务业相匹配,尤其是要重视服务业对城市群建设的纽带和支撑作用和市场机制的引导作用,并减少地方政府的过度干预。  相似文献   

Emerging industries are not rare elements in the economy; rather, they constitute a permanent feature in constantly developing and changing economic environments. However, the emergence of new industries is rarely painless or particularly straightforward processes; actors involved in these processes are confronted with uncertainties of which some are exclusive to emerging industries. A distinctive example of these processes was the emergence of the internet industry in Sweden and the agglomeration of internet firms in central Stockholm. Through three levels of uncertainty: (1) the newness of the technology introduced to the public and the emerging markets; (2) the process of developing new markets and approaching new customers and (3) the renegotiating of pre-existing structures and flexible ways of organizing work and labour, this article argues that agglomerations or local urban milieus play a crucial role to actors (internet entrepreneurs) coping with uncertainty. Agglomerations or urban milieus compose a necessary infrastructure for (1) negotiating industrial legitimacy, and thus establishing structures and procedures in the emerging industry; (2) discovering market opportunities and (3) informal relations necessary in making flexible labour markets efficient.  相似文献   

Not only success stories, such as Silicon Valley, but also non-success stories can inform regional innovation policy. In order to provide a benchmark for regional innovation systems we compare both success and non-success stories. Regional innovation systems differ in structural and functional requirements, because development processes are path dependent. We suggest that regions’ development paths emerge from agglomeration patterns and research orientation. Accordingly, we have developed a typology of regions including (1) their agglomeration patterns (either MAR or Jacobs’ type) and (2) the degree to which their research is predominantly oriented towards obtaining fundamental understanding or addressing considerations of use. We combine qualitative and quantitative data on thirty-six European regions to categorize them according to research orientation and agglomeration, thereby developing a typology. We use this typology and some basic quantitative economic data to see how success and non-success regions are distributed. Our results indicate that a better understanding of how to combine agglomeration patterns with research orientation can guide context-sensitive policy.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that firms receive rents from locating in economic agglomerations and industry clusters. Using the German local business tax as a testing ground, we empirically investigate whether these agglomeration rents are taxable for local governments. The analysis exploits a rich data source on the population of German plants to construct measures for the communities’ agglomeration characteristics. The findings indicate that economic agglomerations and industry clusters exert a positive impact on the jurisdictional tax rate choice. Further analysis moreover suggests that a municipality’s potential to tax agglomeration rents depends on its firm and industry agglomeration relative to neighboring communities. To account for potential endogeneity problems, our analysis exploits long-lagged population and infrastructure variables as instruments for the agglomeration measures.  相似文献   

中国三大城市群金融集聚:空间网络及结构分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融是国家重要的核心竞争力,金融集聚是推动城市群崛起的重要驱动力。本文基于因子分析和引力模型,研究了2007~2017年京津冀、长三角和珠三角三大城市群的金融集聚及其空间网络。结果发现:从整体来看,三大城市群的金融集聚网络逐步从分割走向融合,且上海在整个金融网络中居于核心位置;从局部来看,城市群内部金融集聚网络的结构差异明显,京津冀表现为主次型单一结构,北京位于绝对核心;长三角为多中心均衡结构,且江苏的金融中心程度明显高于浙江;珠三角为穗深双核结构,深圳的上升趋势明显。据此,应基于城市群金融集聚网络的不同特征,差异化地整合和优化金融资源配置,为区域一体化和经济高质量发展提供高质量的金融服务。  相似文献   

对中部地区城市群的认识,目前主要有三城市群说、四城市群说、五城市群说、六城市群说等几种观点,且中部地区各城市群的概念、空间范围差异很大。对中部地区城市群的空间特征进行科学分析,为合理布局城市群发展空间、优化城市群空间结构和形成中部崛起的城市群带动机制提供参考依据。  相似文献   

We study rational expectations equilibrium problems and social optimum problems in infinite horizon spatial economies in the context of a Ramsey type capital accumulation problem with geographical spillovers. We identify sufficient local and global conditions for the emergence (or not) of optimal agglomeration, using techniques from monotone operator theory and spectral theory in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. We show that agglomerations may emerge, with any type of returns to scale (increasing or decreasing) and with the marginal productivity of private capital increasing or decreasing with respect to the spatial externality. This is a fairly general result indicating the importance of the network structure of the spatial externality relative to the properties of the aggregate production function. Our analytical methods can be used to systematically study optimal potential agglomeration and clustering in dynamic economics.  相似文献   


This paper contributes to uncovering the role of metacognition in the decision-making process of entrepreneurs. Specifically, we analyze nascent entrepreneurs in their process of start-up development while relying on metacognitive processes. The experiences of a sample of new venture initiatives are explored in two distinct phases, a start-up competition and the subsequent launch of their venture. Following the Gioia protocol, the study contextualizes the process in which social capital reinforces metacognitive processes. This process stimulates nascent entrepreneurs to consider alternatives, such as extending expertise outside the start-up. Moreover, we find that these processes support entrepreneurs and their teams in improving their decision-making processes. The findings support that nascent entrepreneurs rely heavily on the input of others in their start-up creation process, and contribute to new empirical insights about entrepreneurial metacognition. A dynamic model in which these relationships emerge is developed. The study’s results contribute to a better understanding of the antecedents and consequences of metacognitive processes in nascent entrepreneurship.


城市群是新时期城市化推进的主体形态,城市群研究的核心问题是其形成机制。基于对国外有关城市群形成机制的研究文献所进行的分类综述,得出城市群的形成既是居民—厂商主体区位选择的微观过程,又是基于垂直联系的产业演化过程,同时还受到地方政府主体的影响。城市群形成机制是自组织和有组织共同作用的过程。  相似文献   

We investigate here the agglomeration of spatial clubs in an efficient allocation of a club economy. The literature on agglomeration has focused largely on a primary agglomeration caused by direct attraction forces. We concentrate mainly on secondary and tertiary agglomerations caused by a primary agglomeration. Initially, scale economies in the provision of club goods (CGs) lead each CG to agglomerate in facilities of its club. This primary agglomeration causes a secondary concentration of population around these facilities, which in turn brings about a tertiary agglomeration of facilities of different clubs into centers in the midst of population concentration. The agglomeration of facilities occurs only if a secondary concentration of population takes place. We analyze in detail two specific patterns of agglomeration. One is the central location pattern in which the facilities of all clubs agglomerate perfectly in the middle of the complex. The second is a triple-centered complex in which the center in the middle of the complex consists of perfectly agglomerated facilities of different clubs, each with a single facility per complex. The remaining two centers also consist of facilities of different clubs, but clubs in these centers each have two facilities per complex, one in each center. Each of these two centers is located between a boundary and the middle of the complex closer to the middle of the complex than to the boundary. The facilities in these two centers form condensed clusters of facilities that may contain residential land in between the facilities. We then show that these agglomeration patterns also characterize agglomerations in general. The literature maintains that an efficiently behaving municipality increases its tax-base. This implies that it is in the municipality’s interest to achieve efficiency. The best way for a local government to achieve this desired efficiency is by partially intervening in market operations in order to internalize local externalities. Such an intervention should be limited to providing the city’s infrastructure, to taxing only residential land rents and clubs’ profits, to subsidizing the basic industry of the city, and to partially regulating land uses. Consequently, if the local governments of all complexes behave according to the above, the decentralization of the efficient allocation of the club economy would be attained.  相似文献   

城市群创新能力的空间差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过探索性空间数据分析和基尼系数对我国城市群创新能力进行了空间差异研究,以解决我国城市群创新能力的区域不平衡等问题。研究发现:各城市群的创新能力均呈现上升趋势,且各城市群创新能力的总体差距呈减弱趋势,而城市群之间由于要素的流动和共享,相邻区域的创新能力会受到一定程度的正向激励。因此,应发挥榜样城市的示范作用,对周边区域形成示范带动效应;推动京津冀一体化提速,充分发挥珠三角城市群的产业联动延伸,以此带动其他城市群,使各城市群之间实现整体协调发展。  相似文献   

城市群的发展,一个非常重要的目的就是要提升城市群的竞争力,从而实现城市群价值的最大化。但是,城市群竞争力目前仍没有一致的定义。本文将城市群竞争力定义为:在竞争和发展过程中,通过各组成要素之间相互联结、相互作用而获得竞争优势,最终实现城市群价值最大化的力量总和。在对城市群竞争力模型和指标体系构建的基础上,对中部城市群竞争力进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to determine the spillover effect of real estate regulatory policies released by core cities on the surrounding cities in major urban agglomerations based on regional linkage characteristics of China's real estate market. In this study, real estate transaction data of 157 cities were selected from 11 major urban agglomerations. Agglomeration's housing transaction volatility and spillover effect caused by the core city's regulatory policies were simulated by integrating spatial and temporal analysis model, event analysis, and symbolic time series analysis. The findings showed that (1) the regional linkage of the real estate market in the Harbin–Changchun and Middle–South Liaoning, Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and West Side of the Straits agglomerations were remarkably tight and the core cities' policy spillover effect was significant, of which the house purchase limitation and credit limitation policies had the widest influence; (2) the regional linkage of the real estate market in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei agglomeration, Shandong Peninsula, Guanzhong Plain, and Chengdu–Chongqing agglomerations was relatively weaker, but the core cities' policies of market regulation and taxation had certain spillover effect; (3) there were significant differences in the spillover effects of different types of policies in different urban agglomerations; (4) generally, the core cities' policy spillover often reduced the changing characteristics of the real estate market and made it more ordered with more certainty in the whole agglomeration, with the exception of the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, West Side of the Straits, and Chengdu–Chongqing agglomerations.  相似文献   

We consider a three-location duopoly model such that (i) firms choose production and innovation locations before (Bertrand) competition takes place and (ii) there are internal and external knowledge spillovers. We show: (1) agglomerations where firms earn negative profits may exist when there are both external and internal knowledge spillovers; (2) greater external spillovers do not necessarily favor agglomeration; (3) decreasing communication costs tend to favor agglomeration; (4) there are exactly two types of agglomeration equilibria: either both firms innovate in the agglomeration, or there is an innovator and an imitator; and (5) if there is a location where both firms produce, then innovation must take place in this location.  相似文献   

户籍政策与人口城市化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了户籍政策的形成背景及特殊意义,指出尽管户籍政策对城市化发展存在一定的阻碍作用,但因其涉及方方面面的问题,不可能在短期内被取消.据此提出了现阶段我国城市化发展的新思路:不再过分强调人口向城市聚集,代之先进要素向城市聚集;在农村和欠发达地区则以职业转换取代空间转换,或采取人口迁移的反梯度政策,走先发展经济,后进行人口空间聚集的农村城市化之路.  相似文献   

马菁鸿  张锡宝 《价值工程》2012,31(20):165-167
本文利用2000-2009年环渤海地区内三省两市的面板数据,对区域内各因素对制造业集聚水平的影响进行了实证研究。实证结果表明:虽然在地区工业集聚的各种因素中,新经济地理因素具有收益递增作用得到了一定程度的证实。然而各地区由于自身市场、环境、自然禀赋具有独自特性,故区域内各地区政策制定中应当根据各自的特性不同而有所偏重。  相似文献   

规划引导型城市群是中国经济发展最弱但也是最具潜力的区域,从空间经济学角度来看,规划引导型城市群战略存在四个问题:城市群间协同政策不足、总体发展程度弱、核心城市不够发达、核心和外围城市间渠道不畅。在城市群发展时空演变理论的基础上,结合8个城市群的不同特点,提出“十四五”时期规划引导型城市群的差异化战略深化路径。  相似文献   

Within the recent literature on the geography of new firm formation, much attention is given to the role of regional knowledge sources based on the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship. At the same time, several other studies show the importance of agglomeration economies for new firm formation. The goal of this study is to assess the relative importance of these determinants for differences in the share of employment creation from new firms at the level of municipalities for the period of 1999–2006 in the Netherlands. It is found that the traditional drivers of new firm formation, such as economic growth and agglomeration effects, have a much stronger effect on new firm formation compared to measures of the regional knowledge base. Moreover, it is shown that when not correcting for the presence of agglomeration effects, the role of local knowledge resources is easily over-estimated, pointing to the dangers of misspecifications of models. The results imply that the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship should, at least for the Netherlands, not be exaggerated.  相似文献   

现代物流业对产业集聚"区位因素"影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邱斌  孙少勤 《物流技术》2005,(10):160-161,168
现代物流业通过促进地区经济一体化,改变企业组织形态和流程再造以及自身的集聚对工业企业的集聚产生影响.探讨了建立现代物流业促进产业集聚时必须注意避免缺乏产业基础、资产专用性以及第三方物流的企业边界问题.  相似文献   

We explore the local factors associated with the emergence of innovative start-ups fostered by a targeted industrial policy intervention in Italy. We focus on the local industrial fabric and the agglomeration mechanisms, namely localization (specialization) economies, diversification economies and the proximity to large firms. Results show that both localization economies and diversification economies are at play. Notably, a greater presence of large firms at local level seems to support the creation of innovative start-ups. Other factors, such us the presence of technical and scientific universities and the urbanization, are found to encourage their formation. The contribution of local factors to the innovative start-up creation is found to be different depending on the regional development conditions. Our analysis outlines the features of a local ecosystem favourable to the emergence of these firms, providing policy makers with suggestions for moulding industrial policies to regional specific needs and to better exploit the local opportunities.  相似文献   

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