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Fisher A 《Fortune》2003,148(7):110-2, 114

The purpose of this paper is to identify the major determinants of innovation and to examine whether they affect small firms differently than large firms. Using a cross-section of 247 four-digit SIC industries, we present an econometric analysis testing the hypothesis that innovation rates in 1982 were significantly influenced by market structure, and that these influences had disperate effects among large and small firms. We find that, while market structure does explain the variation in innovation rates across industries, the relationships are not always consistent with certain previously maintained hypotheses. Similarly, we find that innovation activity for large firms responds to a different market activity than does innovation for small firms.  相似文献   

当2004年初接任技术巨擘摩托罗拉公司的董事长兼首席执行官(CEO)时,EdZander一定感觉得到,即使是在观看魔术表演或者打保龄球时,自己脖子上依然绕着一根无形的、随时可能勒紧的绳索.这位此前担任Sun Microsystems公司总裁兼首席运营官(COO)的先生入主摩托罗拉公司时,公司的主打业务--手机业务正一而再、再而三地错过主导市场、功能升级以及至关重要的铺货时间.摩托罗拉公司的第二大业务部门--半导体部门,自2000年来一直处于亏损状态.  相似文献   

三家合作伙伴为了追求摩尔定律,其紧密合作甚至延伸到了晶圆生产底层,但同时其间也仍存在着为争夺代工客户而进行的竞争.  相似文献   

Three goals of the 1996 Telecommunications Act are competition, efficiency, and explicit mechanisms to further universal service. The new universal service policies violate these goals. I review the policies (support for highcost and rural areas, low-income subscribers, and educational and medical institutions, and the funding mechanism) and detect the influence of various interest groups and the regulators' desire to protect their policies from public scrutiny. The new policies will require $4–12 billion per year to fund and create inefficiency of $1.2–4.0 billion per year from revenue taxation. A more efficient tax scheme would increase total surplus.  相似文献   

Despite profound changes in regulatory jurisdiction over telecommunications, in industry structure and in the basis on which service is provided, there has until very recently been no change in governing legislation in Canada, which dated back to the turn of the century. This article seeks to explain why the legislature, even in a parliamentary system of government, lagged behind the courts, the regulators and the carriers in bringing about industry reorganization. It then examines a number of the more significant provisions of the new legislation, which was eventually passed in June 1993, and concludes with some general observations on the role of legislation in industry liberalization.  相似文献   

加拿大政府12月14日宣布《加拿大消费品安全法案(CCPSA)》已经通过两院议会,只等皇家批准手续完成即可升为国家成文法典。本法将取代加拿大《有害产品法案》(HazardousProductsAct)第1部分,新法案将从以下方面更好保护消费者健康和安全:  相似文献   

The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 enacted recently contain provisions for the prevention of chemical accidents under Title III—Hazardous Air Pollutants. Some of these provisions include: a general duty clause, preparation of a list of substances and thresholds, requirements for the preparation of risk management plans by industry, specific accident prevention regulations, establishment of a Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, and requirements for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to promulgate a process safety management standard. These provisions, approaches with respect to process safety management by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and coordination with OSHA will be discussed.  相似文献   

刘炘 《玩具世界》2012,(11):47-50
《美国消费品安全改进法案》的主要内容是:在全美建立统一的强制性国家标准;进一步规范含铅玩具;玩具上加贴可追溯性标签;将自愿性标准ASTMF963转化为强制性标准;对某些儿童产品实行强制性第三检测;对玩具中的6种邻苯二甲酸盐实施控制。  相似文献   

邢台市污水处理厂在总结一期工程采用土地处理工艺存在的占地面积大、管理不便等主要因素的基础上,二期工程采用了占地少、投资省、运转灵活的交替式活性污泥处理工艺。该工艺不仅吸收了SBR工艺的主要技术特点,还可以像传统活性污泥法那样在恒定水位下连续运行。该工艺将多个单元工艺池巧妙地组合,构成一体化的池组,并采用先进、可靠的高度自控系统实现污水生物法处理。  相似文献   

为进一步帮扶中小微企业加快技术创新,加快玩具礼品产业转型升级,4月13日上午,汕头出入境检验检疫局与汕头市澄海区政府共同签订合作备忘录,以“资源共享、服务产业、检地合作、共促发展”为原则,共同建设“广东出口玩具与礼品公共技术服务平台”,同时启动国家玩具检测重点实验室建设。广东检验检疫局党组副书记、副局长黎庆翔、汕头市副市长李耿坚、  相似文献   

饮料不再只是解渴而已,还是饮用者的宣言——选一款包装“酷”“炫”的饮料,等于穿上一件个性化外衣,告诉大家:“我与众不同!”  相似文献   

《Food Policy》1987,12(1):35-45
Agricultural policies in Western Germany are characterized by a strong tendency to support domestic producers at the expense of other groups in the country's political system. German politicians, lobbyists, bureaucrats, academics and the church alike are strong supporters of the agricultural sector, which is viewed as the provider of essential requirements and the guarantor of social stability. Consequently, in an attempt to preclude protests by possible ‘reformists’ to policies pursued in the farm sector, Germany's major political actors have put forward convincing arguments for the legitimization of agricultural interests. These arguments are exclusively based on sociopolitical criteria rather than on economic logic.  相似文献   

回顾人们每天到固定的地点工作的60年代、笔记本出现在办公室中的80年代以及当有线网络的出现使人们可以实现远程办公的90年代,人们是否想到21世纪的今天,工作人员可以在无线环境中通过企业移动解决方案随时随地和企业  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,客户对产品质量要求越来越高。面对这种形势,企业应该认识到,只有做好技术管理工作,不断提高产品质量,才能取得良好的经济效益。印刷技术管理工作在印刷企业中有着十分重要的地位,具体包括印刷工艺管理、产品质量管理、设备引进和技术改造管理、人才管理等几个方面。  相似文献   

数字喷墨印刷与油墨的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过去的10年中,印刷业发生了翻天覆地的变革,其中最为显著的莫过于数字印刷技术的应用和适应不同印刷用途的尖端技术的引入。可是,在印刷工艺变得越来越尖端的同时,人们往往容易忽视一个问题,这就是为了适应这些新的自动化印刷方式,油墨市场也在发  相似文献   

2003年5月,世界印刷联合会提出,数字技术信息技术与智能技术的发展,彻底改变了印刷传播及生产方式,我们要考虑如何融入其它传播媒体,将文字图形与影像信息做更广泛应用,在多元媒体领域创造更多价值,使精致印刷信息文件成为业务和传播作业的重要一环。印刷媒体可能缩减但绝不会消失,因为人类对视觉感官永远有需求。高科技融入印刷产业.今天也绝非到了顶点,未来十年将会有更大的发展。  相似文献   

乔婷 《山东纺织经济》2010,(10):52-52,82
以宋代服饰为研究对象,通过对宋代服装风格、造型、色彩、纹样的了解和分析,论述了宋代服饰的审美特点以及存在的价值,并探讨了宋代服饰对后世服装的影响,进而论述继承与发展传统服饰文化对当代社会的重要意义。  相似文献   

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