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高校教师职务聘任制改革工作是高校人事制度改革的核心,有力促进了高校的改革和发展。现阶段高等院校教师职务聘任尚缺乏完善的体制规范,在实施过程中与社会主义市场经济不够协调。本文对高校教师职务聘任制改革进行研究,分析高等院校教师职务聘任制改革存在的问题。并提出高校教师聘任制改革的有效措施。  相似文献   

通过分析我国,主要是结合福建省高校教师职务聘任制度的建立、改革和发展的历程,探索高校教师职务聘任制度几个发展阶段的实践与经验,从历史中吸取教训,从发展中获取借鉴,为深化职称制度改革,全面推进高校教师职务聘任制提供参考和助力。  相似文献   

苏丽蓉  张理中 《发展》2008,(6):136-137
由于客观条件的限制,目前国内各高校正在实施的教师职务聘任制并未取得预期的效果。本文认为,当前高校职务聘任制主要存在教师岗位设置不明确、竞争性不强、“近亲繁殖”现象比较普遍、考核机制不健全等问题,并提出坚持科学设岗、实行按岗聘任、实施公开招聘、避免“近亲繁殖”和完善教师考核制度、调动教师工作积极性等对策。  相似文献   

教师聘任制的目的在于形成竞争激励机制.目前聘任制中存在两种倾向,一是"全员聘任"变成"全员都聘任",未形成竞争机制;二是过分强调淘汰和压力机制,教师缺乏安全感.安全与危机激励机制是理想的聘任激励机制,它克服了以上两种错误倾向,通过实行"双平台"教师聘任模式,贯彻"和谐与竞争"的生态理念,完善人才流动机制,加强聘任管理,实现了在"安全"中制造"危机",在"危机"中提高"安全"的良性聘任竞争激励机制.  相似文献   

教师聘任制的目的在于形成竞争激励机制.目前聘任制中存在两种倾向,一是"全员聘任"变成"全员都聘任",未形成竞争机制二是过分强调淘汰和压力机制,教师缺乏安全感.安全与危机激励机制是理想的聘任激励机制,它克服了以上两种错误倾向,通过实行"双平台"教师聘任模式,贯彻"和谐与竞争"的生态理念,完善人才流动机制,加强聘任管理,实现了在"安全"中制造"危机",在"危机"中提高"安全"的良性聘任竞争激励机制.  相似文献   

肖贻杰 《魅力中国》2011,(20):240-240,237
当前,高校教师职务聘任制还存在不少问题,如观念上的误区、实施过程中出现的不良倾向、相关配套政策的滞后,影响了高校各项事业的发展。针对这些问题,要提高认识、转变观念,科学合理设置岗位,加强聘任和聘后考核工作,完善相关的配套措施。  相似文献   

高校教师聘任制改革中的问题与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师聘任制改革是当前高校人事制度改革的热点,也是高校教师管理理念和管理方式的重大变革,它破除了高校有史以来的教师职务终身制,初步建立起了与市场经济相适应的激励、竞争机制。应逐步完善高校教师聘任制,教员实行聘任制和分级流动制;建立科学合理的学术规范和学术评价标准,引入外部竞争机制;在招聘和晋升中介入"教授评议会"制度。  相似文献   

2005年1月1日起,福建省事业单位专业技术人员的资格评价与职务聘任分开,打破专业技术职务终身制,工资福利待遇按实际聘任职务确定。专业技术人员可按照自身条件,根据国家和省有关职称政策规定,自主申请参加专业技术资格的考试或评审,不受本单位专业技术职务聘任指标数的限制。省人事厅日前下发的《关于事业单位实行专业技术资格评价与专业技术职务聘任分开的意见》对此作了详细规定。  相似文献   

于魏华 《特区经济》2014,(11):219-220
最近两年,不少地方开始公务员聘任制试点,引起了社会的广泛热议和关注。本文以"三圈"理论为分析视角,从公务员聘任制度的公共价值、推行能力和社会支持三个角度,探讨实施公务员聘任制度的意义,以及在推行过程中面临的问题和挑战,由此提出完善和改进的建议,为我国公务员聘任制度改革提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

宋路平 《魅力中国》2010,(23):248-248,255
德国大学教授聘任制有着完善的法律基础、严格的聘任条件和程序,有效地保障了德国高校师资和办学的质量,给我们国家以重要启示。  相似文献   

Secondary employment (SE) is an important for many workers and several motives impact engagement. This research analyzes a novel short-lived crisis when California public schools switched between nine-month and year-round calendars in response to state policy inhibiting school construction. The crisis shifted primary employment vacation schedules of full-time teachers for 4–6 years, potentially altering compositions of SE opportunities. Policy analysis is conducted, and the empirical analysis suggests teachers increase SE engagement by 13.8% during years their schools are on year-round calendars. The increase is attributable to increases in school-based SE engagement in schools using multi-track year-round calendars, and no changes in non-school-based SE engagement are observed. An event study suggests the impact on SE engagement only occurs when teachers are required to be on year-round calendars. Males and mid-career teachers' SE engagement appear most responsive. The relative importance of workers' SE motives and policy impact are discussed.  相似文献   

目前,"思想道德修养与法律基础"课教学实效性比较低的原因是多方面的,其中比较重要的原因是没有搞好与中学政治课教学的衔接,本文诣在探讨搞好"基础"课和中学政治课教学衔接的对策。  相似文献   

文章基于资源保存理论,采取经验取样法探讨了顾客不当行为对员工工作投入的负面影响,并进一步识别了工作常规化和主动性人格两个边界条件对顾客不当行为负面影响的调节作用。通过对128位医护人员连续测量10个工作日的调查,获得1023份数据。研究发现,每日顾客不当行为对员工第二天早上的工作投入具有显著负向影响,且工作常规化和主动性人格对每日顾客不当行为的负面影响有显著弱化作用。此外,研究进一步揭示了工作常规化和主动性人格的三重调节效应。这些结论对服务型企业有以下启示:需要关注顾客行为对员工工作态度和行为的影响;甄选员工和培训员工要重视其主动性人格,提升工作常规化水平;员工主动性人格和工作常规化可以有效缓解顾客不当行为造成的员工工作投入低下问题。  相似文献   

文章聚焦于在线品牌社区,从时间序列角度出发,选取小米在线社区论坛作为研究对象,采用网络志方法分析了负面顾客契合演化过程中的阶段划分及不同阶段的契合状态,厘清了负面顾客契合短期和长期演化过程的差异。研究结果表明,在线品牌社区负面顾客契合的短期演化可以划分为发泄、建设性讨论、威胁性退出、协商、报复(或回避、或妥协)五个子过程;从长期来看,能够形成社区认同的顾客会逐渐转向持续性正面契合,而那些无法形成社区认同的顾客则会产生回避。研究结论在丰富和完善顾客契合领域成果的同时,对中国情境下在线品牌社区的营销管理实践具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Technical Efficiency of Industrial State-Owned Enterprises in Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Measured among themselves, industrial state-owned enterprises (SOE) in Vietnam have recorded a rather high level of technical efficiency, as well as a moderate improvement in technical efficiency between the 1997 and 1998. Of the possible factors, the share of skilled workers, location in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) and engagement in export activities were considered the most important in determining the technical efficiency level. Between 1997 and 1998 there was no evidence of technological progress. For the ongoing SOE reform process in Vietnam, attention should be given to improving the skills of the work force and to encouraging the export-led development strategy. Creating a competitive envir-onment and a fully developed system of market-supporting institutions is also highly needed. In addition, it is necessary to invest in new technology for industrial SOE in Vietnam.  相似文献   

打工经济是农民增收的重要成分,但对农村经济社会存在着较为严重的负面影响。本研究根据我国解决“三农”问题的要求,立足于增强农业综合生产能力,提出积极引导打工经济返乡创业的对策。  相似文献   

从“治理”概念的本质涵义看,社区治理与社会资本之间具有着天然的契合性。近年来我国社区建设过程中社区治理“失灵困境”现象的存在,其中一个很重要的原因就是社区内社会资本的缺失与分布不均。在研究社区治理问题时,有必要从培育作为社会资本的认同感、人际互信、平等交换规范和公民参与网络入手,来推进社区治理与社会和谐。  相似文献   

随着工作加班常态化,敬业度问题受到国内学者的广泛关注且研究成果丰富。文章以中文社会科学索引(CSSCI)为来源,利用CiteSpace绘制文献共被引、关键词共现、关键词聚类等图谱,对敬业度进行可视化分析。研究结果表明,国内关于敬业度的研究处于高速发展时期,但与国外研究相比仍有一定差距;另外,学者们主要围绕如何提升敬业度展开研究,发现通过营造良好的组织环境、采取与员工个人特征相适配的领导风格等可以提升敬业度。今后应进一步拓宽研究领域和研究视角,运用新的理论框架研究不同因素对敬业度的差异化影响,以拓展对敬业度研究的深度和广度。  相似文献   

English local authorities are expected to promote 'effective community engagement'. The ways in which they can do this are various, ranging from the provision of information to direct involvement in decision-making. This paper focuses on the impact of adopting different types of community engagement strategy on local democracy. Two principal types of community engagement strategy are identified: consumerist and participatory, and their potential for encouraging effective engagement is discussed, before their implications for local democracy are modelled. The paper argues that the relative priority accorded to different types of community engagement are likely to cause local democracy to evolve towards consumer, stakeholder, radical or citizen-centred democracy.  相似文献   

This study examines how the design of incentive contracts for tasks defined as workers' official responsibilities (i.e., standard tasks) influences workers' propensity to engage in employee-initiated innovation (EII). EII corresponds to innovation activities that are not formally assigned to workers but are nonetheless encouraged and considered to be important for the company's success. Like other extra-role behaviors, EII is difficult to incentivize directly. Therefore, it is important to understand whether and how explicit incentive contracts designed for the workers' standard tasks may indirectly influence their EII activity. We use field data from a manufacturing company that uses a dedicated information system to track workers' EII idea submissions. We find theory-consistent evidence that, compared to workers receiving fixed pay, employees rewarded for their standard tasks with variable compensation contracts exhibit a lower propensity to engage in EII. This result is concentrated among ideas benefiting other constituents and activities beyond the proponents' standard task (i.e., broad-scope ideas). In contrast, we find no difference attributable to standard task incentive design in the proposal of innovation ideas narrowly focused on the proponent's standard task (i.e., narrow-scope ideas). Our findings suggest that variable pay narrows employees' conceptual focus around the standard task and hinders employee engagement in broad-scope innovation activities compared to fixed compensation contracts. We contribute to the literature on incentives for innovation by showing that standard task compensation contracts have spillover effects on EII behavior. We also contribute to the nascent literature on EII by showing that innovation types, defined based on their relation with the proponent's standard task, matter. Our results are relevant for practitioners in that managers relying on variable pay contracts to incentivize standard task performance should expect lower employee engagement in broad-scope EII.  相似文献   

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