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明彦 《成功营销》2008,(1):92-93
正如一位4A广告公司负责人所言,在线营销与传统品牌营销界存在着很多隔阂,信息不对称和沟通障碍,都容易削弱在线互动营销的普及速度。  相似文献   

"腾讯智慧·2010高效在线营销峰会"是国内最高规格的营销峰会之一,目前已逐渐成为国内广告营销行业最具影响力的盛会之一。  相似文献   

随着近年来互联网广告的迅猛发展,在线营销逐渐成为各家企业和广告代理机构争相尝试的新领域,新浪提出IMPACT在线营销理念、腾讯推出腾讯智慧(Tencent ind)在线营销工具,这些主张都是对想涉足在线营销领域的广告主的有用的参考,都把在线营销过程中需要注意的问题做了很好的阐释,而这些正是使得在线营销区别于传统营销的地方。  相似文献   

随着人们消费习惯和方式的改变,在线营销成为各行业热门的营销手段,酒店行业更是风声水起。  相似文献   

广告大师大卫·奥格威说,不想推荐给老婆使用的商品,就不要替它做广告,如果3G真如电信业内专家分析的那样是一项颇多瑕疵,没有多大前途的业务,为什么那么多广告公司还对它的传播代理业务趋之若鹜,垂涎欲滴呢?  相似文献   

易观国际数据显示,2008年全年中国无线营销市场规模将达7.74亿元,相比2007年7.57亿元仅增长2.2%。2008年市场规模增长缓慢的主要原因在于最大的细分市场——消息类广告市场受到来自工信部和移动运营商的严格管制,主要的广告代理商业务调整,市场收入大幅下滑。  相似文献   

一家赞助了奥运会的公司必须额外花钱让人们意识到这一点,与此类似,在互联网上进行销售或投放了广告的企业通常也需要确保这些线上业务富有成效。2005年成立的国双就是瞄准了这一新兴需求而诞生的公司。  相似文献   

<正>机遇,挑战,让越来越多的人选择自己创业。苦于没有资金,代理产品自然成了不错的选择。而网络代理作为一种投资少、起步快的创富模式,成为创业者最喜爱的创业模式之一。但专家指出,创业需要激情但也需要冷静的头脑,尤其是选择服务商时更要理智慎重。  相似文献   

每年11月是中国媒体的招商月是有道理的:在这个时候,企业媒介部门、代理公司最忙的活计除了秋后算账,大概就是未雨绸缪,下一年度的媒体选择、广告预算。这对于媒体来说,不啻是猴子眼中鲜嫩的桃子。央视每年的“11.18招标会”就如同它那个标新立异的新大楼一样成为了这个季节的地标性事件,以此为核心,“11.18”前后的北京各大高档酒店则成了各路进京诸侯的临时主场。  相似文献   

丁飞洋 《广告大观》2008,(10):118-119
当中国已经成为全世界最大的互联网市场,当中国网络广告市场以每年高出传统媒体广告一倍的速度在增长,当中国网民借由网络平台观看奥运赛事、发表观赛看法已经成为普遍现象,当营销者在传统媒体传播中失去的对消费者的掌控力正在借由网络重新夺回,当网络营销的实质已经从“简单”走向“复杂”、从“点击”变成“体验”……这一切具象在一届史上最成功的奥运会之上,毫无悬念地说明了,互联网已经冲上了2008奥运时问的媒体领奖台。  相似文献   

今年央视的“3·15晚会”曝出垃圾短信制造内幕,一时间大街小巷、媒体头条都充斥着对这一“广告形式”的愤怒与斥责。另外互联网的飞速发展,在给人们生活带来便捷的同时,也因其无处不在的垃圾信息给消费者带来了诸多麻烦。什么才是用户“可心”、“可信”的网终营销?如何能在尊重用户感受的同时,影响和拉动个人的消费态度及行为?本期《互动行销沙燕》走进搜狐演播室和您一起探讨。  相似文献   

谢加封 《广告大观》2009,(12):136-137
传统电视媒体所具有的,视频网站也可以有,比如说节目自制。如果说中央电视台为青岛啤酒量身打造的大型电视节目《倾国倾城》,使得中国电视开始进入整合营销的时代,那么国内领先的视频网站土豆网为诺基亚旗舰型手机N97所度身定制的节目《互联网百万富翁》,则宣告视频行业自制内容时代的到来。  相似文献   

This article presents empirical research findings on the use of direct marketing by a representative sample of UK financial services institutions. A number of similarities and differences between banks, building societies and insurance companies are identified in relation to direct marketing programmes and the use of particular direct marketing techniques. While acknowledging some exceptions the research concludes that there is scope for a greater appreciation of the strategic value and workings of direct marketing. Institutions could usefully focus attention on achieving fuller integration of direct marketing with other marketing and communication activities and securing improvements in testing, database quality and timing.  相似文献   

陈徐彬 《广告大观》2008,(10):99-101
一届无与伦比的奥运会落下了帷幕,中国互联网也在奥运会的强力助推下,成功实现起飞,互联网作为主流媒体的地位不断提升。根据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布的《2008年中国网民奥运媒体消费行为研究报告》显示:中国将有超过两亿的网民关注奥运会,而且其中79.8%的网民获取奥运信息的第一渠道是网络。随之而来的是网络媒体营销价值的飞速提升,预计到2008年度,中国网络广告运营市场规模将达到121.3亿人民币,同比增长72%。奥运的节点过后,“后奥运营销”成为一种必然。后奥运时代如何延续良好的营销势头,如何继续挖掘的营销价值?营销的道路上没有终点。  相似文献   

Various studies examining the business trends and utilisation of marketing techniques have been undertaken by the authors in many fields of marketing services, including advertising, public relations and strategic marketing consultancy. Recently, these findings have been updated through a survey of practitioners' views. From these findings, this paper first explores the core underlying business trends and key resulting marketing issues facing these providers of marketing services. The discussion then expands to examine how these businesses themselves utilise the marketing toolkit, benchmarking current practices against the ‘textbook’ view of good marketing endeavour. For these providers of marketing services the understanding and use of marketing per se differ quite significantly, but all acknowledge the need to improve their own strategic and tactical marketing practices.  相似文献   

杨韬 《广告大观》2008,(6):115-117
2008年4月20日,第10届北京国际车展盛大开幕! 虽然互联网媒体全球影响力势不可挡,2007年度中国汽车网络广告投放超越IT跃居首位,但数据显示两年一届的北京国际车展依然很受追捧。车展作为种最为传统和基本的产品展示与营销平台,在网络营销火热的今天依然异常火爆,且有越演越盛之势。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the need to reform the structure of bank risk-management services (RMS), including the sale of derivatives. It reviews the contribution derivatives make to corporate financial management and discusses threatened restrictions on bank RMS following large losses reported by corporate clients. The two major weaknesses in RMS are characterized by incentive incompatibility and asymmetric information. Steps are proposed for aligning bank RMS incentives with client objectives. This requires reskilling bank management of RMS consistent with the holistic demands of globalization on corporate operations and strategies. Additional steps are proposed for equalizing buyer-seller information on the risks of opaque derivatives. These steps involve assistance to clients in setting policies leading to position limits and loss tolerances and instituting monitoring and disclosure. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Service quality is considered an important competitive edge because it generates repeat sales, positive word of mouth, customer loyalty, and competitive product differentiation. This study examines the impact of a company's cooperative or competitive orientation and the service provider's warm or cold communication style on customer evaluation of service quality. Results from 83 participants in a simulated bank interview experiment indicate that when the bank communicated a cooperative orientation they perceived it as offering a higher-quality service than when it had competitive or individualistic goals. The warmth of the service personnel contributed to high-quality service, liking the bank representative, future confidence in dealing with the bank, satisfaction with the interview, and willingness to be interviewed by the bank representative in the future. These results were interpreted as suggesting that companies who can demonstrate a strong cooperative orientation toward customers and whose service providers demonstrate warmth will be considered to offer high-quality services. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

在发展中成长,在成长中发展,在过去十年里,互联网在中国不但生根发芽,而且枝繁叶茂,并且成为社会主流人群不可或缺的部分。网络视频作为其中的个分支,也已经成为主流的应用,并成为22亿网民日常生活的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

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