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This article reviews the state of Irish industrial relations in light of the current economic crisis. It argues that social partnership, paradoxically, was rooted in the continuation of a tradition of permissive voluntarism with minimal employment rights with both direct and indirect implications for the current Irish economic crisis. As such, Irish industrial relations cannot be understood in isolation from a broader analysis of the rise and fall of social structures of capitalist accumulation. The discussion considers the prognosis for social partnership post‐economic crisis.  相似文献   

Nikolaus   《Technovation》2005,25(12):1410-1417
Today's conventional wisdom among economists and lawyers is heavily weighted toward the proposition that strong and broad patent rights are conducive to economic progress. Concerns have been raised as to the extent to which strong patent rights could build up barriers to follow-up research and thus hinder technological advance. This poses a number of difficulties particularly in the area of genetics with respect to the scope of protection and the definition of what is patentable. This article considers the problems of ‘anti-commons’, limitations for upstream inventions, patent thickets and royalty stacking with licenses for genetic inventions. A survey of 53 biotechnology companies in Switzerland builds the empirical basis of the investigation. The survey results confirm that the concepts of ‘anti-commons’, ‘patent thickets’ and ‘royalty stacking’ are indeed relevant. However, they are not highly relevant for the Swiss biotechnology industry from an economic point of view. A broad research exemption combined with a protection limited to concrete disclosure functions of DNA patents and compulsory licensing arrangements are considered as feasible remedies for overcoming certain difficulties with gene patents.  相似文献   

This article systematically examines the recent efforts made by industry and academia in promoting E-innovation. It finds that industrial initiatives have been hindered by two limitations. One is a lack of an agreeable framework to accommodate the diversity of different usages. The other is a trend toward standardization in E-business applications. The academic efforts have been hindered by the lack of a mechanism to marry the distributed nature of E-innovation with the legacy of a traditional innovation. To overcome the barriers from both supply and demand sides, industrial efforts need to be more focused on figuring out how E-innovation emerges out of interconnectivity, while academic efforts should be more inclusive, so as to incorporate distributed innovation into enterprises’ shifting business operations. It is expected that this exploratory research will attract more systematic studies in establishing theories and developing techniques related to E-innovation.  相似文献   

Flexible hours systems are traditionally regarded as shifting control towards employees although British Rail's ‘flexible rostering’ is correctly seen as increasing management control of the pattern of hours worked. This article discusses such systems in their industrial relations context and considers the potential for a ‘split control’ approach.  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of European integration on industrial relations. An industrial relations regime can be understood as a tension between employment structured by market dynamics and broader social regulation, between the principles of contract and status. Economic Europeanisation threatens this relationship. Its survival may depend on new forms of supranational regulation, but not necessarily as the ‘social dimension’ of Europeanisation is customarily conceived.  相似文献   

This article examines recent research on occupational segregation by gender. It reviews and evaluates statistical approaches to measuring the extent to which women are disproportionately represented in “women’s jobs” and men in “men’s jobs.” By combining the findings of a number of studies, it traces the changes in the extent in occupational segregation from the end of the nineteenth century until 1995, and the forms and extent of gender segregation in occupations cross-nationally. In addition to the trends, this article considers the consequences of segregation to women. Finally, current explanations for occupational segregation are analyzed and assessed by considering the empirical data on occupational segregation.  相似文献   

The employment relationship is fiercely contested both in theory and practice. This article examines recent theoretical initiatives in economics that have sought to illuminate the nature, specificity, and complexities of the employment relationship. It examines claims by proponents of the new institutional economics (NIE) that they can account for the historical emergence of authority relations and the dominance of hierarchical work organisations without reference to the forces of class power, coercion and labour subordination. The NIE is contrasted with the ‘old’ institutional economics (OIE) and the distinctive insights of an industrial relations perspective. The paper considers in conclusion whether a synthesis of NIE and industrial relations research would achieve a deeper understanding of the institutional forms of wage‐labour in contemporary capitalist economies.  相似文献   

The decision to transform capital ownership in Central and Eastern Europe is proving, in its practical application, to be both a controversial and lengthy process. In examining privatisation this article considers its main features and the consequences of its implementation for the social partners and the industrial relations system.  相似文献   

In this article, we construct a general model, which considers the borrower’s financial and non-financial termination behavior, to derive the closed-form formula of the mortgage value for analyzing the yield, duration and convexity of the risky mortgage. Since the risks of prepayment and default are reasonably expounded in our model, our formulae are more appropriate than traditional mortgage formulae. We also analyze the effects of the prepayment penalty and partial prepayment on the yield, duration and convexity of a mortgage, and provide lenders with an upper-bound for the mortgage default insurance rate. Our model provides portfolio managers a useful framework to more appropriately appraise the mortgage and more effectively hedge their mortgage holdings. From the results of sensitivity analyses, we find that higher interest-rate, prepayment and default risks will increase the mortgage yield and reduce the duration and convexity of the mortgage.  相似文献   

Following unification the West German unions quickly established themselves in the former East. The system of Works Councils and Co-determination was also imposed on the new Länder. This article examines the experience of unions in the east and considers the impact on industrial relations of the unification process.  相似文献   

In this paper, the suppliers’ contributions to their customers’ processes are analysed from the perspective of the supplier, and the conditions for mutual learning are discussed. The study is based on case studies of six suppliers connected to three lift truck companies. The case studies reveal that collaboration is not fully developed, and the reasons for this are analysed. The barriers to mutual learning seem to relate to the customers’ demands for price reductions, the customers’ lack of interest in co-operating, unequal relations between customer and supplier, and constraints regarding co-operation with the customers’ competitors.  相似文献   

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is becoming increasingly important, and new organizational forms based on EDI suppliers’ capabilities are emerging. Therefore, taking advantage of recent technological changes, especially the development of Web-based EDI systems, many big industrial buyers are seeking to get all their suppliers EDI-connected. Based on previous research on EDI adoption, we conducted a survey to study the opportunities of success of such a “100% EDI-connected suppliers” policy using data from the vehicle industry. Findings from our survey helped us to understand suppliers’ responses to such a policy and to provide recommendations to industrial buyers who are seeking to succeed in a “100% EDI-connected suppliers” project. This includes employing tailored communication strategies and selecting appropriate incentives that take into account different levels of suppliers’ EDI-capabilities and suppliers’ dependence.  相似文献   

Political systems provide the framework for organizational and technological change. Democratic systems are in some respects more open to economic and social adjustment than non-democratic systems; but the conflicting demands of entrenched interests and competition among parties for votes themselves create obstacles to adaptation.Britain's political system is the most stable in Western Europe, but it is also (after Italy) the one which is showing most signs of strain. How far is political stability a source of strength or of weakness under conditions of rapid economic and technological change? What aspects of Britain's current political difficulties are common to all democracies (as Sam Brittan argued in a classic study), or to all European social welfare economies, and what aspects are peculiar to our system alone? After five years of the most self-consciously radical government which Britain has had since 1945, how successful has our current government been in promoting economic and social change, while resisting any changes in our political system?It is argued that there has been a negative interaction between repeated efforts to transform Britain's industrial structure, and industrial relations, for example, and the obstacles to change posed by a restricted and centralised political system. Other illustrations of the interaction between political structure and policy output are taken from the evolution of Britain's relations with the European Community, from the management of industrial collaboration with other governments, and from attempts to reform the finances of local government. Britain's experience is compared and contrasted with those of the United States, France, Germany and Japan.  相似文献   

Inadequate attention has been given to labor-management relations in health care organizations. Bacause of the labor-intensive nature of health care and the great dependence on human resources, health services researchers should place greater emphasis on labor-management issues. This article develops a framework and suggests methodologies for examining labor relations in health care organizations. Specifically, six cirtical issues are suggested for attention by researchers: (1) the quality of the union-management relationship; (2) union organizing drives; (3) collective bargaining and contract negotiations; (4) impasse resolution; (5) contract administration and grievance handling; and (6) labor-management cooperation. These areas of research have been dominated by industrial relations researchers who have focused primarily on the manufacturing sector. Given cost containment and competitive pressures, it is timely to bridge the gap between the health services research community and the accumulating body of knowledge in industrial relations.  相似文献   

Under the Victorian ideal of laissez-faire, industrial relations are conducted unilaterally by employers unimpeded by employees' rights of citizenship. The four facets of citizenship—civil, political, industrial, and social—impinge in a variety of ways on the employment relationship. Civil citizenship, by barring discrimination on account of race or sex, interferes with maintenance of segregated pools of cheap secondary labor. Political citizenship enfranchises propertyless workers and alters the enactments of legislatures. Industrial citizenship creates the institutional basis for collective bargaining. Social citizenship confers economic benefits and protective regulations not driven directly by market forces. Political ascendancy of laissez-faire advocates undermines rights of citizenship and has a retrograde effect on industrial relations.This article is a revised version of a paper presented at the First Industrial Relations Congress of the Americans in Quebec City to the Study Group on Industrial Relations as a Field and Industrial Relations Theory on August 27, 1988. I thank Jack Barbash for the opportunity to present it there.  相似文献   

This is a bibliographical note which points out the applicability of some existing results to the development of a sort of Stochastic Dominance ‘algebra’. The ‘more risk averse’ relation of Ross (1981) is established within a general framework.  相似文献   

The OECD is strongly supportive of the industrial relations changes recently introduced in Australia. This article examines the experiences of low paid women in a deregulated labour market context. The research highlights the gendered effects of the recent reforms and cautions against the use of Australia as a model framework.  相似文献   

This article offers a wide ranging survey of labour unions and industrial relations in contemporary Japan, through a framework which encompasses corporate governance and national level concertation. This helps framework helps to understand pressures for change from corporate and economic restructuring. As a result of restructuring, labour unions do not face the same direct threats as counterparts elsewhere, but they do face challenges to assuming an active role in the process.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of trade liberalization on inequality. We develop a theoretical framework that generates economy-wide distributions of wealth and income for different levels of trade protection. The model unambiguously determines the effect of liberalization on inequality; and rationalizes why larger inequality can be the outcome of a welfare enhancing policy, as households reduce their buffer savings when liberalization lowers the price of food. The framework reconciles the increase in inequality, the fall in the value of land, and farmers’ opposition to freer trade, that have featured in different liberalization episodes. We also present empirical support for the model’s predictions.  相似文献   

This article uses a framework developed by Kuruvilla (1995a) that hypothesised a very close link between industrialisation strategies of Southeast Asian nations and industrial relations systems. That framework is used here to argue that the industrialisation strategy adopted by nations also influences the development of firm level IR/HR practices. Using case studies of firms in the ‘import substitution industrialisation’(ISI) and ‘export oriented industrialisation’(EOI) sectors in Malaysia and the Philippines, the author finds that in both countries, the ISI sector is characterised by firm level IR/HR practices that are passive, pluralistic and paternalistic in nature, while the EOI sectors in both economies are characterised by IR/HR practices that can be termed aggressive, flexible, and dynamic in nature. In addition, given that Malaysia and the Philippines are currently at different stages of export oriented industrialisation, the cases demonstrate that workplace practices in the EOI sector in Malaysia are more dynamic and advanced than those of the Philippines. Thus, the article shows that the industrialisation strategies of nations create distinct patterns of industrial relations and human resource practices within the economy, controlling for other factors such as business strategies and the technological processes of firms that also cause such variation in IR/HR patterns.  相似文献   

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