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王秦 《中国报业》2014,(10):70-71
社交网站呈现出一种独特的"隐私悖论":用户既关切隐私问题,又热衷于分享隐密的个人信息;社交网站空前重视用户信息与隐私保护,又饱受侵犯隐私的争议。从信息传播的角度来看,个人信息传播在社交网络时代呈现出新的特征,直接影响了用户的隐私感受,成为社交网络"隐私悖论"的重要成因之一。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,企业和用户越来越重视用户的信息,如何提高用户的信息披露意愿对企业而言十分重要。通过对国内外用户隐私信息披露意愿相关文献分析和归纳,从用户特性、用户利益和用户感知三个角度研究影响用户隐私信息披露意愿的因素,从企业角度提出鼓励用户披露隐私信息的相关措施,并对未来的研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

社交网络赚钱的一种方法就是与广告商以及那些有兴趣弄清楚消费者行为、并开发网络趋势的人共享用户的信息,但为了保护用户的隐私,社交网络通常承诺在共享数据之前删除“个人身份信息”。  相似文献   

谢文 《商界》2013,(5):34
互联网的发展将隐私权上的博弈从现实世界转移到了虚拟世界,个人在网络上的踪迹、数据被公权、商权或大众知情权所获取和利用,是必然的。奇虎360侵犯用户隐私、App调取用户隐私、信息网站贩卖个人隐私……似乎在透明的网络世界里,在各种数据的描绘下,人们越来越缺少隐私权,越来越缺少安全感,自  相似文献   

文燕平 《电子商务》2013,(3):37-39,42
用户提供个人信息是电子商务交易过程中必不可少的要素,个人信息开发利用与隐私保护之间的矛盾也日益受到人们的关注。文章从理论上阐述了客户信息的类型、客户信息利用的形式以及保护客户隐私的途径,在此基础上,以Alexa排名前100的购物类网站作为样本,就网站对个人数据的收集情况、网站对人口统计学信息的收集情况、网站隐私政策情况等方面进行了调查,研究发现:网站收集个人信息涉及面广,对隐私保护政策较为含糊,用户隐私保护意识不强。文章最后提出了我国电子商务发展中加强用户隐私保护的具体对策。  相似文献   

网络隐私权保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络隐私权并非一种完全新型的隐私权保护,它是在对传统隐私权的保护发展到一定阶段,随着互联网这种新型的信息和资料传递手段的出现而产生的,它是对于个人在网上提供的资料和信息进行保护的隐私权保护形式。问题的提出各国所关注的网络隐私权主要都是针对在没有得到当事人明示同意的情形下,采用网络信息手段获得用户的个人资料和信息并进行商业利用的问题,因此网络隐私权在很多时候也被称为个人数据隐私、个人信息隐私或个人资料隐私等,尽管称谓不一,但所指都是相同的,本文即采用网络隐私权的提法。网络隐私权问题为何如此突出?网络隐私权…  相似文献   

随着经济不断发展,人们对电力的需求及铱赖程度越来越大,电网的供电可靠性也要提高.配电网络作为向用户供电的直接途径,它的安全可靠和经济运行成为电力部门和用户共同关心的主题.因为它不仅影响到供电企业自身的经济利益,还关系到用户的切身利益.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术高速发展,信息技术的应用越来越广泛,有效提升了组织信息化的程度,但是也给网络数据库系统带来安全威胁,保护隐私技术逐渐被人们多重视。加之网页都是通过浏览器显示出来,浏览器成为了被攻击的主要目标,因此加强浏览器防御措施即是保护个人用户隐私。本文介绍了采用账户形式给用户提供权限,并严密保护用户浏览历史,进而有效保护个人隐私。  相似文献   

在互联网大数据技术发展的浪潮下,普通互联网用户网络数据安全难以得到保障,互联网隐私数据安全形势愈发严峻,要想较为全面地解决这一问题,需要互联网用户、互联网服务商、互联网监管部门同时发力,因此从商业利用互联网隐私数据的角度分析了现行网络规则下,网络数据隐私安全存在的隐患状况,并针对这些隐患,进行了对策思考。  相似文献   

网络用户的急剧增长和互联网技术的发展,网络精准营销模式打破传统营销模式已成为新的趋势,但网络精准营销也在一定程度上侵犯用户的隐私权,我们应借鉴西方成功的立法实践经验,加快我国的网络隐私权保护的立法建设,同时加强网络精准营销环境管理等多种手段齐头并进.才能有效的保护网络用户的隐私安全.  相似文献   

网络环境下旅行社业务及经营方式的转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许曦 《商业研究》2003,(1):139-141
随着个人计算机使用率的高速增长,整个社会的网络化和信息资源的共享,使我们进入了一个全新的网络时代。传统旅行社在网络时代面临强烈冲击,旅行社只有勇于革新,转变经营方式,开拓新的业务,才能在网络时代立于不败之地。  相似文献   

倪宁 《江苏商论》2014,(5):18-14,18
随着网络用户的日益增长,互联网记录着大量的用户个人信息和由智能终端产生的图片和信息,这些信息爆炸性的增长,并不断涌入网络海洋,产生海量的数据信息。在电子商务环境中大数据处理将会发展出更多强大和多元的功能。本文以淘宝网为例,分析研究如何合理利用数据,为企业的经营模式做出相应调整,并且在变化中不断进行企业新技术、新方法和新思路的探索。同时指出数据泄露的隐患,并给出相应建议。  相似文献   

基于用户行为的移动互联网服务运营商业务营销模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张薇  朱磊 《江苏商论》2011,(9):86-88
随着移动互联网从封闭走向开放,其产业价值链条趋于复杂深入,电信运营商已不再占据产业链的核心环节。同时,移动互联网带宽的限制、用户的注意力有限及用户上网时间的零碎化,使得服务运营商在激烈的竞争环境中不得不慎重选择其业务产品的营销模式,本文通过对目前移动互联网用户群行为特征及用户行为影响因素的分析,结合移动互联网现有业务产品的特点和市场现状,构建基于用户行为的移动互联网服务运营商的业务营销模式,以期为移动互联网服务运营商选择合理的业务营销策略提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Accurate personal information provision is one of the most important determinants of the commercial development of the Web. However, consumers are usually reluctant to provide personal information or tend to provide false information online because of their concern about privacy violation risks. We employ a 2× 2× 2 experimental design to examine the effects of reputation, privacy notices, and rewards on online consumer behavior in volunteering two types of personal information on the Internet: demographic information and personally identifiable information. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   

本文界定了网络表达概念,研究了90后大学生网络表达的影响因素和性别差异。主要发现包括:90后大学生的现实生活更多地影响其网络生活;90后大学生网络活跃度与家庭状况和家庭所处经济社会环境不相关;男生网络活动倾向于寻求资讯,女生倾向于交流;女生比男生更倾向于使用网络语言。并进一步发现了网络表达选择机制,最后提出了高校学生管理和教学管理创新的建议。  相似文献   

With the decline of print media and network television, marketing strategy is changing. As these advertising vehicles are slowing down and more individuals turn to the Internet for daily functioning, marketers are following in kind. Technology offers businesses and marketing specialists the ability to collect immense amounts of private data about individuals’ interests or characteristics as they surf the Internet and input personal information. Data collection falls into one of two categories: a user's voluntary sharing of such information, or involuntary/uninformed collection by other parties. The threat posed by invasion of personal privacy is real. At the same time, Internet users can benefit in several ways from the sharing and collection of personal information. For example, much online content is funded by advertising, and would otherwise only be available to consumers for a fee. Additionally, valuable information regarding trends and happenings (e.g., flu outbreaks) are detected by aggregated Internet tracking. Finally, many Internet users value and enjoy targeted advertising geared to their particular interests or needs. Laws regarding this matter are currently limited, but are developing in order to protect individuals from unscrupulous data collection, especially involving children. Fortunately, there are ways marketers can legally and ethically collect and use personal information. Ultimately, regulation needs to be developed, and the marketing profession can aid itself by expanding self-regulation and policing in order to stave off additional—and potentially onerous—regulation.  相似文献   

在第五次信息技术革命、全球信息化浪潮和中国国家信息化战略的推动下,中国电子商务的理论研究和实践运作随之兴起。1993年至今,国内外学者对电子商务概念的研究,形成了范围说、内容说、流程说、和技术说。本研究认为,中国电子商务经历了探索期、雏形期、成长期和普及期四个演进阶段。探索期的发展重点:互联网基础设施建设、从概念引入进入理论思考、从广泛关注迈进实际应用;雏形期的主要特征:以门户网站为代表的网络公司开始出现、短时间内快速吸引风险投资和包装上市、网络公司经历“倒闭潮”;成长期的主要成就:宽带网接入取代电话拨号上网、多元化的商业新应用、网商崛起;普及期的本质内涵:规模庞大、企业电子商务应用升级、移动互联网成为中国扩大内需的新引擎。进入新世纪,随着移动互联网、云计算、物联网、数据挖掘等新技术以及商务国际化的演进,中国电子商务出现移动化、云电子商务、大平台全网营销、融合化和智能化五大新趋势。  相似文献   

Many critics have raised concerns about online advertising directed to children. This study investigated the role of several antecedent variables that may impact children’s attitudinal and behavioural responses to online advertising. Specifically, online ad scepticism, family communication patterns, time spent on the internet, and perceived internet competency were examined as factors that may impact children’s online advertising attitudes and behaviours. A survey conducted with a dyad sample of 381 parents-preteens in South Korea revealed that children with high scepticism towards online advertising, who spent less time using the internet and who perceived lower levels of confidence about their internet skills were more likely to have a negative attitude towards online advertising and less likely to disclose personal information to online marketers. However, the relationship between family communication and children’s responses to online advertising found in this study was inconsistent with the previous empirical findings. Implications of findings are discussed and directions for future research suggested.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(6):751-759
Technological progress—including the development of online channels and universal access to the internet via mobile devices—has advanced both the quantity and the quality of data that companies can acquire. Private information such as this may be considered a type of fuel to be processed through the use of technologies, and represents a competitive market advantage. This article describes situations in which consumers tend to disclose personal information to companies and explores factors that encourage them to do so. The empirical studies and examples of market activities described herein illustrate to managers just how rewards work and how important contextual integrity is to customer digital privacy expectations. Companies' success in obtaining client data depends largely on three Ts: transparency, type of data, and trust. These three Ts—which, combined, constitute a main T (i.e., the transfer of personal data)—deserve attention when seeking customer information that can be converted to competitive advantage and market success.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of the internet on professional services, specifically healthcare services which have been characterised as asymmetrical in information and power distribution. For complex professional services the internet is primarily an information resource offering perceived parity with professionals. Based on interviews with healthcare professionals and website managers, this paper considers how professionals perceive the internet to be changing patterns of professional–consumer interaction and the nature of professional–consumer relationships. Manifest at service encounter level and health policy level, professionals perceived the evolving parameters of the consumer role to be generating a requirement for a fundamental revision of models of service delivery and professional roles.  相似文献   

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