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E读是calis文献保障系统的一种服务模式,借助calis文献传递系统整合高校文献推进本校高等教育资源的合理优化配置,实现信息资源共建、共知、共享。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展,图书馆的服务方式越来越趋于数字化服务,仅仅依靠本馆馆藏资源,很难满足读者日益增长的文献需求,因此开展馆际互借与文献传递服务是十分必要的。在这种服务模式下,图书馆不仅可以弥补自身馆藏的不足,还有利于资源共享。通过研究分析高职院校图书馆馆际互借与文献传递服务开展现状,总结影响开展此项服务的因素,并对如何解决阻碍因素并正确引导此项服务的开展进行探析。  相似文献   

经过多年的发展,电子文献传递服务在高校图书馆的工作中已经占据重要位置,但是也面临不少问题。针对此给出了一些建议和方法,希望对解决目前电子文献传递服务所面临的困境提供帮助。  相似文献   

科技信息资源是国家科技发展与科技创新的重要支撑和基础保障条件,深入分析其在共享与服务各环节间的价值传递特征和基本规律,对于推动资源共享与服务具有重要的指导意义。剖析了科技信息资源及其价值的内涵,以及目前科技信息资源价值研究的现状及存在的主要问题。基于科技信息资源共享与服务的流动过程分析,重点开展了科技信息资源价值传递的基本形式研究,对部门内与部门间科技信息资源价值传递的元模式进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

优化收入分配格局是实现共同富裕的关键,资源代际传递又是收入分配公平的一大阻碍。本文借助二阶段Stackelberg博弈思想,引入生产性和非生产性资源代际传递构建子代对自身资源进行最优分配的博弈行为选择模型。基于资源形成权力、权力决定利益分配的逻辑,阐释资源代际传递过程中起决定性作用的家庭代际权力,即子代凭借家庭优势在资源竞争和利益分配时形成对他人的控制力或影响力。数值模拟发现制度选择对代际权力、社会产出和收入差距有较大影响,政府应着眼于预分配来缓解再分配压力,在子代进入市场前合理配置经济和非经济资源以缩小代际差异。利用资源调配权力制衡家庭代际权力,畅通向上流动通道,形成兼顾公平与效率的发展环境。  相似文献   

非对称价格传递已经成为经济学的一个重要研究课题,相关文献层出不穷。国外这方面的研究非常丰富,理论模型和实证方法都比较成熟,研究视角涵盖了检验价格传递是否对称,及其决定因素和影响等多方面;而国内在这方面才刚刚起步,且只对价格传递的对称性进行了简单的验证,没有分析其产生的原因和影响。基于其重要的理论与政策意义,本文详细介绍了非对称价格传递的概念、检验模型、决定因素及影响等,希望能为相关研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

贫困的代际传递可以描述为私人和公共的资产和资源从一代人向下一代人传递过程中不充足的状态。贫穷被转化为影响个体在当前或者其人生经历中的未来一个年龄段遭遇贫困可能性的一个极其复杂的消极因素之一。贫困的代际关系主要由家庭与家庭外两大主要因素所影响。贫困的代际传递被视为长期贫困的一种极端的影响因素,从某种程度上严重导致了个人或者其家庭长期处于贫困状态之中。  相似文献   

代际流动性反映一个社会的开放程度,代际流动受阻可能引发社会阶层矛盾冲突和社会不平等,但关于教育的代际流动效应仍存在较大争议。文章从代际流动的内涵与测量、代际流动的影响因素及教育代际流动效应三方面对既有文献进行了梳理,发现已有文献在代际阶层划分标准、代际流动性测算方法上有待进一步完善,且较少考察高等教育的代际流动效应及背后传递机制。基于此,本文认为设定合理的代际阶层划分标准和科学的代际流动性测度方法是未来研究趋势,而高等教育扩张的代际流动效应及其背后传递机制更是教育代际流动效应研究的“黑匣子”,厘清其问题争议与矛盾焦点并探索背后的理论机制,对于发挥教育促进代际社会流动具有重要意义。  相似文献   

汇率问题一直是世界经济中的热点问题,20世纪70年代布雷顿森林体系解体之后,汇率传递效应不断减弱,为了解答这个问题,国内外学者对该效应做了大量的理论和实证研究。目前,中美贸易顺差问题使得人民币升值的国际压力大增,汇率传递问题再度成为研究的热点。对国内外该领域的文献进行了综述,主要从微观视角出发,重点介绍了汇率对进出口商品价格传递的不完全性和出口商"盯市"能力(Pricing to market,PTM)方面的理论和实证研究成果。  相似文献   

价格传递机制的经济学分析——以中国物价变动为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言:文献回顾以及研究问题的提出 价格传递机制是在市场经济条件下,商品和服务的价格变动引起的相关商品与服务价格变动的内在机制,是价格作为杠杆作用的体现与作为上下游价格链条的传输过程。价格传递机制主要有成本推动型和需求拉动型。  相似文献   

构建物流联盟基础上的现代物流配送   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流配送是物流系统中是最接近消费者的重要环节,它通过运用先进的信息技术和管理来优化配送系统,提高物流服务水平和竞争力。目前,我国物流配送发展中还存在不少问题,应通过建立物流联盟,来降低企业交易费用,发挥资源互补优势,增强供应链竞争力,提高物流配送服务水平。  相似文献   

梁燕 《经济问题》2001,(10):16-17,20
随着经济的发展和社会的进步,原来归于传统邮政业务中的速递业务逐渐向产业化的方向发展。与中国的速递业一样,世界各国的速递业发展仍处于刚开始并且相当不成熟的阶段。探讨各国速递业的发展现状和特点,并用产业组织学的市场结构理论分析中国速递业的现状,提出调整中国速递业市场结构的建议。  相似文献   

Decentralizing antipoverty program delivery in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the effects on accountability in government service delivery of decentralizing administration of an antipoverty program. While governments at both central and local levels are vulnerable to antipoor policy biases owing to political capture, centralized delivery systems are additionally prone to bureaucratic corruption, owing to problems in monitoring bureaucratic performance. Decentralizing the delivery system promotes cost-effectiveness and improves intraregional targeting at low program scales. But interregional targeting may deteriorate, as central grants to high-poverty regions shrink, owing to high capture of local governments by local elites in such regions.  相似文献   

This paper brings together the largest available sets of national-level data, covering 157 countries over the years 2005–2012, to assess the extent to which governance quality contributes to life evaluations. Our most significant new finding is that changes in governance quality within a policy-relevant time horizon can lead to significant changes in the quality of life. For example, the ten most-improved countries, in terms of changes in government service delivery quality between 2005 and 2012, when compared to the ten most-worsened countries, are estimated to have average life evaluations higher by 0.4 points on a 0 to 10 scale. The results also confirm earlier findings that service delivery quality generally dominates democratic quality in supporting better lives until delivery quality has reached sufficient levels. The situation changes as development proceeds, with democratic quality showing a positive influence among countries that have already achieved higher quality of service delivery.  相似文献   

This study investigates a sequential game of location and transportation mode choices, as well as the subsequent quantity choice. The results show that spatial Cournot competition with directional delivery constraints yields a richer set of spatial configurations, involving midpoint agglomeration, maximum differentiation and asymmetric dispersion, and a richer set of transportation mode selections, involving delivery in different directions, asymmetric delivery between duopoly firms, and delivery in two directions by each firm, depending on the fixed cost of a transportation instrument. This paper concludes with an investigation of welfare analysis on optimal locations and transportation modes.  相似文献   

Civil servants such as teachers and doctors allocate their resources into service delivery that benefits society, and alternative efforts for income. With low salary or high cost of service delivery, or high value of alternative efforts, the latter may be chosen extensively. This may mean leaving one's job. Some idealists may focus loyally and exclusively on service delivery despite the challenges. Choosing alternative efforts cannot be eradicated, but its role can be reduced if one is aware of the logic of which factors impact how actors allocate their resources between service delivery and alternative efforts. We have used data from the education and healthcare sectors in the African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Senegal to show the deficient and poor service delivery within education and healthcare services. In both sectors, education and healthcare, and for all four countries, teachers spend far less than the designated time teaching pupils, and clinicians spend very little time with patients, per day.  相似文献   

Morris J  Cornell B 《Nursing economic$》2004,22(2):81-3, 87, 55
A unique approach for service in psychiatric care delivery has been used in a psychiatric setting at two sequentially tested inpatient locations. The patients in one setting were children and adolescents and in the other adolescents and adults. The approach used a psychiatric team comprising a psychiatrist, registered nurses, social workers, and a nurse practitioner. An overview of the psychiatric care delivery approach as it affects staff and patients is provided. The goal of this team-based model of service delivery is to provide quality care to patients in a caring and cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

Canadian statistics of the health care delivery system are generated under a variety of concepts, methodologies, definitions, and classifications by the numerous individual units, institutions, and organizations involved. This paper presents an overview and a framework for satellite accounts on health care delivery. Its objective is to enable the organization of economic and financial information on health care delivery activities from different sources into a set of consistent statistics detailing current expenditures, current revenues, purposes of spending, and source and application of funds in the health care delivery system. It is recognized that this economic framework is only a first stage in establishing a complete health information framework which could link economic with social and demographic data. A sample set of accounts for the province of Ontario in the fiscal year 1977-78 is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of establishing such satellite accounts.  相似文献   

通过对上海市闵行区浦江镇流动人口孕产妇平产分娩点的建立、运行和效果的评估,探讨政府在解决流动人口卫生保健问题中的作用。特约分娩点的建立是-项成功的政策措施,向农民工提供低收费和优质的基本产科服务深受农民工欢迎。目前每月在浦江镇特约分娩点分娩的产妇稳定在600-800例左右,服务质量优良。这是在我国城市化进程改善进城农民保健中-项成功的政策措施,卫生局起主导作用。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of how the responsibility for the delivery of social services, including health, education, and welfare programs, should be divided between state and central governments. We combine a random voting model and the incomplete contracts paradigm to formalize the trade‐off between central and state responsibility for service delivery, and find that authority should rest with the party for whom the marginal impact of the service on re‐election chances is greater. This in turn means that, other things equal, states with lower than average health, education, or welfare status should be given responsibility for service delivery, while authority in states with above average indicators should reside with the central government. Also, we show that there is no presumption that states that are given authority for service delivery should necessarily be granted expanded tax authority.  相似文献   

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