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Edit Gombay 《Metrika》2000,52(2):133-145
Large sample approximations for sequential U-statistics using anti-symmetric kernels are considered both under no-change and change hypotheses. These new approximations make it easy to perform sequential tests. Received: November 1999 相似文献
It is shown that fractional factorial plans represented by orthogonal arrays of strength three are universally optimal under
a model that includes the mean, all main effects and all two-factor interactions between a specified factor and each of the
other factors. Thus, such plans exhibit a kind of model robustness in being universally optimal under two different models.
Procedures for obtaining universally optimal block designs for fractional factorial plans represented by orthogonal arrays
are also discussed.
Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the referees for making several useful comments on a previous version. 相似文献
In this note, a class of Pareto distributions is characterized based on the Shannon entropy of k-record statistics. As a consequence of that characterizations of the uniform and exponential distributions are given.
Received: October 1999 相似文献
Smoothing spline estimation of a function of several variables based on an analysis of variance decomposition (SS-ANOVA)
is one modern nonparametric technique. This paper considers the design problem for specific types of SS-ANOVA models. As criteria
for choosing the design points, the integrated mean squared error (IMSE) for the SS-ANOVA estimate and its asymptotic approximation
are derived based on the correspondence between the SS-ANOVA model and the random effects model with a partially improper
prior. Three examples for additive and interaction spline models are provided for illustration. A comparison of the asymptotic
designs, the 2d factorial designs, and the glp designs is given by numerical computation.
Received May 2000 相似文献
In this note we show that the class of stepwise Bayes procedures, suitable defined, forms the minimal complete class for decision problems where the parameter contains only finitely many points. Beyond the assumption on the parameter space, the result is quite general and extends some earlier results.Research supported in part by NSF grant DMS-8911548-01 相似文献
Finite sample tail behavior of the multivariate trimmed mean based on Tukey-Donoho halfspace depth 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Finite sample tail behavior of the Tukey-Donoho halfspace depth based multivariate trimmed mean is investigated with respect to a tail performance measure. It turns out that the tails of the sampling distribution of the α-depth-trimmed mean approach zero at least ⌊αn⌋ times as fast as the tails of the underlying population distribution and could be n−⌊αn⌋+ 1 times as fast. In addition, there is an intimate relationship among the tail behavior, the halfspace depth, and the finite sample breakdown point of the estimator. It is shown that the lower tail performance bound of the depth based trimmed mean is essentially the same as its halfspace depth and the breakdown point. This finding offers a new insight into the notion of the halfspace depth and extends the important role of the tail behavior as a quantitative assessment of robustness in the regression (He, Jurečková, Koenker and Portnoy (1990)) and the univariate location settings (Jurečková (1981)) to the multivariate location setting. Received: 1 July 1999 相似文献
In this paper, a balanced incomplete split-block design (BISBD) is shown to be universally optimum for the estimation of
the interaction effects with respect to each of the intra-plot stratum estimation and the GLSE. Furthermore, the efficiency
factor of an optimal design is investigated. 相似文献
Milan Stehlík 《Metrika》2003,57(2):145-164
The aim of this paper is to give some results on the exact density of the I-divergence in the exponential family with gamma distributed observations. It is shown in particular that the I-divergence can be decomposed as a sum of two independent variables with known distributions. Since the considered I-divergence is related to the likelihood ratio statistics, we apply the method to compute the exact distribution of the likelihood
ratio tests and discuss the optimality of such exact tests. One of these tests is the exact LR test of the model which is
asymptotically optimal in the Bahadur sense. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the methods discussed.
Received: January 2002
Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Prof. Andrej Pázman for helpful discussions during the setup and the preparation of the paper and to the
referees for constructive comments on earlier versions of the paper.
Research is supported by the VEGA grant (Slovak Grant Agency) No 1/7295/20 相似文献
Klaus Ziegler 《Metrika》2001,53(2):141-170
In the nonparametric regression model with random design and based on i.i.d. pairs of observations (X
i, Y
i), where the regression function m is given by m(x)=?(Y
i=x), estimation of the location θ (mode) of a unique maximum of m by the location of a maximum of the Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator for the curve m is considered. In order to obtain asymptotic confidence intervals for θ, the suitably normalized distribution of is bootstrapped in two ways: we present a paired bootstrap (PB) where resampling is done from the empirical distribution
of the pairs of observations and a smoothed paired bootstrap (SPB) where the bootstrap variables are generated from a smooth
bivariate density based on the pairs of observations. While the PB requires only relatively small computational effort when
carried out in practice, it is shown to work only in the case of vanishing asymptotic bias, i.e. of “undersmoothing” when
compared to optimal smoothing for mode estimation. On the other hand, the SPB, although causing more intricate computations,
is able to capture the correct amount of bias if the pilot estimator for m oversmoothes.
Received: May 2000 相似文献
Carlo Ferreri 《Decisions in Economics and Finance》1985,8(1):39-46
The Dykstra and Laud's extended gamma process is assumed as prior process over the cumulative hazard function, (t), for a bayesian nonparametric estimation of the reliability functionR(t) from both exact and censored data. Particular cases and interpretative aspects are discussed also in the light of an illustrative example.This research was supported by Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, grant 40% (Gruppo di ricerca «Modelli probabilistici»). 相似文献
In practice, it is an important problem (especially in quality control) to secure that a known regression function occurs during a certain period in time. In the present paper, we consider the change-point problem that under the null hypothesis this known regression function occurs. As alternative, we consider a certain non-parametric class of functions that is of particular interest in quality control. We analyze this test problem by using partial sums of the data. Asymptotically, we get Brownian motion and Brownian motion with trend (≠0) under the hypothesis and under the alternative, respectively. We prove that tests based on partial sums have a larger power when the partial sums are taken from the time reversed data. This can be quantitatively determined in an asymptotic way by some new results on Kolmogorov type tests for Brownian motion with trend. We illustrate our results by a certain model that is interesting in quality control and by an example with real data.Supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant Bi655.Supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant Bi655 and by the Swiss National Science Foundation Grant 20-55586.98. 相似文献
InM-estimation of the regression parameter vector in the linear model, we discuss the choice of the support of certain re-descendingψ-functions for both cases when the distribution of the i.i.d. errors is partially known and when it is completely functionally
Research supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. 相似文献
Max Happacher 《Metrika》2001,53(2):171-181
The problem of rounding finitely many (continuous) probabilities to (discrete) proportions N i/n is considered, for some fixed rounding accuracy n. It is well known that the rounded proportions need not sum to unity, and instead may leave a nonzero discrepancy D=(∑N i) −n. We determine the distribution of D, assuming that the rounding function used is stationary and that the original probabilities follow a uniform distribution. Received: April 1999 相似文献
The paper describes non‐parametric approach for analysis of a three‐period, two‐treatment, four‐sequence crossover design in which test procedure for interchangeability of the treatment effects is obtained. The proposed procedure is based on a non‐parametric model, which incorporates, along with the direct treatment effects and the usual carryover effects, the long‐term carryover effects. Relevant competitors are obtained. Related asymptotic results are given. By performing simulation study, we compared the procedures with respect to type I error rate and power. Furthermore, confidence intervals for treatment differences are studied. The procedures are illustrated with a data study. 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》2018,72(2):126-156
In this paper, we study application of Le Cam's one‐step method to parameter estimation in ordinary differential equation models. This computationally simple technique can serve as an alternative to numerical evaluation of the popular non‐linear least squares estimator, which typically requires the use of a multistep iterative algorithm and repetitive numerical integration of the ordinary differential equation system. The one‐step method starts from a preliminary ‐consistent estimator of the parameter of interest and next turns it into an asymptotic (as the sample size n →∞ ) equivalent of the least squares estimator through a numerically straightforward procedure. We demonstrate performance of the one‐step estimator via extensive simulations and real data examples. The method enables the researcher to obtain both point and interval estimates. The preliminary ‐consistent estimator that we use depends on non‐parametric smoothing, and we provide a data‐driven methodology for choosing its tuning parameter and support it by theory. An easy implementation scheme of the one‐step method for practical use is pointed out. 相似文献
We review a large body of literature dealing with the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economies during their transformation from a command economic system toward a market system. We report the results of a meta-analysis based on the literature on externalities from FDI. The studies on emerging European markets covered in our survey report direct and indirect FDI effects weakening over time, similarly as in other FDI destination countries. This is imputable to a publication bias that is detected and to the fact that more sophisticated methods and more controls can be used once a sufficient time span is available. Panel studies are likely to find relatively lower spillover effects. The choice of the research design (definition of firm performance and foreign firm presence) matters. More specific to the sampled studies is the role played by forward and backward spillovers which dominate other channels in driving FDI externalities. 相似文献