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This paper examines the relationship between the price for Canadian wheat and the price for U.S. wheat. While a great deal of the variation in the Canadian series can be attributed to oscillations in either the exchange rate or the U.S. price of wheat, changing technologies, shifting market power, the marketing strategies of major market participants, and domestic market conditions are also seen to play a role in the price determination process and should be considered when making longer-term forecasts. The fact that the most encompassing price linkage specifications identified in this study differ significanty from the specification in a number of forecasting models in use today should be a point of particular concern. Since many of the decision equations (area seeded, inputs purchased, etc.) in place in these models essentially are driven off the Canada U.S. price linkage equation, the observed misspecification may have a detrimental impact on all forecasted series. Les auteurs examinent les rapports existants entre les prix canadiens et les prix américains du blé. Si une grande portion de la variabilité observée dans la série de donnée canadienne peut s'expliquer par les taux de change ou par le prix américain du blé, l'évolution des techniques, les déplacements des marchés, les stratégies de commercialisation des grands intervenants commerciaux et les conditions du marché intérieur jouent apparemment aussi un rôle dans la formation des prix. Ces facteurs devraient done être pris en compte dans les prévisions à long terme. Le fait que les spécifications de liaisons de prix les plus complètes dégagées dans cette étude s'técartent significativement de celles en usage dans plusieurs modèles de prévision mérite qu'on s'y arrête. Comme un bon nombre d'équations de décision (superficies emblavées, agrofournitures, etc.) utilisées dans ces modèles s'éloignent de l'équation de liaison de prix canado-américaine, cet écart pourrait avoir un impact défavorable sur toutes les séries de prévisions.  相似文献   

Durum wheat is one of the commodities for which there is intense trade competition between the United States and Canada. This article examines the relationship between Canadian and U.S. durum wheat prices using cointegration and an asymmetric error correction approach. The overall results suggest that a long run relation holds between the U.S. and Canadian durum wheat prices. The U.S. price responds to restore the equilibrium relationship with the corresponding Canadian price, while the Canadian price evolves independently. Using tests for structural change it is revealed that changes in Canadian domestic policy (the repeal of the WGTA) had an effect on this long run relation. Since the withdrawal of the WGTA, quality differences in durum wheat for both countries seem to matter in the dynamics and integration of U.S. and Canadian durum wheat prices. Le blé dur est l'une des denrées pour lesquelles les États‐Unis et le Canada se livrent une concurrence féroce. Le présent article examine la relation entre les prix du blé dur américain et canadien en utilisant la cointégration et un modèle à correction d'erreur asymétrique. Les résultats globaux semblent indiquer qu'il existe depuis longtemps une relation entre les prix du blé américain et canadien. Le prix américain réagit pour rétablir la relation d'équilibre avec le prix canadien correspondant, tandis que le prix canadien évolue de façon indépendante. Des tests effectués pour vérifier les répercussions des changements structurels ont indiqué que des changements dans la politique intérieure canadienne (notamment l'abrogation de la Loi sur le transport du grain de l'Ouest ‐ LTGO) ont eu une influence sur cette relation. Depuis l'abolition de la LTGO, des différences de qualité de blé dur dans les deux pays semblent avoir de l'importance dans la dynamique et l'intégration des prix du blé dur canadien et américain.  相似文献   

The imports of hard red winter and durum wheat from Canada has been a source of contention among U.S. wheat growers, due to the likeness between domestic and imported Canadian wheat. This has also been investigated as a source of material injury to the U.S. market. We examine the relative substitution between U.S. and Canadian wheat, by class, by treating wheat as an input in flour production. We find that while U.S. hard red spring wheat and U.S. hard red winter wheat are economic substitutes, there is limited price substitution between U.S. and Canadian durum and U.S. and Canadian hard red spring wheat. Quality differences from the millers’ perspective may be the reason driving the import demand for hard red spring and durum wheat from Canada. Les importations de blé de force rouge d'hiver et de blé dur en provenance du Canada sont une source de conflit chez les producteurs de blé des États‐Unis, en raison de la ressemblance entre le blé produit aux États‐Unis et le blé importé du Canada. Ce point, jugé comme une source de préjudice important au marchéétatsunien, a également fait l'objet d'une enquête. Nous avons examiné la substitution relative du bléétatsunien et canadien, selon la classe, en traitant le blé comme un intrant dans la production de farine. Nos résultats ont indiqué que, bien que le blé de force roux de printemps et le blé de force rouge d'hiver soient des substituts économiques, la substitution en raison du prix demeure limitée entre le blé dur étatsunien et canadien et entre le blé de force roux de printemps étatsunien et canadien. Les différences de qualité perçues par les meuniers pourraient être la raison qui stimule la demande d'importation de blé de force roux du printemps et de blé dur en provenance du Canada.  相似文献   


A quarterly VA R econometric model of the reduced form relationships between the U.S. wheat market and prices of processed wheat-related flour, bread, and other bakery products downstream was estimated. The model then simulated under a rise in production- or import-induced increase in wheat quantity, and a decline in wheat price, to examine the dynamic effects on the U.S. wheat market and on processed wheat-related prices downstream. U.S. trade negotiators at the upcoming WTO agricultural round, Federal policy makers, farmers, and agribusiness agents should be interested in the dynamic patterns with which negotiated trade conditions, farm policy alterations, and climatic variation influence wheat quantity and price, and in turn the price of more highly processed wheat-based products downstream.  相似文献   

On 30 June 1999, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued a preliminary ruling instructing the U.S. Customs Service to require cash deposits or bonds totaling 4.73% (later increased to 5.57%) of the value of imported Canadian slaughter cattle. In November 1999, the U.S. International Trade Commission issued its final ruling which rescinded the anti‐dumping tariff. If the tariff had been permanently imposed, it would have affected import quantities of Canadian slaughter cattle and U.S. and Canadian slaughter and feeder cattle prices. Excess supply, import demand and price transmission elasticities are estimated and used within a comparative statics framework to estimate the impacts of the tariff had it been permanently imposed. We find that the effects of the tariff would have been small even if offsetting increases in carcass beef imports had not occurred. If offsetting carcass beef imports had occurred, any potential price gains could have been offset by increased logistical costs within the processing sector. Thus, this particular rent‐seeking activity would not have had a significant impact on U.S. cattle prices even if it had been permanently imposed. However, the tariff would have had significant negative effects on Canadian cattle prices. Le 30 juin 1999, le Département du Commerce des États‐Unis obligeait temporairement les douanes américaines à réclamer un dépôt ou une caution équivalant à 4,73 pour cent (portée à 5,57 pour cent par la suite) de la valeur des bovins de boucherie importés du Canada. En novembre de la même année, la Commission du commerce international américaine rendait sa décision finale, qui abrogeait le tarif anti‐dumping. Eût‐il été maintenu, pareil tarif aurait modifié les importations de bovins d'abattage canadiens, ce qui aurait affecté le prix des bovins d'engrais et d'abattage des deux pays. Les auteurs ont éalué l'offre excédentaire, la demande à l'importation et les élasticités du transfert des prix, puis ont recouru à un cadre de comparaison statique afin d'estimer les incidences du tarif, advenant le cas où il aurait étéétabli à demeure. On se rend compte qu'un tel tarif n'aurait guére eu de répercussions, même en freinant la hausse des importations de carcasses de büf. La majoration éventuelle des prix attribuable à la réduction des importations aurait pu être annulée par les coûts logistiques plus élevés des transformateurs. Par conséquent, cette activité de maximisation de la rente n'aurait pas eu d'impact significatif sur le prix des bovins aux États‐Unis. En revanche, l'imposition permanente du tarif aurait sensiblement diminué le prix des bovins au Canada.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the nature of the long‐run relationship between US and EU wheat export prices over the period 1981–2000. We employ a novel approach of testing for cointegration with structural change developed by Barassi and Taylor (A Test for Change in the Cointegrating Rank, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 2004). The method enables us to determine the breakpoint, which is found to occur after the 1992 CAP reforms were implemented. On analysing the two separate subperiods, we find no evidence of a long‐run relationship prior to the 1992 CAP reform. However, clear evidence of a long‐run relationship is found after the CAP reforms were implemented. Further analysis reveals that, in the post‐CAP reform period, the EU wheat prices follow then US soft wheat prices, consistent with the EU export subsidy regime over this period, albeit that export subsidies by the EU have been relatively small.  相似文献   

A fixed-effects model to control for time variation in marginal costs is employed to pinpoint evidence of price discriminatory behavior of Canadian and U.S. exporters of agri-food products. We test for evidence of pricing to market behavior and whether price discrimination or commodity/country characteristics may provide a plausible explanation. A distinguishing feature of our approach is to examine the time-series properties of the data by the conventional augmented Dickey-Fuller and recently developed panel unit root test. The panel data set employed in this paper consists of annual exchange rates and export prices for three agri-food products (wheat, pulse and apples) exported by Canada and the U.S. in foreign markets during 1980–98. Our fixed-effects model suggests that U.S. exporters are sensitive to exchange rate changes, while Canadian exporters in most cases raised price markups in response to a depreciated currency in overseas markets. The results highlight the differences in pricing policy that both countries employ to merchandise agri-food products in export markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the long‐term relationship between the export prices of Canadian and US hard wheat and the effects of the US Export Enhancement Program (EEP). Using monthly prices for 1974–2001, we adopt the cointegration procedure of Johansen et al. (2000) which permits structural breaks. Results show that a long‐term relationship exists, and there are two breaks that coincide with the EEP. The first break is in late 1985 when the long‐term US/Canadian price ratio fell by 5.5%, while the second is in early 1995 when it increased by 9.2%. Weak exogeneity tests imply that Canada is the price leader, and impulse responses show that long‐term equilibrium is restored within five months following a shock to either price.  相似文献   

A restricted cost function model of Canadian and US. food manufacturing shows that productivity growth rates in Canada have remained well below those in the United States for the past decade and a half: At mean factor prices, output, and capital quantities, processing costs would be 22% lower in the U.S. than in Canada. Technical change in both countries has been labor-saving and material-using, although slightly more so in the US. than in Canada. The labor-saving bias of technical improvements puts Canada at a disadvantage to its southern neighbor, since food manufacturing wages in Canada tend to be lower and material prices higher than in the United States. Enhancing its competitiveness will require that Canada reduce raw food and packaging costs or invest more in research and development .
L'estimation d'une function constraint de coût démontre que le taux de productivité du secteur de la transformation des aliments et boissons au Canada est demeuré inférieur à celui des Etats-Unis depuis une quinzaine d'années. En effet, à la moyenne du prix des intrants, du stock de capital et de la quantité produite, le coût de production américain est de 22 % inférieur à celui du Canada. Dans les deux pays, le changement technologique a permis de substituer le matériel à la main-d'oeuvre, et ceci de façon plus prononcée aux Etats-Unis. En bout de ligne, ceci désavantage le secteur canadien des aliments et boissons puisque les salaires sont généralement inférieurs au Canada alors que le matériet est plus coûteux. Le Canada pourrait améliorer sa compétitivité face aux Etats-Unis en réduisant le prix des denrées et des entrées intermédiaires ou en augmentant l'investissement dans la recherche et le développement .  相似文献   

This paper models the economic linkages between a commodity (wheat gluten) and a commodity characteristic (wheat protein). The purpose of this research is to address several issues in the wheat protein complex including the impact of the U.S. gluten import quota on producer protein premiums. Four important conclusions are found. First, the hard red winter (HRW) protein market strongly influences wheat gluten market but the wheat gluten market has its greatest influence on the hard red spring (HRS) protein market. Second, the demand for intrinsic protein is estimated to be very elastic. Thus, the returns to breeding or biotechnology programs designed to raise protein levels of wheat are likely to remain stable in response to small increases in wheat protein content. Third, the U.S. import quota on wheat gluten is estimated to provide a 14% increase in the price of wheat gluten in the first year. By the third year, prices are only 5% above the prequota price. U.S. gluten supplies increase about 15% in the first year and remain at about that level for the next two years. Although these are small estimated impacts, they are not far from what the USITC had anticipated. Finally, the three‐year quota increases protein premiums and provides about $500 ($1000) in additional revenue for an average 1000‐acre farm producing HRW (HRS) wheat. Les auteurs ont modélisé les liens économiques entre un produit (le gluten de blé) et une de ses caractéristiques (les protéines). L'objectif était de répondre à plusieurs questions associées au complexe des protéines du blé, notamment l'incidence du contingentement des importations de gluten par les États‐Unis sur les primes consenties aux producteurs en fonction de la valeur protéique du blé. De leur étude, les auteurs tirent quatre grandes conclusions. La premiére est que le marché des protéines du blé roux vitreux d'hiver (BRVH) exerce une forte influence sur le marché du gluten qui, lui, influe principalement sur le marché des protéines du blé roux vitreux de printemps (BRVP). Deuxiémement, on estime que la demande de protéines intrinséques est trés élastique. De petites hausses de la teneur en protéines du blé devraient donc se traduire par un rendement stable des programmes d'hybridation ou de biotechnologie destinés à augmenter la concentration de protéines dans le blé. En troisième lieu, on estime que le contingentement des importations de gluten par les États‐Unis a entraîné une majoration de 14 % du prix de ce produit la premiére année. Deux ans plus tard, les cours s'étaient stabilisés à 5 % au‐dessus du prix en vigueur avant le contingentement. L'offre américaine de gluten augmentera d'environ 15 % la premiére année et se maintiendra à peu prés au même niveau les deux années suivantes. Même si elles ne sont guère importantes, pareilles retombées se rapprochent de celles anticipées par l'USITC. Enfln, les trois années de contingentement ont donné lieu à un relèvement des primes versées pour la concentration en protéines et débouché sur une hausse moyenne de 500 $ (1 000 $) du revenu des exploitations de 1 000 acres qui produisent du BRVH (BRVP).  相似文献   


Modeling results, from a U.S. International Trade Commission investigation, that illuminate potato-related competitive conditions, particularly U.S. market impacts of potato imports, are presented. Estimation and simulation results of a monthJy vector autoregression model of the U.S. fresh and frozen trench fry markets suggest that the own-price elasticity of fresh table potato demand is more moderately elastic than previously thought; that U.S. fresh potato and trench fry markets only modestly interact, because the fresh table market residually and infrequently supplies raw product to processors; and that increased U.S. imports of fresh Canadian potatoes are likely a regional problem in Northeast U.S. markets, and do not appreciably influence potato-related prices or quantities nationally. Given the scarce potato-related literature, the model's estimated market parameters arc of interest.  相似文献   

This research provides one of the first empirical estimates of a data-based dynamic factor demand model for American and Canadian agriculture. Models such as these deserve more widespread use in the empirical analysis of agriculture. These models have the advantage that they do not impose inappropriate dynamics on the data. Rather they permit the data to select the appropriate dynamics. We use a model originally developed by Anderson and Blundell. This model is a general first-order dynamic model which contains as testable hypothesis several simpler models. This model permits us to estimate the long-run agricultural production structure as a subset of the dynamic parameter estimates. We will test this long-run structure for symmetry, homotheticity and neutral technical change. The estimated models may be used to test for three alternative dynamic structures. In the limit, dynamics may not be needed and we can test for the static long-run equilibrium model. Two intermediate cases are the autoregressive and the partial adjustment models which are simpler than the general model but still include dynamics. Our results suggest that the long-run equilibrium model is unsatisfactory in both countries. A dynamic model is needed. In both countries, the two more restricted dynamic models are rejected. The general dynamic model is required. In Canada, the long-run equilibrium structure is homothetic with neutral technical change. In the United States, homotheticity is also accepted but neutral technical change is rejected.  相似文献   

In May 2003, a beef cow in the Province of Alberta tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease). In December of 2003, a dairy cow in the state of Washington also tested positive for BSE. These discoveries disrupted cattle and beef trade in North America and major export markets. We examine the effects of these two North American BSE events on U.S. fed and feeder cattle prices. The results indicate that the demand for U.S. beef was affected to a much greater degree by the reactions of foreign governments to the BSE announcements than by the reactions of U.S. households.  相似文献   

A dynamic three-commodity rational-expectations storage model is used to compare the impact of the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act of 1996 with a free-market policy, and with pre-FAIR policies. Results suggest that FAIR did not lead to significant increases in long-run price volatility or revenue volatility. The main impact of pre-FAIR, relative to the free-market regime, was to substitute government storage for private storage in a way that did little to support prices or to stabilize farm incomes. Results also indicate that U.S. grain market volatility in 1995–2000 was due to fundamental market forces and not to FAIR.  相似文献   

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