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9月15日,美国有着158年历史的第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)向法院正式申请破产保护,美林银行(Merrill Lynch)被收购以及美国国际集团(AIG)寻求美联储(FED)750亿美元左右的贷款援助,所有这一切显示出美国次贷危机远比想象的更为严重。雷曼兄弟的倒下使其成为这场持久不息的信贷危机的最大牺牲品。在这场危机中,各家银行接连陷入亏损,有的不得不进行并购重组,数家商业银行甚至关门大吉。亚洲信贷市场也将受到波及。  相似文献   

China's shipbuilders faced with great difficulties China's fledgling shipbuilding industry is set for more hard times as industry insiders have indicated that the global shipbuild- ing industry is unlikely to recover in the near future. New ship- building orders received by China in the first quarter of this year fell 98.3 percent year-on-year to 0.19 million deadweight tons (dwt), according to Clarkson Research Service. In the first quarter, new orders have fallen by 97 percent to 1.33 million dwt worldwide.  相似文献   

At present, China has a shipbuilding capacity of about 66 million dead weight tons (DWT). According to Shipbuilding Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Planning, China is targeting~at taking a share of more than 35% in global shipbuilding completions in 2011, meaning a total production of 35 to 40 million DWT per year, of which 70% plus will be exported and the demand in domestic market totals 10 million DWT or so. Till then, more than one third of the constructed shipbuilding infrastructure is of overcapacities.  相似文献   

冰区和冰级简介据了解.世界冰区主要分布在南北极附近水域.英国劳氏船级社(LR)列出了包括波罗的海、北极水域和鄂霍次克海在内的主要冰区分布,见表1。  相似文献   

The shipbuilding industry is known as “the head of comprehensive industries” among all national sectors, due to its wide-linked production line, long production process, and huge investment for each order. single order to build a 10,000-ton vessel can provide 3,000 jobs for shipbuilders and related upstream industries. At present, China has become the world's second largest shipbuilder. In 2008, China shipbuilding capacity amounted to 2,881 million tons, 29.5% of the world total; China's ship orders accounted for 35.3% of the world total, and 37.7% of new orders.  相似文献   

8月的新造船市场不仅保持前几个月的旺盛势头,而且成交量也有所放大.全月散货船和油船成交量达2000万载重吨,与上月1840万载重吨相比,涨幅达8.7%。特别是在8月的第三周,新船成交达1045万载重吨,市场兴旺程度不言而喻。对于各船型的表现而言,VLCC表现最为突出,全月新船成交突破840万载重吨,创出近几年单月成交量新高。在新造船市场活跃的同时,部分船型价格也有所上涨。  相似文献   

In the year of 2006, China produced and sold over 7.2 million automobiles, representing a year-on-year growth of more than 25%. In this regard, China has become .the second largest market only to the U.S. for new autos. By the end of last year, the w total amount of autos owned by China stood around 40 million, and it was predicted that this figure would roar to 70 million 3 years later.[第一段]  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):557-582
This article analyses the decline of the Danish shipbuilding industry. European shipyards dominated global shipbuilding markets in the first half of the twentieth century, but began to be challenged by the Japanese from the 1950s and by the South Koreans from the late 1970s. More recently, China has taken over large slices of the global shipbuilding market and currently is the world's largest shipbuilding nation. As a result of this new competition, European shipyards closed en masse and Europe experienced a process of maritime deindustrialisation in the 1970s and 1980s. Danish shipyards were not immune to these challenges, although maritime deindustrialisation in this country was almost two decades later than in many other European countries. This article examines how Denmark was able to escape this general maritime deindustrialisation for so long and offers three explanations: institutional, entrepreneurial and political.  相似文献   

We evaluate the direct impact of China trade shock on the Korean labour market following the approach of Acemoglu, Autor, Dorn, Hanson, and Price (Journal of Labor Economics, 2016, 34, S1). Using firm- and industry-level data for the period 1993–2013, our direct estimates imply that the net employment effect of the China shock in the manufacturing sector is the creation of 0.52 million jobs. The positive impact is mostly driven by China's rising demand for intermediate inputs and capital goods from Korea to support its export expansion to the global economy. The import-competition channel plays a negligible role in manufacturing employment because it creates temporary jobs that merely compensate for the loss in permanent jobs. By contrast, over the same period, the average wage declined by 2.4%, and income inequality, measured as the gap between the high- and low-income quantile, grew substantially in manufacturing. In addition, we find that the direct effect of China shock lowers labour market concentration by shifting workers from big firms to small- and medium-sized firms.  相似文献   

世界经济将有所起色 经过近半年的调整,全球经济开始走出衰退。作为世界经济最大经济体——美国,已经出现消费增长、工厂订单回升、建筑业支出环比回升等复苏迹象,且金融市场也趋于稳定。6月初,美国财政部允许包括高盛在内的10家银行偿还政府680亿援助金。  相似文献   

As one of the important global automotive industry events that are worthiest of being participated in and devoted into in 2009, The 13th International Automobile & Manufacturing Technology Exhibition ("Auto Shanghai 2009") themed on "Art of Innovation" will take place April. 22- 28, 2009 at the Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre with a brand new Vision.  相似文献   

《中国外贸百强城市》最新名单显示,一些城市的外贸发展在遭遇外部市场低迷而严重缩水后,已迅速恢复并超过2008年金融危机前水平。然而,许多城市并不会因这一斐然的成绩而乐观,外需不足、成本高涨、结构不合理……新的风险正在累积。中国外贸城市的生命力与竞争力面临着更加严峻的考验。中小城市如何化蛹成蝶?外贸大市怎样第二次蜕变?  相似文献   

本文从中韩经贸关系,中韩城市之间、机场之间、航空公司之间形成的竞争合作关系等方面分析了中韩航空领域合作的可行性;此外,全球航空业的稳步发展,对区域航空资源的优化分配的预期以及两国更加开放的航空政策、积极的合作态度都会促使两国航空物流领域的合作.  相似文献   

近年来,造船行业的快速发展带动了船板生产的急剧升温.2005年国内船板产量仅为453万吨,2006年国内船板产量为609万吨,2007年国内船板产量达到1015万吨,2008年国内船板产量达到1640万吨。3年来,国内船板产量增加近1200万吨,增幅高达262%,船板供应从仅有的几家老牌钢铁企业向几乎所有中厚板生产企业转移。随着国内船板产能的迅速提升,船板采购也基本告别了“一板难求”的年代,由卖方市场向买方市场转变。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to offer development strategies for hidden champion firms; it is thought that in order to overcome Korea’s economic crisis and to secure new growth engines for sustained economic development, the country needs to foster more hidden champions that can lead global market. The study draws from an empirical survey of 61 Korean firms on hidden champion promotion list as well as 45 experts; the results were analyzed using SWOT/AHP model and a corporate competitiveness index to develop development strategies for Korean hidden champions. The results suggest that Korean hidden champions should seek opportunities for industrial growth based on technological strength, create competitive advantages in the market, and reduce their dependency on large corporations. Hidden champions should target market niche rather than competing with global firms; this is possible with competitive strengths based on specialist technology that will satisfy customers. Thus, authors argue that small- and medium-sized enterprises in Korea should focus on developing technological competences in order to possess specialist core technology that will support their growth in the global market.  相似文献   

This study investigates the rising role of China's domestic market expansion from 1995 to 2011 in the world economy's growth. China maintained high domestic expenditure growth during the entire period, with even bigger increases in the last years, when the global financial crisis and subsequent economic recovery occurred. The expenditures facilitated rapid growth through high demand for durable goods, which are produced across widely fragmented Asian channels. At the same time, China integrated further into the global economy and imported intermediate goods increasingly became embedded in goods for domestic sale. These two forces combined to magnify the impact of China's market expansion on foreign economies but disproportionately more on its neighbouring countries and sectors related to durable goods production. Specifically, our estimates suggest that the expenditure growth in China over the 2009–11 period added about 1 percentage point to the annual GDP growth rate in Taiwan, Malaysia and Korea, while the NAFTA and EU member countries typically benefited by less than 0.1 percentage point.  相似文献   

刘宇 《商业研究》2012,(9):180-184
中韩建交20年来,两国进入了直接贸易阶段。中韩经贸关系发展日新月异,但一些问题也变得更加突出,如贸易与投资的不平衡等,使双边关系可持续性发展面临着诸多挑战。与此同时,两国关系的发展又存在历史机遇。如何抓住契机,扩大交流与合作领域,实现双赢和地区多赢,是两国政府应该认真研究的重大课题。  相似文献   

我国幅员辽阔,人口众多,农业人口约有9亿多,而有效耕地面积有限,据统计,去掉退耕还林、还草的坡地,实际耕地面积只有1.23亿hm2,人均耕地面积还不足0.1hm2。所以,粮食问题历来是人民生活和国家经济工作的头等大事。近3年来,我国粮食总产量每年均超过5亿吨,2009年粮食生产总量达5.3亿吨,再创历史新高,流通量高达2亿吨。因此,建立起快捷、流畅的粮食流通体系,已成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。粮库仓型的选择作为粮食流通体系基础设施建设的关键,不仅直接影响到粮食流通系统的工作效率,而且影响到流通体系的经济效益。  相似文献   

2008年下半年以来,世界船舶市场突然下跌。与历次船舶市场变化情况相似,世界经济环境的突变并非在一夜之间酝酿而成的.世界经济大环境的变化对船舶市场的影响是一个最主要的原因,这也是一个从量变到质变逐步变化.发展到突变的过程。  相似文献   

The online shopping craze in South Korea has been ongoing for more than a decade, but in China, online shopping is experiencing tremendous growth, with 64 million additional shoppers per year. Consumers in Asia are among the world's most prolific online shoppers. This study compares the evolution, cycle, and stages of the online shopping markets in South Korea and China. Using the fast-expanding market model as an initial analytical framework and multiple case approach, we find that Chinese online shopping corresponds to the take-off stage of a successful cluster, in which significant opportunities are still present in Chinese Tier 3 and Tier 4 cities. Conversely, the South Korean online market is nearing saturation, though major foreign players are still entering this perceived lucrative marketplace. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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