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随着近十几年陆上油气资源日渐枯竭,60%~70%的新增石油储量源自于海洋,海洋已经成为世界油气资源接替的主要区域,深海油气更成为海洋油气开发领域新的热点。与此同时,油气开采装备也紧跟上游发展,出现一些新的变化,适合深海开发的半潜式平台和钻井船逐渐受到重视。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,商业企业要求得生存和发展,企业经营者必须树立品牌观念,增强品牌意识,走开发商业品牌之路,以企业自身创建品牌的优势,去参与市场竞争,拓展市场,促进企业不断发展.  相似文献   

创立商业自有品牌 走特色经营之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前零售商业企业的竞争进入白热化阶段,许多商家陷入正面冲突、短兵相接的价格大战之中,经营商品高度趋同,“你有我有全都有”。因此,市场呼唤商业自有品牌,创立自有品牌,搞特色经营,是未来零售企业发展必由之路。  相似文献   

王振家 《光彩》2012,(9):10-11
8月8日,第十四届品牌中国高峰论坛在北京举行,与会嘉宾以竞合与共赢,探寻品牌正能量为主题进行了探讨。主持人:经济下行时,恶性竞争泛滥。有人说,中国现在最缺的就是品牌的正能量,各位专家怎么看?黄怒波:西方培养一个品牌需要上百年,而我们现在想用30年培养出一批品牌,太急功近利了。市场经济没那么简单,造太多势来树品牌,反而会给品牌带来负面影响。提倡正能量这个话题比较大,比较空。怎么做?我只能说是走夜路吹  相似文献   

2016年以来,在油气开发市场极度低迷的背景下,海工市场几乎陷入停滞状态,海工主流装备订单消失,仅有寥寥无几的辅助装备成交填补个别需求空缺,2016年海工市场或创金融危机以来新低.从长周期的视角分析,海工装备市场的深度调整将持续较长时间,须做好长期应对挑战和困难的准备,积极关注有限的市场机会,厉行降本,大力提效.  相似文献   

金融危机后,伴随油价的快速回升,海洋工程装备市场迅速恢复,实现了历史上的第二次大繁荣.在此期间,国内外一大批企业乘势而上,纷纷进入海洋工程装备制造业,世界海洋工程装备总装建造能力大大增强.2014年下半年,随着油价暴跌,海洋油气开发面临空前挑战,海洋工程装备市场风险凸显,产业发展面临巨大挑战,行业形势变化风险值得警惕.  相似文献   

沈阳是我国装备制造的核心产业区域,具有雄厚的基础,但当前品牌竞争力却明显不足,存在产品附加值低,自主创新研发能力薄弱,资金融通不够和高端人才匮乏等关键问题。针对沈阳装备制造业品牌竞争力不足的现状,本文提出了一系列提升对策:即转变理念,政府和企业都要增强品牌意识;创新体制机制,协同多方推进品牌建设,实现智能制造;实施质量提升和技术创新的"双轮驱动",注重服务,不断提高产品的附加值;精准定位,实施差异化战略,加强品牌传播。  相似文献   

高洁 《市场周刊》2012,(2):12-17
文化产业创新发展之路究竟应该怎样走?在推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业的同时.如何发挥其利民惠民的基本功能?江苏省以新理念为引导.以科技创新为支撑.以创意设计为驱动.以品牌竞争力为核心.不断提升文化产业内涵.实现了跨越式发展.也为各地推进文化产业的科学发展提供了经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

在庆祝江苏科技大学建校八十周年之际,该校举办了“船舶与海洋工程行业发展高峰论坛”业内人士汇聚一堂,热议海事。本刊特撷取三位专家的精彩发言,以飨读者。  相似文献   

针对中平能化装备产业规模小、产品杂、技术含量低等诸多问题,通过开展新项目建设和新产品开发,积极开展专业化重组整合,进行产品结构调整和优化,并积极实施强强联合与并购战略,从而促进集团装备产业发展壮大。  相似文献   

冯燕芳 《江苏商论》2011,(9):69-70,94
现代物流业在国民经济建设发展中日益展现出重要的作用。作为具有典型服务型企业特征的物流企业,必须重视其品牌竞争力的提升,通过品牌竞争力获得竞争优势,促进物流企业成长,促进现代物流业的快速发展。  相似文献   

Increasingly often, companies ‘co‐create’ with consumers in open innovation practices to develop new products more effectively. Little is known about how co‐creation affects consumer brand perceptions in the mass market. We hypothesize that co‐creative brands – as opposed to non–co‐creative brands – are perceived as more authentic and sincere, and are associated with relatively positive behavioural intentions. A between‐subjects experiment was conducted to test these hypotheses in an online panel of consumers who did not take part in co‐creation. The experiment had a 3 (control vs. co‐creation vs. co‐creation supported with some visual proof) × 2 (well‐known existing brand vs. fictitious brand) design. Quantitative data analyses (n = 530) confirmed that for both brands, co‐creation affects brand personality perceptions directly and behavioural intentions indirectly. This study shows that co‐creating with consumers can be a strategic method to positively influence product perceptions and behavioural intentions.  相似文献   

Understanding service branding from the customer perspective is helpful for various organizations to attain a competitive edge and build a strong customer base. This research work aims to evaluate the various dimensions and constructs that affect brand equity and user's willingness to undertake courses from various e-Learning providers. Data for the quantitative study was obtained using a questionnaire based survey. Analysis of the 378 responses reveals that consumer experience is a strong predictor of both brand meaning and customer satisfaction. Although brand meaning positively impacts brand equity, brand awareness demonstrates a negative effect on brand equity. However, brand equity and customer satisfaction have a significant and positive impact on intention to undertake courses from online learning platforms. The study concludes with discussion on different implications, shortcomings, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

We examine an emerging market multinational company's (EMNC's) transformation from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to an original brand manufacturer (OBM) and global leader. Our longitudinal study of Hisense—China's largest TV company (and the world's third largest) spans three decades and involves detailed interviews with over 50 executives. We study how the company's global value chain network evolved, how it reconfigured its organization, upgraded its capabilities, and enhanced its brand reputation. We develop propositions that may contribute to improved explanations for an EMNC's internationalization sequence, development of competitive advantages, overseas management practices, and brand building.  相似文献   

今年一季度.国际造船市场受世界经济、欧债危机和海运低迷等的影响是一个不景气的季度.全球新船签单成交量锐减.船价下行.全世界造船企业的手持船单累计数量大减.造船企业均面对着重大的压力和经营困难。韩国虽然是世界上第一造船大国,但在上述市场大环境之中.其造船企业也难以独善其身.一季度的新船接单量.新船接单总计金额.手持船单总量和船舶出口金额同比均呈现出了两位数的下降:主要大型造船企业在海工装备接单方面有所建树.众多中小造船企业新船接单廖廖无几.绝大多数仍处于零接单的危机境地.  相似文献   

An increasing number of fashion brands are employing cause‐related marketing (CR‐M) campaigns to promote their social responsibility. However, with growing consumer skepticism about CR‐M, it is becoming more difficult than before to encourage consumers' positive responses to these campaigns. Based on construal level theory and rhetorical theory, this study examined the way brand origin (local vs. global), and its interaction with message type (explicit vs. implicit), influence consumers' perceived brand altruism and brand favorability. Two experimental studies were conducted with a total of 574 U.S. consumers. The results of Study 1 indicated that consumers exhibited higher perceived brand altruism and brand favorability toward a local brand's CR‐M campaign than a global brand's, showing that psychological distance can influence a CR‐M campaign's effectiveness. In addition, the results of Study 2 revealed that an explicit CR‐M message was more effective for global brands, while an implicit message was more effective for local brands, and perceived brand altruism mediated both effects. This suggests the importance of framing messages according to brand origin to maximize CR‐M campaigns' ability to achieve their goals effectively, in which perceived brand altruism plays a key role. The study's implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs) as a vital determinant of regional growth potential. The theoretical framework starts from the relation between innovation and economic development (macro-approach), to show how NTBFs can contribute to the creation of a regional growth potential (micro-approach). Empirical data for Belgium illustrate how NTBFs differ significantly from common starters on a number of fundamental characteristics such as educational level, product/market-orientation, socio-economic networking, delegation, growth strategy and Research and Development. Taking these findings into account, we concentrate on the region-specific technology policies in Belgium. The case of the emerging biotechnology industry is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

"三合"即"合法、合理、合情"."合法"即符合《中华人民共和国招标投标法》及有关政策、法规;"合理"即符合规划意图、规划思想;"合情"即符合市场行情、厂(所)情."三合"中首要是"合法",其次是"合理","合情"再次之.中国船舶工业物资总公司代理招标对招标过程、结果始终追求"三合".笔者仅就中国船舶工业物资总公司代理招标的一些具体做法向大家作以介绍.  相似文献   

The growth of the Internet has led to massive availability of online consumer reviews. So far, papers studying online reviews have mainly analysed how non-textual features, such as ratings and volume, influence different types of consumer behavior, such as information adoption decisions or product choices. However, little attention has been paid to examining the textual aspects of online reviews in order to study brand image and brand positioning. The text analysis of online reviews inevitably raises the concept of “text mining”; that is, the process of extracting useful and meaningful information from unstructured text. This research proposes an unified, structured and easy-to-implement procedure for the text analysis of online reviews with the ultimate goal of studying brand image and brand positioning. The text mining analysis is based on a lexicon-based approach, the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Pennebaker et al., 2007), which provides the researcher with insights into emotional and psychological brand associations.  相似文献   

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