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The introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2005 marked a significant departure from Germany's traditional financial accounting practices. This paper questions whether this change may have consequential effects on the distinctive traditional management accounting practices in the field of Controlling. We examine the possible impact on manufacturing companies drawing upon perceptions and expectations of managers in three Bavarian companies and two management consultancy firms. We consider whether financial accounting will assume an increased importance within firms, and whether this may lead to abandonment of some traditional management accounting practices and the adoption of different techniques in internal reporting compatible with the new IFRS regime for external reporting. This prompts consideration of whether such changes would lead to financial accounting domination of management accounting in Germany analogous to that argued by Johnson and Kaplan in 1987 in their ‘Relevance Lost’ thesis. We conclude that, at this juncture in the development of their information systems, German managers face an important choice between integrating external and internal reporting in ways that might fundamentally change established Controlling practices, or of continuing to operate dual accounting systems in much the same way as in the past so that adoption of IFRS is restricted to external reporting.  相似文献   

UK accounting practice differs from International Accounting Standards (IASs) particularly with regard to amortisation of goodwill, provision for deferred taxation and the accounting treatment of pension costs. Under the core standards programme of the IASC the IASs have emerged closer to US practice. This paper evaluates the profit of those UK companies reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1988 and 1994, spanning a period which saw the establishment of the ASB and the implementation of the IASC's comparability project. An increasing gap was found between the reported profit under UK accounting principles and that restated under US GAAP. The difference lay most frequently in accounting for goodwill, provision for deferred tax, and the accounting treatment of pension costs, with accounting for goodwill showing a particularly significant impact in 1994. Notwithstanding the introduction of FRS 10, an overall impression of increasing disharmony could continue to cause reconciliations to be required of UK companies seeking full listing on a US stock exchange, with consequent disadvantage relative to companies in other European countries seeking international capital in the US.  相似文献   

The adoption of IASB’s standards has represented, in the European Union, an important effort of harmonization towards the financial reporting comprehensiveness, reliability, relevance and comparability. This paper seeks to highlight the importance of Information Compliance Indexes (ICI), based on the accounting standards, as a proxy for reporting quality awareness. This approach is evidenced through an illustrative example about disclosures on deferred taxes, as required by IAS 12. This standard prescribes the accounting treatment for current taxes, deferred assets and liabilities. These issues are usually perceived by stakeholders as indicators of companies’ continuity and potential future returns. Based on non-financial listed companies of Euronext Lisbon regulated market, with reference to the end of fiscal years 2008 and 2012, an information compliance index was performed, based on that accounting standard. Then, this index was regressed with a set of performance and control indicators. Evidences have provided several statistical significant insights, which corroborate the findings that information compliance and disclosure levels depend from several performance and control indicators.  相似文献   

This study provides insights from accounting practitioners on China's convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Through a survey of 33 senior financial executives of Chinese listed companies in 2014, the study reports their perceptions on the following issues: first, the degree of convergence between IFRS and Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS); second, the choice between fair value and historical cost accounting, and the usefulness of fair value accounting for Chinese companies’ financial reporting; third, challenges in the process of China's harmonisation with IFRS; and finally, essential capabilities of Chinese accounting professionals in the process of China's harmonisation with IFRS. Multivariate regression was used for further analysis. The survey findings reveal that in general CAS have converged with IFRS, with a few exceptions that reflect the unique Chinese context. Historical cost accounting is the preferred measurement base to fair value accounting. Exercising professional judgement was identified as a challenge for China's full convergence with IFRS. Ownership structure and the expertise of accounting practitioners were found to affect respondents’ judgements on China's convergence with IFRS. This study has policy implications for international accounting standard setters and accounting educators to consider the contextual issues of implementing IFRS in an emerging economy.  相似文献   

This empirical paper presents a study of the implementation process for International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in one of the accession countries, the Czech Republic. Based upon a review of the legislation, institutional framework and context, and drawing upon recent interviews with Czech companies required to prepare IFRS accounts, auditors and institutional players in the Czech Republic, the paper highlights some of the key issues that are arising with the move to the implementation of IFRS reporting for listed group companies and other enterprises in the Czech Republic.

The paper considers the issues that arise when implementing new accounting regulations, some of which are not new and have been well covered in the literature, but others of which are particular to the implementation of IFRS reporting. The method of implementation, the scope of IFRS, particular issues with local accounting practice and IFRS, the issue of enforcement of compliance with IFRS and its relationship with audit, the link between IFRS reporting and taxation and the provision of education and training are all considered. There is also a review of the state of preparedness of local group listed entities with respect to the implementation of IFRS reporting.

There are many potentially rich areas for accounting research where the work could also inform the practice of IFRS accounting. The paper provides a contribution by highlighting how one country has moved to implement the requirement for group listed enterprises to prepare IFRS accounts and the issues that then arise for legislators, preparers and users.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(1):43-70
We analyze the evolution of the relationship between tax and financial reporting in Italy after the mandatory introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2005. Italy represents an interesting case study among European countries, with domestic generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) oriented towards creditor protection and characterized by a close connection of financial and tax accounting. Unusually, the adoption of IFRS is compulsory for the unconsolidated financial statements of listed companies, but the process of alignment of domestic GAAP to IFRS, that has affected some countries, has had little effect on Italy. Thus, two accounting systems, IFRS and Italian GAAP, are used for the preparation of unconsolidated financial statements by different categories of companies and, as a consequence, two different linkages between tax and financial reporting emerge. In order to assess the degree and the direction of the book-tax linkages we use the methodology developed by Lamb, Nobes and Roberts (1998. International variations in the connections between tax and financial reporting, Accounting and Business Research, 28(3), pp. 173–188). IFRS and tax reporting show a high degree of disconnection, while Italian GAAP, in line with the accounting tradition of most continental European countries, are closely related to tax rules. The analysis points out a rapidly evolving situation, with links between accounting systems and taxation becoming tighter, mainly because of the changes in tax law introduced during the last few years.  相似文献   

In recent years, regulators have exempted an increasing number of companies from the requirement to appoint auditors, yet little is known about the role of the accounting profession in preparing and validating the financial statements of unaudited companies. In this paper, we examine empirically the factors associated with the appointment of reporting accountants. We then provide novel evidence on whether unaudited UK small private companies are less likely to restate their annual accounts when they have been prepared by an external accountancy firm (i.e., a reporting accountant). Based on a cross sectional analysis of a large sample of small private unaudited UK companies, we find that, in accordance with the ‘confirmation hypothesis’, larger companies that voluntarily disclose more financial information are more likely to appoint a reporting accountant. We also find that the accounts of companies with a reporting accountant are significantly less likely to be restated than those without. This result is more pronounced for companies disclosing more financial information and for those employing a larger accounting firm. Given the dwindling number of private companies opting for audits, our findings contribute to debates on the role of the accounting profession in enhancing private company financial reporting quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether changes in accounting standards improve value relevance of financial information on listed companies in Mexico. The research was conducted for the period 2000-2013 using a sample of 141 companies that report to the Mexican stock exchange using the methodology of panel data. Our findings show that changes in local regulations (generally accepted accounting principles) to internationally approved standards (financial reporting standards and international financial reporting standards) increase the value relevance and therefore the quality of information. The study shows that the accounting information with international financial reporting standards is more trustworthy for foreign and national investors.  相似文献   

John Staunton 《Abacus》2003,39(3):398-414
The type of reporting found in corporate governance includes financial reporting, but over time various arguments have developed regarding a tension found between conventional and financial type reporting, especially as to the role of financial statements. Further tensions follow from the introduction of economic and social issues within both conventional accounting and financial reports.
This article argues that distinct, though related, frameworks at particular levels are required. The mingling of conventional accounting with financial and economic ideas and issues is evident in the conceptual framework (CF) project where there is reference to economic benefits and costs in making economic decisions for the allocation of resources. This results in a misconception of the function of these distinct types of information. An unravelling of particular issues will require a Statement of Accounting Concepts (SAC) for Level 1 of the CF.  相似文献   

Recently, there have been attempts at increasing human capital (HC) reporting in the United Kingdom (UK) through the introduction of government legislation and other initiatives. This paper assesses the current state of HC reporting in the UK by analysing the annual reports of the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 companies before and after relevant amendments to the Companies Act 2006. The findings show that most of the companies analysed have been increasing their HC reporting, going beyond their statutory duties and moving away from wider intellectual capital disclosures to focus more on HC issues. However, these changes were not universal.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to explore the process by which Japanese accounting has moved towards international harmonization in respect of its segment reporting requirements. The segment reporting issue offers an interesting case because, despite the strong opposition of companies in Japan, the new legislation came into existence relatively quickly and was sequentially developed by the regulators through a consensus building process. The most important influence in this process was the Ministry of Finance (MOF) which directed the sequence of events leading to the introduction of the segment disclosure standards, with the Business Accounting Deliberation Council (BADC) serving as a channel of communication with various non-governmental parties involved. It is also noteworthy that segment reporting appears to have been seen as an essential element in the completion of the group accounting legislation in Japan - which has been the subject of growing international pressure.  相似文献   

Geoffrey R. Frost 《Abacus》2007,43(2):190-216
This article augments the empirical literature on environmental reporting through an analysis of the impact the introduction of mandatory reporting guidelines had on the environmental disclosures of seventy-one Australian companies. Specifically it documents three implications from the enactment in 1998 of s. 299(1)(f) of Australia's Corporations Law that requires companies to report on their environmental performance with respect to any 'particular and significant environmental regulation'. First, from a review of annual reports for two reporting periods prior to and two periods post the operative date of the provision, there was found to be a significant increase in the number of companies reporting and the level of information provided on environmental performance. Second, considerable variation was identified in the approaches adopted for reporting, hence confirming concerns expressed as to the practical application of the provision. Finally, there was an increase in the level of total environmental disclosure, most significantly for those companies that reported breaches of regulations and that do not issue a stand-alone environmental report. The analysis directly links increases in reporting and the introduction of s. 299(1)(f), therefore highlighting the limitations of continual reliance upon voluntary reporting to provide consistent substantive information on environmental performance. In addition, the analysis provides evidence that the introduction of additional reporting media influences the level of disclosure of environmental information within the annual report.  相似文献   

Accounting for capital consumption has been one of the most vexed issues in the history of financial reporting. The early railway companies, whose ability to exploit the commercial opportunities available to them required unprecedented levels of capital expenditure, provided the first real arena for the development of possible solutions to the problem. Although accounting practices in the industry were subject to little regulation, some writers have asserted the existence of regularities in depreciation and replacement accounting practices (possibly driven by economic self-interest), although the evidential basis for these assertions has been slight. This paper provides the first assessment of the capital consumption accounting practices of companies in the railway industry, and of their regularities and patterns of change during the period 1830–55. to be derived from a substantial empirical base.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the disclosure of accounting information in the financial statements of UK firms. The primary objective of the study is to analyse the financial characteristics of firms that provide extensive disclosures, and assess the financial impact of their motives, such as for example the need to raise equity finance. The study examines the financial attributes of firms that disclose information about key accounting issues including risk exposure, changes in accounting policies, use of international financial reporting standards and hedging practices. Firms are inclined to disclose accounting information in order to assure the market participants that their accounting policies are consistent with the accounting regulation and meet the information needs of their stakeholders. The study shows that in order to raise finance in the capital and debt markets, firms tend to provide extensive accounting disclosures. Firms that provide informative accounting disclosures appear to display higher size, growth and leverage measures. The findings also show that the disclosure of sensitive accounting information has not adversely affected firms' profitability. In fact, firms that provide detailed accounting disclosures tend to exhibit higher profitability. The implementation of international financial reporting standards enhances the quality and the comparability of financial statements; hence it promotes consistency and reliability in financial reporting and facilitates companies in raising capital internationally.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes narrative employee reporting and problematizes corporate talk about employees. Annual and CSR reports of the 25 biggest Finnish companies from the year 2008 are investigated, and the CEO letters and the special sections addressing employee-related issues are analyzed. The study employs the concept of ideological strategies as developed by Eagleton (1991/2007) to analyze the ideologies underlying employee reporting. The analysis shows that corporate disclosure, though relatively developed in some areas, still paints a partial picture of people within companies. Employees are presented in a fairly narrow, mechanistic manner as efficiently aiming at a kind of development and growth of [only] instrumental value to companies, and not as complex, individual human beings possessing a variety of qualities and needs. The study reveals how corporate talk presents the relationship between companies and labor according to a unitarist perception. Particularly, the study shows how corporate talk works to naturalize and universalize this ideological claim and, hence, hide its contingent nature. The study adds to an increasing body of accounting literature using interpretive and critical approaches to analyze corporate disclosures and to study the less developed area of narrative employee reporting. The study also highlights the possible advantages of social accounting.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine whether current cost accounting information provides additional useful information to users of accounts by examining the impact of such information on stockmarket activity. The statistical tests compare the share price movement of companies reporting current cost informa- tion with a control group of matched companies reporting only historic cost information. Wherever possible allowance is made for the impact of other information released at the same time as accounting information. The results seem to indicate that the release of current cost information had no traceable effects on the share market prices of the companies concerned.  相似文献   

GRAHAM SULLIVAN 《Abacus》1985,21(2):174-196
The application of a unit trust, within a complex group structure, to transact business and to hold other dependent operating instruments such as subordinate trusts, proprietary companies and investments in joint arrangements, raises issues touching the laws of trusts, income taxation and companies and exposes deficiencies in current accounting theory, practice and financial reporting. The use of unit trusts has off-balance sheet effects as both the trust itself and all subordinate instruments within its constellation may be effectively partitioned from those group results reported under traditional consolidation principles. The consequences of this partitioning distort the consolidation process and financial statements may then misrepresent a group's financial position. As yet, there is neither legislation nor accounting regulation providing direction in this complex area.  相似文献   

Mastering the requirements for reporting accounting changes and fundamental errors in comparative statements is a challenging topic for many accounting students. Because authoritative literature focuses on identifying events and associating them with reporting methods, many illustrative examples confound the differences between reporting methods with the differences between the factual situations in which the methods apply. This paper presents a single-context teaching aid that focuses on mastering basic reporting methods inherent in the International Accounting Standard governing accounting changes and in the US generally accepted accounting principles. Suggestions are also provided for class discussions of issues surrounding the reporting of accounting changes and fundamental errors.  相似文献   

Recent accounting scandals and a greater focus on sustainable development have highlighted the insufficiency of traditional financial statements in providing information about company value and performance. This study argues for the importance of reporting both IC information and non-economic performance. Based on an Extended Performance Reporting Framework, content analysis was conducted to examine the voluntary reporting practices within the annual reports of selected Australian mining companies. Results show that the sample companies tended to place greater emphases on IC information than non-economic performance information. The study provides a research opportunity, examining why the samples chose to report or not report various reporting elements.  相似文献   

There has been a trend for large professional service firms (PSFs) to move away from the traditional partnership structure to other ownership forms such as publicly owned companies. Research on the relative performance of these ownership forms has been constrained by the lack of availability of financial information for partnerships, and proxy revenue‐based measures used have resulted in conflicting findings. This paper seeks to guide future research by exploring accounting reporting differences between partnerships and publicly owned PSF companies in order to identify adjustments required for comparison and implications for performance measures used. This paper reviews the literature and examines the annual reports of two Australian publicly owned accounting companies and one large accounting partnership; pre‐initial public offering pro forma reporting in the prospectus of one of the companies identifies significant profitability reporting differences across ownership forms. The findings also suggest that the lower revenue per professional and per person for publicly owned PSFs found in prior studies may be offset by significantly lower salary costs. The paper concludes that significant value can be achieved by further analysis of profitability across ownership forms and suggests data requirements to inform the development of further case studies and large‐scale surveys of financial performance.  相似文献   

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