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Our planet is gradually moving towards an urbanized world. Modern urban agglomerations tend to turn nowadays into advanced information hubs supporting a smart management of dynamic urban systems. The currently popular notion of ‘smart cities’ aims to provide a new perspective for sustainable and high-performance strategies of city stakeholders in our ‘urban century’. In this context, digital information technology provides a new tool for efficient and effective management and planning of urban space, inter alia in the field of transportation, environment, public facilities or advanced service provision to citizens. This paper aims to offer, first, a concise overview of the emerging opportunities of information and communication technology (ICT) for smart urban policy; digital technology in particular, appears to provide novel pathways for modern planning strategies in smart cities. Against this background, the paper sketches out the complex force field of global urbanisation phenomena and highlights the data and information needs for strategic planning of cities (using inter alia as a framework the so-called ‘urban piazza’ strategy framework). Secondly, various new decision support tools that are currently emerging and that offer a new promising scope for handling complex urban management issues (for instance, on accessibility, congestion, safety or sustainability) are briefly presented. And finally, the potential of such digital data systems for urban management and policy is concisely illustrated by means of some recent applications in the area of smartphone data systems. The paper concludes with a discussion of the challenges ahead for urban policy, inter alia by paying attention to institutional and governance aspects of ‘big digital data’ management in urban systems.  相似文献   

西方城市蔓延和理性增长研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
城市理性增长已被西方大多数学者所接受。论文回顾了西方学者关于城市蔓延的度量、蔓延机制、蔓延后果、理性增长管理等方面的研究,认为城市蔓延和理性增长的研究内容和方法越来越趋向于完善,建议措施越来具有可操作性和更有针对性。我国以土地低密度开发为特征的城市蔓延随处可见,借鉴西方成功的研究思路、研究方法及对策研究,将有效地避免蔓延所产生的严重后果。  相似文献   

公私合作伙伴:城市治理的新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化、市场化、信息化和网络化的发展,传统的城市管理模式被现代城市治理模式所替代,而全面构筑公私伙伴关系,又成为城市治理的新模式.本文重点对城市公私合作伙伴治理进行了理论和案例分析,并简要提出了构筑我国城市公私合作伙伴治理体系的政策选择.  相似文献   

This study investigates the approach required to achieve competitive advantages in the digital supply chain. Moreover, the study examines how digital transformation of companies can fuel smart technologies, leading to improved relationship performance. The results of the survey given to 280 Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) show that digital transformation of the companies alone cannot enhance relationship performance, and that it needs to be coupled with smart technologies to achieve this goal. This means that smart technologies fully mediate the relationship between digital transformation and relationship performance.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - Smart cities use integrated information and communication technology in order to help their citizens and organizations deal with the...  相似文献   


Information accuracy and decision-making speed are of paramount importance in managing today’s mobility of goods and people inside the city. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can provide road users with updated information and forecasts on both traffic and weather conditions. The result is a higher efficiency in the use of resources and a better management of physical flows. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an in-depth review on the role of ITS supporting urban Smart Mobility, in order to identify the main gaps in the literature and propose future research streams. In total, 71 papers have been thoroughly analysed: they are mainly focused on technology, with limited attention to value creation. Even though some benefits have been examined, a general lack of quantitative models emerged. Eventually, there is a lack of contributions considering both people and freight transport, even if they are strongly related, especially in an urban environment.  相似文献   

从区域的视角分析提升烟台城市竞争力的战略   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在经济全球化的背景下,国家对经济的干预能力受到了一定程度的限制,作为国家下层主体的区域和城市如何在日趋激烈的竞争中树立自己的竞争优势已成为地方发展的主题.本文以烟台为例,从区域的视角出发,从城市竞争力的研究入手,通过深入了解城市在特定的区域环境里的优势与不足,认清烟台市在区域的实际地位,继而对影响烟台城市发展的区域基础包括城市经济基础、城市引力方向与强度、城市直接影响范围等几个方面进行分析,从中找出城市竞争力提升的制约因素,最后从区域与城市空间联动、基础设施建设、产业发展、对外开放、景观环境建设与城市管理等几个方面对如何提升烟台市的城市竞争力提出有针对性发展战略.  相似文献   

Going beyond the mere gender diversity in the boardroom, this systematic review comprehensively covers the research on board diversity of financial institutions. More specifically, we cover gender diversity, as well as other characteristics of diversity, such as nationality, age, tenure, experience, education, ethnicity, and religion. A systematic literature review was employed using Scopus and Web of Science databases, covering all publications until May 2020, which resulted in 91 studies from 66 top-ranked journals in accounting, finance, and economic fields. We analyze them based on the journal, methodology, research construct questions, and theoretical perspectives. Our results highlight the substantial knowledge gaps and the inconsistent findings of prior studies on several aspects of the field, suggesting avenues for further studies in terms of research designs, settings, scope, and theories. We argue that there is a need to explore other board diversity attributes rather than focusing on the gender diversity of the boards of financial institutions to achieve sustainable development. Also, more work is outlined on topics related to board diversity of financial firms that receive limited attention from scholars, such as (but not limited to) environmental performance, capital structure, intellectual capital, innovation and earnings quality of financial institutions, as well as the indirect effect of policy settings.  相似文献   

城市网络是城市存在的空间范式,它在空间尺度上可划分为世界城市网络和区域城市网络。其中,世界城市网络研究经历了世界城市、世界城市等级体系、世界城市网络三个阶段;区域城市网络则包括巨型城市区、全球城市区域、城市群等研究领域。世界城市网络所运用的生产者服务业分析方法中的单一中心城市模式与区域城市网络的封闭模式相互割裂,不能合理解释当代世界城市体系的空间格局及内在关系。全球价值链可将世界城市网络与区域城市网络有效融合,是研究不同功能城市所组成的多元世界城市网络模式的分析工具。  相似文献   

本文回顾国际上相关的都市永续发展指针系统,探讨指针系统架构与内涵之间的差异,进而说明永续台湾评量系统中"都市台湾"指针系统的重要特色,以及指针项目选定的理论基础.藉由永续台湾评量系统中22个范畴的型态辨识,本文分析了都市在台湾永续发展中所扮演的角色,确认都市生产与生活型态对于整体永续发展的重要性,也验证了生态系统观点中都市对于环境的依存与影响.考量都市发展决策过程需要永续性的评量机制,本文利用都市永续发展指针作为政策评估的重要变量,应用交互式计算机软件<感受性系统模型(Sensitivitv Model Tools)>以系统性观点进行都市发展政策永续性的评析.透过系统软件功能掌握变量结构的完整性以及系统变量之间的相互影响关系,并藉助于团体咨询与讨论的沟通方式建构半量化的(semi-quantitative)系统变量,配合概念化及模糊化的方式界定变量水准以及函数关系进行系统仿真工作.籍由系统仿真了解变量之间的互动关系,而政策评估案例分析显示台北市硬件建设政策较空间调整政策发挥较大的效果.永续指针与系统工具的结合整体而言提供了都市政策永续性评估的沟通与预测接口.  相似文献   

This article presents a systematic review of the English-language empirical literature about citizen participation to identify the obstacles to its implementation and the most successful ways to address them. Three sets of variables seem to impact effectiveness: contextual factors, including information asymmetries and public officials’ attitude; organizational arrangements, including community representation criteria and process design; and process management patterns, including group dynamics and collaboration quality. Two recommendations stem from our analysis: internalize decisions in organizational procedures, and establish ongoing interactions between government bodies and their stakeholders. We conclude that half-hearted engagement is unlikely to lead to successful citizen participation.  相似文献   

目前,越来越多的国家、地区、城市开始运用品牌化的技术和方法来谋求竞争优势。在城市品牌建设的过程中,仍然存在许多困惑,需要新理论的指导。在对城市品牌理论研究现状进行评述的基础上,提出了城市品牌研究的新视角——城市品牌生态系统协同演化理论,阐述了城市品牌生态系统协同演化理论的研究目的、研究内容、研究方法以及研究的意义,尝试为城市品牌塑造和理论研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

剖析了空港都市区形成的动力机制及其地域圈层结构,研究表明,在经济发达且拥有区域性航空枢纽的地区,临空产业因机场特有的区位优势和要素集聚功能而聚集在机场周边,它们在城市郊区化和交通运输方式变革带来的扩散效应和临空产业集聚的共生效应的共同作用下,形成相互依托、具有自我组织能力的临空产业高度集中的经济区域。临空产业聚集同时具备地方化和城市化两种效应,机场周边地区因此演化成一种新的城市空间——空港都市区。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的发生,对我国城镇化及人居环境提出了严峻的挑战。在这场事关人民健康和社会安全的疫情防控战"疫"中,城市社区是整体疫情防控工作的重要堡垒,是阻断疫情蔓延的重要空间。以安徽省Y县城C社区疫情防控实践为例,分析了大规模城镇化推动的城市空间重组给疫情防控带来的挑战,认为物理空间重组加大了疫情扩散与异地传播的风险,社会空间重组凸显了疫情联控与人口结构的矛盾,心理空间重组加深了疫情恐惧与社会心态危机,网络空间重组促使疫情防控与信息管理更加复杂。基于此,提出城市社区疫情防控的基本策略,即建章立制辅以精细化管理,严控物理空间的越轨行为;协同适应,营造社区共同体,筑牢群防群治的社会基础;扩展心理空间,释放情绪压力;净化网络空间,维护舆情健康与信息透明。  相似文献   

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