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对公司治理结构产生和演变的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公司治理结构是一套控制和管理公司的机制。创新性的从资本收益的角度分析了公司治理结构 ,认为其产生的根源在于人力资本 (非人力资源 )的出现 ,并且指出当前的公司治理结构并没有完全解决所有者和经营者之间分割剩余索取权的矛盾。由于问题的存在决定公司治理结构将继续演变 ,并预测可能会形成以承担不确定风险程度为分割剩余索取权依据的公司治理结构模式。  相似文献   

叶飞  谢玲 《市场论坛》2004,(10):30-32
公司治理是美国资本主义经济的基石,公司治理结构是在一定的制度环境下逐渐演变而成.本文介绍了美国公司治理模式的特征,并分析介绍了这种特质的历史文化渊源及制度环境,指出美国公司治理模式是在特有的文化背景下产生的、与特定制度相适应的结果.  相似文献   

黄慧萍 《商业会计》2012,(22):103-104
会计信息系统是联系公司治理系统和公司管理系统的纽带,现代会计已从简单地记录事项并向所有者报告管理者经营业绩演变到向组织内部和外部利益相关者提供决策有用信息。要全面发挥会计信息在公司管理和公司治理中应有的作用,单靠财务会计系统是不够的,管理会计在完善公司治理结构和维持治理结构的高效运转上扮演了重要角色。本文分析了管理会计在企业应用中存在的问题,并指出推进管理会计创新和发展的途径。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国国有企业经过一系列改革已取得了瞩目的成就.在建立现代企业机制的过程中,建立有效的公司治理结构与机制成为进一步推进国有企业改革和发展的关键.本文对我国国有企业公司治理模式演变进行了简要梳理,分析了现阶段我国国有企业公司治理存在的问题,并提出相应的改进策略.  相似文献   

叶飞  谢玲 《市场论坛》2004,(7):30-32
公司治理是美国资本主义经济的基石,公司治理结构是在一定的制度环境下逐渐演变而成。本介绍了美国公司治理模式的特征,并分析介绍了这种特质的历史化渊源及制度环境.指出美国公司治理模式是在特有的化背景下产生的、与特定制度相适应的结果。  相似文献   

将利益相关者纳入到公司内部治理这个单一框架下,构建一个有效率的公司治理,笔者认为很难使公司目标和利益相关者二者整合。本文试图从公司的目标分析入手,首先确定在公司目标约束下的公司治理目标,在此基础上分析哪些利益相关者能成为公司治理的主体,并动态地分析其演变过程。同时构建一个实现利益相关者利益的外部治理结构,探讨利益相关者利益的实现途径,从而在公司治理内部机制和外部治理机制的双框架下,达到利益相关者共同治理目标的统一和整合。  相似文献   

公司治理结构模式的国际比较及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于各国融资制度、股权结构与要素市场的差异 ,形成了外部监控型、内部监控型和家族监控型三种不同的公司治理结构模式 ,并且在经济全球化背景下呈现出一定程度的趋同。我国公司治理主导目标模式的选择 ,应切合我国的国情 ,应定位“基于多方监控主体并存、以内部监控为主”的公司治理模式 ,以吻合国际趋同的演变趋势  相似文献   

独立董事:修复董事会失灵建立合理的公司治理结构,是保持一个公司良好的市场竞争力、提高公司市场价值的基础。在公司的治理结构中,董事会具有相当重要的作用。但是,在世界范围内,愈来愈多的研究报告揭示了董事会职能减弱的客观事实:一方面,基于专业分工的发展,公司不可逆转地朝着所有者与经营者相分离的方向演变,所有者的缺位又使得内部控制人问题突出;另一方面,资本多数表决制度也使得中小股东对参与  相似文献   

杨文静  蔡萌 《商》2014,(46):45-45
治理结构表现为在治理过程中政府、市场与社会组织所处的地位与所起的作用,它是治理模式的一种外在表现形式,治理结构的演变主要由经济的发展、技术的进步等因素推动的.本文通过对治理结构演变的动因以及对演变过程的分析,深入研究治理结构中的多元主体间的关系即政府、市场与社会组织,从而有利于推进我国治理体系现代化,指导我国的政府治理,最终达到善治的状态.  相似文献   

周智辉 《北方经贸》2002,(11):20-21,35
首先论述了公司治理结构的起源 ,并从起源分析到影响公司治理结构的主要因素。在这些因素的作用下 ,列举了当前主要的公司治理结构 ,通过对这些公司治理结构的分析 ,结合我国的实际情况 ,进一步分析了我国目前的公司治理结构。  相似文献   

李建升  李巍 《财贸研究》2011,22(2):136-143
企业社会责任与企业财务绩效的关联性决定企业的社会责任态度和行为。通过对浙江纺织行业样本企业数据的计量分析发现,前期企业财务绩效和后期企业的社会责任状况显著正相关;而前期企业社会责任和后期企业财务绩效之间、同期企业社会责任和企业财务绩效之间呈负相关趋势,但统计不显著。出现这种结果的原因可能在于当前中国社会责任市场缺乏,企业社会责任行为的推动力是行政力量而非市场力量,企业社会责任不能顺利转化或提升企业绩效。构建社会责任市场以实现企业和社会的双赢,将有效改善中国企业社会责任状况并促使持久的企业社会责任行为。  相似文献   

This article advances the theoretical and instrumental understanding of corporate heritage identities. This exploratory, empirical study focuses on both the nature and the relevance of corporate heritage identity as employed by managers for corporate identity management purposes. The research is undertaken within Britain's oldest brewery – one of the oldest corporate entities in Great Britain with a provenance spanning many centuries – and utilizes a qualitative and theory building case study. The research reveals two classes of management responsibilities vis-à-vis corporate heritage identity management, namely corporate heritage management activities and corporate heritage implementation strategies, which follow a particular corporate heritage identity implementation pattern identified. A normative framework synthesizes and marshals the findings. The empirical study provides insight into corporate heritage identity management and is potentially useful to both scholars and practitioners. This study advances the nascent area of corporate heritage identity management by providing empirical and theoretical insight into the salience and strategic relevance of corporate heritage identity as a resource for corporate marketing. The article provides a normative framework of actionable categories of activities related to the management and implementation of substantive corporate heritage identity dimensions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate brand credibility, corporate brand equity, and corporate reputation. Structural equation modeling analysis provided support for the hypotheses from a sample of 867 consumers in South Korea. The results showed that CSR has a direct positive effect on corporate brand credibility and corporate reputation. In addition, the results indicate that corporate brand credibility mediates the relationship between CSR and corporate reputation. Moreover, corporate brand credibility mediates the relationship between CSR and corporate reputation. Finally, the relationship between CSR and corporate brand equity is sequentially and fully mediated by corporate brand credibility and corporate reputation. The theoretical and managerial implications of the results and limitations are discussed, and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

本文以我国部分上市公司为样本实证研究了公司治理机制对公司现金持有量的影响。结果表明,公司治理机制并未对公司现金持有量形成显著影响,从公司现金持有量的视角为我国上市公司治理机制的不完善性提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

Drawing on sustainable family business theory and stakeholder theory, this study explores how corporate philanthropy affects corporate performance with the consideration of the moderating effects of religious atmosphere. Based on data of Chinese 534 listed family firms, the results show that corporate philanthropy is positively associated with corporate financial performance (CFP) and corporate social performance (CSP). Moreover, religious atmosphere negatively moderates the relationship between corporate philanthropy and CFP, but positively moderates the relationship between corporate philanthropy and CSP. Our findings provide systemic understandings of family firms' CFP and CSP by drawing important insights of corporate philanthropy and religious atmosphere.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate political activities are complementary, and the coordinated management of corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities may lead to better firm performance. However, corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities should be aligned carefully to utilize this complementarity. Strategic flexibility, which is the ability of a firm to adapt to changes in the external environment and make necessary organizational modifications quickly, can help firms to align their corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities. This paper empirically investigates the political dimension and the interactive dimension which describes interactions between corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities together with strategic flexibility and their effects on firm performance through a study of 142 firms in Turkey using moderated multiple regression methods. The results show that, while the political dimension had an inverted U‐shaped effect on firm performance, indicating that only a moderate level of corporate political activities may improve financial performance, the interactive dimension had positive but limited implications for performance. Finally, it was found strategic flexibility plays a positive moderating role on the relationships between the interactive dimension and firm performance. It is concluded that complementarity between corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities which may result in better performance is contingent on strategic flexibility.  相似文献   

我国家族企业治理结构演进研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为家族企业发展的核心问题,我国家族企业治理结构演进路径是以中国传统文化为基础,适当吸收外部企业文化为方向。从"家文化"和"家族泛化"角度分析家族企业制度变迁的文化根基,从资本结构、人力资本、信任结构等方面阐述影响我国家族企业治理结构的主要因素,从企业形态、关系治理和公司治理等维度分析我国家族企业治理结构的演进路径。  相似文献   


As a result of substantial and contemporary changes in the Nigerian business environment, a study was designed to evaluate the corporate strategies used by Nigerian organizations to cope with these changes. Using the survey research methodology of questionnaire on a sample of 1280 corporate executives working in quoted companies in Lagos state of Nigeria, it was found that some aspects of operationalised grand corporate strategies were highly emphasized by Nigerian organizations, while some were not highly emphasized. For example, market penetration strategy was the most emphasized grand corporate strategy, while planned liquidation strategy was the least emphasized strategy. Also, the research revealed that local competition had the highest impact on corporate strategy, while foreign competition posed the least impact on the corporate strategies of Nigerian companies. Nigerian organizations were most effective in achieving profitability objective through their grand corporate strategies, while corporate social responsibility was the least achieved corporate objective via corporate strategies. These findings and their managerial implications were discussed along the salient issues of the research with respect to the research problem, research questions, relevant literature, managerial actions, and Other cognate issues.  相似文献   

公司治理结构模式的国际比较及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐斌 《商业研究》2004,(2):78-80
通过对各国公司治理结构的比较 ,得出英美和德日两种主要的公司治理结构模式 ,并对其从外部治理模式和内部治理式两个层面进行评判。阐述了我国公司治理结构模式 ,市场结构是公司治理结构的前提 ,融资结构是公司治理结构的基础。  相似文献   

This study aims to fill a gap in marketing studies concerning the effect of a logo on consumer evaluations. The research addresses two questions: (1) what are the factors that influence the favorability of the corporate logo; and (2) what are the main influences of this favorability on corporate image and corporate reputation? The favorability of a corporate logo is reflected by the extent to which consumers positively regard that logo. The findings from the consumers' perspectives in the context of a financial setting, suggest that the main factors that bear influence on a favorable corporate logo (antecedents) are: corporate name, design, and typeface. The findings reveal the importance of the company's corporate logo in enhancing the corporate image, attitude toward advertisements, recognizability, familiarity, and corporate reputation. Key implications for managers and researchers are highlighted.  相似文献   

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